List of Important Inventions and Discoveries

important invention and discovery eduhyme

It is said that necessity is the mother of invention. But the needs never end. To meet these needs, there have always been new inventions, which have changed the face of the world with time to time.

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Below is the list of important inventions and discoveries along with their Inventor Name, their Nationality and the Year which are very popular around the world:

List of Important Inventions

1 Aeroplane Orville & Wilbur Wright U.S.A. 1903
2 Barometer Evangelista Torricelli Italy 1644
3 Bicycle Kirkpatrick Macmillan Britain 1839-40
4 Ball-Point Pen John J.Loud U.S.A. 1888
5 Bifocal Lens Benjamin Franklin U.S.A. 1780
6 Cinema Nicolas & Jean Lumiere France 1895
7 Clock (mechanical) I-Hsing & Liang Ling-Tsan China 725
8 Car (Petrol) Karl Benz Germany 1888
9 Celluloid Alexander Parkes Britain 1861
10 Diesel Engine Rudolf Diesel Germany 1895
11 Dynamo Hypolite Pixii France 1832
12 Electro-magnet William Sturgeon Britain 1824
13 Electronic Computer Dr. Alan M. Turing Britain 1943
14 Electric Lamp Thomas Alva Edison U.S.A. 1879
15 Electric Motor (DC) Zenobe Gramme Belgium 1873
16 Electric Motor (AC) Nikola Tesla U.S.A. 1888
17 Film (moving outlines) Louis Prince France 1885
18 Film (musical sound) Dr. Le de Forest U.S.A. 1923
19 Fountain Pen Lewis E. Waterman U.S.A. 1884
20 Gramophone Thomas Alva Edison U.S.A. 1878
21 Helicopter Etienne Oehmichen France 1924
22 Jet Engine Sir Frank Whittle Britain 1937
23 Laser Charles H. Townes U.S.A. 1960
24 Lift (Mechanical) Elisha G. Otis U.S.A. 1852
25 Locomotive Richard Trevithick Britain 1804
26 Microscope Z. Janssen Netherlands 1590
27 Motor Cycle G. Daimler Germany 1885
28 Machine Gun James Puckle Britain 1718
29 Microphone Alexander Graham Bell U.S.A. 1876
30 Photography (on film) John Carbutt U.S.A. 1888
31 Printing Press Johann Gutenberg Germany 1455
32 Razor (safety) King C. Gillette U.S.A. 1895
33 Refrigerator James Harrison & Alexander Catlin U.S.A. 1850
34 Ship (steam) J.C. Perier France 1775
35 Ship (turbine) Hon. Sir C. Parsons Britain 1894
36 Skycraper W.Le Baron Jenny U.S.A. 1882
37 Slide Rule William Oughtred Britain 1621
38 Steam Engine (condenser) James Watt Britain 1765
39 Safety Pin Walter Hunt U.S.A. 1849
40 Sewing machine Barthelemy Thimmonnier France 1829
41 Steel Production Henry Bessemer Britain 1855
42 Steel (stainless) Harry Brearley Britain 1913
43 Submarine David Bushnell U.S.A. 1776
44 Telephone (perfected) Alexander Graham Bell U.S.A. 1876
45 Television (mechanical) John Logie Baird Britain 1926
46 Television (electronic) P.T. Farnsworth U.S.A. 1927
47 Thermometer Galileo Galilei Italy 1593
48 Transformer Michael Faraday Britain 1831
49 Transistor Bardeen, Shockley & Brattain U.S.A. 1948
50 Tank Sir Ernest Swinton Britain 1914
51 Telegraph M. Lammond France 1787
52 Telegraph Code Samuel F.B. Morse U.S.A. 1837
53 Washing machine (elec.) Hurley Machine Co. U.S.A. 1907
54 Zip-Fastener W.L. Judson U.S.A. 1891

List of Important Discoveries

1 Aluminium Hans Christian Oerstedt Denmark 1827
2 Atomic number Henry Moseley England 1913
3 Atomic Structure of matter John Dalton England 1803
4 Chlorine C.W. Scheele Sweden 1774
5 Electromagnetic induction Michael Faraday England 1831
6 Electromagnetic waves Heinrich Hertz Germany 1886
7 Electromagnetism Hans Christian Oersted Denmark 1920
8 Electron Sir Joseph Thomson England 1897
9 General theory of relativity Albert Einstein Switzerland 1915
10 Hydrogen Henry Cavendish England 1766
11 Law of electric conduction George Ohm Germany 1827
12 Law of electro-magnetism Andre Ampere France 1826
13 Law of falling bodies Galileo Italy 1590
14 Laws of gravitation & motion Isaac Newton England 1687
15 Laws of planetary motion Johannes Kepler Germany 1609-19
16 Magnesium Sir Humphry Davy England 1808
17 Neptune (Planet) Johann Galle Germany 1846
18 Neutron James Chadwick England 1932
19 Nickel Axel Cronstedt Sweden 1751
20 Nitrogen Daniel Rutherford England 1772
21 Oxygen Joseph Priestly and C.W.Scheele England, Sweden 1772
22 Ozone Christian Schonbein Germany 1839
23 Pluto (Planet) Clyde Tombaugh U.S.A. 1930
24 Plutonium G.T. Seaborg U.S.A. 1940
25 Proton Ernest Rutherford England 1919
26 Quantum Theory Max Planck Germany 1900
27 Radioactivity Antoine Bacquerel France 1896
28 Radium Pierre & Marie Curie France 1898
29 Silicon Jons Berzelius Sweden 1824
30 Special theory of relativity Alber Einstein Switzerland 1905
31 Sun as centre of solar system Copernicus Poland 1543
32 Uranium Martin Klaporh Germany 1789
33 Uranus (Planet) William Herschel England 1781
34 X-rays Wilhelm Roentgen Germany 1895


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