[English Grammar] Vocabulary Test Exercise With Answers – 60 Questions

English Grammar Vocabulary Test Exercise Eduhyme

Here are 60 brief phrases, each containing one underlined word; it is up to you to check the closest definition of each such word. To keep your score valid, refrain, as far as possible, from wild guessing.

1. disheveled appearance:

(a) untidy
(b) fierce
(c) foolish
(d) peculiar
(e) unhappy

Answer – (a)

2. a baffling problem:

(a) difficult
(b) simple
(c) puzzling
(d) long
(e) new

Answer – (c)

3. lenient parent:

(a) tall
(b) not strict
(c) wise
(d) foolish
(e) severe

Answer – (b)

4. repulsive personality:

(a) disgusting
(b) attractive
(c) normal
(d) confused
(e) conceited

Answer – (a)

5. audacious attempt:

(a) useless
(b) bold
(c) foolish
(d) crazy
(e) necessary

Answer – (b)

6. parry a blow:

(a) ward off
(b) fear
(c) expect
(d) invite
(e) ignore

Answer – (a)

7. prevalent disease:

(a) dangerous
(b) catching
(c) childhood
(d) fatal
(e) widespread

Answer – (e)

8. ominous report:

(a) loud
(b) threatening
(c) untrue
(d) serious
(e) unpleasant

Answer – (b)

9. an incredible story:

(a) true
(b) interesting
(c) well-known
(d) unbelievable
(e) unknown

Answer – (d)

10. an ophthalmologist

(a) eye doctor
(b) skin doctor
(c) foot doctor
(d) heart doctor
(e) cancer specialist

Answer – (a)

11. will supersede the old law:

(a) enforce
(b) specify penalties for
(c) take the place of
(d) repeal
(e) continue

Answer – (c)

12. an anonymous donor:

(a) generous
(b) stingy
(c) well-known
(d) one whose name is not known
(e) reluctant

Answer – (d)

13. performed an autopsy:

(a) examination of living tissue
(b) examination of a corpse to determine the cause of death
(c) process in the manufacture of optical lenses
(d) operation to cure an organic disease
(e) series of questions to determine the causes of delinquent behavior

Answer – (b)

14. an indefatigable worker:

(a) well-paid
(b) tired
(c) skillful
(d) tireless
(e) pleasant

Answer – (d)

15. a confirmed atheist

(a) bachelor
(b) disbeliever in God
(c) believer in religion
(d) believer in science
(e) priest

Answer – (b)

16. endless loquacity:

(a) misery
(b) fantasy
(c) repetitiousness
(d) ill health
(e) talkativeness

Answer – (e)

17. a glib talker:

(a) smooth
(b) awkward
(c) loud
(d) friendly
(e) boring

Answer – (a)

18. an incorrigible optimist:

(a) happy
(b) beyond correction or reform
(c) foolish
(d) hopeful
(e) unreasonable

Answer – (b)

19. an ocular problem:

(a) unexpected
(b) insoluble
(c) visual
(d) continual
(e) imaginary

Answer – (c)

20. a notorious demagogue:

(a) rabble-rouser
(b) gambler
(c) perpetrator of financial frauds
(d) liar
(e) spendthrift

Answer – (a)

21. a naive attitude:

(a) unwise
(b) hostile
(c) unsophisticated
(d) friendly
(e) contemptuous

Answer – (c)

22. living in affluence:

(a) difficult circumstances
(b) countrified surroundings
(c) fear
(d) wealth
(e) poverty

Answer – (d)

23. in retrospect

(a) view of the past,
(b) artistic balance,
(c) anticipation,
(d) admiration,
(e) second thoughts

Answer – (a)

24. a gourmet

(a) seasoned traveler
(b) greedy eater
(c) vegetarian
(d) connoisseur of good food
(e) skillful chef

Answer – (d)

25. to simulate interest:

(a) pretend
(b) feel
(c) lose
(d) stir up
(e) ask for

Answer – (a)

26. a magnanimous action:

(a) puzzling
(b) generous
(c) foolish
(d) unnecessary
(e) wise

Answer – (b)

27. a clandestine meeting:

(a) prearranged
(b) hurried
(c) important
(d) secret
(e) public

Answer – (d)

28. the apathetic citizens:

(a) made up of separate ethnic groups
(b) keenly vigilant of their rights
(c) politically conservative
(d) indifferent, uninterested, uninvolved
(e) terrified

Answer – (d)

29. to placate his son:

(a) please
(b) help
(c) find a job for
(d) make arrangements for
(e) change a feeling of hostility to one of friendliness

Answer – (e)

30. to vacillate continually:

(a) avoid
(b) swing back and forth in indecision
(c) inject, (d) treat
(e) scold

Answer – (b)

31. a nostalgic feeling:

(a) nauseated
(b) homesick
(c) sharp
(d) painful
(e) delighted

Answer – (b)

32. feel antipathy:

(a) bashfulness
(b) stage fright
(c) friendliness
(d) hostility
(e) suspense

Answer – (d)

33. be more circumspect

(a) restrained
(b) confident
(c) cautious
(d) honest
(e) intelligent

Answer – (c)

34. an intrepid fighter for human rights:

(a) fearless
(b) eloquent
(c) popular
(d) experienced
(e) famous

Answer – (a)

35. diaphanous material:

(a) strong
(b) sheer and gauzy
(c) colorful
(d) expensive
(e) synthetic

Answer – (b)

36. a taciturn host:

(a) stingy
(b) generous
(c) disinclined to conversation
(d) charming
(e) gloomy

Answer – (c)

37. to malign his friend:

(a) accuse
(b) help
(c) disbelieve
(d) slander
(e) introduce

Answer – (d)

38. a congenital deformity:

(a) hereditary
(b) crippling
(c) slight
(d) incurable
(e) occurring at or during birth

Answer – (e)

39. a definite neurosis:

(a) plan
(b) emotional disturbance
(c) physical disease
(d) feeling of fear
(e) allergic reaction

Answer – (b)

40. made an unequivocal statement:

(a) hard to understand
(b) lengthy
(c) politically motivated
(d) clear and forthright
(e) supporting

Answer – (d)

41. vicarious enjoyment:

(a) complete
(b) unspoiled
(c) occurring from a feeling of identification with another
(d) long-continuing
(e) temporary

Answer – (c)

42. psychogenic ailment:

(a) incurable
(b) contagious
(c) originating in the mind
(d) intestinal
(e) imaginary

Answer – (c)

43. an anachronous attitude:

(a) unexplainable
(b) unreasonable
(c) belonging to a different time
(d) out of place
(e) unusual

Answer – (c)

44. her iconoclastic phase:

(a) artistic
(b) sneering at tradition
(c) troubled
(d) difficult
(e) religious

Answer – (b)

45. a tyro:

(a) dominating personality
(b) beginner
(c) accomplished musician
(d) dabbler
(e) serious student

Answer – (b)

46. a laconic reply:

(a) immediate
(b) assured
(c) terse and meaningful
(d) unintelligible
(e) angry

Answer – (c)

47. semantic confusion:

(a) relating to the meaning of words
(b) pertaining to money
(c) having to do with the emotions
(d) relating to mathematics
(e) caused by inner turmoil

Answer – (a)

48. cavalier treatment:

(a) courteous
(b) haughty and highhanded
(c) negligent
(d) affectionate
(e) expensive

Answer – (b)

49. an anomalous situation:

(a) dangerous
(b) intriguing
(c) unusual
(d) pleasant
(e) unhappy

Answer – (c)

50. posthumous child:

(a) cranky
(b) brilliant
(c) physically weak
(d) illegitimate
(e) born after the death of the father

Answer – (e)

51. feels enervated:

(a) full of ambition
(b) full of strength
(c) completely exhausted
(d) troubled
(e) full of renewed energy

Answer – (c)

52. shows perspicacity:

(a) sincerity
(b) mental keenness
(c) love
(d) faithfulness
(e) longing

Answer – (b)

53. an unpopular martinet

(a) candidate
(b) supervisor
(c) strict disciplinarian
(d) military leader
(e) discourteous snob

Answer – (c)

54. gregarious person:

(a) outwardly calm
(b) very sociable
(c) completely untrustworthy
(d) vicious
(e) self-effacing and timid

Answer – (b)

55. generally phlegmatic:

(a) smug, self-satisfied
(b) easily pleased
(c) nervous, high-strung
(d) emotionally unresponsive
(e) lacking in social graces

Answer – (d)

56. an inveterate gambler:

(a) impoverished
(b) successful
(c) habitual
(d) occasional
(e) superstitious

Answer – (c)

57. an egregious error:

(a) outstandingly bad
(b) slight
(c) irreparable
(d) unnecessary
(e) deliberate

Answer – (a)

58. cacophony of a large city:

(a) political administration
(b) crowded living conditions
(c) cultural advantages
(d) unpleasant noises, harsh sounds
(e) busy traffic

Answer – (d)

59. a prurient adolescent:

(a) tall and gangling
(b) sexually longing
(c) clumsy, awkward
(d) sexually attractive
(e) soft-spoken

Answer – (b)

60. uxorious husband:

(a) henpecked
(b) suspicious
(c) guilty of infidelity
(d) fondly and foolishly doting on his wife
(e) tightfisted, penny-pinching

Answer – (d)

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