IELTS - Lesson 29 Exercise

Appearances and Attitudes

1. ambivalent: having conflicting feelings toward a person or thing, such as love and hate

2. bucolic: rural; rustic; pastoral. The Greek word boukolikos means “herdsman”

3. crotchety: full of peculiar whims; ill-tempered; eccentric. Crochet work was done with a small, twisted hook; from “twisted” it was an easy jump to “eccentric” –thus the connection between crochet and crotchety

4. dilatory: slow; late in doing things; inclined to delay; meant to gain time

5. disconsolate: sad; dejected; cheerless

6. dudgeon: resentment; an angry or offended feeling. It comes from the Anglo-French expression en digeon, which meant “the hand on the dagger hilt”

7. froward: contrary; not easily controlled; stubbornly willful

8. genteel: well bred; refined; excessively polite

9. jocund: pleasant; agreeable; genial. Our word joke can be traced back to jocund.

10. loquacious: talkative. Some synonyms are garrulous, voluble, prolix, verbose, and prating.

11. splenetic: irritable; bad-tempered; spiteful. The word derives from spleen, the abdominal organ that the ancients regarded as the seat of emotions

12. tendentious: opinionated; advancing a definite point of view or doctrine

13. truculent: fierce; cruel; savage

14. vacuous: empty; purposeless; stupid; senseless

15. venal: really bribed or corrupted


I. Which Word comes to Mind?

In each of the following, read the statement, then circle the word that comes to mind

1. Cows in meadow, sheep in the corn

(venal, bucolic, disconsolate)

2. First, I want to go-then I want to stay

(ambivalent, truculent, dudgeon)

3. “What’s your rush? So what if we’re late?”

(jocund, dilatory, genteel)

4. The millionaire asked to be buried in his Rolls Royce

(crotchety, tendentious, froward)

5. “Were you vaccinated with a phonograph needle?”

(vacuous, loquacious, splenetic)

6. Jane always has a smile on her face

(froward, venal, jocund)

7. Firing someone can easily put him/her into this frame of mind

(dudgeon, tendentious, bucolic)

8. The slightest remark sets Virginia off on a rampage

(truculent, splenetic, dilatory)

9. I can’t make up my mind

(crotchety, ambivalent, tendentious)

10. A decidedly partisan view of the inaugural address

(genteel, splenetic, tendentious)

II. True or False?

In the space provided, indicate whether each statement is true or false

  • _________ 1. A jocund person has a good chance of being hired as a receptionist
  • _________ 2. Splenetic behavior is always a sign of good breeding
  • _________ 3. Truly great bullfighters welcome an animal that is froward
  • _________ 4. Watergate has become synonomous with venal arrangements
  • _________ 5. Skyscrapers and subways are integral parts of the bucolic life
  • _________ 6. Greg’s genteel nature may account for his shyness
  • _________ 7. A truculent response is guaranteed to win friends.
  • _________ 8. Feeling disconsolate over his loss, Fred briefly considered retiring from baseball.
  • _________ 9. The student’s vacuous stare suggested he did not understand the question
  • _________ 10. Because of his loquacious nature. Carlos had little to say.

III. Fill in the Blank

Insert one of the new words in the proper space in each sentence below.

  1. Martha wondered how Gary could hope to convince her with such ______________ explanations
  2. The successful politician walks a thin line between appearing too ______________ and too wishy-washy.
  3. Stephan tired to sort out his ___________________ feelings of respect and resentment towards his father.
  4. After the hectic campaign, the president-elect was refreshed by his _______________ retreat
  5. A(n) ____________________ child perhaps needs more love than a well-adjusted one
  6. The _____________ life has its merits, but most people cannot resist the attractions and excitement of the city.
  7. A _________________ person tends to give others little opportunity to express themselves.
  8. The fans were deeply disappointed to learn that their idol had been bitten by the ______________ bug
  9. The _________________ host easily broke the iciness between two of the guests who had been enemies for years.
  10. Because of George’s ________________ habits, we often referred to him as the late George Owens.

IV. What’s the Antonym?

Which of the new words is most nearly opposite in meaning to the one provided?

  1. punctual ______________________
  2. gentle _____________________
  3. even-tempered _____________________
  4. gross _____________________
  5. incorruptible _____________________
  6. agreeable _____________________
  7. cheerful _____________________
  8. unequivocal _____________________
  9. urban _____________________
  10. intelligent _____________________



Jingoist, Lothario, Maverick, Nemesis, Philanderer, Philippic, Procrustean, Protean, Pyrrhic victory, Quixotic, Saturnine, Solecism, Spoonerism, Sybarite, Tawdry



Acidulous, Baleful, Bellicose, Bilious, Bumptious, Captious, Churlish, Complaisant, Contrite, Convivial, Craven, Debonair, Dyspeptic, Lachrymose, Neurasthenic



cabal, camaraderie, caste, cortege, detente, echelon, ecumenical, elite, esprit de corps, freemasonry, genealogy, hierarchy, hobnob, liaison, rapprochement



adagio, andante, arpeggio, bravura, contralto, crescendo, falsetto, fortissimo, imbroglio, intaglio, largo, libretto, salvo, staccato, vendetta



alienist, amanuensis, beadle, cosmetologist, dermatologist, entomologist, farrier, graphologist, internist, lapidary, ophthalmologist, ornithologist, osteopath, pharyngologist, physiologist



Adonis, Bacchanal, Cassandra, Cornucopia, Erotic, Herculean, Hermetic, Hydra, Hymeneal, Iridescent, Narcissism, Odyssey, Olympian, Palladium, Phoenix



aberrant, anthropomorphism, archetype, authoritarian, cathedrals, demography, epidemiology, euthanasia, extrovert, psychic, psychopath, psychotherapy, schizophrenia, subliminal, traums



aficionado, barrio, bonanza, bravado, desperado, flotilla, grandee, hacienda, lariat, machismo, manana, palmetto, renegade, siesta, torero



anachronism, anon, antebellum, antediluvian, atavism, augury, betimes, biennial, diurnal, eon, ephemeral, epoch, generation, score, tercentenary



bane, deign, eke, knell, mete, moot, mulct, plumb, quail, roil, ruck, shunt, svelte, thrall, tryst



abscess, aphasia, arteriosclerosis, biopsy, cadaver, carcinogen, comatose, etiology, malingerer, mastectomy, prosthesis, simian, therapeutic, tumescence, vasectomy



bovine, equine, feline, hircine, leonine, lupine, ophidian, ovine, piscine, porcine, saurian, taurine, ursine, vixen, vulpine



atonement, bicameral, Decalogue, decimate, dichotomy, double-think, millennium, nihilism, penultimate, primeval, protocol, quatrain, quintessence, tessellated, untrammeled



adjudicate, appellate, collusion, deposition, equity, exhume, incommunicado, intestate, ipso facto, lien, litigation, perjury, pettifogger, tort, tribunal



circumspect, demure, dispassionate, dolorous, edacious, effete, feisty, flaccid, flippant, florid, glabrous, imperious, ingenious, intractable, intransigent



alchemy, arcane, conundrum, demonology, exorcise, inscrutable, pallor, phenomenology, polygraph, purloin, ritual, shamus, soothsayer, thaumaturgy, warlock



archaeology, elfin, infinitesimal, Lilliputian, megalopolis, minimize, minutiae, palatial, peccadillo, picayune, simulacrum, soupcon, teeming, titanic, vista



accolade, conclave, dirge, draconian, epicurean, gossamer, immolate, juggernaut, junket, ostracism, proletariat, rigmarole, rubric, Socratic, sycophant



acrophobia, bibliophile, claustrophobia, Francophile, hydrophobia, misanthropy, misogyny, paranoid, philately, Philistine, phylogeny, philology, Russo phobia, triskaidekaphobia, xenophobia



archaeology, cardiology, ecology, endocrinology, gerontology, gynecology, morphology, necrology, neurology, paleontology, pathology, rhinology, seismology, speleology, toxicology



jejune, libidinous, licentious, mercurial, meretricious, minatory, mutable, niggardly, nonchalant, noxious, obdurate, obtuse, officious, omniscient, pusillanimous



amicus curiae, arson, barrister, embezzle, extradition, habeas corpus, immaterial, incarcerate, indeterminate, larceny, litigious, miscreant, perpetrator, plagiarism, probation



avant-garde, bete noire, bot mot, coup de grace, cul-de-sac, dues ex machina, fait accompli, fin de siecle, gauche, junta, laissez-faire, mot juste, non compos mentis, non sequitur, sine qua non



coiffure, demarche, denouement, éclat, élan, entrepreneur, impasse, ingénue, malaise, mélange, repartee, sangfroid, tete-a-tete, tour de force, vignette



acrid, addle, ado, alms, amulet, aperture, askew, bauble, bevy, bilk, blithe, careen, chary, nabob, onus



antaean, argonaut, calliope, cyclopean, gorgon, harpy, Homeric, myrmidon, oracular, paean, plutonian, Promethean, stygian, terpsichorean, thespian



pedantic, pertinacious, pontifical, pretentious, prolix, puerile, quiescent, recalcitrant, restive, ribald, sardonic, sedulous, sleazy, supercilious, voluptuous



a cappella, ad hoc, bon vivant, de facto, gemutlich, leitmotif, nolo contendere, per excellence, parvenu, piece de resistance, postprandlal, quid pro quo, qui vive, savoir faire, sub rosa, vis-à-vis



ambivalent, bucolic, crotchety, dilatory, disconsolate, dudgeon, froward, genteel, jocund, loquacious, splenetic, tendentious, truculent, vacuous, venal



amorphous, gargantuan, iota, lissome, macrocosm, magnitude, magnum opus, microcosm, micrometer, scabrous, scintilla, serpentine, sinuous, smidgen, tenuous



bathos, malapropism, metaphor, metonymy, onomatopoeia, oxymoron, panegyric, paradigm, paralipsis, pleonasm, polyglot, semantics, simile, synecdoche, threnody



argot, aspersion, badinage, bombast, braggadocio, censure, countermand, gainsay, gobbledegook, guttural, harangue, jargon, mellifluous, resonant, sententious



canon, hegemony, oligarchy, peonage, pharisaical, plebiscite, plenipotentiary, proxy, recession, regicide, renascent, reprisal, subversion, surrogate, votary



antipodal, cartography, concierge, hegira, hustings, landmark, peripatetic, portmanteau, safari, tandem, transmigrate, traverse, trek, wanderlust, wayfarer



a la carte, assuage, comestible, condiment, cuisine, culinary, gastronomic, gourmand, manna, palatable, piquant, refection, repast, subsistence, viands



antic, beguile, bonhomie, dalliance, divertissement, euphoria, guffaw, insouciance, japery, regale, risible, roguish, roister, squib, waggish



anarchy, bourgeois, bureaucracy, demagogue, ethos, gerrymander, imperialism, Machiavellian,. martial, muckraker, partisan, reactionary, schism, suffrage, totalitarian



abnegation, abscond, affidavit, altercation, battery, bequest, cause celebre, caveat emptor, codicil, contiguous, contraband, contumacious, disenfranchise, injunction, jurisprudence



aphorism, dogma, empirical, epistemology, eschatology, fallacy, hedonism, pragmatism, predestination, ratiocination, syllogism, teleology, tenet, theosophy, utilitarian



agnostic, apocalyptic, apocryphal, apostate, apotheosis, benediction, blasphemy, deist, infidel, mantra, ontology, pantheism, sacrilegious, syncretism, theodicy
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