Geography is the study of the Earth and its physical features, human societies, and interactions with the environment. It is a vast and complex subject, but there are some basic geography questions that everyone should know.
Here are some of the top geography one liner questions:
S.No. | Question | Answer |
1. | Which two planets of the solar system have no satellites? | Mercury and Venus |
2. | On which planet of the solar system does the sun rise in the west and set in the east? | Venus |
3. | After how many years does Halley’s comet appear once in a period? | 76 years |
4. | The light coming from stars gives the idea of their which quality? | Temperature |
5. | Which celestial body besides earth bear, The Sea of Tranquility’ and The Ocean of Storms’ ? | Moon |
6. | What is the time required by moonlight to reach the earth? | 1.3 sec |
7. | If there is no Sun, what would the colour of the sky? | Black |
8. | In which the radiant energy of the sun is transmitted? | Short waves |
9. | Which planet take maximum time for one revolution around the Sun? | Jupiter |
10. | On which date does Summer Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere occur? | December, 22 |
11. | What is the approximate equatorial circumference of the earth? | 40,000 Km |
12. | On which date the earth is at the largest distance from the sun (Apehelion)? | July 4th |
13. | The mapping of which part of earth is most difficult? | Interior of the Earth |
14. | What will be the shortest day in Australia? | June 21 |
15. | Of the total volume of the earth, which layer forms the major part? | Core |
16. | Which phenomenon gives an evidence for the spherical shape of the earth? | Lunar eclipse |
17. | How much does the earth revolves round the sun in its orbit by approximately? | 1° per day |
18. | The heavier silicates named ‘Sima’ or silica + magnesium are most abundant in which layer? | Crust |
19. | The tide at its maximum height is known by which name? | Spring tide |
20. | Through which group of countries does the Equator pass? | Colombia, Kenya and Indonesia |
21. | Which cold and dense air blowing down the mountain slope during the night? | Katabatic wind |
22. | Which chemically inactive gas present in the atmosphere? | Argon |
23. | When can one record the lowest temperature of air? | Just before sunrise |
24. | Which layer of the atmosphere provides ideal conditions for flying of jet aeroplanes? | Stratosphere |
25. | What happens when a sudden fall in the barometric reading? | Storm |
26. | What do the contact of two air masses differing sharply in humidity originate? | Temperate cyclones |
27. | The cauliflower shape is associated with which cloud formations? | Cumulus |
28. | In the earth’s atmosphere, what changes in the atmospheric pressure? | Decreases with height |
29. | The dry wind ‘Santa Ana’ blows in which country? | California |
30. | Northern part of Australia is typified by which climate? | Monsoon climate |
31. | Where are a large number of species are found within a small unit of area? | Wet evergreen equatorial forests |
32. | Which ecosystem covers the largest area of the earth’s surface? | Marine Ecosystem |
33. | Which climatic factor which has the least effect upon a terrestrial ecosystem? | Wind |
34. | Which type of climate is known for the maximum diurnal range of temperature? | Hot desert |
35. | Which country celebrates Christmas festival in summer season? | Australia |
36. | Which is an example of Mid latitude desert ? | Patagonia desert |
37. | Where are the Postaz temperate grassland? | Hungary |
38. | Long treeless grassy palms are characteristics of which grass? | Pampas |
39. | Which is the zones of excessively dry climate with very cold temperature throughout the year? | Tundra |
40. | Which region specialises in the cultivation of citrus fruits? | Mediterranean region |
41. | Which country is the largest producer of Bauxite? | Australia |
42. | Which term for natural vegetation is associated with Siberia? | Taiga |
43. | Which is the World’s largest synthetic rubber and tyre making centre? | Akron |
44. | Which country is the largest on producer in the world? | U.S.A. |
45. | In the world production of natural rubber, what is the rank of India? | Fourth |
46. | What is the Molten rock below the surface of the earth? | Magma |
47. | What is the cause of Exposure of rock to the changes of temperature? | Mechanical weathering |
48. | Which geomorphic processes is associated with the work of glaciers? | Plucking |
49. | Tsunami is a large sea wave caused by an earthquake experienced along the coasts of which country? | Japan |
50. | Which instrument instrument used for recording earthquake waves? | Seismograph |
These are just a few examples of the many specific geography questions that people might ask. By learning the answers to these questions, you can gain a better understanding of different parts of the world.
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