Prepositions play a vital role in sentence construction, acting as links between words, phrases, or clauses. Among the various types of prepositions, one-word prepositions are the most commonly used.
Choose the most suitable preposition (a, b or c) to fill the blank.
1 10 __________ 3 = 7.
a) pro
b) against
c) less
2 2 __________ 2 = 4.
a) despite
b) plus
c) circa
3 All __________ Mrs Jones were present.
a) off
b) save
c) given
4 Are you __________ capital punishment?
a) outside
b) pro
c) without
5 __________ rain, we’ll play tennis tomorrow.
a) Barring
b) Over
c) Plus
6 Did you vote for or __________ the suggestion?
a) throughout
b) by
c) against
7 Everyone came __________ Angela.
a) by
b) bar
c) during
8 Everyone came __________ Andrea.
a) but
b) amid
c) inside
9 __________ the time, you ought to leave now.
a) Given
b) Astride
c) Cum
10 He broke his leg __________ getting out of the car.
a) till
b) like
c) upon
11 He couldn’t work __________ his illness.
a) following
b) by
c) as
12 He died __________ 1270.
a) circa
b) on
c) outside
13 He fell asleep __________ the meeting.
a) circa
b) during
c) off
14 He passed the test __________ being ill.
a) despite
b) inside
c) behind
15 He seems to be __________ my idea.
a) since
b) anti
c) as
16 He was shot __________ a professional killer.
a) throughout
b) with
c) by
17 He was the judge in the case of Gore __________ Bush.
a) gone
b) despite
c) versus
18 He’s __________ 50. He must be nearly 60 years old.
a) till
b) by
c) gone
19 I am __________ your project. I will support it.
a) despite
b) behind
c) unlike
20 I am writing to you __________ our latest products.
a) respecting
b) inside
c) cum
21 I came __________ my wife because she is working.
a) outside
b) amid
c) without
22 I can eat anything __________ pork.
a) up
b) excepting
c) until
23 I couldn’t hear her __________ the noise.
a) under
b) amid
c) pending
24 I don’t live in London. I live __________ London.
a) outside
b) since
c) saving
25 I have a T-shirt __________ my pullover.
a) considering
b) under
c) of
26 I have some questions __________ your decision.
a) concerning
b) inside
c) up
27 I think I must be going, __________ the time.
a) opposite
b) minus
c) considering
28 I want to talk you __________ the proposed meeting.
a) re
b) atop
c) down
29 I would like to speak to you __________ my homework.
a) worth
b) to
c) regarding
30 I’d better go. It’s getting __________ midnight.
a) down
b) toward(s)
c) as
31 Is this the train __________ Cambridge?
a) over
b) for
c) astride
32 Is there water __________ the Moon?
a) on
b) with
c) up
33 It fell __________ the table and broke.
a) of
b) off
c) like
34 It is raining __________ the whole country.
a) throughout
b) till
c) via
35 It took __________ an hour to do my homework.
a) except
b) on
c) over
36 It was dark __________ the tunnel.
a) than
b) inside
c) on
37 It’s 20 December. We are very __________ Christmas Day.
a) past
b) near
c) about
38 It’s not __________ my power to help you.
a) within
b) except
c) with
39 Jack and Jill ran __________ the hill.
a) like
b) with
c) up
40 Mr Brown has worked in a bank __________ 1985.
a) alongside
b) beside
c) since
41 Muriel is the girl __________ black hair.
a) plus
b) outside
c) with
42 __________ his return, we can do nothing.
a) Behind
b) Pending
c) Onto
43 Please wait __________ I come.
a) till
b) since
c) cum
44 Ram is as tall __________ Anthony.
a) as
b) than
c) with
45 __________ yourself, nobody thanked me.
a) Onto
b) Considering
c) Saving
46 She is a kind of secretary-__________-receptionist.
a) cum
b) inside
c) at
47 She sat __________ the horse.
a) worth
b) of
c) astride
48 She sat __________ him and looked into his eyes.
a) opposite
b) off
c) at
49 She sings __________ a bird.
a) than
b) like
c) per
50 Tara was sitting __________ Ram and Ati.
a) from
b) between
c) worth
51 Team A worked __________ Team B during construction.
a) alongside
b) except
c) throughout
52 That makes $70, not __________ the tax.
a) within
b) counting
c) opposite
53 That’s very unusual. It’s __________ Andrea to be so rude.
a) opposite
b) since
c) unlike
54 The cat jumped __________ the chair.
a) less
b) inside
c) onto
55 The error occurred __________ my own stupidity.
a) like
b) through
c) thoughout
56 The meeting continued __________ midnight.
a) beyond
b) as
c) unlike
57 The river runs __________ our house.
a) beside
b) up
c) astride
58 The speed limit is 70 miles __________ hour.
a) per
b) on
c) around
59 The temperature is __________ 30 degrees centigrade.
a) less
b) in
c) minus
60 The tunnel runs __________ the sea.
a) over
b) counting
c) beneath
61 There is a big cellar __________ our house.
a) until
b) on
c) underneath
62 There is a big fence __________ the house.
a) in
b) cum
c) around
63 There were four of us, __________ the baby.
a) including
b) inside
c) within
64 There were secret police __________ the crowd.
a) among
b) concerning
c) except
65 They all sat __________ the fire.
a) via
b) down
c) round
66 They continued the meeting __________ 11pm.
a) until
b) in
c) along
67 They ran __________ the hill.
a) aboard
b) down
c) worth
68 They went swimming, __________ the rain.
a) at
b) minus
c) notwithstanding
69 This car is __________ $10,000.
a) counting
b) worth
c) unlike
70 This is difficult. It’s __________ me.
a) until
b) than
c) past
71 This is the cause __________ the problem.
a) on
b) of
c) off
72 __________ his surprise, the door was open.
a) To
b) On
c) At
73 __________ your homework, I think we need to speak.
a) Touching
b) Aboard
c) Behind
74 Trains were invented __________ the nineteenth century.
a) at
b) since
c) in
75 We are aiming __________ sales of $1,000,000.
a) to
b) at
c) on
76 We are flying __________ the clouds.
a) above
b) gone
c) except
77 We cut the cake __________ ten pieces.
a) onto
b) into
c) above
78 We drove __________ the desert.
a) aboard
b) across
c) concerning
79 We flew from Paris to Bangkok __________ Dubai.
a) at
b) between
c) via
80 We had lunch __________ the meeting.
a) astride
b) bar
c) after
81 We met the day __________ yesterday.
a) before
b) despite
c) versus
82 We open every day __________ Christmas Day.
a) excluding
b) anti
c) gone
83 We walked __________ the beach for two miles.
a) under
b) along
c) outside
84 We went __________ the boat.
a) since
b) aboard
c) worth
85 We worked __________ Monday to Wednesday.
a) in
b) from
c) at
86 What do you think __________ Mary?
a) about
b) off
c) via
87 What shall we have __________ coffee?
a) minus
b) of
c) besides
88 You can buy it if it’s __________ $50.
a) below
b) among
c) notwithstanding
89 You can have any colour __________ blue.
a) until
b) to
c) except
90 Your car is bigger __________ my car.
a) as
b) than
c) for
91 _______________ John, Mary was late. I believe John.
a) According to
b) Further to
c) Forward of
92 Anthony is _______________ Rachel in the race. I think he’ll win.
a) aside from
b) ahead of
c) on board
93 _______________ Matt, he will arrive later.
a) As for
b) Out of
c) Up to
94 _______________ your behaviour, I think you were wrong.
a) As per
b) Up until
c) As to
95 _______________ expectations, the euro fell in value.
a) Next to
b) In favour of
c) Contrary to
96 Do you want some pork _______________ the chicken?
a) along with
b) out of
c) thanks to
97 Don’t worry _______________ me. Think about yourself.
a) apart from
b) on top of
c) on account of
98 Everyone came, _______________ Lek who had to work.
a) save for
b) away from
c) as for
99 Everyone was present, _______________ Mary. She stayed at home.
a) in face of
b) out of
c) except for
100 _______________ your letter, I have spoken to Mr Brown.
a) Forward of
b) Further to
c) Next to
101 He is _______________ the two opinions. He wants to compromise.
a) in between
b) up to
c) instead of
102 He reacts bravely _______________ danger.
a) up until
b) in face of
c) further to
103 He was sitting _______________ me in the plane.
a) on board
b) out of
c) forward of
104 I am not _______________ your idea. It won’t work.
a) in favour of
b) thanks to
c) away from
105 I am writing _______________ your order.
a) away from
b) up to
c) with reference to
106 I don’t have any dollars. Can I pay euro _______________ dollars?
a) opposite to
b) in lieu of
c) in spite of
107 I don’t like it, _______________ what you say.
a) up against
b) close to
c) irrespective of
108 I don’t want it, _______________ the price. Even if it’s free.
a) away from
b) prior to
c) regardless of
109 I have another car _______________ this one. Both are red.
a) aside from
b) out of
c) by means of
110 I made a graph _______________ the meeting, so all was ready.
a) except for
b) on top of
c) preparatory to
111 I never spoke French _______________ living in France.
a) in front of
b) prior to
c) depending on
112 I prefer Jaguar cars _______________ BMW cars.
a) out of
b) in case of
c) vis-à-vis
113 I’d like chicken please, _______________ vegetables.
a) because of
b) on behalf of
c) together with
114 I’d like to speak to you _______________ your work.
a) up against
b) in front of
c) with regard to
115 I’m calling you _______________ Mr Brown. I represent him.
a) on behalf of
b) contrary to
c) in between
116 _______________ your illness, we will wait for a week.
a) In lieu of
b) In view of
c) Next to
117 Is there a doctor _______________ this plane?
a) on board
b) on top of
c) but for
118 It’s a TV show _______________ CNN. Same style, similar content.
a) up to
b) à la
c) save for
119 It’s your fault! _______________ you, I’d have been on time.
a) But for
b) As to
c) In favour of
120 My car is _______________ your car. About two cars away.
a) on behalf of
b) close to
c) up until
121 Nobody objected _______________ you, so we did it.
a) apart from
b) opposite to
c) as well as
122 Sorry, no whisky. But we have every drink _______________ whisky.
a) up against
b) other than
c) as per
123 Take your hands _______________ your pockets and help me!
a) ahead of
b) out of
c) due to
124 _______________ Shirley, we arrived on time.
a) Out of
b) Thanks to
c) On board
125 The cancellation was _______________ the rain. No other reason.
a) close to
b) on to
c) due to
126 The cat is sitting _______________ the television.
a) on top of
b) on to
c) as well as
127 The cat jumped _______________ the chair.
a) in case of
b) other than
c) on to
128 The cat ran _______________ the dog and escaped.
a) away from
b) thanks to
c) with regard to
129 The school’s ______________ the bank. Between the hotel and bank.
a) in front of
b) next to
c) on account of
130 The woman _______________ me was wearing a big hat.
a) further to
b) as to
c) in front of
131 There is a restaurant _______________ my office. Two minutes away.
a) except for
b) near to
c) preparatory to
132 There is a tree _______________ the house. Straight across the road.
a) forward of
b) in lieu of
c) opposite to
133 There was a shop here _______________ 1990. It closed that year.
a) up to
b) aside from
c) in face of
134 There were two people _______________ me. So that made three.
a) as for
b) on board
c) in addition to
135 They stopped _______________ the city to check the map.
a) but for
b) outside of
c) contrary to
136 We are _______________ a powerful enemy.
a) up against
b) save for
c) on behalf of
137 We can’t play tennis _______________ the rain.
a) as for
b) other than
c) because of
138 We didn’t go swimming, _______________ the cold weather.
a) on behalf of
b) owing to
c) with reference to
139 We don’t have any tea. Would you like coffee _______________ tea?
a) out of
b) instead of
c) by means of
140 We have a long day _______________ us. Let’s get going!
a) up until
b) ahead of
c) but for
141 We must work strictly _______________ the law.
a) on board
b) apart from
c) as per
142 We went swimming _______________ the cold water.
a) in spite of
b) as well as
c) in case of
143 We worked _______________ they came. Then we stopped.
a) up until
b) ahead of
c) depending on
144 We’ll play tennis tomorrow, _______________ the rain.
a) on behalf of
b) by means of
c) depending on
145 We’re _______________ eggs. Shall I buy some?
a) out of
b) in spite of
c) owing to
146 _______________ your comments, I’ll reply soon.
a) On board
b) By means of
c) With reference to
147 You can park your car _______________ my house.
a) in between
b) save for
c) in front of
148 You can phone me _______________ need. Day or night.
a) in case of
b) in front of
c) up against
149 You open a door _______________ its handle.
a) in spite of
b) up to
c) by means of
150 You should telephone _______________ write, just to be sure.
a) as for
b) as well as
c) depending on
151 Don’t stand __________ the television. I can’t see!
a) on
b) in front of
c) above
152 Come and sit __________ me so that I can hear you better.
a) beside
b) under
c) on
153 From the plane we could see people in the fields __________ us.
a) beside
b) below
c) above
154 You’ll have to turn round to see it. It’s __________ you.
a) behind
b) in front of
c) over
155 The dead man was lying __________ the ground.
a) behind
b) in front of
c) on
156 Careful you don’t scratch the table! Better put a cloth __________ it.
a) above
b) beside
c) over
157 It’s dark where the road goes __________ a railway bridge.
a) on
b) behind
c) under
158 He looked up at the ceiling __________ him.
a) above
b) under
c) below
159 You can sit __________ that chair. Nobody is sitting there.
a) in front of
b) on
c) above
160 The police car came first. The president was in the car __________ it.
a) behind
b) on
c) under
161 Let’s meet __________ the evening and then go for a drink.
a) at
b) in
c) behind
162 Does your boss visit the office __________ the morning or afternoon?
a) in
b) at
c) on
163 I like to get up __________ sunrise and go for a run.
a) at
b) on
c) in
164 It’s very quiet in this street __________ the day.
a) during
b) at
c) beside
165 Does the sun rise __________ dawn or at dusk?
a) at
b) in
c) on
166 What do you normally do __________ the evening?
a) in
b) at
c) on
167 Mary starts work __________ 9.30am and finishes after 6pm.
a) in
b) during
c) at
168 The sun is usually highest __________ noon.
a) during
b) in
c) at
169 The traffic is very bad __________ the morning and afternoon.
a) at
b) on
c) during
170 Most people sleep __________ night but I have to work.
a) during
b) at
c) in
171 ____________ Ati, the film was good. But in my opinion it was boring.
a) Except for
b) From
c) According to
172 I have all my books ____________ my dictionary, which I left at home.
a) regardless of
b) through
c) except for
173 He ran very fast and won the race ____________ 10 seconds.
a) by
b) on
c) instead of
174 Nok bought her book ____________ $20 but mine cost me $25.
a) for
b) in
c) save for
175 Who did you buy it ____________? Have they got any more?
a) of
b) from
c) out of
176 It’s always your fault if you hit the car ____________ you.
a) on board
b) in front of
c) since
177 The ticket costs $5 ____________ age. No special price for children.
a) inside
b) close to
c) regardless of
178 Their meal arrived, ____________ a free bottle of wine.
a) astride
b) according to
c) together with
179 Oil doesn’t mix ____________ water. It stays separated.
a) with
b) further to
c) at
180 It was good ____________ her to help. She has her own problems.
a) forward of
b) off
c) of
181 That’s typical of Tina. It’s just ____________ her to complain.
a) like
b) until
c) concerning
182 I can’t talk now. But we can talk about it ____________ dinner tonight.
a) over
b) on to
c) within
183 Come ____________ 9 o’clock. Any time from 8.30 to 9.30 is ok.
a) around
b) throughout
c) up to
184 If the sea rises, some countries will be ____________ sea-level.
a) pending
b) outside of
c) below
185 Everybody came at 9am, ____________ Neil who came at 10am.
a) apart from
b) underneath
c) up against
186 There is a good view from my hotel because it is ____________ a hill.
a) in
b) except
c) on top of
187 She started to walk ____________ the man, but he followed her.
a) down
b) away from
c) out of
188 They sat ____________ each other in the cinema and held hands.
a) below
b) next to
c) via
189 There are 31 days ____________ December.
a) in
b) on
c) into
190 I sat in the back, ____________ the driver. Andrea sat in front.
a) in face of
b) to
c) behind
191 ____________ the rain, they did not play tennis.
a) Worth
b) Owing to
c) On behalf of
192 Can I have fish ____________ chicken? Chicken makes me sick.
a) across
b) instead of
c) together with
193 There were ten people ____________ the meeting.
a) at
b) on
c) on board
194 The ticket is $5 or $10, ____________ your age. How old are you?
a) above
b) out of
c) depending on
195 I work ____________ Dr Hudson. I will have to ask him for permission.
a) since
b) under
c) as for
196 After his wife died he went ____________ a very bad time.
a) with
b) through
c) preparatory to
197 There was a good film ____________ television last night.
a) in
b) as to
c) on
198 You should take paper ____________ a pen. They don’t have either.
a) as
b) as well as
c) except for
199 Do I have to pay tax ____________ this charge? Or is it included?
a) in addition to
b) onto
c) counting
200 I’m phoning ____________ your recent order.
a) opposite
b) in between
c) with reference to
Correct Answers –
- c
- b
- b
- b
- a
- c
- b
- a
- a
- c
- a
- a
- b
- a
- b
- c
- c
- c
- b
- a
- c
- b
- b
- a
- b
- a
- c
- a
- c
- b
- b
- a
- b
- a
- c
- b
- b
- a
- c
- c
- c
- b
- a
- a
- c
- a
- c
- a
- b
- b
- a
- b
- c
- c
- b
- a
- a
- a
- c
- c
- c
- c
- a
- a
- c
- a
- b
- c
- b
- c
- b
- a
- a
- c
- b
- a
- b
- b
- c
- c
- a
- a
- b
- b
- b
- a
- c
- a
- c
- b
- a
- b
- a
- c
- c
- a
- c
- a
- c
- b
- a
- b
- c
- a
- c
- b
- c
- c
- a
- c
- b
- c
- c
- c
- a
- b
- a
- b
- a
- b
- a
- b
- b
- b
- c
- a
- c
- a
- b
- c
- b
- c
- a
- c
- b
- a
- c
- b
- b
- b
- c
- a
- a
- c
- a
- c
- c
- a
- c
- b
- b
- a
- b
- a
- c
- c
- c
- a
- b
- a
- b
- a
- a
- a
- a
- a
- c
- c
- c
- b
- c
- c
- a
- a
- b
- b
- c
- c
- a
- c
- a
- a
- a
- c
- a
- c
- b
- b
- a
- c
- b
- b
- a
- c
- b
- b
- c
- b
- a
- c
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