Preposition is a word which shows the relation between the two Nouns /Pronoun. In other words, a preposition is a word or group of words used before a noun, pronoun, or noun phrase to show direction, time, place, location, spatial relationships, or to introduce an object.
Some examples of prepositions are words like “in,” “at,” “on,” “of,” and “to.”
Also Read:
- The Most Useful English Idioms & Their Meanings
- Historical Highlights – Complete With Words
- The Seven Types of Pronouns and Their Uses
- 200 Essential Questions for Practicing One-Word Prepositions (With Answers)
- Understanding Nouns – The Five Types and Their Uses
- Top 9 Essential Tips To Help You Speak Clearly and Confidently
- Commonly Confused Words – A Guide to Clarifying Misused Terms
- Similar Words with Different Meanings – A Guide to Avoiding Common Confusion
- Learning French Nouns in Foreign Language Training
- How to Understand Basic Spanish – A Beginner’s Guide
Prepositions always tell us where or when something is in relation to something else. When monsters are approaching, it’s good to have these special words to tell us where those monsters are. Are they behind us or in front of us? Will they be arriving in three seconds or at midnight?
Types of Prepositions
Prepositions indicate direction, time, location, and spatial relationships, as well as other abstract types of relationships.
- Direction: Look to the left and you’ll see our destination.
- Time: We’ve been working since this morning.
- Location: We saw a movie at the theater.
- Space: The dog hid under the table.
Exercise – Set 1 – To Remember –
S.No. | Incorrect | Correct |
1 | Learn word by word | word for word |
2 | Sit under the shade of a tree | in the shade |
3 | Write with ink | in ink |
4 | Sita was married with Ram | to Ram |
5 | China is in the north of India | to the north |
6 | To meet in the way | on the way |
7 | Different than | from |
8 | Weak / good in a subject | at a subject |
9 | To send on an address | to an address |
10 | Sign with ink | in ink |
11 | To open a book on a particular page | at a particular page |
12 | Part with a man | from a man |
13 | Part from property / wealth / money | with property |
14 | Divide among two | between two |
15 | Since the last three days | for last three days |
16 | For 3 PM | since 3 PM |
17 | Come off a family | of a family |
18 | To be pleased from a man | with |
19 | Prefer from | to |
20 | Inferior / superior / junior / senior than | to (with all words) |
21 | Acquitted from the charge | of |
22 | Ashamed with / from | of |
23 | Talk with a man | to a man |
24 | Belong from | to |
25 | Examination begins from | on |
26 | Lying upon the table | on |
27 | Fall on a table | upon a table |
28 | Since time immemorial | from |
29 | Climb on a tree | up a tree |
30 | Spring on | upon |
31 | Quarrel on a trifle | over a trifle |
32 | Thirst of knowledge | for |
33 | Jump at the conclusion | to |
34 | Break into pieces | to pieces |
35 | Absorbed with studies / business / thought | in studies….. |
36 | To be sick from life | of life |
37 | Love with music | for music |
38 | Children from one’s wife | by |
39 | Enter in an agreement | into |
40 | Abstain to speak ill words | from speaking ill words |
41 | Have a talk to a person | with |
42 | Jump in the river | into |
43 | Translate from Hindi to English | into English |
44 | Dive in the river | into the river |
45 | Jump to the offer | at the offer |
46 | Full with water | of water |
47 | Come in the room | into the room |
48 | Rejoice at one’s success | in |
49 | Get rid from | get rid of |
50 | Slow at speech | of |
Exercise – Set 2 – Words with which Preposition is Omitted / Not used
S.No. | Incorrect Correct | |
1 | Resemble to / with | Resemble |
2 | Investigate into | Investigate |
3 | Ordered for | Ordered |
4 | Love with | Love |
5 | Enter into a house | Enter a house |
6 | Pick up a quarrel | Pick quarrel |
7 | Asked from | Asked |
8 | Succeed for | Succeed |
9 | Only to the order | Only the order |
10 | Discuss about the problem | Discuss the problem |
11 | Accompany with a man | Accompany a man |
12 | Approach to a man | Approach a man |
13 | To request to a man | To request a man |
14 | Promise to a man | Promise a man |
15 | Married with | Married |
16 | Resign from | Resign |
17 | Sign on the paper | Sign the paper |
18 | Enough of money | Enough money |
19 | Benefit to a man | Benefit a man |
20 | Leave with bag and baggage | Leave bag and baggage |
21 | Returned to home | Returned home |
22 | Told to her | Told her |
23 | Pity on a man | Pity a man |
24 | Answer to a question | Answer a question |
25 | Criticism on a man / a work | Criticism a man / a work |
Exercise – Set 3 – Where Preposition must be used
S.No. | Incorrect | Correct |
1 | Write a man | Write to a man |
2 | Disposed the property | Disposed of the property |
3 | Search something lost | Search for something lost |
4 | Wish a thing | Wish for a thing |
5 | A pen to write | A pen to write with |
6 | Admit an excuse | Admit of an excuse |
7 | Prevail a man | Prevail upon a man |
8 | Ask something | Ask for something |
9 | Partake something | Partake of something |
10 | Bed to lie | Bed to lie in |
11 | Meet an accident | Meet with an accident |
12 | Suggest a man | Suggest to a man |
13 | Dispense the service | Dispense with the service |
14 | Propose a man | Propose to a man |
15 | Listen a man | Listen to a man |
16 | Apply the Principal | Apply to the Principal |
17 | Apply the post | Apply for the post |
18 | A house to live | A house to live in |
19 | What use of it? | Of what use it? |
20 | Prevail a man | Prevail upon a man |
21 | Believe God | Believe in God |
22 | Beware someone | Beware of someone |
23 | Compensate a loss | Compensate for a loss |
24 | Pray god | Pray to god |
25 | What are you talking? | What are you talking about? |
- The Most Useful English Idioms & Their Meanings
- Historical Highlights – Complete With Words
- The Seven Types of Pronouns and Their Uses
- 200 Essential Questions for Practicing One-Word Prepositions (With Answers)
- Understanding Nouns – The Five Types and Their Uses
- Top 9 Essential Tips To Help You Speak Clearly and Confidently
- Commonly Confused Words – A Guide to Clarifying Misused Terms
- Similar Words with Different Meanings – A Guide to Avoiding Common Confusion
- Learning French Nouns in Foreign Language Training
- How to Understand Basic Spanish – A Beginner’s Guide