IELTS - Lesson 20 Exercise

Science “Ology” Words

1. archaeology: the systematic recovery by scientific methods of material evidence remaining form man’s life and culture in past ages, and the detailed study of this evidence.

2. cardiology: the medical study of the diseases and functioning of the heart. Emphasis on prevention and treatment of heart disease has made most people familiar with cardiographs, the curve that traces the mechanical movements of the heart.

3. ecology: the science of the relationships between organisms and their environments. This field is also called bionomics.

4. endocrinology: the physiology of the ductless glands, such as the thyroid or adrenal, whose secretions pass directly into the blood stream from the cells of the gland.

5. gerontology: the scientific study of the physiological and pathological phenomena associated with aging. The Greek stern geront (“old”), explains the source of the names of such popular medicines as Geritol.

6. gynecology: a branch of medicine that deals with women, their diseases, hygiene, and medial care.

7. morphology: the biological study of the form and structure rather than the functioning of living organisms. In linguistics, morphology, denotes the study of word formations, including the origin and function of inflections and derivations.

8. necrology: a list or record of people who have died, especially in the recent past.

9. neurology: the medical science of the nervous system and its disorders.

10. paleontology: the study of fossils and ancient life forms. Paleo is a combining form indicating “ancient” or “prehistoric.”

11. pathology: the scientific study of the nature of disease, its causes, processes, development, and consequences; the anatomic or functional manifestations of disease.

12. rhinology: the anatomy, physiology and pathology of the nose. The Greek root rhinoceros (“nose-horned”), explains how the rhinoceros got its name.

13. seismology: the geophysical science of earthquakes and of the mechanical properties of the earth.

14. speleology: the scientific study or systematic exploration of caves

15. toxicology: the study of the nature, effects, and detection of poisons and the treatment of poisoning.


I. Which Word Comes to Mind?

In each of the following, read the statement, then circle the word that comes to mind.

1. Fears that the Alaskan pipeline will destroy the delicate balance of animal life in the region

(neurology, archaeology, ecology)

2. A special panel on diseases of the aged

(endocrinology, gerontology, rhinology)

3. The honored list of soldiers who made the supreme sacrifice

(necrology gynecology, toxicology)

4. The monster left an impression of his footprint in the rock

(paleontology, morphology, seismology)

5. The Dead Sea Scrolls were hidden for centuries in the Qumran cave

(cardiology, speleology, pathology)

6. The plastic surgeon made a sketch of his patient’s new nose

(rhinology, toxicology, speleology)

7. With permission from the Egyptian government, we began our dig

(archaeology, endocrinology, morphology)

8. We were stunned when the young basketball player succumbed to a heart attack

(ecology, gerontology, cardiology)

9. Some California cities have endured dozens of serious earthquakes

(necrology, paleontology, seismology)

10. The cadaver’s appearance suggested that he might have been poisoned

(gynecology, toxicology, neurology)

II. True or False?

In the space provided, indicate whether each statement is true or false

  • _________ 1. Archaeology and paleontology could be dealing with the same material
  • _________ 2. Mr. Rohas opened the door to the gynecologist’s office, gulped, and realized he was in the wrong place.
  • _________ 3. Every cardiologist must have a repertoire to demonstrate his dexterity with a deck of cards.
  • _________ 4. Morphology is concerned with finding pain killers.
  • _________ 5. Pathologists work closely with engineers to construct sale, durable roadways.
  • _________ 6. In a study of the area’s ecology, we determined the extent of pollution.
  • _________ 7. When visiting Grandma in her health-related facility, I discussed her case with the gerontologist on duty.
  • _________ 8. With an interest in speleology, they learned the difference between stalagmites and stalactites.
  • _________ 9. Modern-day seismologists can predict rainy weather with great accuracy.
  • _________ 10. Our town maintains a necrology of those citizens who died in our country’s wars.

III. Putting the Scientists in the Proper Place:

For each of the following pairs indicate yes in the space provided if the scientist is correctly paired with the “tools of his/her trade” and no if not.

  • _________ 1. archaeologist arches
  • _________ 2. gerontologist aged people
  • _________ 3. morphologist drugs
  • _________ 4. seismologist Richter scale
  • _________ 5. pathologist charts and maps
  • _________ 6. paleontologist fossils
  • _________ 7. speleologist caves
  • _________ 8. toxicologist serums
  • _________ 9. rhinologist zoo animals
  • _________ 10. necrologist old coins.



Jingoist, Lothario, Maverick, Nemesis, Philanderer, Philippic, Procrustean, Protean, Pyrrhic victory, Quixotic, Saturnine, Solecism, Spoonerism, Sybarite, Tawdry



Acidulous, Baleful, Bellicose, Bilious, Bumptious, Captious, Churlish, Complaisant, Contrite, Convivial, Craven, Debonair, Dyspeptic, Lachrymose, Neurasthenic



cabal, camaraderie, caste, cortege, detente, echelon, ecumenical, elite, esprit de corps, freemasonry, genealogy, hierarchy, hobnob, liaison, rapprochement



adagio, andante, arpeggio, bravura, contralto, crescendo, falsetto, fortissimo, imbroglio, intaglio, largo, libretto, salvo, staccato, vendetta



alienist, amanuensis, beadle, cosmetologist, dermatologist, entomologist, farrier, graphologist, internist, lapidary, ophthalmologist, ornithologist, osteopath, pharyngologist, physiologist



Adonis, Bacchanal, Cassandra, Cornucopia, Erotic, Herculean, Hermetic, Hydra, Hymeneal, Iridescent, Narcissism, Odyssey, Olympian, Palladium, Phoenix



aberrant, anthropomorphism, archetype, authoritarian, cathedrals, demography, epidemiology, euthanasia, extrovert, psychic, psychopath, psychotherapy, schizophrenia, subliminal, traums



aficionado, barrio, bonanza, bravado, desperado, flotilla, grandee, hacienda, lariat, machismo, manana, palmetto, renegade, siesta, torero



anachronism, anon, antebellum, antediluvian, atavism, augury, betimes, biennial, diurnal, eon, ephemeral, epoch, generation, score, tercentenary



bane, deign, eke, knell, mete, moot, mulct, plumb, quail, roil, ruck, shunt, svelte, thrall, tryst



abscess, aphasia, arteriosclerosis, biopsy, cadaver, carcinogen, comatose, etiology, malingerer, mastectomy, prosthesis, simian, therapeutic, tumescence, vasectomy



bovine, equine, feline, hircine, leonine, lupine, ophidian, ovine, piscine, porcine, saurian, taurine, ursine, vixen, vulpine



atonement, bicameral, Decalogue, decimate, dichotomy, double-think, millennium, nihilism, penultimate, primeval, protocol, quatrain, quintessence, tessellated, untrammeled



adjudicate, appellate, collusion, deposition, equity, exhume, incommunicado, intestate, ipso facto, lien, litigation, perjury, pettifogger, tort, tribunal



circumspect, demure, dispassionate, dolorous, edacious, effete, feisty, flaccid, flippant, florid, glabrous, imperious, ingenious, intractable, intransigent



alchemy, arcane, conundrum, demonology, exorcise, inscrutable, pallor, phenomenology, polygraph, purloin, ritual, shamus, soothsayer, thaumaturgy, warlock



archaeology, elfin, infinitesimal, Lilliputian, megalopolis, minimize, minutiae, palatial, peccadillo, picayune, simulacrum, soupcon, teeming, titanic, vista



accolade, conclave, dirge, draconian, epicurean, gossamer, immolate, juggernaut, junket, ostracism, proletariat, rigmarole, rubric, Socratic, sycophant



acrophobia, bibliophile, claustrophobia, Francophile, hydrophobia, misanthropy, misogyny, paranoid, philately, Philistine, phylogeny, philology, Russo phobia, triskaidekaphobia, xenophobia



archaeology, cardiology, ecology, endocrinology, gerontology, gynecology, morphology, necrology, neurology, paleontology, pathology, rhinology, seismology, speleology, toxicology



jejune, libidinous, licentious, mercurial, meretricious, minatory, mutable, niggardly, nonchalant, noxious, obdurate, obtuse, officious, omniscient, pusillanimous



amicus curiae, arson, barrister, embezzle, extradition, habeas corpus, immaterial, incarcerate, indeterminate, larceny, litigious, miscreant, perpetrator, plagiarism, probation



avant-garde, bete noire, bot mot, coup de grace, cul-de-sac, dues ex machina, fait accompli, fin de siecle, gauche, junta, laissez-faire, mot juste, non compos mentis, non sequitur, sine qua non



coiffure, demarche, denouement, éclat, élan, entrepreneur, impasse, ingénue, malaise, mélange, repartee, sangfroid, tete-a-tete, tour de force, vignette



acrid, addle, ado, alms, amulet, aperture, askew, bauble, bevy, bilk, blithe, careen, chary, nabob, onus



antaean, argonaut, calliope, cyclopean, gorgon, harpy, Homeric, myrmidon, oracular, paean, plutonian, Promethean, stygian, terpsichorean, thespian



pedantic, pertinacious, pontifical, pretentious, prolix, puerile, quiescent, recalcitrant, restive, ribald, sardonic, sedulous, sleazy, supercilious, voluptuous



a cappella, ad hoc, bon vivant, de facto, gemutlich, leitmotif, nolo contendere, per excellence, parvenu, piece de resistance, postprandlal, quid pro quo, qui vive, savoir faire, sub rosa, vis-à-vis



ambivalent, bucolic, crotchety, dilatory, disconsolate, dudgeon, froward, genteel, jocund, loquacious, splenetic, tendentious, truculent, vacuous, venal



amorphous, gargantuan, iota, lissome, macrocosm, magnitude, magnum opus, microcosm, micrometer, scabrous, scintilla, serpentine, sinuous, smidgen, tenuous



bathos, malapropism, metaphor, metonymy, onomatopoeia, oxymoron, panegyric, paradigm, paralipsis, pleonasm, polyglot, semantics, simile, synecdoche, threnody



argot, aspersion, badinage, bombast, braggadocio, censure, countermand, gainsay, gobbledegook, guttural, harangue, jargon, mellifluous, resonant, sententious



canon, hegemony, oligarchy, peonage, pharisaical, plebiscite, plenipotentiary, proxy, recession, regicide, renascent, reprisal, subversion, surrogate, votary



antipodal, cartography, concierge, hegira, hustings, landmark, peripatetic, portmanteau, safari, tandem, transmigrate, traverse, trek, wanderlust, wayfarer



a la carte, assuage, comestible, condiment, cuisine, culinary, gastronomic, gourmand, manna, palatable, piquant, refection, repast, subsistence, viands



antic, beguile, bonhomie, dalliance, divertissement, euphoria, guffaw, insouciance, japery, regale, risible, roguish, roister, squib, waggish



anarchy, bourgeois, bureaucracy, demagogue, ethos, gerrymander, imperialism, Machiavellian,. martial, muckraker, partisan, reactionary, schism, suffrage, totalitarian



abnegation, abscond, affidavit, altercation, battery, bequest, cause celebre, caveat emptor, codicil, contiguous, contraband, contumacious, disenfranchise, injunction, jurisprudence



aphorism, dogma, empirical, epistemology, eschatology, fallacy, hedonism, pragmatism, predestination, ratiocination, syllogism, teleology, tenet, theosophy, utilitarian



agnostic, apocalyptic, apocryphal, apostate, apotheosis, benediction, blasphemy, deist, infidel, mantra, ontology, pantheism, sacrilegious, syncretism, theodicy
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