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1) ambiguous
2) apparent
3) arbitrary
4) assert
5) astounding
6) astute
7) authorize
8) deceptively
9) determined
10) elicit
11) forbid
12) petition
13) relinquish
14) resilient
15) tempt
1 |
abroad, abrupt, acceptable, acclaim, actually, adverse, advice, attractive, autonomous, disapproval, disruptive, haphazardly, ideal, persistent, wide |
15 Words | |
2 |
advanced, advantage, advent, agile, albeit, allow, appealing, celebrated, contemporary, distribute, encourage, energetic, frail, refine, worthwhile |
15 Words | |
3 |
alter, analyze, ancient, annoying, anticipate, conform, defect, enrich, intensify, intolerable, observe, ongoing, propose, restore, vital |
15 Words | |
4 |
ambiguous, apparent, arbitrary, assert, astounding, astute, authorize, deceptively, determined, elicit, forbid, petition, relinquish, resilient, tempt |
15 Words | |
5 |
amaze, baffle, bear, block, blur, brilliant, caution, challenge, delicate, enhance, intrigue, persuade, replace, shed, unique |
15 Words | |
6 |
chiefly, coarse, commonplace, comparatively, complex, conventional, curious, exceedingly, exclusively, immense, indeed, rigid, routinely, sufficiently, visibly |
15 Words | |
7 |
appropriate, clarify, conceal, confirm, constantly, convenient, core, critical, distort, diverse, prosperous, purposefully, reveal, scarcely, theoretically |
15 Words | |
8 |
accelerate, crack, create, creep, crush, cultivate, dictate, distinguish, flaw, harvest, mirror, obtain, particle, settle, transport |
15 Words | |
9 |
accurate, classify, currency, deep, dense, depend on, dim, display, exports, gigantic, impressive, lasting, treasury, uniform, vibrant |
15 Words | |
10 |
distinct, dominant, dormant, drab, dramatic, elaborate, exceptional, hazardous, minuscule, prime, rudimentary, sensitive, superficial, terrifying, vigorous |
15 Words | |
11 |
amenity, destroy, disperse, dwelling, element, elementary, eliminate, emphasize, encircle, erratic, exaggerate, mention, pier, prevalent, release |
15 Words | |
12 |
benefit, blind, broaden, burgeon, conspicuously, demand, endorse, enormous, entirely, erode, evaporate, recover, reportedly, shift, suffer |
15 Words | |
13 |
dignitary, crucial, elude, evident, exhaust, extensive, extremely, face, facet, hero, inaccessible, obviously, predictably, solve, suitable |
15 Words | |
14 |
ample, arid, avoid, defy, enact, even, feign, fertile, freshly, function, fundamental, indiscriminate, selective, spacious, withstand |
15 Words | |
15 |
durable, favor, gain, generate, halt, handle, harbor, harmful, insignificant, mysterious, perilous, postpone, promote, reject, substantial |
15 Words | |
16 |
conscientious, convey, encompass, expansion, heighten, highlight, inadvertently, inevitable, infancy, miraculously, retrieve, systematically, unlikely, unwarranted, zenith |
15 Words | |
17 |
agitate, confidential, delighted, discreetly, documented, gradually, influence, inordinate, instantly, intentionally, intrinsic, inundate, involve, nominal, presumably |
15 Words | |
18 |
absurd, abuse, allocation, balanced, conservation, fallacious, feasible, lack, limber, means, narrow, preconception, robust, steady, swift |
15 Words | |
19 |
antiquated, coherent, develop, fabricate, investigation, normally, notice, notion, novel, opposition, record, relate, suspect, unbiased, varied |
15 Words | |
20 |
accentuate, disguise, finance, initiate, innovative, narrate, nevertheless, occasionally, omit, outlandish, overcome, partially, pass, portray, submit |
15 Words | |
21 |
decline, gather, motion, partisan, pattern, phenomena, philanthropic, placid, plentiful, reaction, rhythm, scenic, shallow, sheltered, vanishing |
15 Words | |
22 |
account, archaic, hasten, hue, illustration, inactive, intricate, magnitude, oblige, overlook, poll, position, practical, predominant, prompt |
15 Words | |
23 |
analogous, approximately, compel, formidable, intrusive, periodically, prone, prophetic, proportions, readily, reliably, reluctantly, renown, sacrifice, triumph |
15 Words | |
24 |
affordable, contaminated, discernible, flourishing, maintain, mediocre, negligible, parallel, peculiar, potent, remarkable, scattered, solid, somewhat, tedious |
15 Words | |
25 |
briefly, circulate, consistently, exhibit, found, improperly, impulsively, infrequently, isolated, overtly, profoundly, sharply, situated, subsequently, unmistakable |
15 Words | |
26 |
chaotic, characteristic, controversial, exemplify, gratifying, interpret, launch, legitimate, particular, radiant, ridge, span, spontaneous, stream, striking |
15 Words | |
27 |
aptly, demonstration, ingredients, involuntarily, marvel, measurable, moderate, odd, reflection, supposedly, sustained, symbols, synthesis, tangible, tightly |
15 Words | |
28 |
aggravating, amusement, conceivably, convert, curative, debilitating, deplete, finite, perceive, security, toxic, tranquility, trap, undeniably, underestimated |
15 Words | |
29 |
acknowledge, acquire, assimilate, assortment, caliber, condensed, contradictory, disregard, precious, prominent, requisite, unravel, vague, vast, volume |
15 Words | |
30 |
charisma, clever, convince, endure, forfeit, precarious, severe, sporadic, superior, wanton, weak, widespread, wisdom, witticism, woo |
15 Words |
1. Appeal
Correct Answer - C
2. astounding
Correct Answer - B
3. Ban
Correct Answer - A
4. Elicit
Correct Answer - D
5. Abdicate
Correct Answer - A
6. Misleadingly
Correct Answer - B
7. Resolute
Correct Answer - A
8. Resilient
Correct Answer - D
9. Tempt
Correct Answer - A
10. Vague
Correct Answer - D
1. Not until 1946 did the world chess governing body, FIDE, assert its control over international championship play.
2. All classifications of human societies and cultures are arbitrary.
3. Paul Newman's apparently effortless acting skill has enabled him to play a variety of characters.
4. The Monroe Doctrine authorized the United States to intervene in the affairs of Latin American countries in case of foreign invasion.
5. J. Edgar Hoover was an astute professional who served as director of the FBI for 48 years.