[English Grammar] Basic Synonyms – Part 1 (1 to 38)

Synonyms Eduhyme

Synonyms are words that have similar or identical meanings. They are different words that can be used interchangeably in a sentence without changing its overall meaning. Synonyms are an important aspect of language as they allow for variety and diversity in expression. They can be used to avoid repetition, enhance clarity, and add richness to writing and conversation.

Here are some basic synonyms:

1. ability noun ability, skill, competence, talent, capability
2. accomplish verb accomplish, achieve, carry out, pull off
3. anger noun anger, annoyance, irritation, resentment, fury, rage
4. annoy verb annoy, irritate, bother, bug
5. answer noun answer, reply, response, acknowledgement
6. ask verb ask, demand, beg, request
7. assistant noun assistant, helper, deputy, auxiliary
8. aware adjective aware, conscious, alert, informed, mindful
9. beach noun beach, shore, coast, seaside
10. beginner noun beginner, apprentice, novice, learner
11. big adjective big, huge, enormous, vast
12. block verb block, hinder, hamper, hold back, obstruct
13. break verb break, crack, smash, burst
14. careful adjective careful, conscientious, thorough, painstaking
15. cautious adjective cautious, careful, prudent, vigilant, wary, secretive, cagey
16. change verb change, alter, modify, convert, vary, shift, transform
17. child noun child, baby, toddler, teenager, youngster, youth, kid
18. clean adjective clean, pure, spotless, hygienic
19. cold adjective cold, cool, freezing, frozen, icy
20. collect verb collect, gather, assemble, hoard
21. competition noun competition, contest, match, game
22. complain verb complain, object, protest, grumble, whine
23. contestant noun contestant, candidate, candidate, contender, applicant, entrant
24. copy verb copy, reproduce, duplicate, clone, replicate
25. correct adjective correct, accurate, exact, true
26. courage noun courage, bravery, nerve, guts
27. cut verb cut, slice, chop, slash
28. dead adjective dead, late, extinct
29. defeat verb defeat, beat, conquer, overcome, triumph, thrash
30. dirty adjective dirty, filthy, grubby, grimy, soiled, squalid
31. disagree verb disagree, differ, argue, dispute, contradict
32. disapprove verb disapprove, object, criticise, condemn
33. dislike noun dislike, hatred, hate, disgust
34. easy adjective easy, simple, straightforward, uncomplicated
35. fail verb fail, neglect, forget, omit, overlook
36. famous adjective famous, well-known, renowned, infamous, notorious
37. fat adjective fat, plump, overweight, obese
38. fatal adjective fatal, lethal, deadly, mortal, terminal

1. ability (noun)

Synonyms: ability, skill, competence, talent, capability
Antonym: inability

  • ability – a natural tendency to do something well
    I admire his ability to stay calm in difficult situations.
  • skill – the ability to do something well as a result of training or experience
    Portrait painting needs a lot of skill. This job will help you develop management skills.
  • competence – the quality of being able to do a job or task well enough
    Does she have the necessary competence in foreign languages?
  • talent – an usually good natural ability, especially for something artistic
    She’s done well in the theatre – we always knew she had talent.
  • capability – the practical ability to do something
    We have the capability to produce a better machine than this.
  • inability – the state of being unable to do something

2. accomplish (verb)

Synonyms: accomplish, achieve, carry out, pull off

  • accomplish – to do something successfully
    You won’t accomplish anything by arguing.
  • achieve – to succeed in doing something after trying very hard
    Have you achieved all your aims? The company has achieved great success in the USA.
  • carry out – to do something, especially something that has been planned
    Doctors carried out tests on the patients. The police are carrying out a search for the missing man.
  • pull off – to succeed in doing something very good, especially if it is unexpected
    The deal will be great for the company, if we can pull it off.

3. anger (noun)

Synonyms: anger, annoyance, irritation, resentment, fury, rage
Antonym: calmness

  • anger – a feeling of being very annoyed
    He managed to control his anger. She couldn’t hide the anger she felt.
  • annoyance – a feeling of being slightly upset or impatient
    There was a tone of annoyance in her voice.
  • irritation – a feeling of being annoyed and impatient
    She watched with irritation as he tried to fix the wheel again.
  • resentment – the feeling of being angry and upset about something that someone else has done
    The decision caused a lot of resentment among local people.
  • fury – very strong anger
    He shouted at us in fury.
  • rage – sudden extreme anger
    Her face was red with rage.
  • calmness – the state of being quiet and calm

4. annoy (verb)

Synonyms: annoy, irritate, bother, bug
Antonyms: please, delight

  • annoy – to make someone feel slightly angry or impatient
    Their rude behaviour really annoyed us.
  • irritate – to make someone feel angry or impatient
    It irritates me when the trains run late.
  • bother – to make someone feel slightly upset or irritated
    It bothers me that it takes so long to get a reply.
  • bug – (informal) to make someone feel slightly angry, especially for a long time
    That noise is really bugging me. It’s bugging me that I can’t remember his name
  • please – to make someone happy or satisfied
  • delight – to give great pleasure to someone

5. answer (noun)

Synonyms: answer, reply, response, acknowledgement
Antonym: question

  • answer – something that you say or write when someone has asked you a question
    The answer to your question is yes.
  • reply – an answer, especially to a letter or telephone call
    We wrote last week, but haven’t had a reply yet. We had six replies to our advertisement.
  • response – something that you do or say as a reaction to something
    There was no response to our call for help. The changes produced an angry response from customers.
  • acknowledgement – a letter or note sent to say that something has been received
    We didn’t even receive an acknowledgement from the council. a letter of acknowledgement
  • question – a sentence which needs an answer

6. ask (verb)

Synonyms: ask, demand, beg, request

  • ask – to put a question to get someone to do something
    Ask your father to teach you how to drive. Can I ask you not to make so much noise?
  • demand – to ask firmly for something
    I demand an explanation for your behaviour.
  • beg – to ask someone in an emotional way to do something or give something
    His mother begged him not to go. He begged for more time to find the money.
  • request – to ask for something politely or formally
    I am enclosing the leaflets you requested. Guests are requested to leave their keys at reception.

7. assistant (noun)

Synonyms: assistant, helper, deputy, auxiliary

  • assistant – a person who helps someone as part of their job
    His assistant makes all his appointments.
  • helper – a person who helps someone do a particular job or task, especially without being paid
    The children can be my helpers for the day.
  • deputy – a person who makes decisions when the manager or boss is away
    She’s acting as deputy while her department manager is in hospital.
  • auxiliary – a person who helps other workers
    He works as a nursing auxiliary in the local hospital.

8. aware (adjective)

Synonyms: aware, conscious, alert, informed, mindful
Antonyms: unaware, ignorant

  • aware – knowing about things that are happening or about facts
    I’m not aware of any problem. Is he aware that we have to decide quickly?
  • conscious – awake and able to know what is happening around you
    She was conscious during the operation.
  • alert – watching or listening carefully, ready to notice something
    The patient is still very alert mentally. Young people have to be alert to the dangers of drugs.
  • informed – having a lot of information, or having the latest information
    The programme is aimed at highly informed viewers.
  • mindful – remembering or thinking about something carefully when doing something
    He is mindful of his responsibilities as a parent. You should be mindful of the risks you are taking.
  • unaware – not knowing facts, or not realising that something is happening
  • ignorant – not knowing things that it is important to know

9. beach (noun)

Synonyms: beach, shore, coast, seaside

  • beach – an area of sand or small stones by the edge of the sea
    Some children were digging in the sand on the beach.
  • shore – land at the edge of the sea or a lake
    She stood on the shore waving as the boat sailed away.
  • coast – parts of a country that are by the sea
    After ten weeks at sea, the sailors saw the coast of America. The south coast is the warmest part of the country.
  • seaside – an area near the sea where people go to have a holiday
    a day at the seaside seaside hotels

10. beginner (noun)

Synonyms: beginner, apprentice, novice, learner
Antonyms: expert, old hand

  • beginner – a person who is starting to learn something or do something
    The course is for absolute beginners. I can’t paint very well – I’m just a beginner.
  • apprentice – a young person who works as an assistant to a skilled person in order to learn from them
    He’s started work as a plumber’s apprentice.
  • novice – a person who has very little experience or skill, e.g. in a job or sport
    He’s still a novice at rowing. A competition like this is not for novices.
  • learner – a person who is learning how to do something
    The evening swimming classes are specially for adult learners. The new dictionary is good for advanced learners of English.
  • expert – a person who knows a great deal about a subject
  • old hand – a person who is very skilled and experienced at doing something

11. big (adjective)

Synonyms: big, huge, enormous, vast
Antonym: small

  • big – of a large size
    I don’t want a small car – I want a big one. His father has the biggest restaurant in town. I’m not afraid of him – I’m bigger than he is.
  • huge – of a very large size
    Huge waves battered the ship. The concert was a huge success. Failing the test was a huge disappointment for him.
  • enormous – of an extremely large size
    The house is absolutely enormous. He ate an enormous lunch. The present was an enormous surprise.
  • vast – extremely big, often extremely wide
    vast areas of farmland vast differences in price
  • small – not large in size or amount

12. block (verb)

Synonyms: block, hinder, hamper, hold back, obstruct

  • block – to prevent something from passing along something
    The pipe is blocked with dead leaves. The crash blocked the road for hours.
  • hinder – to make it difficult for someone to do something
    Snow hindered the efforts of the rescuers.
  • hamper – to prevent something from happening or moving normally
    Lack of funds is hampering our development project. The heavy bags hampered her progress.
  • hold back – not to go forwards, or stop someone or something from going forwards
    Most of the crowd held back until they saw it was safe. The water was held back by a small bank of earth.
  • obstruct – to prevent someone from doing something
    He obstructed their plans by making many complaints.

13. break (verb)

Synonyms: break, crack, smash, burst
Antonym: mend

  • break – to make something divide into pieces accidentally or deliberately
    She broke her leg when she was skiing. Break the chocolate into four pieces.
  • crack – to make a long thin break in something
    The stone cracked the glass.
  • smash – to break something into pieces, often using force or violence
    Demonstrators smashed the windows of police cars.
  • burst – to break open or explode suddenly, or cause something to break open or explode suddenly
    One of the tyres had burst. The heat from the fire might burst the balloon.
  • mend – to repair something which is broken or damaged

14. careful (adjective)

Synonyms: careful, conscientious, thorough, painstaking
Antonym: careless

  • careful – showing attention to details
    We are always very careful to give accurate information. The project needs very careful planning.
  • conscientious – working carefully and well
    She’s a very conscientious worker.
  • thorough – including everything that needs to be dealt with very carefully
    The police have carried out a thorough search of the woods.
  • painstaking – done slowly and carefully in order to avoid mistakes
    The design is the result of years of painstaking effort.
  • careless – without any care or thought

15. cautious (adjective)

Synonyms: cautious, careful, prudent, vigilant, wary, secretive, cagey
Antonyms: reckless, thoughtless

  • cautious – not willing to take risks
    She’s a very cautious driver.
  • careful – taking care not to make mistakes or cause harm
    Be careful not to make any noise – the baby is asleep. She is very careful about what she eats.
  • prudent – showing good sense and using good judgement
    It would be prudent to consult a lawyer before you sign the contract.
  • vigilant – staying very aware of possible danger
    The disease particularly affects young children, so parents must remain vigilant.
  • wary – aware of a possible problem with someone or something
    I am very wary of any of his ideas for making money.
  • secretive – liking to keep things secret
    She’s very secretive about her private life.
  • cagey – (informal) not wanting to share information
    They’re being very cagey about their relationship.
  • reckless – doing something or done without thinking
  • thoughtless – without thinking about other people

16. change (verb)

Synonyms: change, alter, modify, convert, vary, shift, transform

  • change – to become different, or make something different
    She’s changed so much since I last saw her that I hardly recognised her. Living in the country has changed his attitude towards towns.
  • alter – to become different, or make something different, especially in small ways or in parts only
    They wanted to alter the terms of the contract after they had signed it. The shape of his face had altered slightly.
  • modify – to change something to suit a different situation
    The design was modified to make the car faster.
  • convert – to change something into a different form, or change something for a different purpose
    We are converting the shed into a studio. These panels convert the heat of the sun into electricity.
  • vary – to be different in different situations, or change within certain limits
    The temperature varies from 8°C at night to 18°C during the day.
  • shift – to change position or direction
    We’ve shifted the television from the kitchen into the dining room. My opinion has shifted since I read the official report.
  • transform – to change the appearance or character of someone or something completely
    The outside of the building has been transformed by cleaning. The book has transformed my views on medical care.

17. child (noun)

Synonyms: child, baby, toddler, teenager, youngster, youth, kid
Antonym: adult

  • child – a young boy or girl
    There was no television when my mother was a child. A group of children were playing on the beach.
  • baby – a very young child
    Most babies start to walk when they are about a year old. a baby just starting to get its teeth
  • toddler – a child who has just learnt to walk
    a playground for toddlers
  • teenager – a young person aged between 13 and 19
    She writes stories for teenagers.
  • youngster – a young person
    My grandparents don’t understand today’s youngsters.
  • youth – a young man
    Gangs of youths were causing trouble in the village. A youth, aged 16, was arrested for possessing drugs.
  • kid – (informal) a child
    There were a few school kids on their bicycles. They’re married with two kids.
  • adult – a fully-grown person

18. clean (adjective)

Synonyms: clean, pure, spotless, hygienic
Antonym: dirty

  • clean – not dirty
    Wipe your glasses with a clean handkerchief. Tell the waitress these cups aren’t clean.
  • pure – not spoiled by being mixed with other things or substances of a lower quality
    a bottle of pure water a pure mountain stream
  • spotless – completely clean, with no dirty marks at all
    The tablecloths must be spotless. a spotless white shirt
  • hygienic – clean and safe because all germs have been destroyed
    The food must be stored in hygienic conditions. Some areas of the factory didn’t look very hygienic.
  • dirty – not clean

19. cold (adjective)

Synonyms: cold, cool, freezing, frozen, icy
Antonyms: warm, hot, boiling

  • cold – with a low temperature
    It’s too cold to go for a walk. If you’re hot, have a glass of cold water. He had a plate of cold beef and salad.
  • cool – cold in a pleasant way, or colder than you would like or than you expect
    It was hot on deck but nice and cool down below. Wines should be stored in a cool cellar. The evenings were rather cool, so we sat inside.
  • freezing – very cold, or close to the temperature at which water freezes
    It’s freezing outside.
  • frozen – at a temperature below that at which water freezes
    We went skating on the frozen lake.
  • icy – covered with ice, or very cold
    Be careful, the pavement is icy. An icy wind was blowing
  • warm – fairly hot
  • hot – very warm; with a high temperature
  • boiling – very hot

20. collect (verb)

Synonyms: collect, gather, assemble, hoard

  • collect – to bring things or people together, or to come together
    We collected information from all the people who offered to help. A crowd collected at the scene of the accident.
  • gather – to come together in one place, or be brought together by someone
    Groups of people gathered outside the government building. They gathered together a team of experienced people for the new project.
  • assemble – to come together in a place, or to be brought together by someone, especially formally or in an ordered way
    We’ll assemble outside the hotel at 9 a.m. They assembled a panel of experts to renew the project. Assemble all the items you need for the cake before you start making it.
  • hoard – to buy and store supplies of something essential that you think you will need in a crisis
    Everyone started hoarding fuel during the strike.

21. competition (noun)

Synonyms: competition, contest, match, game

  • competition – an event in which several teams or people compete with each other
    He won first prize in the photography competition.
  • contest – any event or situation in which people compete with each other a beauty contest
    There are three senior politicians in this leadership contest.
  • match – a single occasion when two teams or players compete with each other in a sport
    We watched the football match on TV. He won the last two tennis matches he played.
  • game – an activity in which people compete with each other using skill, strength or luck
    She’s not very good at games like chess. I enjoy a game of cards.

22. complain (verb)

Synonyms: complain, object, protest, grumble, whine
Antonym: praise

  • complain – to say that something is not good or does not work properly
    The shop is so cold the staff have started complaining. They are complaining that our prices are too high.
  • object – to say that you do not like something or you do not want something to happen
    We object to being treated like children. He objected that the pay was too low.
  • protest – to say that you strongly disapprove of something, sometimes by shouting or speaking angrily
    Passengers began protesting about the lack of heating on the train. My assistant protested about having to work at the weekend.
  • grumble – to complain in a bad-tempered way, especially regularly and often about unimportant things
    He’s always grumbling about the music from the flat above.
  • whine – to complain frequently in a way that annoys other people
    She’s always whining about how little money she has.
  • praise – to express strong approval of something or someone

23. contestant (noun)

Synonyms: contestant, candidate, candidate, contender, applicant, entrant

  • contestant – a person who takes part in a competition
    The two contestants shook hands before the match.
  • candidate – a person who applies for a job
    We interviewed six candidates for the post of assistant manager.
  • candidate – a person who has entered for an examination
    Candidates are given three hours to complete the exam.
  • contender – a person who takes part in a competition, especially someone who is likely to win
    He’s a definite contender for the world title.
  • applicant – a person who applies for something job applicants
    Applicants for licences must fill in this form.
  • entrant – a person who takes part in a race, examination or competition
    There are over a thousand entrants for the race.

24. copy (verb)

Synonyms: copy, reproduce, duplicate, clone, replicate

  • copy – to make something which looks like something else
    He stole a credit card and copied the signature
  • reproduce – to make a copy of something such as artistic material or musical sounds
    Some of the paintings have been reproduced in this book. It is very difficult to reproduce the sound of an owl accurately.
  • duplicate – to make a copy of a document such as a letter
    She duplicated the letter and put the copy into a file.
  • clone – to create an exact genetic copy of an individual animal or plant
    Biologists have successfully cloned a sheep.
  • replicate – (formal) to do or make something in exactly the same way as before
    Can the experiment be replicated?

25. correct (adjective)

Synonyms: correct, accurate, exact, true
Antonym: incorrect

  • correct – without any mistakes
    Some of your answers were not correct.
  • accurate – correct in all details
    Are the figures accurate? We asked them to make an accurate copy of the plan.
  • exact – completely correct in every detail
    Can you tell me the exact words she used? We need to know the exact route she took that night.
  • true – correct according to facts or reality
    What he says is simply not true. Is it true that he’s been married twice?
  • incorrect – wrong, not correct

26. courage (noun)

Synonyms: courage, bravery, nerve, guts
Antonym: cowardice

  • courage – the ability to deal with a dangerous or unpleasant situation
    She showed great courage in attacking the burglar. I didn’t have the courage to disagree with him.
  • bravery – the ability to do dangerous or unpleasant things without being afraid
    We admired her bravery in coping with the illness. He won an award for bravery.
  • nerve – the ability to keep your fear under control in order to achieve something
    It takes a lot of nerve to disagree with your friends. He went over to speak to her but at the last minute he lost his nerve.
  • guts  – (informal) courage
    She had the guts to tell the boss he was wrong.
  • cowardice – the state of being afraid and not brave

27. cut (verb)

Synonyms: cut, slice, chop, slash

  • cut – to divide, reduce or remove something using a sharp tool, e.g. a knife or scissors
    The meat is very tough – I can’t cut it with my knife. He needs to get his hair cut. There were six children, so she cut the cake into six pieces.
  • slice – to cut something into thin pieces
    She stood at the table slicing bread and meat for lunch.
  • chop – to cut something roughly into small pieces with a knife or other sharp tool
    He spent the afternoon chopping wood for the fire.
  • slash – to make a long cut in something with a knife, often violently
    He slashed the painting with a kitchen knife.

28. dead (adjective)

Synonyms: dead, late, extinct
Antonyms: alive, live

  • dead – not living any more
    His parents are both dead. Dead fish were floating in the water.
  • late – a more polite word than ‘dead’, used about people
    His late father was a director of the company.
  • extinct – no longer in existence, because all of the same kind have died
    These birds are in danger of becoming extinct.
  • alive – living (not used in front of a noun: ‘the fish is alive’ but ‘a live fish’)
  • live – living, not dead

29. defeat (verb)

Synonyms: defeat, beat, conquer, overcome, triumph, thrash

  • defeat – to succeed against someone in a game, fight or vote
    Our team has not been defeated so far this season. The soldiers defeated the enemy’s attempt to take the town. The ruling party was heavily defeated in the presidential election. The proposal was defeated by 10 votes to 3.
  • beat – to win a game against another player or team
    They beat their rivals into second place. Our football team beat France 2 – 0. They beat us by 10 goals to 2. My children can usually beat me at tennis.
  • conquer – to defeat people by force
    The army had conquered most of the country.
  • overcome – to gain victory over an enemy
    The boys quickly overcame their attackers.
  • triumph – to achieve a great success
    The team triumphed over their long-term rivals.
  • thrash – (informal) to defeat another person or team easily
    She expects to be thrashed by the champion.

30. dirty (adjective)

Synonyms: dirty, filthy, grubby, grimy, soiled, squalid
Antonym: clean

  • dirty – not clean
    Playing rugby gets your clothes dirty. Someone has to wash all the dirty plates.
  • filthy – very dirty
    His hands were filthy from changing the car tyre.
  • grubby – so dirty as to be unpleasant
    Grubby children were playing in the street. He was wearing a grubby old shirt.
  • grimy – covered with old dirt that is difficult to remove
    The furniture was broken and the windows were grimy.
  • soiled – spoiled by dirt or other unpleasant substances
    The sheets on the bed were soiled.
  • squalid – referring to a room or building that is dirty and unpleasant
    The prisoners are kept in squalid conditions.
  • clean – not dirty

31. disagree (verb)

Synonyms: disagree, differ, argue, dispute, contradict
Antonym: agree

  • disagree – to say that you do not have the same opinion as someone else
    We all disagreed with the chairperson. They disagreed about what to do next.
  • differ – if people differ, they have different opinions from each other
    Our views on education differ. Their accounts of what happened differ in several ways.
  • argue – to discuss without agreeing, often in a noisy or angry way
    They argued over the prices. She argued with the waiter about the bill. I could hear them arguing in the next room.
  • dispute – to say that you strongly believe that something is not true or correct
    I dispute her version of what happened. There is no disputing the fact that Sarah is the best player.
  • contradict – to say that what someone else says is not true
    They didn’t dare contradict their mother.
  • agree – to say or show that you have the same opinion as someone else

32. disapprove (verb)

Synonyms: disapprove, object, criticise, condemn
Antonym: approve

  • disapprove – to show that you do not think something is good
    The head teacher disapproves of members of staff wearing jeans to school.
  • object – to say that you do not like something or you do not want something to happen
    He objected that the pay was too low. I object to her being given this private information.
  • criticise – to say that something or someone is bad or wrong
    She criticised their lack of interest and enthusiasm. The design of the new car has been criticised.
  • condemn – to say strongly that you do not approve of something
    She condemned the police for their treatment of the prisoners.
  • approve – to think something is good

33. dislike (noun)

Synonyms: dislike, hatred, hate, disgust
Antonym: liking

  • dislike – a feeling of not liking something or someone
    She had a great dislike of noisy parties.
  • hatred – a very strong feeling of not liking someone or something
    a hatred of unfair treatment a campaign against racial hatred
  • hate – a very strong feeling of not liking someone
    Her eyes were full of hate.
  • disgust – a feeling of dislike that is so strong that you feel angry or slightly ill
    Seeing the dead animals filled her with disgust.
  • liking – a feeling of enjoying something

34. easy (adjective)

Synonyms: easy, simple, straightforward, uncomplicated
Antonyms: hard, difficult

  • easy – not difficult, or not needing a lot of effort
    The test was easier than I expected. My boss is very easy to get on with.
  • simple – easy to do or understand
    The machine is very simple to use.
  • straightforward – easy to understand or carry out
    The instructions are quite straightforward.
  • uncomplicated – easy to deal with or understand
    In children’s books, the writing should be clear and uncomplicated. The procedure is relatively quick and uncomplicated.
  • hard – not easy
  • difficult – not easy to do or achieve

35. fail (verb)

Synonyms: fail, neglect, forget, omit, overlook

  • fail – not to do something
    The car failed to stop at the red light. She failed to tell us of her change of address.
  • neglect – not to do something that should have been done
    He neglected to tell the police that he had been involved in an accident.
  • forget – not to remember
    He’s forgotten the name of the restaurant. I’ve forgotten how to play chess. She forgot all about her doctor’s appointment.
  • omit – to leave something out, especially something that is helpful or important
    She omitted the date when she signed the contract. They omitted to tell me the price of the ticket.
  • overlook – not to notice something
    She overlooked several mistakes when she was correcting the exam papers.

36. famous (adjective)

Synonyms: famous, well-known, renowned, infamous, notorious
Antonym: unknown

  • famous – known to many people, especially most people in a place or country
    A famous department store. He’s a famous footballer.
  • well-known – known by a lot of people
    It’s a well-known fact that oil and water don’t mix. She used to work for a well-known London hairdresser.
  • renowned – known and admired by many people
    The renowned Italian singer
  • infamous – famous for being bad or unpleasant
    He was sent to the infamous prison on the island.
  • notorious – known for bad qualities, or for doing bad things
    He was a member of a notorious criminal gang.
  • unknown – not known for anything important or interesting

37. fat (adjective)

Synonyms: fat, plump, overweight, obese
Antonyms: slim, thin

  • fat – having too much flesh or weighing too much
    You’ll have to eat less – you’re getting too fat. a doll with a fat face
  • plump – slightly fat in an attractive way
    The baby’s plump little arms She’s grown plumper now she’s stopped smoking.
  • overweight – having a body that weighs too much
    The doctor says I’m a little overweight.
  • obese – so fat that it is dangerous for health reasons
    Many children are becoming obese because of their unhealthy diets.
  • thin – not fat
  • slim – with a body that is thin in an attractive way

38. fatal (adjective)

Synonyms: fatal, lethal, deadly, mortal, terminal

  • fatal – causing people to die
    There were three fatal accidents on this road last year.
  • lethal – dangerous and able to kill someone a lethal dose of painkillers a lethal mixture of drugs and alcohol
    Being out in the sun too long can be lethal.
  • deadly – likely to cause people to die
    The terrorists turned the car into a deadly weapon.
  • mortal – referring to injury serious enough to cause someone to die a mortal wound
  • terminal – referring to the last period of a serious illness that will lead to death
    The condition is terminal. terminal cancer
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