In English, there are three articles: a, an, and the. Articles are used before nouns or noun equivalents and are a type of adjective.
- The definite article (the) is used before a noun to indicate that the identity of the noun is known to the reader.
- The indefinite article (a, an) is used before a noun that is general or when its identity is not known.
For the purposes of understanding how articles are used in sentences, it is important to know that nouns can be either count (can be counted) or noncount (indefinite in quantity and cannot be counted). In addition, count nouns are either singular (one) or plural (more than one). Noncount nouns are always in singular form.
Exercise – 1
1. This book is _____ accurate guide to popular parks on _____ west coast.
- (A) a, an
- (B) a, the
- (C) an, the
- (D) an, —
2. The contractor will give us _____ estimate of _____ cost of renovating our house.
- (A) an, —
- (B) an, the
- (C) an, a
- (D) a, an
3. I’d like to buy _____ book for my aunt because she likes _____ reading.
- (A) a, —
- (B) a, an
- (C) a, the
- (D) –, the
4. Mr. Ho is _____ manager of Sunrise Foods, _____ big company.
- (A) a, the
- (B) –, a
- (C) the, the
- (D) the, a
5. I play _____ piano and enjoy listening to _____ music.
- (A) a, an
- (B) an, the
- (C) the, —
- (D) the, the
6. This is _____ lovely car but it is also _____ most expensive one on sale.
- (A) a, the
- (B) a, an
- (C) the, the
- (D) –, the
7. My sister and I love _____ Western food but my brother prefers local food.
- (A) a
- (B) an
- (C) the
- (D) —
8. Braille is _____ alphabet for blind people consisting of _____ arrangement of raised dots.
- (A) a, a
- (B) an, an
- (C) a, an
- (D) an, a
9. _____ oldest child in that family is _____ talented musician.
- (A) An, a
- (B) The, the
- (C) The, a
- (D) A, a
10. Neil Amrstrong was _____ first man to step on _____ moon.
- (A) a, —
- (B) the, —
- (C) a, the
- (D) the, the
- C
- B
- A
- D
- C
- A
- D
- B
- C
- D
Exercise – 2
Fill in the blanks with ‘a‘ , ‘an‘ , ‘the‘.
- My brother is studying at ___ University of London. He hopes to pass all ___ necessary examinations and become ___ economist.
- There was ___ increase in ___ price of petrol recently. One of ___ consequences of ___ increase was ___ higher cost of maintaining ___ car.
- ___ great many people have applied for ___ stalls set up along that street but licenses have been issued to only ___ few.
- He is ___ officer at ___ Ministry of Education and his brother is ___ lecturer in one of ___ Universities here.
- ___ current is particularly strong at ___ point where ___ river is winding. ___ number of deaths have occurred there during ___ past few years.
- There was ___ storm this afternoon, so I took shelter at ___ bus stop near ___ school.
- Members of ___ Historical Society have organized ___ trip to Sunshine Island. Those who wish to go on ___ trip have to pay ___ advance of twenty dollars.
- When ___ police rushed to ___ scene of ___ accident, they found ___ big crowd there. ___ policeman noted down ___ position of ___ vehicles involved.
- I’m going to ___ matinee at ___ Grand Cinema. A friend of mine has given me ___ complimentary ticket to ___ show.
- During ___ holidays we organized ___ excursion to ___ Hideaway Caves near the city. There were ___ great many tourists there.
- the the an
- the the the the a
- A the a
- an the a the
- The the the A the
- a the the
- the a a an
- the the the a A the the
- a ( the ) the a the
- the an the a
Exercise – 3
1. They live in _____ north of _____ New Jersey.
- (A) —; —
- (B) the; —
- (C) the; the
- (D) a; —
2. You need a lot of _____ patience to knit _____ sweater.
- (A) the; a
- (B) —; —
- (C) —; a
- (D) the; the
3. Do you play _____ netball in _____ school ?
- (A) —; —
- (B) the; —
- (C) the; the
- (D) —; a
4. _____ outer layer of _____ skin is called _____ epidermis.
- (A) The; a; —
- (B) An; the; —
- (C) An; the; the
- (D) The; the; the
5. _____ rich man gave each of his sons _____ equal portion of his property.
- (A) The; a
- (B) A; the
- (C) The; an
- (D) —; —
6. _____ Eskimo lives in _____ igloo.
- (A) An; an
- (B) A; the
- (C) The; a
- (D) —; an
7. She went to _____ prison to visit her husband. She brought _____ cake for him.
- (A) —; a
- (B) the; the
- (C) the; a
- (D) an; the
8. I was out on _____ evening stroll when I spotted _____ squirrel.
- (A) the; a
- (B) an; —
- (C) —; the
- (D) an; a
9. He is yearning for _____ fame and _____ fortune.
- (A) —; —
- (B) a; a
- (C) the; the
- (D) a; the
10. There is _____ rose plant in my garden. _____ rose plant is tall.
- (A) the; —
- (B) —; A
- (C) a; The
- (D) a; A
- B
- C
- A
- D
- C
- A
- B
- D
- A
- C
Exercise – 4
Fill in the blanks with ‘ the ‘ where necessary. Leave it blank when no article is needed.
- I seldom go to ______ cinema nowadays.
- Some clothes are made of ______ cotton.
- What time is ______ dinner ?
- Many Chinese in Hong Kong speak ______ English better than ______ Mandarin.
- I have not forgotten about ______ headache last night.
- ______ flies and mosquitoes are harmful insects.
- Which color do you prefer, ______ red or ______ green.
- ______ honesty is the best policy.
- I shall be reading ______ Economics and _____ History in college.
- ______ Tokyo is a bigger city than ______ Jakarta.
- the
- —
- —
- –; —
- the
- —
- — ; —
- —
- — ; —
- — ; —
Exercise – 5
Fill in the articles a/an or the, where necessary.
- As we all know, evils of urbanization including air pollution of the country have now set in.
- A large part of university research is essential but unexciting.
- Although money can buy many things, it cannot buy most important thing — life.
- Stability of labor generated enough confidence and good investment climate.
- The speaker has made great impression.
- The shopkeeper asked for hundred dollars for the musical instrument.
- Newspapers provide us with valuable information.
- Rich should not bully poor.
- I can hear someone playing violin.
- Chinese and Japanese are hardworking people
- As we all know, the evils of urbanization including air pollution of the country have now set in.
- A large part of university research is essential but unexciting.
- Although money can buy many things, it cannot buy the most important thing — life.
- The stability of labor generated enough confidence and a good investment climate.
- The speaker has made a great impression.
- The shopkeeper asked for a hundred dollars for the musical instrument.
- Newspapers provide us with valuable information.
- The rich should not bully the poor.
- I can hear someone playing the violin.
- The Chinese and the Japanese are ha3rdworking people.
Exercise – 6
Fill in the articles a/an or the, where necessary.
- I have bought ___ bicycle with ___ pneumatic tyres.
- I ride it to ___school every day and leave it in ___ care of ___ doorkeeper.
- He takes care that ___ people do not touch it.
- He paid no attention to his lessons when at ___ school but worked hard when he went to ___ college
- He was refused ___ permission to leave ___ school to visit his brother.
- ___ diseases are not so widespread as formerly owing to ___ care taken by ___ government.
- In Japan ___ houses of ___ poor are made of paper.
- ___ tree will not grow well unless it has ___ water.
- ___ boiling water is converted into what is called ___ steam.
- ___ dog is ___ useful animal.
- You are ___ unreliable person.
- I’ll give him ___ news.
- ___ European and ___ Indian visited my office this morning.
- It is ___ island of great beauty.
- Do you see ___ bird in ___ sky ?
- a bicycle
- in the care of the doorkeeper
- —
- —
- the school
- the care ….. the government
- the houses …… the poor ……
- A tree
- —
- A/The – a useful
- an unreliable
- the news
- A European ……. an Indian
- an island
- a/the ……. the sky
Exercise – 7
Fill in the articles a/an or the, where necessary or leave the space empty if no Article is necessary.
- ___ gold is ___ precious metal.
- ___ water gives ___ life.
- She wrote ___ letter. ___ letter was written very carefully.
- ___ sea was calm when ___ boat we saw sank, after it got into trouble.
- You must tell ___ truth, if you are to be excused.
- Are you seeking ___ quarrel with ___ man who insulted you yesterday ?
- Come and see ___ sights of Kuala Lumpur.
- Please do ___ needful before you get into another ___ mess.
- Is that ___ book you bought written by ___ author who visited us that day ?
- ___ problems of youth cause sorrow to many ___ parent.
- I can’t get anyone to do ___ work properly.
- ___ dog and ___ eagle once had ___ quarrel over ___ piece of meat. ___ eagle was cleverer and swifter than ___ dog. It picked up ___ piece of meat and flew away. ___ poor dog was heart-broken.
- a precious
- —
- a, The
- The, the
- the
- a, the
- the
- the needful
- the, the
- The, a
- the
- A, an, a, a. The, the. the. The
Exercise – 8
Fill in the the spaces with Articles, if necessary
- In ___ desert it is difficult to find ___ water.
- ___ Roman Empire was destroyed by ___ attacks of ___ barbarians.
- ___ children are a great blessing to ___ parents.
- ___ luxury has often caused ___ fall of ___ empires.
- ___ kings live in ___ palaces.
- ___ house was destroyed by ___ fire.
- ___ lead is ___ heaviest of ___ metals.
- An educated man is not happy without ___ books.
- ___ one-storeyed houses have ___ advantage of having no stairs.
- ___ steam possesses almost irresistible force, and can drive ___ engines at ___ great speed.
- the desert
- The, the, the
- —
- the fall
- —
- A/The house, a/the fire
- the heaviest
- —
- the advantage
- —
Exercise – 9
Fill in the the spaces with Articles, if necessary.
- ___ flowers produce ___ honey in order to attract ___ insects.
- ___ insects are also attracted to ___ flowers by ___ scent they give out, and by ___ bright colors they possess.
- ___ honey-bee gathers ___ honey and stores it up against ___ winter.
- ___ fire cannot burn without ___ air.
- ___ best way to extinguish a fire is to exclude ___ air.
- ___ gas is one of ___ most useful products of ___ coal.
- ___ carpets are now almost entirely made by ___ machinery.
- ___ best carpets are made of ___ wool.
- ___ man is mortal.
- ___ exports and ___ imports of this country have increased.
- —
- the scent, the bright
- The honey-bee, the winter
- —
- The best
- the most
- —
- The best
- —
- The exports, the imports
Exercise – 10
Complete the sentences with the where necessary.
- We went to ______ Phuket Island for a holiday.
- We soon reached ______ Rockwell.
- We went to ______ Marie Hospital yesterday. We went to ______ hospital to see my aunt.
- ______ national flower of Singapore is ______ orchid.
- These stamps are from ______ Republic of China.
- You can go to ______ aquarium but Ken and I will go to ______ zoo first.
- Last night a lady called. ______ lady said she was your friend from Canada.
- My favorite tree is ______ tembusu.
- Can you see ______ moon ?
- ______ angsana is a kind of shade tree.
- Let us go to ______ museum.
- ______ cow is a very useful animal.
- Hainan faces ______ South China Sea.
- He lives in ______ Penang but he has never been to ______ Snake Temple.
- I went to meet him at ______ airport but his plane was delayed.
- —
- —
- –; the
- The; the
- the
- the; the
- The
- the
- the
- The
- the
- The
- the
- — ; the
- the
Exercise – 11
Insert articles whenever necessary.
- While there is life there is hope.
- Sun rises in east.
- The brave soldier lost arm in battle.
- Where did you buy umbrella ?
- Who wishes to take walk with Kimmy ?
- You must take care.
- Wild animals suffer when kept in cages.
- May I have pleasure of your company ?
- She started school when she was five years old.
- Guang Di was great warrior.
- While there is life there is hope.
- The sun rises in the east.
- The brave soldier lost an arm in battle.
- Where did you buy the umbrella ?
- Who wishes to take a walk with Kimmy ?
- You must take care.
- Wild animals suffer when kept in cages.
- May I have the pleasure of your company ?
- She started school when she was five years old.
- Guang Di was a great warrior.
Exercise – 12
Put in “a”, “an”, or “the” where necessary. If no word is necessary, leave the space empty.
- A : Where did you have ______ lunch ?
B : We went to ______ restaurant. - A : Did you have ______ nice holiday ?
B : Yes, it was ______ best holiday I’ve ever had. - A : Where’s ______ nearest shop ?
B : There’s one at ______ end of this street. - A : Do you often listen to ______ radio ?
B : No. In fact I haven’t got ______ radio. - A : Would you like to travel in ______ space ?
B : Yes, I’d love to go to ______ moon. - A : Do you go to ______ cinema very often ?
B : No, not very often. But I watch a lot of films on ______ television. - A : It was ______ nice day yesterday, wasn’t it ?
B : Yes, it was beautiful. We went for a walk by ______ sea. - A : What did you have for ______ breakfast this morning ?
B : Nothing. I never eat ______ breakfast. - A : Can you tell me where ______ Room 25 is, please ?
B : It’s on ______ second floor. - A : We spent all our money because we stayed at ______ most expensive hotel in town.
B : Why didn’t you stay at ______ cheaper hotel ?
- –, a
- a, the
- the, the
- the, a
- –, the
- the, —
- a, the
- –, —
- –, the
- the, a
Exercise – 13
Put in “a”, “an”, or “the”.
- A : This hose is very nice. Has it got ______ garden ?
B : It’s a beautiful day. Let’s sit in ______ garden.
C : I like living in this house but it’s a pity that ______ garden is so small. - A : Can you recommend ______ good restaurant ?
B : We had dinner in ______ very nice restaurant.
C : We had dinner in ______ most expensive restaurant in town. - A : She has ______ French name but in fact she’s English, not French.
B : What’s ______ name of that man we met yesterday ?
C : We stayed at a very nice hotel — I can’t remember ______ name now. - A : There isn’t ______ airport near where I live. ______ nearest airport is 70 miles away.
B : Our plane was delayed. We had to wait at ______ airport for three hours.
C : Excuse me, please. Can you tell me how to get to ______ airport ? - A : ‘Are you going away next week ?’ ‘No, ______ week after next.’
B : I’m going away for ______ week in September.
C : George has a part-time job. He works three mornings ______ week.https://t.me/actives_english
- a, the, the
- a, a, the
- a, the, the
- an The, the, the
- the, a, a
Exercise – 14
Fill in each blank with a, an or the where necessary, if no article is required, put dash.
Example : You have to make a report against the bully.
- Silva runs ______ small shoe-making business with ______ work force of five people at a rented stall in ______ city.
- Days before ______ Hari Raya, ______ house would be given ______ thorough spring-cleaning; the lawns mowed and the plants trimmed.
- 3. After traveling to ______ moon, ______ man will next want to explore the nearby planets, ______ nearest of which is Venus.
- It may seem weird, but developing ______ criminal outlook can be ______ best way to outsmart ______ professional burglars.
- Statistics show that most home break-ins happen during ______ daytime when ______ homes are left unattended and burglars have ______ best opportunity to act undetected.
- I was grateful that no one in ______ house was injured during ______ storm and we did not have to put up ______ night elsewhere like some others.
- ______ fire broke out at ______ building which was struck by ______ lightning.
- We were having ______ group discussion when suddenly there was ______ loud crash and water poured through ______ roof.
- Besides doing ______ interior designing and ______ art of writing, Janet has also taken up ______ driving.
- Almost every day I was invited to share ______ meal with one family or another, or I was taken to ______ restaurant.
- There are two cars parked outside : ______ blue one and ______ grey one. ______ blue one belongs to my neighbors; I don’t know who ______ owner of ______ grey one is.
- My friends live in ______ old house in ______ small village. There is ______ beautiful garden behind ______ house. I would like to have ______ garden like that.
- Silva runs a small shoe-making business with a work force of five people at a rented stall in the city.
- Days before — Hari Raya, the house would be given a thorough spring-cleaning; the lawns mowed and the plants trimmed.
- After traveling to the moon, — man will next want to explore the nearby planets, the nearest of which is Venus.
- It may seem weird, but developing a criminal outlook can be the best way to outsmart — professional burglars.
- Statistics show that most home break-ins happen during the daytime when — homes are left unattended and burglars have the best opportunity to act undetected.
- I was grateful that no one in the house was injured during the storm and we did not have to put up the night elsewhere like some others.
- A fire broke out at a building which was struck by — lightning.
- We were having a group discussion when suddenly there was a loud crash and water poured through the roof.
- Besides doing — interior designing and the art of writing, Janet has also taken up — driving.
- Almost every day I was invited to share a meal with one family or another, or I was taken to a restaurant.
- There are two cars parked outside : a blue one and a grey one. The blue one belongs to my neighbors; I don’t know who the owner of the grey one is.
- My friends live in an old house in a small village. There is a beautiful garden behind the house. I would like to have a garden like that.
Exercise – 15
Put in a/an or some where necessary. If no word is necessary, leave the space empty.
- I’ve seen ______ good films recently.
- What’s wrong with you ? Have you got ______ headache ?
- I know a lot of people. Most of them are ______ students.
- When I was ______ child, I used to be very shy.
- Would you like to be ______ actor ?
- Do you collect ______ stamps ?
- What ______ beautiful garden !
- ______ birds, for example the penguin, cannot fly.
- I’ve been walking for three hours. I’ve got ______ sore feet.
- I don’t feel very well this morning. I’ve got ______ sore throat.
- It’s a pity we haven’t got ______ camera. I’d like to take ______ photograph of that house.
- Those are ______ nice shoes. Where did you get them ?
- I’m going shopping. I want to buy ______ new shoes.
- You need ______ visa to visit ______ countries, but not all of them.
- Jane is ______ teacher. Her parents were ______ teachers too.
- Do you enjoy going to ______ concerts ?
- When we got to the city center, ______ shops were still open but most of them were closed.
- I don’t believe him. He’s ______ liar. He’s always telling ______ lies.
- some
- a
- —
- a
- an
- —
- a
- Some
- —
- a
- a, a
- —
- some
- a, some
- a, —
- —
- some
- a, —
Exercise – 16
Put in a/an or the where necessary. Leave an empty space (-) if the sentence is already complete.
- I don’t usually like staying at ______ hotels, but last summer we spent a few days at ______ very nice hotel by ______ sea.
- ______ tennis is my favorite sport. I play once or twice ______ week if I can, but I’m not ______ very good player.
- I won’t be home for ______ dinner this evening. I’m meeting some friends after ______ work and we’re going to ______ cinema.
- ______ unemployment is very high at the moment and it’s very difficult for ______ people to find ______ work.
- There was ______ accident as I was going ______ home last night. Two people were taken to ______ hospital. I think ______ most accidents are caused by ______ people driving too fast.
- Carol is ______ economist. She used to work in ______ investment department of ______ Lloyds Bank. Now she works for ______ American bank in ______ United States.
- A: What’s ______ name of ______ hotel where you’re staying ?
B : ______ Imperial. It’s in ______ Queen Street in ______ city center. It’s near ______ station. - I have two brothers. ______ older one is training to be ______ pilot with ______ British Airways. ______ younger one is still at ______ school When he leaves ______ school, he hopes to go to ______ university to study ______ law.
- I don’t usually like staying at (-) hotels, but last summer we spent a few days at a very nice hotel by the sea.
- (-) Tennis is my favorite sport. I play once or twice a week if I can, but I’m not a very good player.
- I won’t be home for (-) dinner this evening. I’m meeting some friends after (-) work and we’re going to the cinema.
- (-) Unemployment is very high at the moment and it’s very difficult for (-) people to find (-) work.
- There was an accident as I was going (-) home last night. Two people were taken to (-) hospital. I think (-) most accidents are caused by (-) people driving too fast.
- Carol is an economist. She used to work in the investment department of (-) Lloyds Bank. Now she works for an American bank in the United States.
- A: What’s the name of the hotel where you’re staying ?
B : The Imperial. It’s in (-) Queen Street in the city center. It’s near the station. - I have two brothers. The older one is training to be a pilot with (-) British Airways. The younger one is still at (-) school When he leaves (-) school, he hopes to go to (-) university to study (-) law.
Exercise – 17
Complete the following sentences by filling in a, an, the
- Is he ______ boy who stole your pen ?
- I can’t tell you ______ story; it’s ______ secret.
- ______ city of Singapore is beautiful.
- Did you see ______ man who came ?
- I have read ______ book, not ______ one you gave me.
- Did you hear ______ noise I heard ?
- Is that ______ best answer you can give ?
- He is ______ tallest boy in his class.
- She is ______ woman who helped us.
- Get me ______ pen that is good, not ______ kind of pen you have.
- Do you know ______ answer to this question ?
- Have you got ______ bicycle ?
- Is he the boy who stole your pen ?
- I can’t tell you the story; it’s a secret.
- The city of Singapore is beautiful.
- Did you see the man who came ?
- I have read the book, not the one you gave me.
- Did you hear the noise I heard ?
- Is that the best answer you can give ?
- He is the tallest boy in his class.
- She is the woman who helped us.
- Get me a pen that is good, not the kind of pen you have.
- Do you know the answer to this question ?
- Have you got a bicycle ?
Exercise – 18
Complete the following sentences by filling in a, an, the
- ______ dog is ______ useful animal.
- Honest people speak ______ truth.
- Do you see ______ blue sky ?
- ______ world is ______ happy place to most people.
- ______ sun shines brightly.
- I first met him ______ year ago.
- It is ______ island of great beauty.
- ______ horse is ______ noble animal.
- ______ lion is ______ king of beasts.
- You are ______ untidy boy.
- I’ll give him ______ news.
- French is ______ language of ______ people of France.
- He looks as stupid as ______ owl.
- ______ Nile is ______ important river.
- ______ European called at my office yesterday.
- The/A dog is a useful animal.
- Honest people speak the truth.
- Do you see the blue sky ?
- The world is a happy place to most people.
- The sun shines brightly.
- I first met him a year ago.
- It is an island of great beauty.
- The horse is a noble animal.
- The lion is the king of beasts.
- You are an untidy boy.
- I’ll give him the news.
- French is the language of the people of France.
- He looks as stupid as an owl.
- The Nile is an important river.
- A European called at my office yesterday.
Exercise – 19
Use the words a, an or the where necessary
- Sun rises in East.
- He lost arm in fight.
- We like to live in open air.
- Sun melts snow.
- I haven’t told him about accident.
- She has never seen elephant.
- Get packet of cigarettes from nearest shop.
- Where did he buy box of matches ?
- How beautiful town looks !
- Draw map of Indonesia.
- Mono rose after ten o’clock.
- We started our journey late in afternoon.
- What beautiful scene this is !
- We need umbrella to walk in rain.
- Set back clock; it is hour too fast.
- The Sun rises in the East.
- He lost an arm in the fight.
- We like to live in the open air.
- The Sun melts the snow.
- I haven’t told him about the accident.
- She has never seen an elephant.
- Get a packet of cigarettes from the nearest shop.
- Where did he buy the box of matches ?
- How beautiful the town looks !
- Draw the map of Indonesia.
- ( Correct )
- We started our journey late in the afternoon.
- What a beautiful scene this is !
- We need an umbrella to walk in the rain.
- Set back the clock; it is an hour too fast.
Exercise – 20
Complete the following sentences by filling in a or an or the as may be suitable.
- He is ______ ass.
- That ruler is ______ yard long.
- ______ European is not always ______ white man.
- I have read ______ useful article in today’s newspaper.
- This is not ______ book I wanted.
- ______ elephant is ______ largest animal on land.
- ______ birds on that hill fly in ______ sky every morning.
- ______ cow is ______ useful animal
- He is ______ honest boy.
- ______ city is ______ noisy place.
They returned after _______ hour. - ______ sun rises every day.
- ______ Does he know ______ way to ______ town ?
- He is ______ evil man.
- Which is ______ shortest route to _____ market ?
- English is not _____ easy language.
- She came without _____ umbrella.
- London is _____ expensive place to live in.
- He is _______ untidy boy.
- He found ______ egg in ______ nest we saw.
- He is an ass.
- That ruler is a yard long.
- A European is not always a white man.
- I have read a useful article in today’s newspaper.
- This is not the book I wanted.
- The elephant is the largest animal on land.
- The birds on that hill fly in the sky every morning.
- The/A cow is a useful animal
- He is an honest boy.
- A/The city is a noisy place.
- They returned after an hour.
- The sun rises every day.
- Does he know the way to the town ?
- He is an evil man.
- Which is the shortest route to the market ?
- English is not an easy language.
- She came without an umbrella.
- London is an expensive place to live in.
- He is an untidy boy.
- He found an egg in the nest we saw.
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