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1) charisma
2) clever
3) convince
4) endure
5) forfeit
6) precarious
7) severe
8) sporadic
9) superior
10) wanton
11) weak
12) widespread
13) wisdom
14) Witticism
15) woo
1 |
abroad, abrupt, acceptable, acclaim, actually, adverse, advice, attractive, autonomous, disapproval, disruptive, haphazardly, ideal, persistent, wide |
15 Words | |
2 |
advanced, advantage, advent, agile, albeit, allow, appealing, celebrated, contemporary, distribute, encourage, energetic, frail, refine, worthwhile |
15 Words | |
3 |
alter, analyze, ancient, annoying, anticipate, conform, defect, enrich, intensify, intolerable, observe, ongoing, propose, restore, vital |
15 Words | |
4 |
ambiguous, apparent, arbitrary, assert, astounding, astute, authorize, deceptively, determined, elicit, forbid, petition, relinquish, resilient, tempt |
15 Words | |
5 |
amaze, baffle, bear, block, blur, brilliant, caution, challenge, delicate, enhance, intrigue, persuade, replace, shed, unique |
15 Words | |
6 |
chiefly, coarse, commonplace, comparatively, complex, conventional, curious, exceedingly, exclusively, immense, indeed, rigid, routinely, sufficiently, visibly |
15 Words | |
7 |
appropriate, clarify, conceal, confirm, constantly, convenient, core, critical, distort, diverse, prosperous, purposefully, reveal, scarcely, theoretically |
15 Words | |
8 |
accelerate, crack, create, creep, crush, cultivate, dictate, distinguish, flaw, harvest, mirror, obtain, particle, settle, transport |
15 Words | |
9 |
accurate, classify, currency, deep, dense, depend on, dim, display, exports, gigantic, impressive, lasting, treasury, uniform, vibrant |
15 Words | |
10 |
distinct, dominant, dormant, drab, dramatic, elaborate, exceptional, hazardous, minuscule, prime, rudimentary, sensitive, superficial, terrifying, vigorous |
15 Words | |
11 |
amenity, destroy, disperse, dwelling, element, elementary, eliminate, emphasize, encircle, erratic, exaggerate, mention, pier, prevalent, release |
15 Words | |
12 |
benefit, blind, broaden, burgeon, conspicuously, demand, endorse, enormous, entirely, erode, evaporate, recover, reportedly, shift, suffer |
15 Words | |
13 |
dignitary, crucial, elude, evident, exhaust, extensive, extremely, face, facet, hero, inaccessible, obviously, predictably, solve, suitable |
15 Words | |
14 |
ample, arid, avoid, defy, enact, even, feign, fertile, freshly, function, fundamental, indiscriminate, selective, spacious, withstand |
15 Words | |
15 |
durable, favor, gain, generate, halt, handle, harbor, harmful, insignificant, mysterious, perilous, postpone, promote, reject, substantial |
15 Words | |
16 |
conscientious, convey, encompass, expansion, heighten, highlight, inadvertently, inevitable, infancy, miraculously, retrieve, systematically, unlikely, unwarranted, zenith |
15 Words | |
17 |
agitate, confidential, delighted, discreetly, documented, gradually, influence, inordinate, instantly, intentionally, intrinsic, inundate, involve, nominal, presumably |
15 Words | |
18 |
absurd, abuse, allocation, balanced, conservation, fallacious, feasible, lack, limber, means, narrow, preconception, robust, steady, swift |
15 Words | |
19 |
antiquated, coherent, develop, fabricate, investigation, normally, notice, notion, novel, opposition, record, relate, suspect, unbiased, varied |
15 Words | |
20 |
accentuate, disguise, finance, initiate, innovative, narrate, nevertheless, occasionally, omit, outlandish, overcome, partially, pass, portray, submit |
15 Words | |
21 |
decline, gather, motion, partisan, pattern, phenomena, philanthropic, placid, plentiful, reaction, rhythm, scenic, shallow, sheltered, vanishing |
15 Words | |
22 |
account, archaic, hasten, hue, illustration, inactive, intricate, magnitude, oblige, overlook, poll, position, practical, predominant, prompt |
15 Words | |
23 |
analogous, approximately, compel, formidable, intrusive, periodically, prone, prophetic, proportions, readily, reliably, reluctantly, renown, sacrifice, triumph |
15 Words | |
24 |
affordable, contaminated, discernible, flourishing, maintain, mediocre, negligible, parallel, peculiar, potent, remarkable, scattered, solid, somewhat, tedious |
15 Words | |
25 |
briefly, circulate, consistently, exhibit, found, improperly, impulsively, infrequently, isolated, overtly, profoundly, sharply, situated, subsequently, unmistakable |
15 Words | |
26 |
chaotic, characteristic, controversial, exemplify, gratifying, interpret, launch, legitimate, particular, radiant, ridge, span, spontaneous, stream, striking |
15 Words | |
27 |
aptly, demonstration, ingredients, involuntarily, marvel, measurable, moderate, odd, reflection, supposedly, sustained, symbols, synthesis, tangible, tightly |
15 Words | |
28 |
aggravating, amusement, conceivably, convert, curative, debilitating, deplete, finite, perceive, security, toxic, tranquility, trap, undeniably, underestimated |
15 Words | |
29 |
acknowledge, acquire, assimilate, assortment, caliber, condensed, contradictory, disregard, precious, prominent, requisite, unravel, vague, vast, volume |
15 Words | |
30 |
charisma, clever, convince, endure, forfeit, precarious, severe, sporadic, superior, wanton, weak, widespread, wisdom, witticism, woo |
15 Words |
1. Astute
Correct Answer - C
2. Sporadic
Correct Answer - C
3. Relinquish
Correct Answer - C
4. Persevering
Correct Answer - A
5. Superior
Correct Answer - D
6. Appeal
Correct Answer - B
7. Precarious
Correct Answer - B
8. Persuade
Correct Answer - A
9. Wisdom
Correct Answer - B
10. Intense
Correct Answer - C
1. Politicians often woo voters by proposing sweeping reforms of governmental policy.
2. Davy Crockett was well known for his witticisms and story telling skills.
3. When widespread thunderstorms occur, the sky is commonly overcast with many intermingled layers of clouds of various types.
4. Although jellyfish move by jet propulsion, most are weak swimmers.
5. The disappearance of tropical rain forests is a direct result of wanton disregard of this valuable resource by mankind.