Modals Exercise – Choose the Correct Alternative

English grammar modals Eduhyme

Modals, also known as modal verbs, are an essential part of English grammar. They play a crucial role in expressing various shades of meaning, such as ability, possibility, necessity, and obligation.

However, using modals correctly can be challenging for English learners. To enhance your understanding and proficiency with modals, engaging in exercises that require you to choose the correct alternative can be highly beneficial.

In this article, we will explore some questions designed to help you master the usage of modals.

1. He _______________ come and see me again in a day or two.
a) Must
b) Need
c) Used
d) Dare

2. I don’t want to see your face. You _______________ come here again.
a) Must
b) Must not
c) May
d) Might

3. You _______________ to read this book. It is very interesting.
a) May
b) Can
c) Could
d) Ought

4. You _______________ worry so much about this matter.
a) Ought
b) Should
c) Would
d) Shouldn’t

5. He asked me if he _______________ borrow my bicycle.
a) Can
b) Could
c) Would
d) May

6. He _______________ read and write English.
a) Will
b) Shall
c) Can
d) May

7. He _______________ come home by the morning train.
a) Might
b) Used
c) Dare
d) Ought

8. He _______________ hear. He is deaf.
a) Can’t
b) Won’t
c) May not
d) Must not

9. _______________ I ask you a question?
a) Could
b) Might
c) Will
d) Would

10. I said that I _______________ do it.
a) Can
b) Could
c) Will
d) Ought

11. He _______________ come home late at night.
a) Used
b) Used to
c) Uses to
d) Ought not

12. The candidates _______________ have to appear for an interview tomorrow.
a) Will
b) Would
c) Must
d) Should

13. I will do it myself ; you _______________ come.
a) Must not
b) Need not
c) Dare not
d) Used not

14. The driver _______________ to have been more careful.
a) May
b) Ought
c) Must
d) Should

15. He said that he _______________ come the next day.
a) May
b) Can
c) Would
d) Shall

16. He _______________ be given warm welcome if he wins the tournament.
a) Will
b) Shall

17. It is possible that Christopher Marlowe _______________ have written plays for Shakespeare.
a) might
b) could

18. Children _______________ not go to the roof at night.
a) Dare
b) Can

19. The daughter asked her mother if she _______________ go out.
a) would
b) might

20. She _______________ read a book while watching TV during her school days.
(A) Would
(B) Could

21. Speak slowly lest you _______________ awake the child.
(A) should
(B) would

22. He _______________ pass the exam this time as he has worked satisfactorily hard.
a) May
b) Can

23. Children _______________ not take tea at night.
a) should
b) must

24. She said that she _______________ prepare dinner herself.
a) Will
b) Would

25. She came here so that she _______________ meet her child.
a) may
b) might

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