500+ Most Commonly Used American Idioms

English American Idioms Commonly Used Eduhyme

An idiom is a widely used saying or expression that contains a figurative meaning that is different from the phrase’s literal meaning.

Also Read:

1 She is a peach. She’s sweet and helpful.
2 He’s full of beans. He’s not telling the truth. He’s not telling the truth.
3 It’s not my cup of tea. I don’t care for that.
4 He’s full of baloney. He doesn’t know what he’s talking about.
5 It’s just sour grapes. They have resentment.
6 That’s corny. It’s sentimental, old, and not funny anymore.
7  I’m in a pickle. I’m in a dilemma.
8 He brings home the bacon He brings home the family money.
9 She’s in a stew She’s upset.
10 He’s the top banana He’s the headman.
11 He’s the salt of the earth He’s Avery good person.
12 She’s worth her salt She’s a valuable employee.
13 They’re two peas in a pod If you see one you see the other.
14 I’m nuts about you I’m in love with you.
15  It’s a piece of cake. It’s quite simple.
16 You can’t have your cake and eat it too. You can’t use it and save it.
17 He’s a real ham. He’s just an actor (a bad actor.)
18 It’s a hard nut to crack. It’s a difficult problem to solve.
19 Let’s talk turkey. Let’s talk seriously.
20 He’s a bad egg. He cannot be trusted.
21 We need to break the ice Everyone’s a little tense – lets be friendly.
22 We’ll get a baker’s dozen. We’ll get 13 items (one extra.)
23 He’s got a finger in every pie. He has many deals going.
24 You’ll have to take potluck Be happy with what we have on hand.
25 She’s hard-boiled. She makes tough deals.
26 He’s the apple of my eye He’s my favorite person.
27 He’s a rotten egg. He is a thoroughly evil person.
28 It’s for the birds It’s a crazy idea.
29 She eats like a bird. She eats little or nothing.
30 He’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing He’s a bad guy pretending to be good.
31 I smell a rat. Someone has betrayed us.
32 He’s chicken-hearted He has no courage.
33 I could eat a horse. I’m extremely hungry.
34 Please don’t monkey around. Get serious and stop playing
35 We’ll kill two birds with one stone. One solution solves two problems.
36  Its three miles as the crow flies. It’s three miles going straight.
37 Don’t cry wolf. Don’t give a false alarm.
38 It has dog-eared pages. It’s a well-used popular book.
39 He’s the underdog. He’s not the favorite to win.
40 She’s like a fish out of water. She is not in her area of expertise.
41 You’ll stir up a hornet’s nest. You’ll cause a great deal of new problems.
42 Don’t let him get your goat. Don’t let him get you upset.
43 Don’t make a mountain out of a molehill. Don’t make big of something insignificant.
44 They are packed like sardines. There is absolutely no room for even one more.
45 Roy We got a bird’s eye view We had a very good viewpoint from on high.
46 We’re on a wild-goose chase. We were chasing something that didn’t exist.
47 It’s raining cats and dogs. It is the heaviest rain I have ever seen.
48 It’s just monkey business. The business is either his own business or fake.
49 He’ll weasel out. He’ll back out of all agreements.
50 She’ll go ape. She’ll become very upset.
51 Let’s talk turkey. Let’s begin to talk seriously.
52 Don’t let the cat out of the bag. Don’t tell our secret.
53 Those are crocodile tears. Those are false tears.
54 He’s a card shark. He is a professional card player.
55 We had a whale of a time. We had a great time.
56 He drinks like a fish. He is a heavy alcohol drinker.
57 I’ve got a frog in my throat. I need to clear my throat in order to talk right.
58 He rolled snake eyes. His dice had two ones.
59 It sounds fishy. She is very stubborn.
60 It sounds fishy. It doesn’t sound like it’s true.
61 Don’t make a hog of yourself. Don’t take more than your share.
62 Quit horsing around. Stop being silly and get serious.
63 He ratted on me. He informed others about my secrets.
64 She is a stool pigeon. She informs on everybody.
65 I Can’t make heads or tails of it. I can’t understand what you are talking about.
66 She’s no spring chicken. She is a tough old lady.
67 She’s no spring chicken. She is a tough old lady.
68 She lost her head. She did something crazy.
69 He can’t keep his head above water. He’s too busy with many things.
70 That’s just off the top of my head Here’s an idea without too much thought.
71 She’s got her head in the clouds. Her ideas are not practical.
72 She’s levelheaded. She’s always has good practical ideas.
73 I’ve got a lump in my throat. Tam emotionally involved and distressed.
74 You’d better save your neck. You must survive this situation.
75 You better turn the other cheek. Don’t let what they say bother you!
76 Just swallow your pride. Forget your pride and solve the problem.
77 My lips are sealed. I will never reveal the secret.
78 It’s a slap in the face. That is an insult.
79 You can talk until you’re blue in the face. They aren’t listening to you.
80 She’s got a big mouth Admit your error – solve it and go on.
81 She’s got a big mouth. She talks too much and says the wrong things.
82 It’s just hand to mouth. It is a very low cost project.
83 Keep a stiff upper lip. Keep trying and you can succeed.
84 It makes my mouth water. I think that is a very attractive idea.
85 It was by word of mouth. I was told in person.
86 It leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I don’t feel comfortable with that idea.
87 It will melt in your mouth. You will like this idea.
88 You can save your breath. They don’t listen – they’re not open to anything.
89 She takes my breath away. She’s the most wonderful creature I’ve ever seen.
90 I did it by the skin of my teeth. I just barely got the job done.
91 It’s on the tip of my tongue. I know it – I just can’t say it now.
92 You’ll eat your words. Anything you say may come back to haunt: you.
93 She’s got a sharp tongue. Her words are like a sword – they can hurt.
94 It’s my mother tongue. It is my native language.
95 It was a slip of the tongue. I didn’t intend to say that.
96 He said it tongue in cheek He was kidding when he said that.
97 She’s tongue-tied. She’s so excited she can’t speak.
98 I only have eyes for you. You are the object of my affection.
99 I never want to lay eyes on you. Go! I never want to see you again.
100 I’ve got my eye on you. I’m watching you – one mistake and you’re gone.
101 He’s making eyes at her. He is flirting with her.
102 That’ll make your eyes pop. You will be really surprised when this happens.
103 I can’t believe my eyes. What I am seeing is hard to believe.
104 There’s more than meets the eye. You are not telling me all the facts.
105 She’s a sight for sore eyes. We’re very happy to see her – we need her.
106 You need to catch his eye. You must get his attention
107 His eyes are bigger than his stomach. He takes more food than he can eat.
108 Feast your eyes on that. Isn’t that a wonderful thing we have here?
109 She will pull the wool over his eyes. She will fool him every time.
110 It’s a highbrow place. It is Avery high-class place.
111 You’ll pay through the nose. It’s extremely costly to do that.
112 Don’t turn up your nose at me. Don’t think you are better than I am.
113 She’s got a nose for news. She can get a story from almost nothing.
114 She won by a nose. It was a very close race.
115 You need to lead them by the nose. You have to tell them every single detail.
116 Keep your nose clean. Be honest and ethical.
117 It’s nothing to sneeze at. It is a good offer.
118 It’s under your nose. It’s right there in front of you.
119 She won by a hair. She won by just a tiny bit.
120 I’m all ears. Tam listening with great interest.
121 It was an ear-splitting sound. The noise hurt my ears.
122 It goes in one ear and out the other. He doesn’t listen to anyone
123 Keep your ear to the ground. Listen everywhere to find what is going on.
124 You’d better prick up your ears. Pay attention to what is happening.
125 She can wind him around her little finger. She can manipulate him to do what she wants.
126 He’s got a finger in every pie. He is trying every possible way.
127 My hands are tied. There is nothing I can do because of regulations.
128 Please lend me a hand. Help me with this.
129 Give him a hand Clap your hand in appreciation.
130 Give him a hand. Help him.
131 He’s got a green thumb. He is good at gardening.
132 I’m all thumbs. Tam very clumsy.
133 I’ve got it all at my fingertips I have all the right information.
134 He’s an old hand. He has lots of experience at that.
135 She’s got her hands full. She has more things to do than she can handle.
136 I wash my hands of it all. I want no part of this thing
137 He was caught red-handed. He was caught in the act of a crime.
138 Don’t let it slip through your fingers Don’t let this good customer get away.
139 You must get the upper hand Get an advantage on your competitor.
140 He’s up in arms about it. He has gotten upset about something.
141 I only got hand-me-downs. What I got was all second-hand stuff.
142 I’ve got to hand it to you. I admire what you have done.
143 It’s hands off to you You are not to do any work on this item.
144 Try to thumb a ride Beg for a ride.
145 We are short-handed I need your help.
146 You must toe the line. Everyone must follow all the rules.
147 He’s got cold feet, He’s frightened and doesn’t think he can do it.
148 He’s a heel He does not act like a gentleman with ladies.
149 You better shake a leg You need to work faster.
150 She’s pulling my leg. She is trying to trick or fool me.
151 You’ll foot the bill. You will have to pay the entire cost.
152 You’ll have to put your foot down You’ll need to assert yourself – be more forceful.
153 You don’t have a leg to stand on You are not secure in your position.
154 You’ve got to put your best foot forward Go with the best idea that you have.
155 Don’t drag your feet Don’t delay – get to work
156 You’ve got to get a foot in the door You must get the customers attention.
157 The shoe is on the other foot now Now they have the problem, not us.
158 You’ll step on her toes You’ll be moving in on her territory.
159 He’s got a chip on his shoulder. He is looking for an excuse to fight.
160 She gave him the cold shoulder She is trying to get him to leave her alone.
161 Get off my back Leave me alone and let me get to work.
162 Get it off your chest Tell me exactly what is bothering you.
163 I need some elbowroom We are too crowded in this office.
164 He’s a thorn in my side. Everything he does irritates me.
165 He turns my stomach He totally disgusts me.
166 I’ve got butterflies in my stomach. I’m very nervous about this deal.
167 She can’t stomach it. She thinks this deal is too rotten to do.
168 He’s lily-livered. He too much a coward to do it.
169 She makes my flesh creep. She is extremely revolting in her attitude.
170 She’s a busybody. She pays attention to everybody else’s business.
171 We need a heart to heart talk We need to talk confidentially
172 You need to learn this by heart. You need to know this stuff well.
173 Please! Have a heart Get some feelings about being nice.
174 My heart is in my mouth. I’m extremely nervous about this deal.
175 Don’t take it to heart Don’t take this personally – it’s just business.
176 She’s a hard-hearted woman. She has no compassion for anyone
177 She’s got a heart of stone. She makes decisions without regard to people
178 Eat your heart out. You are envious of my success.
179 You’ll break my heart. I’ll be disappointed about this.
180 He’s our ace in the hole. When all else fails – he will save us.
181 He’s a stuffed shirt. He is very pretentious.
182 We are ahead of the game. Right now we are in advantage
183 They’re all shook up. They are upset that we are winning.
184 They’re all washed up. They have been defeated.
185 He’s asleep at the switch. He’s not alert to what is going on.
186 He’ll do after a fashion He’ll learn to do better but not well.
187 She’s a back seat driver She always will criticize any idea.
188 He’s a ball of fire. He’s one of best workers.
189 You’re barking up the wrong tree You have totally the wrong approach.
190 His bark is worse than his bite. He yells but he doesn’t mean anything by it.
191 You’ve got bats in your belfry You are crazy and have ridiculous ideas
192 She will bail him out. She will verbally discipline him
193 Don’t beat around the bush. Stop talking in circles – speak directly.
194 Beat it Go away!
195 I need my beauty sleep I need to sleep.
196 It’s no bed of roses. This will not be easy.
197 I’m behind the eight ball. Tam in trouble with the boss.
198 He’s beside himself with misery. He is extremely miserable
199 It’s better late than never. Being late is bad but it’s better than never.
200 He’s the big cheese. He is the headman.
201 He’s the big wheel. He’s the big boss.
202 He’s the big shot He is an important man.
203 Don’t bite off more than you can chew. Don’t try to do more than you can accomplish.
204 Don’t bite the hand than feeds you Be loyal to your company that pays you
205 He’ll soon bite the dust. He soon will be found out and lose.
206 Don’t blow your top. Stay calm
207 Don’t blow your cool. Remain calm and collected.
208 I’ve got a bone to pick with you. You’ve something that is a problem to me.
209 You should brush up on it. You need to study and learn this.
210 You need to build a fire under them They need to be motivated.
211 You’ll need to burn the midnight oil You will have to work overtime
212 Don’t break your word. Do what you have promised.
213 We need to break the news We need to tell them the bad news.
214 Let’s bury the hatchet Let’s forget our old fights and hatreds.
215 We won by a hair We won a very close victory.
216 By hook or crook we’ll do it. We’ll do it whatever it takes.
217 Let’s call it a day. That’s enough work for today.
218 Let’s call it quits. Let’s stop for now.
219 You call the shots. You make the decisions.
220 It’s a can of worms. That is a big bunch of problems
221 I ride in a car pool A group of us ride to work together
222 Don’t chicken out on us Don’t get scared and leave.
223 He’s a chip off the old block He is just like his dad.
224 We need to cut our losses. We must withdraw form a losing situation.
225 You’ve cooked your own goose You are in a problem of your own making.
226 You make me crack up. I find you extremely funny.
227 You need to crack a book. Open up a book and learn something
228 You need to crack a joke. Don’t be so serious all the time.
229 It cramps my style. You have put too many limits on me.
230 He’s the cream of the crop. He is the best there is.
231 Don’t cut corners Follow all of the rules.
232 It’s a cut and dried situation. There are no changes or discussions – just do it.
233 We’re at a dead stop We can’t do anything right now.
234 He’s dead to the world He is so tired he can’t function.
235 It will soon die out. That problem will be gone soon.
236 They’re a dime a dozen. They aren’t worth anything.
237 Watch him do a double take. He will gasp when he sees this.
238 She’s down in the dumps She is very depressed.
239 She got a dose of her own medicine. She is very depressed.
240 Well, that’s down the drain We have completely lost everything on this.
241 That’s all down the tubes We have totally lost everything on this.
242 Don’t drag your feet on this. Get working and stop the delaying.
243 I’m drawing a blank. I don’t have any idea on this.
244 We need to draw the line here We make no more concessions.
245 He drives a hard bargain. He makes it tough to make much of a profit.
246 It’s just a drop in the bucket. That is just the beginning of the problems.
247 She eats like a bird. She just picks at her food.
248 She eats like a horse. She eats like a hungry man.
249 He’s at the end of his rope. He is just about out of ideas and energy.
250 I feel like a million dollars I feel wonderful.
251 Finders keepers – losers weepers The finders are happy – the losers unhappy.
252 It will fit like a glove. The two situations work well together
253 They’re going to flip their lid. They are going to be extremely unhappy. .
254 He will fly off the handle He will be very upset.
255 Don’t fool around with that. Leave that situation alone.
256 It’s a foolproof scheme This idea is sure to succeed.
257 This is for keeps This is it – no changes – no getting out.
258 You’ll need to fork out some dough You will have to pay some cash.
259 He’s out getting forty winks He is taking a quick nap.
260 Can they get away with that? Will they be able to do that without trouble
261 Let’s get down to brass tacks Let’s do some serious talking.
262 Tell get even. Twill return the bad you did to me.
263 Get off my back Stop bothering me and let me do my work.
264 Let’s get the ball rolling Let’s start the work on this
265 We’ll get to the bottom of it. We will find out exactly what is the problem
266 He got out of the bed on the wrong side the day started bad and hasn’t gotten any better
267 He doesn’t have a ghost of a chance. There is no way he can succeed.
268 He’s giving me a hard time. He is teasing me about that.
269 Give him an inch and he’ll take a mile. Give a little and he takes a lot.
270 Don’t give yourself away. Don’t let them know what your plan is
272 They’ll have to give up the ghost They will have to give up trying.
273 He’s a real globetrotter He travels all over the world.
274 They just go around in circles. They go in all directions without any success.
275 They will go into orbit. They will be very upset
276 They can just go jump in a lake If they don’t like it – too bad.
777 Don’t go off the deep end Don’t go to extremes on this.
278 Just grin and bear it. Forget the problems – keep working.
279 They often just ham it up They like to get very dramatic.
280 He’s got one foot in the grave He is too old.
281 We had a high time. We had a good time.
282 You hit the nail on the head. That is exactly the situation.
283 They will hit the ceiling They will be extremely upset.
284 That is a hit below the belt. That is not playing fair or honest.
285 I’m going to hit the sack. I’m going to bed.
286 She’s going to hit the hay. She is going to bed.
287 That just won’t hold water. That idea just won’t work.
288 He can’t hold down a job. He has lost every job he ever had.
289 Don’t horse around. Don’t play around – be serious.
290 Keep them in the dark. Don’t let them know what is going on.
291 You must hang in there Keep trying.
292 She has a lot of hang-ups She has a lot of irrational objections.
293 I can see the handwriting on the wall I can sense the mood of people.
294 Go and have a ball Go and enjoy yourself.
295 We will have the last laugh They are winning now but in the end we will win.
296 Hold on to your hat. Be patient
297 Hold on to your horses. (Hold your horses) |Don’t get too excited.
298 Have your own way. OK! Do what you want.
299 You’ve got two strikes against you One more mistake and you are out!
300 That’s it in a nutshell. That is a short summary of the situation
301 She’s often in my hair. She is often in my way.
302 We’ve got one thing in the hole. One thing is on our side.
303 They are in the same boat. We both have the same problem
304 We are in full swing now. We are all working full time on this.
305 We have more irons in the fire. We have many other things to do
306 He’s a jack-of-all-trades He has many talents.
307 Don’t jump down my throat Don’t criticize me so severely.
308 It’s just what the doctor ordered That is an excellent solution.
309 You keep the ball rolling. Keep up your good efforts.
310 Now keep that under your hat Don’t tell this to anyone.
311 You keep plugging away. Keep working to solve this.
312 That’s a kick in the pants That is a good encouragement
313 Knock it off! Stop doing that!
314 He’s about to kick the bucket He is about to die.
315 He knows the ropes He knows what he is doing.
326 That is the last straw He has made one error too many.
317 You need to let off some steam. Don’t contain all your anger.
318 Don’t lie down on the job. Keep working – don’t slow down.
319 She is a long shot to win She is not the most likely winner.
320 He’s a long-winded talker. He talks and talks.
321 She looked daggers at him. She gave him a look of disapproval.
322 Don’t look down on them Don’t think you are better than they are.
323 You’ll lose your shirt doing that. You will lose everything.
324 That is a lost cause You cannot succeed.
325 We’ll lower the boom on them. We will soundly defeat them.
326 That’ll make the fur fly. That will get their attention.
327 She can’t make ends meet. She spends more than she makes.
328 Make yourself at home. She spends more than she makes.
329 He’s a man of his word He always keeps promises.
330 It’s a matter of life and death This is a very serious situation.
331 Your name is mud. You will be thought of as a loser.
332 It’s like looking for a needle in a haystack. It is a difficult thing to find.
333 She’s an old flame She’s a past girlfriend.
334 It happens once in a blue moon . It will never happen.
335 It’s on the house. You do not need to pay for it.
336 Be on the lookout for her. Watch for her.
337 He’s on the bandwagon. He has joined our side of the argument.
338 She’s on the ball. She is very perceptive.
339 He’s out of date He is living in the past
340 That is out of the question That idea is not acceptable.
341 Don’t go out on a limb. Don’t make any commitments on that.
342 We’ll paint the town red We will go out to party
343 He’ll just pass the buck. He will blame someone else.
344 He passed out at the party. He was so drunk he lost consciousness
345 A penny for your thoughts. What were you thinking just now?
346 He’ll just pick a fight He will provoke you into a fight.
347 I’m on pins and needles waiting. I’m anxious to find out something.
348 We won’t play second fiddle to them. We will not be in second place.
349 You’ve got to pull yourself together Get organized and not so emotional.
350 He’d pinch pennies. He is too careful with money.
351 It’s just a play on words The meaning is not what the words say.
352 Everybody must pitch in All must help.
353 We’ll polish them off. We will defeat them all.
354 Will you pop the question? Will you ask her to marry you?
355 He’s an apple polisher He tries to hard to please the boss.
356 I can pull strings I  have some connections with the right people
357 It’s just puppy love It is just infatuation
358 Put on your thinking cap. Give this some serious thought.
359 Let’s put our cards on the table Let’s be honest with each other
360 You put the cart before the horse Put first things first
361 That will put a feather in his cap This will be a credit to him
362 Don’t put all your eggs in one basket Don’t depend on just one thing
363 It’s raining cats and dogs It is a heavy rain
364 You’ve got to read between the lines Look at what they mean not what they say
365 That rings the bell Now I remember
366 Don’t rob the cradle She’s too young for you
367 He’ll just rock the boat He will get everyone upset
368 We’ve got lots of red tape All the government regulations are difficult
369 It’s just a rip off They will cheat you
370 He rubs me the wrong way I do not like his attitude
371 As arule of thumb I refuse Generally I refuse
372 It’s pretty run down It is in bad condition
373 He needs a security blanket He always needs reassurance
374 Seeing is believing I only believe what I can see
375 That’ll separate the men from the boys We will find out who is serious
376 You’ve got them shaking in their boots They are afraid now.
377 You’ll have to sink or swim It will be win all or lose all now
378 We are sitting pretty We are sitting pretty
379 She slays me with that nonsense She disgusts me with those silly ideas
380 Everything is ship shape Everything is in good order
381 Why don’t you sleep on it? Think about it tonight – let me know tomorrow
382 We just made small talk We didn’t talk about anything serious
383 Go ahead and sound off Say what you think
384 He’s spaced out He is on drugs
385 It will spread like wildfire This idea will be very popular
386 They have stacked the deck We are not playing under even conditions
387 They have stacked the cards They have cheated us to their advantage
388 We will need to start from scratch We need to start at the beginning
389 I don’t want to steal his thunder Twill let him break the good news
390 She tried to steal the spotlight She wants undeserved attention
391 You must stick to your guns on that Your idea is good – stay with it
392 He’s just a stick-in-the-mud He is too old fashioned
393 You won’t strike it rich This idea won’t make you rich
394 You need to strike while the iron is hot Do it while the opportunity is right
395 We won’t take a back seat to them We won’t be in second place to them
396 We’re in the driving seat We control the situation
397 Our new project will soon take off It will be a great success
398 You have to take your medicine If you did wrong you must pay
399 You can take the floor It is your turn – speak
400 You run with it The project is yours to make it a success
401 Take your hat off to no one You are a good as anyone else
402 We won’t take sides We will be neutral on this
403 That is a tall story I don’t believe your explanation
404 We’ll throw the book at them If they did wrong they must pay
405 We will throw in the towel We give up
406 We’ll throw in the sponge We give up
407 We’ll throw a party We will have a party
408 She’ll throw a fit. She will be extremely upset.
409 We’ll hold them to the letter They will have to follow all the rules
410 Remember that time marches on You are wasting time
411 I think they will tie the knot They will get married
412 We’re tickled to death about it We are very pleased
413 We had the time of our life We had a good time
414 It will be touch and go for a while We won’t know if we succeed or fail
415 We will need to touch up things We need to solve some little problems
416 It will be to the tune of a million It will cost about a million dollars
417 It’s part of the tricks of the trade. It is one of my secret solutions.
418 It’s time to turn in. It’s time to go sleep.
419 We will turn the tables on them We will reverse the situation
420 She had better turn over a new leaf She needs to change her ways
421 He’s got me turned on He has me excited about that
422 Don’t just twiddle your thumbs Get to work
423 I put her under your wings She will report to you
424 He is up to something He is doing something secretly
425 Don’t get up in arms There is no need to get excited or upset
426 He’ll upstage us He’ll do better than us
427 We won’t wait on them We are going ahead and not wait for them
428 They’ll walk all over you They will take advantage of you
429 He’s walking on air He is really excited
430 You’re walking on thin ice You may fail at any moment
431 He will just warm the bench He will sit by while we work
432 Don’t wash your dirty linen in public Don’t tell your bad points to others
433 You’ll just be wasting your breath Don’t bother, they won’t listen
434 The wear and tear will defeat us The effort is not worth the rewards
435 You’ll wear out your welcome Don’t stay too long
436 I’ll pay you when my ship comes in When I get rich I’ll pay you
437 We just have to weather the storm Keep working in rough times
438 I can see the writing on the wall I can sense that thing may be bad
439 Let’s wind up this problem We need to finish this
440 We will agree word for word We agree exactly
441 Just a word to the wise-Shut up! Listen to me!
442 You just zip your lip Stop talking so much
443 Keep your shirt on Don’t get so impatient
444 They are pulling your leg They are playing a trick on you
445 She is rolling in the dough She has lots of money
446 He’s stinking rich He’s very wealthy
447 We’ll make him the fall guy We will put the blame on him
448 He will take the rap He will be the guilty one
449 It’s a bum rap He is innocent
450 You need to bend over backwards You need to try very hard
451 You need to bite the bullet You need to endure a difficult situation
452 Stick it out! Endure a difficult situation
453 They will bite the dust They will go down to defeat
454 Has the cat got your tongue? Can’t you talk?
455 They will have to cough up the money They will have to willingly come up with money
456 It’s different strokes for different folks Everyone has different interests and tastes
457 She’s dressed to kill She’s wearing her finest clothes
458 He’s driving me up the wall He is annoying me greatly
459 That’s duck soup That is very easy
460 What is eating you? What is annoying you?
461 Someone is feeding you a line Someone is deceiving you
462 We can get it for a song We can get it for very little money
463 We can get away clean We can escape punishment
464 Don’t get in her hair Don’t bother her
465 She will get the ax She will be fired
466 We need to get the jump on them We need to get an advantage on them
467 You should give it your best shot You should try your hardest
468 We will give them the slip We will escape
469 He will go to bat for you He will support you all the way
470 She is going to the dogs She is becoming rundown
471 She’s got the world by the tail She’s happy and successful
472 That’s a horse of a different color That’s an entirely different situation
473 If the shoe fits – wear it If you are wrong admit it
474 Don’t jump the gun. Don’t be hasty.
475 Let’s kick up our heels. Let’s celebrate.
476 This will knock their socks off. This will enthuse and excite them.
477 We won’t leave them high and dry. We won’t abandon them.
478 It is defective. It is defective
479 We need to make a splash  We need to be successful and get their attention
480 Money talks. Money can influence people.
481 They don’t have a leg to stand on.  They have no defense for their actions.
482 We’ll put that on ice We’ll save that one for the future.
483 We are not out of the woods  We are not out of danger.
484 He is on his last legs. He is sick and failing fast.
485 We will play this one by ear.  We will improvise as we go along.
486 Put your money where your mouth is. You must follow through with what you say.
487 They will raise a stink. They will protest strongly.
488 We will have to scratch their back. We will have to do them a favor.
489  They will sell you down the river They will betray you.
490 Don’’t sells them short. Don’t underestimate them.
491 You must shape up or ship out You must behave or leave.
492 Let’s just shoot the breeze. Let’s just chat informally.
493 We are sitting pretty. We are in a fortunate position.
494 They gave us a snow job.  It was insincere talk.
495 Don’t spill the beans. Don’t reveal our secret.
496 Don’t spread yourself too thin.  Don’t become involved in too many things.
497 Don’t stick you neck out on this. Don’t take too much risk.
498 This is straight from the horse’s mouth.  It is from a reliable source.
499 You must take the bull by the horns. You must take decisive action
500 You are talking through your hat. You are making foolish statements.
501 I said it tongue in cheek. She is a wet blanket.
502 What do they have up their sleeve? What facts have they concealed?
503 She is a wet blanket. She’s boring and spoils everyone’s fun.
504 She is tooting her own horn She is boasting.
505 Above all to thy own self be true. First be honest to yourself.
506 Mer all’s said and done, more is said than In the end there’s more talk than action.
507 He has fallen afoul of the law.  He is in conflict with the law.
508 It is all up in the air. It is not been decided.
509 Be on the alert for danger. Watch for danger.
510 That is up his alley. It is compatible with his ability.
511 In that she stands alone. She is unequaled.
512 They will be along soon. She is unequaled.
513 I will be able to get along. T will be able to manage successfully
514 All along I knew they would fail. From the beginning I knew they would fail.
515 That will cost you and arm and a leg. It will cost an extravagant amount.
516 They welcomed us with open arms. It will cost an extravagant amount.
517 I will get around to it soon. T will be able to deal with it.
518 It is sold as is. It’s sold with no guarantees.
519 Don’t turn your back on them. Don’t reject them.
520 Don’t turn your back to her. She can’t be trusted.
521 Don’t go back on your word. Don’t fail to keep your promise.
522 It is in the bag. We are assured of a successful outcome.
523 They arrived bag and baggage. They arrived with all their belongings.
524 Keep on the ball. Be alert, competent and efficient.
525 He is off base. He is badly mistaken
526 Right off the bat they fought Immediately they fought
527 We will go to bat for them We will assist them
528 Bear in mind their finances Remember their finances
529 Please, bear with me Please, understand my situation
530 We will need to tighten our belt We must become thriftier
531 You bet we will go Certainly we will go
532 Between you and me they won’t do it In strictest confidence, they won’t do it
533 He is big on meat and potatoes He likes meat and potatoes
534 We expect to make it big We expect to be very successful
535 It will fill the bill It will meet all our requirements
536 We did it bit by bit We did it little by little
537 They will try to put the bite on us They will try to borrow money from us
538 We are now in the black We are now profitable
539 The company is on the block The company is for sale
540 They are blowing hot and cold They are changing their minds
541 He is just blowing off steam He is just venting his anger
542 It came from out of the blue It was totally unexpected
543 The new changes are across the board It will affect all divisions and groups
544 I feel it in my bones i have a premonition about this
545 That is one for the books That is something entirely new
546 He has been hitting the bottle He has begun to drink (alcohol) to excess
547 That is out of bounds That is beyond your limits
548 Don’t burn the bridges behind you Keep the possibility of retreat
549 He had money to burn He had lots of money
550 We will go by and by We will go in a little while
551 By and large they are honest For the most part they are honest
552 That was a close call It was a narrow escape
553 He burns the candle at both ends He spends too much energy in all directions
554 She can’t hold a candle to her friend She is not nearly as good as her friend
555 Put your cards on the table Be frank about your motives and intentions
556 He’s got a card up his sleeve He has a secret plan in reserve
557 It is just not in the cards It is not likely to occur
558 Try to catch your breath Rest so you can continue
559 We will chalk up that one to experience We will credit that to experience
560 We chewed the fat for a short while We talked casually for a while
561 Next week we will clean house Next week we will get rid of anyone undesirable
562 You must come clean You must confess your error
563 She is in the clear She is free from danger or suspicion
564 We need to clear the air. Let’s ignore emotional tensions and differences.
565 She has her head in the clouds. She is not in the real world.
566 He killed her in cold blood He killed her without any feeling, or remorse
567 He was left out in the cold He got nothing
568 They were acting in concert They were acting together
569 They left him to cool his heels He was left waiting
570 They asked her to cool it She was asked to calm down and relax
571 He tried to cut corners He tried to bypass some rules
572 It’s as easy as pie It is very simple
573 You need to cut that out Stop doing that
574 I’m beat I am very tired
575 Give it some elbow grease You need to go to work
576 It will cost you a bundle it will be quite expensive
577 We are antsy about that We are not confident about it
578 She is a blabbermouth She talks all the time
579 I’m flat broke I’m flat broke
580 I’m fed up with him I have no patience with him
581 She is bent out of shape She is upset about something
582 We are up a creek (without a paddle) We are in a difficult or unfortunate position.


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