Exercise To Solve – Time Prepositions

Time Prepositions

Time prepositions play a crucial role in our daily lives, helping us convey the sequence and duration of events. Let’s explore the importance of these prepositions through a series of sentences that illustrate various activities and events.

  1. Jenna got home from school ____________ 4 p.m.
  2. Danny ate lunch ____________ noon.
  3. School begins ____________ Monday.
  4. Joe’s dad set up camp ____________ Friday.
  5. Joe roasted marshmallows until late ____________ night.
  6. ____________ Saturday, they woke up early in the morning.
  7. They went hiking ____________ 9 a.m.
  8. ____________ noon, they ate lunch.
  9. Diego was born ____________ 2006.
  10. James flies his kite ____________ the spring.
  11. I love to go swimming ____________ July.
  12. Kate gets home from school ____________ the afternoon.
  13. I go to school ____________ Monday ____________ Friday.
  14. Joe did his homework ____________ 7 p.m. ____________ 8 p.m.
  15. Beth was born ____________ 2006.
  16. Her birthday month is ____________ September.
  17. ____________ the afternoon, Beth decorated.
  18. Her party was ____________ 4 p.m. ____________ 7 p.m.
  19. Joe did his homework ____________ 40 minutes.
  20. She has lived here ____________ three years.
  21. Anna bought an umbrella ____________ it rained.
  22. Joe got his homework done ____________ 7 p.m.
  23. Too excited to sleep, Emma woke up ____________ 7 a.m.
  24. She and her dad ate breakfast ____________ 20 minutes.
  25. They went hiking ____________ three hours.
  26. They got back to camp ____________ noon, and ate an early lunch.
  27. After lunch, they rested ____________ an hour and watched the birds.
  28. The baby cried ____________ the movie.
  29. It is hot ____________ the summer.
  30. Anna ate her dessert ____________ dinner.
  31. Joe rode his bike ____________ school.
  32. Mom was very busy ____________ the week.
  33. Sarah was relieved ____________ her doctor’s visit was done.
  34. The family had a lot of fun ____________ their vacation!
  35. Mom said the family would do spring cleaning ____________ the day.
  36. She said, “The house will look so nice ____________ we finish!”
  37. Jayden swept ____________ the morning.
  38. He dusted ____________ the afternoon.
  39. ____________ they were done, the family ate ice cream to celebrate.
  40. Be ready ____________ 10 minutes!
  41. Mom said dinner would be ready ____________ an hour.
  42. Jayden has been cleaning ____________ this morning.
  43. My grandparents have been married ____________ 1970.
  44. Scott has had his dog Buddy ____________ 2009.
  45. We had to get out of the pool ____________ five minutes.
  46. Mom said, “Buddy has been waiting ____________ this morning to play.”
  47. Derek finished his homework ____________ an hour and took Buddy outside.
  48. ____________ five minutes, Buddy got muddy.
  49. “Buddy has been smelly ____________ yesterday, anyway,” mom said. “Bath time!”
  50. ____________ 15 minutes, Buddy was scrubbed and all clean.

These sentences showcase how time prepositions help us articulate the temporal aspects of various activities and events, contributing to effective communication and a clearer understanding of when things happen.

Whether it’s a specific time, day, month, or a general time frame, prepositions play a vital role in expressing temporal relationships.

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