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1) accelerate
2) crack
3) create
4) creep
5) crush
6) cultivate
7) dictate
8) distinguish
9) flaw
10) harvest
11) mirror
12) obtain
13) particle
14) settle
15) transport
1 |
abroad, abrupt, acceptable, acclaim, actually, adverse, advice, attractive, autonomous, disapproval, disruptive, haphazardly, ideal, persistent, wide |
15 Words | |
2 |
advanced, advantage, advent, agile, albeit, allow, appealing, celebrated, contemporary, distribute, encourage, energetic, frail, refine, worthwhile |
15 Words | |
3 |
alter, analyze, ancient, annoying, anticipate, conform, defect, enrich, intensify, intolerable, observe, ongoing, propose, restore, vital |
15 Words | |
4 |
ambiguous, apparent, arbitrary, assert, astounding, astute, authorize, deceptively, determined, elicit, forbid, petition, relinquish, resilient, tempt |
15 Words | |
5 |
amaze, baffle, bear, block, blur, brilliant, caution, challenge, delicate, enhance, intrigue, persuade, replace, shed, unique |
15 Words | |
6 |
chiefly, coarse, commonplace, comparatively, complex, conventional, curious, exceedingly, exclusively, immense, indeed, rigid, routinely, sufficiently, visibly |
15 Words | |
7 |
appropriate, clarify, conceal, confirm, constantly, convenient, core, critical, distort, diverse, prosperous, purposefully, reveal, scarcely, theoretically |
15 Words | |
8 |
accelerate, crack, create, creep, crush, cultivate, dictate, distinguish, flaw, harvest, mirror, obtain, particle, settle, transport |
15 Words | |
9 |
accurate, classify, currency, deep, dense, depend on, dim, display, exports, gigantic, impressive, lasting, treasury, uniform, vibrant |
15 Words | |
10 |
distinct, dominant, dormant, drab, dramatic, elaborate, exceptional, hazardous, minuscule, prime, rudimentary, sensitive, superficial, terrifying, vigorous |
15 Words | |
11 |
amenity, destroy, disperse, dwelling, element, elementary, eliminate, emphasize, encircle, erratic, exaggerate, mention, pier, prevalent, release |
15 Words | |
12 |
benefit, blind, broaden, burgeon, conspicuously, demand, endorse, enormous, entirely, erode, evaporate, recover, reportedly, shift, suffer |
15 Words | |
13 |
dignitary, crucial, elude, evident, exhaust, extensive, extremely, face, facet, hero, inaccessible, obviously, predictably, solve, suitable |
15 Words | |
14 |
ample, arid, avoid, defy, enact, even, feign, fertile, freshly, function, fundamental, indiscriminate, selective, spacious, withstand |
15 Words | |
15 |
durable, favor, gain, generate, halt, handle, harbor, harmful, insignificant, mysterious, perilous, postpone, promote, reject, substantial |
15 Words | |
16 |
conscientious, convey, encompass, expansion, heighten, highlight, inadvertently, inevitable, infancy, miraculously, retrieve, systematically, unlikely, unwarranted, zenith |
15 Words | |
17 |
agitate, confidential, delighted, discreetly, documented, gradually, influence, inordinate, instantly, intentionally, intrinsic, inundate, involve, nominal, presumably |
15 Words | |
18 |
absurd, abuse, allocation, balanced, conservation, fallacious, feasible, lack, limber, means, narrow, preconception, robust, steady, swift |
15 Words | |
19 |
antiquated, coherent, develop, fabricate, investigation, normally, notice, notion, novel, opposition, record, relate, suspect, unbiased, varied |
15 Words | |
20 |
accentuate, disguise, finance, initiate, innovative, narrate, nevertheless, occasionally, omit, outlandish, overcome, partially, pass, portray, submit |
15 Words | |
21 |
decline, gather, motion, partisan, pattern, phenomena, philanthropic, placid, plentiful, reaction, rhythm, scenic, shallow, sheltered, vanishing |
15 Words | |
22 |
account, archaic, hasten, hue, illustration, inactive, intricate, magnitude, oblige, overlook, poll, position, practical, predominant, prompt |
15 Words | |
23 |
analogous, approximately, compel, formidable, intrusive, periodically, prone, prophetic, proportions, readily, reliably, reluctantly, renown, sacrifice, triumph |
15 Words | |
24 |
affordable, contaminated, discernible, flourishing, maintain, mediocre, negligible, parallel, peculiar, potent, remarkable, scattered, solid, somewhat, tedious |
15 Words | |
25 |
briefly, circulate, consistently, exhibit, found, improperly, impulsively, infrequently, isolated, overtly, profoundly, sharply, situated, subsequently, unmistakable |
15 Words | |
26 |
chaotic, characteristic, controversial, exemplify, gratifying, interpret, launch, legitimate, particular, radiant, ridge, span, spontaneous, stream, striking |
15 Words | |
27 |
aptly, demonstration, ingredients, involuntarily, marvel, measurable, moderate, odd, reflection, supposedly, sustained, symbols, synthesis, tangible, tightly |
15 Words | |
28 |
aggravating, amusement, conceivably, convert, curative, debilitating, deplete, finite, perceive, security, toxic, tranquility, trap, undeniably, underestimated |
15 Words | |
29 |
acknowledge, acquire, assimilate, assortment, caliber, condensed, contradictory, disregard, precious, prominent, requisite, unravel, vague, vast, volume |
15 Words | |
30 |
charisma, clever, convince, endure, forfeit, precarious, severe, sporadic, superior, wanton, weak, widespread, wisdom, witticism, woo |
15 Words |
1. Flaw
Correct Answer - C
2. Dictate
Correct Answer - D
3. Hasten
Correct Answer - D
4. Crop
Correct Answer - A
5. Fragment
Correct Answer - B
6. Transport
Correct Answer - B
7. Obtain
Correct Answer - A
8. Discriminate
Correct Answer - C
9. Reflect
Correct Answer - A
10. Colonize
Correct Answer - D
1. Corn and soybeans are cultivated on Maryland's eastern shore.
2. Querns have been used for centuries to crush grains.
3. Rows of suction-like tube feet enable the starfish to creep along the ocean floor.
4. In the 1930s, the poor business environment created a lack of confidence in the economy.
5. The vivid colors of the opal are produced by impurities or small cracks in the stone.