Environmental Science MCQ Questions with Answers – Part 3

Environmental Science Questions Answers part 3 Eduhyme

The land mass of the crust is thin compared to the rest of the Earth’s layers. It makes up only about 1% of the earth’s total mass, but the continental crust can be as much as 70 km thick. The land crust with mountain ranges and high peaks is thicker in places than the crust found under the oceans and seas, but the ocean’s crust, about 7 km thick, is denser.

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Are you searching for multiple-choice questions or quiz on Environmental Science? Are you worried and couldn’t find the solution? Here in this article, we’re going to give you the solution by showing some MCQ questions on Environmental Science.

1. The land below the levels of the seas is known as the

(a) Oceanic crust
(b) Equator
(c) Continental crust
(d) Wetlands

2. Wetlands are

(a) Good places to find cactus
(b) Not found in the United States
(c) Natural filters through which water trickles down to underground reservoirs
(d) Not used as resting spots by migratory birds

3. The greatest impact on the greenhouse effect has come from

(a) Industrialization
(b) Increases in benzene
(c) Cigar smoke
(d) Hunters and gatherers

4. The oceanic crust

(a) is thinner than the continental crust
(b) is thicker than the continental crust
(c) Is about the same thickness as the continental crust
(d) Cannot be compared to the continental crust

5. Due to the undeniable evidence of global warming, the National Academy of Sciences has

(a) Decided to ignore greenhouse gases since they produce colorful sunsets
(b) Ordered fans for all its scientists to help them keep cool while they work
(c) Predicted global temperature increases of 3° to 9°F in the next 100 to 200 years
(d) Become discouraged and now refuses to tell anyone anything

6. The Gaia hypothesis which stated that the Earth (Gaia) existed as a single living organism was written by

(a) Marc Williams
(b) Richard Gordon
(c) George Bennett
(d) James Lovelock

7. What do scientists call the landmass that was in one big chunk or continent before it broke up into separate continents?

(a) Panacea
(b) Pangaea
(c) Pongo Pongo
(d) Atlantis

8. For hurricanes to begin forming, meteorologists have found that ocean water must be warmer than

(a) 18.5°C
(b) 24.5°C
(c) 26.5°C
(d) 36.5°C

9. Rain forests and plants are important because they absorb CO2 from the air through

(a) Osmosis
(b) Butterflies
(c) The Krebs cycle
(d) Photosynthesis

10. Dinosaurs like Triceratops and Allosaurus are

(a) Extinct
(b) About the size of German Shepherd dogs
(c) Usually found in shopping malls
(d) Increasing in number

11. Nitrogen dioxide, which gives the sky that yellow-brown look, is also known as

(a) The Aurora Borealis
(b) Smog
(c) Sleet
(d) Turbidity

12. The thinner, extended edges of a continental landmass found below sea level is called the

(a) continental shelf
(b) Transcontinental bridge
(c) Continental bookcase
(d) Intercontinental wedge

13. In the Gaia concept, humans are seen as

(a) Tourists
(b) The singular most important species
(c) Dumber than dirt
(d) One species among millions

14. The first phase in the formation of a hurricane is that

(a) Ducks fly south
(b) Temperature rises
(c) Barometric pressure drops
(d) Barometric pressure rises

15. How well do nitrogen oxides trap heat in the atmosphere compared to carbon dioxide?

(a) Much less efficiently
(b) Much more efficiently
(c) About the same
(d) Nitrogen oxides do not exist in the atmosphere

16. When unique plant or animal species naturally occur in only one area or region, they are said to be

(a) exotic
(b) Adventitious
(c) Epidemic
(d) Endemic

17. Which of the following is a colorless, odorless, flammable hydrocarbon, released by the breakdown of organic matter and the carbonization of coal?

(a) Methane
(b) Silicon
(c) Graphite
(d) Sulfur

18. In 2004, scientists reported in Science that the ocean had taken up what percentage of the carbon dioxide gas that humans had released into the air since the 1800s?

(a) 30%
(b) 40%
(c) 50%
(d) 70%

19. The Fujita scale is used to measure

(a) Fish
(b) Wind damage
(c) Total body fat
(d) Rain damage

20. Old-growth forests are made up of trees that are often

(a) 10 years old
(b) 50 years old
(c) 100 years old
(d) Several thousand years old

21. Which cloud type is the most familiar of the basic cloud shapes?

(a) Nimbostratus
(b) Billows
(c) Cumulus
(d) Lenticular

22. As global warming has increased, many people around the world have

(a) Started building bigger cars
(b) Begun developing “clean” energy alternatives
(c) Started going to the beach more
(d) Stopped buying jackets

23. A complex community of plants, animals, and microorganisms linked by energy and nutrient flows is called an

(a) aquarium
(b) Equilateral atoll
(c) Ecosystem
(d) Alternate dimension

24. The differences in the climate’s average state, or its regular cyclic variability, over an extended period of time is known as

(a) Early frost
(b) Climate regularity
(c) Spring planting
(d) Climate change

25. When an animal or plant has a specific relationship to its habitat or other species, it is said to fill

(a) An ecological niche
(b) A crevasse
(c) A sedimentary layer
(d) A liturgical niche

26. Air pressure is measured with a

(a) thermometer
(b) PH meter
(c) Stethoscope
(d) Barometer

27. One example of the Earth’s overall equilibrium is seen in

(a) Ocean salinity levels
(b) Hollywood disaster films
(c) Growth rings of trees
(d) Roadside mileage signs

28. What is the primary cause of declining biodiversity?

(a) Increase of mating pairs
(b) Habitat loss
(c) A hole in the ozone
(d) Pesticides

29. Continents are broken up into how many major land masses?

(a) 4
(b) 6
(c) 8
(d) 10

30. Which of the following is considered one of the world’s “hottest of hot spots”?

(a) Sicily
(b) Melbourne, Australia
(c) The Atlantic Forest
(d) The Himalaya Mountains

31. The ever-changing total water cycle, part of the closed environment of the Earth, is called the

(a) Magnetosphere
(b) Hydrosphere
(c) Lithosphere
(d) Troposphere

32. Which North American mammals were killed in huge numbers during and following the construction of the first east-west railroad?

(a) Horned toads
(b) Lemmings
(c) Gophers
(d) Buffalo

33. With more and more people on the planet, a positive environmental step would include more

(a) Sewage produced
(b) Fossil fuels burned
(c) Trees planted
(d) Fertilizers used to increase crop yields

34. Pounding reefs with heavy weights to scare fish out of their hiding places is called

(a) Muro smashi
(b) Muro ami
(c) Muro dumbi
(d) Muro destructi

35. What percentage of runoff from the land surface eventually drains into the sea?

(a) 25%
(b) 40%
(c) 75%
(d) 90%

36. Continental glaciers are large, U-shaped glaciers with the deepest ice found

(a) In the curved middle
(b) At the edges
(c) In blue patches
(d) Only on separated icebergs

37. The study of the occurrence, distribution, and movement of water on, in, and above the earth is called

(a) Geology
(b) Hydrology
(c) Neurology
(d) Pathology

38. All of the following are stream drainage configurations except

(a) Dendritic
(b) Rectangular
(c) Trellis
(d) radical

39. In order for fish to survive, water must contain enough

(a) Golf balls
(b) Dissolved oxygen
(c) Water lilies
(d) Dissolved carbon

40. Nonnative species have more of an effect in

(a) Seamounts
(b) The bathtub
(c) Glacial meltwater
(d) Coastal waters

41. Increased oil demand has increased all of the following except

(a) Oil spills
(b) Oil operations and transport
(c) Sea turtle populations
(d) Offshore oil drilling

42. Sudden dense movements of water that slice deep canyons along the ocean floor are called

(a) Whale tail wake
(b) Turbidity currents
(c) Geological uniformity
(d) Rapidity currents

43. What percentage of total water is stored as fresh water in glaciers and icecaps, groundwater, lakes, rivers, and soil

(a) 1%
(b) 3%
(c) 5%
(d) 10%

44. IOTPF is an acronym that stands for

(a) Indoor Outdoor Tennis Players Federation
(b) International Octopus, Turtle, and Piranha Foundation
(c) International Oil Tanker Owners’ Pollution Federation
(d) Indigenous Owls of Temperate Pine Forests

45. Measurement of the number of hydrogen ions in water, on a scale from 0 to 14, is known as the

(a) Mph
(b) PH
(c) PhD
(d) mg/l

46. Forest fires, lightning, bacterial decay, and the burning of oil, coal, and gas are main sources of

(a) Nitrogen oxide
(b) Glucosamine
(c) Titanium dioxide
(d) Bismuth

47. Water in the atmosphere is thought to be replaced every

(a) 8 days
(b) 15 days
(c) 32 days
(d) 45 days

48. Municipalities, industries, and agriculture are all sources of

(a) Cranberries
(b) Water pollution
(c) Landscaping materials
(d) Graphite

49. An abyssal plain is an example of what kind of sedimentary environment?

(a) Marine
(b) Fissure
(c) Science fiction
(d) Mountainous

50. The cloudier the water, the higher the

(a) Acidity
(b) PH
(c) Temperature
(d) Turbidity

51. When a very small amount of an isotope is added to a chemical, biological, or physical system for study, it is called a (n)

(a) Isotopic solution
(b) Placebo
(c) Radioactive tracer
(d) Geographic tracer

52. Natural waters usually have a pH between

(a) 1 and 2
(b) 3 and 5
(c) 6 and 9
(d) 10 and 12

53. The water table is found at the boundary between the

(a) Littoral zone and Deep Ocean
(b) Tree line and ridge line
(c) Zone of saturation and the zone of aeration
(d) Mantle and the crust

54. When an ice cap covers a single peak like Mount Rainier, it is called a (n)

(a) Top cap
(b) Carapace ice cap
(c) Cold winter cap
(d) Ice beak

55. Spills account for what percentage of marine oil pollution?

(a) 5%
(b) 10%
(c) 15%
(d) 20%

56. Fish and shellfish give us

(a) Acne
(b) A source of whopper stories
(c) Hives
(d) A valuable source of food protein

57. What measurement calculates the strength of a liquid’s thin surface layer?

(a) Salinity
(b) Richter scale
(c) Surface tension
(d) Geometric pressure

58. Storm water runoff often causes

(a) A decrease in street flooding
(b) Red tide blooms
(c) Poor golf course conditions
(d) Orchid blooms

59. Water pollution is caused by all of the following except

(a) Agricultural runoff
(b) Land deforested and developed
(c) Natural, extremely deep underground aquifers
(d) Sudden or ongoing, accidental or deliberate, discharge of a polluting material

60. A stream with no tributaries flowing into it is called a

(a) first-order stream
(b) second-order stream
(c) third-order stream
(d) fourth-order stream

61. Greenland contains a continental ice sheet with ice over

(a) 25,000 years old
(b) 50,000 years old
(c) 80,000 years old
(d) 125,000 years old

62. All of the following are intended to reduce the effects of human activities on marine systems except

(a) Encouragement of sustainable use of ocean resources
(b) Increased bottom trawling
(c) Policies and new technologies to limit pollution
(d) Creation and management of protected marine regions

63. When rainfall or snow melt doesn’t have time to evaporate, transpire, or move into groundwater reserves, it becomes

(a) Spinoff
(b) Sleet
(c) Runoff
(d) Slush

64. By measuring the number of hydrogen ions in a water sample, scientists can find its

(a) PH
(b) Dissolved oxygen content
(c) Color
(d) Triple point

65. When plants and animals are transported to a far distant location, they are known as

(a) Native species
(b) Colorful characters
(c) Nonnative species
(d) Contraband

66. When a lot of water vapor coats enough dust, pollen, or pollutant particles, it forms a

(a) volcano
(b) Cloud
(c) Aqua duct
(d) Cistern

67. What chemical element is most frequently used to purify water?

(a) Nitrogen
(b) Fluorine
(c) Calcium
(d) Chlorine

68. To acknowledge the importance of the world’s oceans, the United Nations declared 1998 the

(a) Worst hurricane year in decades
(b) International Year of the Ocean
(c) Bermuda Triangle a no-fish zone
(d) International Year of the Barnacle

69. Scientists first identified “dead zones” in what body of water?

(a) Black Sea
(b) Arctic Sea
(c) Persian Gulf
(d) Gulf of Mexico

70. The deep ocean basin, located at a depth of between 3.7 and 5.6 km, covers what percentage of the Earth’s surface?

(a) 20%
(b) 30%
(c) 40%
(d) 50%

71. The largest body of ice in the Canadian Rocky Mountains is the

(a) Columbia Ice Field
(b) Washington Ice Sheet
(c) Antarctic Ice Field
(d) Ross Ice Shelf

72. When a water source is used faster than it can be replaced, it is said to be

(a) Sustainable
(b) Immortal
(c) Nonrenewable
(d) Pristine

73. The difference between mass wasting and erosion is that erosion happens

(a) Over much greater distances
(b) Over short distances
(c) Only with water
(d) Only with wind

74. The slow or sudden movement of rock down slope as a result of gravity is called

(a) Intrusion
(b) Topography
(c) Extrusion
(d) Mass wasting

75. When rock disintegrates and is removed from the surface of continents, it’s called

(a) Superimposition
(b) Denudation
(c) Lithification
(d) Sonification

76. Slower, long-term soil or rock movement with a series of sliding surfaces and plasticity is known as

(a) Creep
(b) Slip
(c) Slither
(d) A rolling stone gathers no moss

77. The repeated freeze-thaw cycle of water in extreme climates causes

(a) Lava flows
(b) Increased plant growth
(c) Frost wedging
(d) Colds and flu

78. The popular slogan that focuses environmental efforts is

(a) Chop, slash, and burn
(b) Location, location, location
(c) All pesticides all the time
(d) Reduce, reuse, and recycle

79. Overplanting, overgrazing, deforestation, and poor irrigation methods are all factors that can lead to

(a) Earthquakes
(b) Tsunamis
(c) Desertification
(d) Fossilization

80. Dry streambeds are also known as

(a) Channels
(b) Plateaus
(c) Wadis
(d) Saguaros

81. What has the greatest effect on mass wasting?

(a) Water
(b) Gravity
(c) Wind
(d) The sun

82. A raindrop falls through still air and hits the soil at about

(a) 25 km/hour
(b) 32 km/hour
(c) 38 km/hour
(d) 42 km/hour

83. High concentrations of dissolved calcium and/or magnesium in fresh Water cause what is commonly known as

(a) Soft water
(b) Hard water
(c) Recycled water
(d) Mineral water

84. Remote sensing has been important as a tool to study dynamic features of deserts, like dunes, for the past

(a) 25 years
(b) 40 years
(c) 50 years
(d) 70 years

Answers –

  1. A
  2. C
  3. A
  4. A
  5. C
  6. D
  7. B
  8. C
  9. D
  10. A
  11. B
  12. A
  13. D
  14. C
  15. B
  16. D
  17. A
  18. C
  19. B
  20. D
  21. C
  22. B
  23. C
  24. D
  25. A
  26. D
  27. A
  28. B
  29. B
  30. C
  31. B
  32. D
  33. C
  34. B
  35. D
  36. A
  37. B
  38. D
  39. B
  40. D
  41. C
  42. B
  43. B
  44. C
  45. B
  46. A
  47. A
  48. B
  49. A
  50. D
  51. C
  52. C
  53. C
  54. B
  55. B
  56. D
  57. C
  58. B
  59. C
  60. A
  61. D
  62. B
  63. C
  64. A
  65. C
  66. B
  67. D
  68. B
  69. D
  70. B
  71. A
  72. C
  73. A
  74. D
  75. B
  76. A
  77. C
  78. D
  79. C
  80. C
  81. B
  82. B
  83. B
  84. D
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