Top 20 Important Physics Formulas You Need To Know

Science Physics Formulas Eduhyme

The subject of Physics is all about articulating things with real values and not memorizing them time and again. During the time of application, we may come across many concepts, problems and mathematical formulas.

With these, we have to use our ability as well as creativity and good sort of potential to find solutions to the mentioned problems. Nothing falls beyond the scope of physics; it’s an all-encompassing science. You can study various aspects of the natural world, and, accordingly, you can study different fields in physics: the physics of objects in motion, of forces, of electricity, of magnetism, of what happens when you start going nearly as fast as the speed of light, and so on.

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You can observe plenty going on around you all the time in the middle of your complex world. Leaves are waving, the sun is shining, the stars are twinkling, light bulbs are glowing, cars are moving, computer printers are printing, people are walking and riding bikes, streams are flowing, and so on. When you stop to examine these actions, your natural curiosity gives rise to endless questions: 

  • How can I see?
  • Why am I hot? 
  • What’s the air I breathe made up of? 
  • Why do I slip when I try to climb that snow bank? 
  • What are those stars all about? Or are they planets? Why do they seem to move? 
  • What’s the nature of this speck of dust? 
  • Are there hidden worlds I can’t see? 
  • What’s light? 
  • Why do blankets make me warm? 
  • What’s the nature of matter? 
  • What happens if I touch that high-tension line?

This article aims to provide you with a list of important Physics formulas that you must know to ace your chosen competitive exam. Here we will have some important physics formulas which helps you to solve all the problems easily and score more marks in your all competitive exams.

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Let us learn!

  1. Work = Force x Distance
  2. Energy = Force x Distance
  3. Speed = Distance / Time
  4. Velocity= Displacement / Time
  5. Electric Field = Electrical Force / Charge
  6. Force = Force / Area
  7. Volume = Length x Width x Height
  8. Mass Density = Mass / Volume
  9. Acceleration =Velocity / Time
  10. Power = Work / Time
  11. Pressure = Force / Area
  12. Momentum = Mass x Velocity
  13. Area (A) = Length x Width
  14. Force (F) = Mass x Acceleration
  15. Pressure Energy = Pressure x Volume
  16. Impulse = Force x Time
  17. Linear Momentum = Mass x Velocity
  18. Kinetic Energy = 1/2 mv2
  19. Mechanical Energy = Kinetic Energy + Potential Energy
  20. Angular Momentum = Inertial x Angular Velocity
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