TOEFL - Set 2 Exercise

Powered by

advanced, advantage, advent, agile, albeit, allow, appealing, celebrated, contemporary, distribute, encourage, energetic, frail, refine, worthwhile

1) advanced

  • adj. - ahead of current thought or practice forward thinking, new
  • v. - advance
  • n. - advancement
  • Syn. - progressive
  • Example - Advanced technology is changing the world.
  • Example - His advancement to captain came unexpectedly.

2) advantage

  • n. - something that may help one to be successful or to gain something
  • adv. - advantageously
  • Syn. - benefit
  • adj. - advantageous
  • Example - Is there any advantage in arriving early?
  • Example - He was advantageously born into a rich family.

3) advent

  • n. the coming or appearance of something
  • Syn. arrival
  • Example - With the advent of computers, many tasks have been made easier.
  • Example - The newspapers announced the advent of the concert season.

4) agile

  • adj. able to move in a quick and easy way
  • adv. agilely
  • Syn. nimble
  • n. agileness
  • n. agility
  • Example - Deer are very agile animals.
  • Example - She moved agilely across the stage.

5) albeit

  • conj. in spite of the facts, regardless of the fact
  • Syn. although
  • Example - His trip was successful, albeit tiring.
  • Example - Albeit difficult at times, speaking another language is rewarding.

6) allow

  • v. to agree to let something happen, not to interfere with an action
  • n. allowance
  • Syn. permit
  • adj. allowable
  • adv. allowable
  • Example - Arthur's natural agility will allow him to excel in sports.
  • Example - The extra money allowed us to stay abroad another day.

7) appealing

  • adj. attractive or interesting, able to move feelings
  • v. appeal
  • n. appeal
  • Syn. alluring
  • adv. appealingly
  • Example - Working abroad is appealing to many people.
  • Example - Through his speeches, the candidate appealed to the voters.

8) celebrated

  • adj. acclaimed, well-known, and popular
  • Syn. renown
  • Example - The celebrated pianist will give a concert this weekend.
  • Example - San Francisco is celebrated for its multicultural makeup.

9) contemporary

  • adj. modern, up-to-date; also a person living at the same time as another person
  • n. contemporary
  • Syn. current
  • Example - Contemporary architecture makes very good use of space.
  • Example - Cervantes was a contemporary of Shakespeare.

10) distribute

  • v. to divide among people or to give out
  • n. distribution
  • Syn. dispense
  • Example - Many publishers distribute their newspapers directly to homes in their area.
  • Example - The distribution of seeds is very quick with this new machine.

11) encourage

  • v. to give courage or hope to someone
  • n. encouragement
  • Syn. inspire
  • adj. encouraging
  • adv. encouragingly
  • Example - Even though the runner finished second, he was encouraged by his performance.
  • Example - His teacher gave him the encouragement that he needed to learn the material.

12) energetic

  • adj. full of life, action, or power
  • n. energy
  • Syn. vigorous
  • adv. energetically
  • Example - Sam hasn't been as energetic as he usually is.
  • Example - There's a lot of energy in these batteries.

13) frail

  • adj. weak in health or in body
  • n. trade
  • Syn. fragile
  • Example - The frail wings of the newborn bird could not lift it off the ground.
  • Example - One of the frailties of human beings is laziness.

14) refine

  • v. to make pure, to improve
  • n. refinement
  • Syn. perfect (v.)
  • adj. refined
  • Example - Factories must to refine oil before it can be used as fuel.
  • Example - A squirt of lime juice is the perfect refinement to cola.

15) worthwhile

  • adj. value in doing something
  • Syn. rewarding
  • Example - It was worthwhile waiting 10 hours in line for the tickets.
  • Example - It's worthwhile to prepare for the TOEFL.



Set 1

abroad, abrupt, acceptable, acclaim, actually, adverse, advice, attractive, autonomous, disapproval, disruptive, haphazardly, ideal, persistent, wide

15 Words


Set 2

advanced, advantage, advent, agile, albeit, allow, appealing, celebrated, contemporary, distribute, encourage, energetic, frail, refine, worthwhile

15 Words


Set 3

alter, analyze, ancient, annoying, anticipate, conform, defect, enrich, intensify, intolerable, observe, ongoing, propose, restore, vital

15 Words


Set 4

ambiguous, apparent, arbitrary, assert, astounding, astute, authorize, deceptively, determined, elicit, forbid, petition, relinquish, resilient, tempt

15 Words


Set 5

amaze, baffle, bear, block, blur, brilliant, caution, challenge, delicate, enhance, intrigue, persuade, replace, shed, unique

15 Words


Set 6

chiefly, coarse, commonplace, comparatively, complex, conventional, curious, exceedingly, exclusively, immense, indeed, rigid, routinely, sufficiently, visibly

15 Words


Set 7

appropriate, clarify, conceal, confirm, constantly, convenient, core, critical, distort, diverse, prosperous, purposefully, reveal, scarcely, theoretically

15 Words


Set 8

accelerate, crack, create, creep, crush, cultivate, dictate, distinguish, flaw, harvest, mirror, obtain, particle, settle, transport

15 Words


Set 9

accurate, classify, currency, deep, dense, depend on, dim, display, exports, gigantic, impressive, lasting, treasury, uniform, vibrant

15 Words


Set 10

distinct, dominant, dormant, drab, dramatic, elaborate, exceptional, hazardous, minuscule, prime, rudimentary, sensitive, superficial, terrifying, vigorous

15 Words


Set 11

amenity, destroy, disperse, dwelling, element, elementary, eliminate, emphasize, encircle, erratic, exaggerate, mention, pier, prevalent, release

15 Words


Set 12

benefit, blind, broaden, burgeon, conspicuously, demand, endorse, enormous, entirely, erode, evaporate, recover, reportedly, shift, suffer

15 Words


Set 13

dignitary, crucial, elude, evident, exhaust, extensive, extremely, face, facet, hero, inaccessible, obviously, predictably, solve, suitable

15 Words


Set 14

ample, arid, avoid, defy, enact, even, feign, fertile, freshly, function, fundamental, indiscriminate, selective, spacious, withstand

15 Words


Set 15

durable, favor, gain, generate, halt, handle, harbor, harmful, insignificant, mysterious, perilous, postpone, promote, reject, substantial

15 Words


Set 16

conscientious, convey, encompass, expansion, heighten, highlight, inadvertently, inevitable, infancy, miraculously, retrieve, systematically, unlikely, unwarranted, zenith

15 Words


Set 17

agitate, confidential, delighted, discreetly, documented, gradually, influence, inordinate, instantly, intentionally, intrinsic, inundate, involve, nominal, presumably

15 Words


Set 18

absurd, abuse, allocation, balanced, conservation, fallacious, feasible, lack, limber, means, narrow, preconception, robust, steady, swift

15 Words


Set 19

antiquated, coherent, develop, fabricate, investigation, normally, notice, notion, novel, opposition, record, relate, suspect, unbiased, varied

15 Words


Set 20

accentuate, disguise, finance, initiate, innovative, narrate, nevertheless, occasionally, omit, outlandish, overcome, partially, pass, portray, submit

15 Words


Set 21

decline, gather, motion, partisan, pattern, phenomena, philanthropic, placid, plentiful, reaction, rhythm, scenic, shallow, sheltered, vanishing

15 Words


Set 22

account, archaic, hasten, hue, illustration, inactive, intricate, magnitude, oblige, overlook, poll, position, practical, predominant, prompt

15 Words


Set 23

analogous, approximately, compel, formidable, intrusive, periodically, prone, prophetic, proportions, readily, reliably, reluctantly, renown, sacrifice, triumph

15 Words


Set 24

affordable, contaminated, discernible, flourishing, maintain, mediocre, negligible, parallel, peculiar, potent, remarkable, scattered, solid, somewhat, tedious

15 Words


Set 25

briefly, circulate, consistently, exhibit, found, improperly, impulsively, infrequently, isolated, overtly, profoundly, sharply, situated, subsequently, unmistakable

15 Words


Set 26

chaotic, characteristic, controversial, exemplify, gratifying, interpret, launch, legitimate, particular, radiant, ridge, span, spontaneous, stream, striking

15 Words


Set 27

aptly, demonstration, ingredients, involuntarily, marvel, measurable, moderate, odd, reflection, supposedly, sustained, symbols, synthesis, tangible, tightly

15 Words


Set 28

aggravating, amusement, conceivably, convert, curative, debilitating, deplete, finite, perceive, security, toxic, tranquility, trap, undeniably, underestimated

15 Words


Set 29

acknowledge, acquire, assimilate, assortment, caliber, condensed, contradictory, disregard, precious, prominent, requisite, unravel, vague, vast, volume

15 Words


Set 30

charisma, clever, convince, endure, forfeit, precarious, severe, sporadic, superior, wanton, weak, widespread, wisdom, witticism, woo

15 Words

Choose the synonym

1. Inspire

  • (A) Celebrate
  • (B) Attract
  • (C) Encourage
  • (D) Appeal

Correct Answer - C

2. Advantage

  • (A) Benefit
  • (B) Persistence
  • (C) Nimbleness
  • (D) Allure

Correct Answer - A

3. Fragile

  • (A) modern
  • (B) Famous
  • (C) Allowable
  • (D) frail

Correct Answer - D

4. Contemporary

  • (A) Timing
  • (B) Current
  • (C) Well-known
  • (D) Perfect

Correct Answer - B

5. Appealing

  • (A) Refined
  • (B) Encouraging
  • (C) Alluring
  • (D) Popular

Correct Answer - C

6. Renown

  • (A) unknown
  • (B) Celebrated
  • (C) Adverse
  • (D) Disapprove

Correct Answer - B

7. Worthwhile

  • (A) Rewarding
  • (B) Acceptable
  • (C) Agile
  • (D) Permitted

Correct Answer - A

8. Vigorous

  • (A) Attractive
  • (B) Beautiful
  • (C) Energetic
  • (D) Advantageous

Correct Answer - C

9. Refine

  • (A) Persist
  • (B) Value
  • (C) Perfect
  • (D) Divide

Correct Answer - C

10. Distribute

  • (A) Disappoint
  • (B) Disrupt
  • (C) Discourage
  • (D) Dispense

Correct Answer - D

Choose the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the underlined word or phrase.

1. Swallows are among the most agile passerine birds.

  • (A) energetic
  • (B) frail
  • (C) beautiful
  • (D) nimble
Answer - D

2. Shrimping in Mississippi's tidal areas is not allowed during the summer months.

  • (A) worthwhile
  • (B) permitted
  • (C) encouraged
  • (D) appealing
Answer - B

3. With the advent of cable television and the use of satellites for broadcasting, television reception improved.

  • (A) arrival
  • (B) refinement
  • (C) distribution
  • (D) advantage
Answer - A

4. Most tadpoles are vegetarians, albeit those of some species are carnivorous.

  • (A) although
  • (B) simply
  • (C) supposedly
  • (D) since
Answer - A

5. Advanced scientific disciplines like solar cell technology and genetic engineering are exploding with possibilities.

  • (A) valued
  • (B) celebrated
  • (C) new
  • (D) appealing
Answer - C
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