1. aberrant: deviating from what is normal or typical. It comes from the Latin aberrare (“to go astray”)
2. anthropomorphism: attributing human shape to gods, objects, animals. The Greek anthropo is a combining form that means “man” or “human”
3. archetype: model; original pattern; prototype. One meaning of the Greek prefix arch is “main” or chief.”
4. authoritarian: characterized by unquestioning obedience to authority. An authoritarian figure is one who rejects individual freedom of judgment and action.
5. cathedrals: the relieving of the emotions by art; the alleviation of fears by bringing them to consciousness. This Greek word has played an important role in theater, as well as in paychiatry.
6. demography: the science of vital statistics, as of births, deaths, population, etc. It comes from the Greek root demos (“the people”) and graph (“to write”)
7. epidemiology: the branch of medicine that investigates the causes and controls of epidemics. This word is composed of two Greek roots meaning “among the people”
8. euthanasia: method of causing death painlessly, mercy killing. In Greek, it means “happy death”
9. extrovert: a person who is active and expressive, a person who is outgoing. The opposite is introvert.
10. psychic: of the psyche or mind, beyond natural or known physical processes. All of our words that begin with psych comes from the Greek word pyschikos (“of the soul”)
11. psychopath: a person afflicted with a mental disorder. The Greek root path means “suffering” or “diseases”
12. psychotherapy: using forms of mental treatment to cure nervous disorders. Therapy comes from the Greek therapeia (“one who serves or treats medically”)
13. schizophrenia: a mental disorder characterized by delusions of persecution and omnipotence. Some victims of this disease are said to have a “split personality”
14. subliminal: below the threshold of apprehensions subconscious. Limen is a Latin word meaning “threshold”
15. traums: an emotional experience that has a lasting psychic effect. The Greek word trauma means “wound”
I. Which word comes to Mind?
In each of the following, read the statement, then circle the word that comes to mind.
1. A nurse is suspected of having given an overdoes of drugs to a cancer-ridden patient
(subliminal, euthanasia, anthropomorphism)
2. Researchers examine the tissues of the corpses.
(epidemiology, psychotherapy, psychic)
3. Man bites dog
(aberrant, authoritarian, catharsis)
4. The government issues statistics on the ten fastest growing cities
(schizophrenia, extrovert, demography)
5. A citizen of Hiroshima continues to have nightmares
(archetype, trauma, psychopath)
6. The life of the party
(catharsis, extrovert, trauma)
7. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
(schizophrenia, epidemiology, demography)
8. Commands from a dictator
(subliminal, psychic, authoritarian)
9. A family asks the doctors to “pull the plug”
(archetype, catharsis, euthanasia)
10. A Walt Disney show
(trauma, anthropomorphism, subliminal)
II. True or False?
In the space provided, indicate whether each statement is true or false.
III. Fill in the Blank
Insert one of the new words in the proper space in each sentence below.
IV. What’s the Antonym?
Which of the new words is most nearly opposite in meaning to the one provided?
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1 |
Jingoist, Lothario, Maverick, Nemesis, Philanderer, Philippic, Procrustean, Protean, Pyrrhic victory, Quixotic, Saturnine, Solecism, Spoonerism, Sybarite, Tawdry | |
2 |
Acidulous, Baleful, Bellicose, Bilious, Bumptious, Captious, Churlish, Complaisant, Contrite, Convivial, Craven, Debonair, Dyspeptic, Lachrymose, Neurasthenic | |
3 |
cabal, camaraderie, caste, cortege, detente, echelon, ecumenical, elite, esprit de corps, freemasonry, genealogy, hierarchy, hobnob, liaison, rapprochement | |
4 |
adagio, andante, arpeggio, bravura, contralto, crescendo, falsetto, fortissimo, imbroglio, intaglio, largo, libretto, salvo, staccato, vendetta | |
5 |
alienist, amanuensis, beadle, cosmetologist, dermatologist, entomologist, farrier, graphologist, internist, lapidary, ophthalmologist, ornithologist, osteopath, pharyngologist, physiologist | |
6 |
Adonis, Bacchanal, Cassandra, Cornucopia, Erotic, Herculean, Hermetic, Hydra, Hymeneal, Iridescent, Narcissism, Odyssey, Olympian, Palladium, Phoenix | |
7 |
aberrant, anthropomorphism, archetype, authoritarian, cathedrals, demography, epidemiology, euthanasia, extrovert, psychic, psychopath, psychotherapy, schizophrenia, subliminal, traums | |
8 |
aficionado, barrio, bonanza, bravado, desperado, flotilla, grandee, hacienda, lariat, machismo, manana, palmetto, renegade, siesta, torero | |
9 |
anachronism, anon, antebellum, antediluvian, atavism, augury, betimes, biennial, diurnal, eon, ephemeral, epoch, generation, score, tercentenary | |
10 |
bane, deign, eke, knell, mete, moot, mulct, plumb, quail, roil, ruck, shunt, svelte, thrall, tryst | |
11 |
abscess, aphasia, arteriosclerosis, biopsy, cadaver, carcinogen, comatose, etiology, malingerer, mastectomy, prosthesis, simian, therapeutic, tumescence, vasectomy | |
12 |
bovine, equine, feline, hircine, leonine, lupine, ophidian, ovine, piscine, porcine, saurian, taurine, ursine, vixen, vulpine | |
13 |
atonement, bicameral, Decalogue, decimate, dichotomy, double-think, millennium, nihilism, penultimate, primeval, protocol, quatrain, quintessence, tessellated, untrammeled | |
14 |
adjudicate, appellate, collusion, deposition, equity, exhume, incommunicado, intestate, ipso facto, lien, litigation, perjury, pettifogger, tort, tribunal | |
15 |
circumspect, demure, dispassionate, dolorous, edacious, effete, feisty, flaccid, flippant, florid, glabrous, imperious, ingenious, intractable, intransigent | |
16 |
alchemy, arcane, conundrum, demonology, exorcise, inscrutable, pallor, phenomenology, polygraph, purloin, ritual, shamus, soothsayer, thaumaturgy, warlock | |
17 |
archaeology, elfin, infinitesimal, Lilliputian, megalopolis, minimize, minutiae, palatial, peccadillo, picayune, simulacrum, soupcon, teeming, titanic, vista | |
18 |
accolade, conclave, dirge, draconian, epicurean, gossamer, immolate, juggernaut, junket, ostracism, proletariat, rigmarole, rubric, Socratic, sycophant | |
19 |
acrophobia, bibliophile, claustrophobia, Francophile, hydrophobia, misanthropy, misogyny, paranoid, philately, Philistine, phylogeny, philology, Russo phobia, triskaidekaphobia, xenophobia | |
20 |
archaeology, cardiology, ecology, endocrinology, gerontology, gynecology, morphology, necrology, neurology, paleontology, pathology, rhinology, seismology, speleology, toxicology | |
21 |
jejune, libidinous, licentious, mercurial, meretricious, minatory, mutable, niggardly, nonchalant, noxious, obdurate, obtuse, officious, omniscient, pusillanimous | |
22 |
amicus curiae, arson, barrister, embezzle, extradition, habeas corpus, immaterial, incarcerate, indeterminate, larceny, litigious, miscreant, perpetrator, plagiarism, probation | |
23 |
avant-garde, bete noire, bot mot, coup de grace, cul-de-sac, dues ex machina, fait accompli, fin de siecle, gauche, junta, laissez-faire, mot juste, non compos mentis, non sequitur, sine qua non | |
24 |
coiffure, demarche, denouement, éclat, élan, entrepreneur, impasse, ingénue, malaise, mélange, repartee, sangfroid, tete-a-tete, tour de force, vignette | |
25 |
acrid, addle, ado, alms, amulet, aperture, askew, bauble, bevy, bilk, blithe, careen, chary, nabob, onus | |
26 |
antaean, argonaut, calliope, cyclopean, gorgon, harpy, Homeric, myrmidon, oracular, paean, plutonian, Promethean, stygian, terpsichorean, thespian | |
27 |
pedantic, pertinacious, pontifical, pretentious, prolix, puerile, quiescent, recalcitrant, restive, ribald, sardonic, sedulous, sleazy, supercilious, voluptuous | |
28 |
a cappella, ad hoc, bon vivant, de facto, gemutlich, leitmotif, nolo contendere, per excellence, parvenu, piece de resistance, postprandlal, quid pro quo, qui vive, savoir faire, sub rosa, vis-à-vis | |
29 |
ambivalent, bucolic, crotchety, dilatory, disconsolate, dudgeon, froward, genteel, jocund, loquacious, splenetic, tendentious, truculent, vacuous, venal | |
30 |
amorphous, gargantuan, iota, lissome, macrocosm, magnitude, magnum opus, microcosm, micrometer, scabrous, scintilla, serpentine, sinuous, smidgen, tenuous | |
31 |
bathos, malapropism, metaphor, metonymy, onomatopoeia, oxymoron, panegyric, paradigm, paralipsis, pleonasm, polyglot, semantics, simile, synecdoche, threnody | |
32 |
argot, aspersion, badinage, bombast, braggadocio, censure, countermand, gainsay, gobbledegook, guttural, harangue, jargon, mellifluous, resonant, sententious | |
33 |
canon, hegemony, oligarchy, peonage, pharisaical, plebiscite, plenipotentiary, proxy, recession, regicide, renascent, reprisal, subversion, surrogate, votary | |
34 |
antipodal, cartography, concierge, hegira, hustings, landmark, peripatetic, portmanteau, safari, tandem, transmigrate, traverse, trek, wanderlust, wayfarer | |
35 |
a la carte, assuage, comestible, condiment, cuisine, culinary, gastronomic, gourmand, manna, palatable, piquant, refection, repast, subsistence, viands | |
36 |
antic, beguile, bonhomie, dalliance, divertissement, euphoria, guffaw, insouciance, japery, regale, risible, roguish, roister, squib, waggish | |
37 |
anarchy, bourgeois, bureaucracy, demagogue, ethos, gerrymander, imperialism, Machiavellian,. martial, muckraker, partisan, reactionary, schism, suffrage, totalitarian | |
38 |
abnegation, abscond, affidavit, altercation, battery, bequest, cause celebre, caveat emptor, codicil, contiguous, contraband, contumacious, disenfranchise, injunction, jurisprudence | |
39 |
aphorism, dogma, empirical, epistemology, eschatology, fallacy, hedonism, pragmatism, predestination, ratiocination, syllogism, teleology, tenet, theosophy, utilitarian | |
40 |
agnostic, apocalyptic, apocryphal, apostate, apotheosis, benediction, blasphemy, deist, infidel, mantra, ontology, pantheism, sacrilegious, syncretism, theodicy |
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