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1) appropriate
2) clarify
3) conceal
4) confirm
5) constantly
6) convenient
7) core
8) critical
9) distort
10) diverse
11) prosperous
12) purposefully
13) reveal
14) scarcely
15) theoretically
1 |
abroad, abrupt, acceptable, acclaim, actually, adverse, advice, attractive, autonomous, disapproval, disruptive, haphazardly, ideal, persistent, wide |
15 Words | |
2 |
advanced, advantage, advent, agile, albeit, allow, appealing, celebrated, contemporary, distribute, encourage, energetic, frail, refine, worthwhile |
15 Words | |
3 |
alter, analyze, ancient, annoying, anticipate, conform, defect, enrich, intensify, intolerable, observe, ongoing, propose, restore, vital |
15 Words | |
4 |
ambiguous, apparent, arbitrary, assert, astounding, astute, authorize, deceptively, determined, elicit, forbid, petition, relinquish, resilient, tempt |
15 Words | |
5 |
amaze, baffle, bear, block, blur, brilliant, caution, challenge, delicate, enhance, intrigue, persuade, replace, shed, unique |
15 Words | |
6 |
chiefly, coarse, commonplace, comparatively, complex, conventional, curious, exceedingly, exclusively, immense, indeed, rigid, routinely, sufficiently, visibly |
15 Words | |
7 |
appropriate, clarify, conceal, confirm, constantly, convenient, core, critical, distort, diverse, prosperous, purposefully, reveal, scarcely, theoretically |
15 Words | |
8 |
accelerate, crack, create, creep, crush, cultivate, dictate, distinguish, flaw, harvest, mirror, obtain, particle, settle, transport |
15 Words | |
9 |
accurate, classify, currency, deep, dense, depend on, dim, display, exports, gigantic, impressive, lasting, treasury, uniform, vibrant |
15 Words | |
10 |
distinct, dominant, dormant, drab, dramatic, elaborate, exceptional, hazardous, minuscule, prime, rudimentary, sensitive, superficial, terrifying, vigorous |
15 Words | |
11 |
amenity, destroy, disperse, dwelling, element, elementary, eliminate, emphasize, encircle, erratic, exaggerate, mention, pier, prevalent, release |
15 Words | |
12 |
benefit, blind, broaden, burgeon, conspicuously, demand, endorse, enormous, entirely, erode, evaporate, recover, reportedly, shift, suffer |
15 Words | |
13 |
dignitary, crucial, elude, evident, exhaust, extensive, extremely, face, facet, hero, inaccessible, obviously, predictably, solve, suitable |
15 Words | |
14 |
ample, arid, avoid, defy, enact, even, feign, fertile, freshly, function, fundamental, indiscriminate, selective, spacious, withstand |
15 Words | |
15 |
durable, favor, gain, generate, halt, handle, harbor, harmful, insignificant, mysterious, perilous, postpone, promote, reject, substantial |
15 Words | |
16 |
conscientious, convey, encompass, expansion, heighten, highlight, inadvertently, inevitable, infancy, miraculously, retrieve, systematically, unlikely, unwarranted, zenith |
15 Words | |
17 |
agitate, confidential, delighted, discreetly, documented, gradually, influence, inordinate, instantly, intentionally, intrinsic, inundate, involve, nominal, presumably |
15 Words | |
18 |
absurd, abuse, allocation, balanced, conservation, fallacious, feasible, lack, limber, means, narrow, preconception, robust, steady, swift |
15 Words | |
19 |
antiquated, coherent, develop, fabricate, investigation, normally, notice, notion, novel, opposition, record, relate, suspect, unbiased, varied |
15 Words | |
20 |
accentuate, disguise, finance, initiate, innovative, narrate, nevertheless, occasionally, omit, outlandish, overcome, partially, pass, portray, submit |
15 Words | |
21 |
decline, gather, motion, partisan, pattern, phenomena, philanthropic, placid, plentiful, reaction, rhythm, scenic, shallow, sheltered, vanishing |
15 Words | |
22 |
account, archaic, hasten, hue, illustration, inactive, intricate, magnitude, oblige, overlook, poll, position, practical, predominant, prompt |
15 Words | |
23 |
analogous, approximately, compel, formidable, intrusive, periodically, prone, prophetic, proportions, readily, reliably, reluctantly, renown, sacrifice, triumph |
15 Words | |
24 |
affordable, contaminated, discernible, flourishing, maintain, mediocre, negligible, parallel, peculiar, potent, remarkable, scattered, solid, somewhat, tedious |
15 Words | |
25 |
briefly, circulate, consistently, exhibit, found, improperly, impulsively, infrequently, isolated, overtly, profoundly, sharply, situated, subsequently, unmistakable |
15 Words | |
26 |
chaotic, characteristic, controversial, exemplify, gratifying, interpret, launch, legitimate, particular, radiant, ridge, span, spontaneous, stream, striking |
15 Words | |
27 |
aptly, demonstration, ingredients, involuntarily, marvel, measurable, moderate, odd, reflection, supposedly, sustained, symbols, synthesis, tangible, tightly |
15 Words | |
28 |
aggravating, amusement, conceivably, convert, curative, debilitating, deplete, finite, perceive, security, toxic, tranquility, trap, undeniably, underestimated |
15 Words | |
29 |
acknowledge, acquire, assimilate, assortment, caliber, condensed, contradictory, disregard, precious, prominent, requisite, unravel, vague, vast, volume |
15 Words | |
30 |
charisma, clever, convince, endure, forfeit, precarious, severe, sporadic, superior, wanton, weak, widespread, wisdom, witticism, woo |
15 Words |
1. Deform
Correct Answer - B
2. Scarcely
Correct Answer - -
3. Proper
Correct Answer - A
4. Clarify
Correct Answer - C
5. Dangerous
Correct Answer - C
6. Thriving
Correct Answer - A
7. Purposefully
Correct Answer - B
8. Different
Correct Answer - B
9. Hypothetically
Correct Answer - C
10. Reveal
Correct Answer - A
1. Industrial cities appeared after the full development of industrial capitalism in the core nation-states of the eighteenth century.
2. For calculating a calendar, it is convenient to use the tropical solar year.
3. All things consist of atoms and molecules that are constantly in motion.
4. Fossil evidence confirms that the ancient cuttlefish has existed in its present form for more than 20 million years.
5. The first swimsuit concealed the shape of the human body.