The term ‘environment‘ is widely used and has a broad range of definitions, meanings and interpretations.
In popular usage, for some people, the term ‘environment‘ means, simply, ‘nature‘: in other words, the natural landscape together with all of its non-human features, characteristics and processes.
Also Read:
- Top 5 Career Options For Environmental Studies
- Important Terms Related to Environment and Ecology
- 200 Environment Related Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)
- Global Warming and Environmental Pollution One Liner Questions
- Global Warming and Environmental Pollution Related MCQ with Answers
- 200+ Important Questions Related To Environmental Science
To those people, the environment is often closely related to notions of wilderness and of pristine landscapes that have not been influenced – or, at least, that have been imperceptibly influenced – by human activities. However, for other people, the term ‘environment’ includes human elements to some extent.
Below is the list of some interesting questions related to Environment and Nature that can be asked in various competitive exams:
- What is meant by
- Environment?
- Environmental studies?
- What do you mean by ecosystem?
- Illustrate land ecosystem and also aquatic ecosystem.
- Classify the ecosystems on the basis of their habitats. Give examples.
- What is sustainable ecosystem?
- Give a short account of the impacts of agriculture on environment.
- What is meant by
- Eutrophication?
- Water logging?
- Salinity of soil?
- Enumerate the impacts of mining.
- What is the significance of sustainable development? What are its main components?
- Name the major natural resources.
- Give examples of
- renewable and
- nonrenewable resources.
- What is the significance of forest resources?
- Explain the importance of biodiversity and its conservation.
- What are the sources of water? Name also the sources of freshwater. Express their quantities in term of percentage of water resources.
- Name the important water quality parameters. Mention their tolerance limits as per USPH standards.
- What are water-borne diseases?
- Give an account of environmental factors for the outbreak of cholera. How can it be prevented?
- Write a note on fluorosis.
- What are the major minerals mined to the maximum extent?
- How do you classify metals? Name some base metals and also precious metals.
- Write notes on:
- Nitrogen cycle
- Carbon cycle
- Phosphate cycle
- Sulphur cycle
- Hydrologic cycle
- Name conventional and non-conventional sources of energy. Compare their effects on environment.
- What are the products of combustion of coal? Discuss their damaging effect on environment.
- Starting from coal, how would you manufacture material?
- Write notes on:
- Biogas
- Hydroelectricity
- Geothermal energy
- Hydrogen fuel
- “Solar energy is the energy for future in India.” Elucidate.
- Comment on: “Wood is a major renewable energy resource — it offers multiple benefits to man, but it is vanishing fast.”
- What are the causes of water pollution?
- Name the organic and inorganic water pollutants.
- Write a short note on “Arsenic contamination of ground- water.”
- Give a flow-sheet diagram of municipal waste water treatment (primary and secondary).
- List water quality parameters for drinking water (USPH Standard) and give their permissible limits.
- Give an outline of the modes of solid waste disposal.
- How do you propose solid waste management?
- Give an account of Love Canal dumpsite incident.
- Comment on sanitary land-fill method for waste disposal.
- What are the units of noise measurement?
- Discuss noise pollution health hazards.
- What are the permissible levels of noise in
- residential,
- business, and
- sensitive areas?
- Name some toxic chemicals – their uses and hazards.
- Write notes on:
- Asbestosis
- Silicosis
- Byssinosis
- What are primary air pollutants?
- How would you control carbon monoxide?
- What is acid rain? How does it damage environment?
- What is ozone hole? How is it formed? Explain with the reactions.
- How can ozone hole be controlled?
- What is population explosion? How does it affect the economy of India?
- What is meant by doubling time? Explain with reference to world population and Indian population.
- How is infant mortality related to life expectancy?
- Write notes on:
- Carrying capacity of the earth
- Population stabilization and sustainable development
- Human development index and India’s rank in the world context.
- Explain greenhouse effect.
- What are greenhouse gases?
- How does global warming affect the world climate and food production?
- Give a brief account of the environmental policies of the government of India relating to
- forests, and
- biosphere.
- State the environmental laws relating to
- Water
- Air
- Wildlife.
- Explain the importance of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for development projects.
- Give notes on:
- Chipko Movement
- Silent Valley Movement
- Elucidate: “India has rich heritage in environmental ethics but failed to lead the world in this area.”
- Exploring the Enigmas of Science – Unraveling Celestial Mysteries and Physical Conundrums
- Semiconductor Related Terms – A Beginner’s Guide
- Major Trenches and Ridges Around the World
- [The Planets] Mercury to Neptune – Some Known Facts
- Unraveling Earth’s Mysteries – A Journey through Intriguing Questions
- The Principal Causes of Pollution – A Comprehensive Overview
- Thermal Pollution – Causes, Effects, and Solutions
- What is Noise Pollution?
- Why Are Bacteria and Microbes Afraid of UV Light?
- Soil Pollution – Causes, Effects, and Solutions