[TOEFL] 400+ Essential Words and their Meanings

Essential Words English Grammar Eduhyme

Essential words are necessary in English grammar because they form the foundation of sentence structure and convey the meaning of a sentence. Essential words include nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs, which are used to describe objects, actions, and qualities.

Without these words, sentences would be difficult to understand and lack coherence. Additionally, essential words are used to create tenses and convey time and voice in a sentence. These words are important for effective communication and clarity in written and spoken English.

S.No. Word Meaning
1 Overseas, internationally We always go abroad in the summer
2 Sudden Our conversation came to an abrupt end when George burst into the room.
3 Permissible They are standards that provide a basis for consistent and acceptable minimal levels of quality, performance, safety, and reliability
4 Praise The film, which will be released in the UK later this year, has already won considerable acclaim in the US.
5 Truly Before you say something about somebody, make sure that you actually know the facts.
6 Unfavorable The most common adverse effects reported related to skin irritation and skin burning.
7 Suggestion The salon also offers hairdressers advice on how to run their businesses better.
8 Appealing The shop was full of attractive men buying Valentine’s cards for their gorgeous women.
9 Independent The establishment of the University as an autonomous statutory body independent of Government is supported by many provisions in the University Act.
10 Objection Daniel pulled a face at Arthur, making clear his disapproval and dislike of Alicia’s suitor.
11 Disturbing At an early age he began to show signs of stubborn and disruptive behavior.
12 arbitrarily, carelessly The locations are all thoroughly, if rather haphazardly marked.
13 Perfect The pavement managing system to identify pavement conditions is an index of 10, with 10 representing an ideal road surface.
14 Constant The processes used affect the environment and generate persistent wastes, and the products themselves may have undesirable emissions and toxic effects.
15 Broad The big Canadian cut inside and, with a typically scrappy attempt, sent a deflected shot spinning wide of the left-hand post
16 Progressive The company says talks on its new development at an advanced stage.
17 Arrival That does not mean that you cannot profit long-term from the advent of the Internet.
18 Benefit Against this may be made the argument that New Zealand already gains sufficient advantage from existing arrangements.
19 Nimble They are so agile when they move, thanks to their abundance of elastic muscles.
20 Although Throughout this year retail sales have shown a rise, albeit a declining one, on levels of a year ago.
21 Permit The scarf’s purpose is to allow the bobbin case hook to get close to the needle eye and catch the thread to form a stitch.
22 Alluring The dishes above are already designed to have appealing colors for beautiful presentation, so just put them together.
23 Renown Whenever his celebrated opera performances leave him time, Heppner tries to fit in a recital.
24 Current It is a travelling show which builds on exhibitions held earlier to present contemporary works from both the East and the West
25 Dispense There are lots of people now employed in in big warehouses to distribute goods which would formerly have been distributed through retail outlets.
26 Inspire We hope it will encourage people who would normally not consider travelling by train.
27 Vigorous It is therefore difficult to model the energetic costs of intermittent activity using standard methods.
28 Fragile He was desperately frail, too weak to move his limbs but still strong enough to let out that cry which tears at every human heart.
29 Perfect Good investors continually refine their stock picking method, tweaking it here and there.
30 Rewarding If I can change just one person’s mind, then my speaking out will have been worthwhile.
31 Enhance The goal would be to improve body composition, increase muscle strength and enrich the quality of life.
32 Heighten Gradually the relationship began to intensify and, in 1991, they married.
33 Notice Carefully observe someone whose gesticulation style you like.
34 Current It is a widely held belief that continues to be a factor in their ongoing support of the war.
35 Suggest Each commission will propose one candidate to fill each vacancy
36 Revitalize That is why I have returned to restore my clan to its glorious position that it once knew.
37 Indispensable Among other major tasks, the liver detoxifies harmful substances, purifies your blood and manufactures vital nutrients.
38 Modify This lining method is a nice clean one and has the advantage of letting you alter the vest if it doesn’t fit correctly.
39 Examine Counselors try to analyze me but can’t give my parents an explanation.
40 Old My pinball skills were no longer celebrated, I was a has-been, a thing of the ancient past.
41 Bothersome He’s very annoying talking about his dogs.
42 Predict We anticipate his moves and prepare counter-moves to exploit them.
43 Adapt In any particular situation, any 18 centers will do, even if they don’t conform to this pattern.
44 Notice I may be completely wrong, but I detect a faint whiff of arrogance and even racism in the Economist article.
45 Wickedness The property is free from defect.
46 Vague He gives an ambiguous answer to his initial question.
47 Visible There has been an apparent failure to contact or evaluate some of the children concerned.
48 Haphazard It also meant freedom from arbitrary power, which by 1792 was being routinely identified as the power of any king.
49 Declare They are conducted in order to assert authority and extend influence.
50 Astonishing This was astounding news since York is such a vibrant and thriving city.
51 Perceptive , empower They are also astute at maintaining public sympathy by regularly deserting the picket lines to save lives.
52 Allow , let However, they cannot authorize projects without the approval of the appropriate ethics committee.
53 Misleadingly Appearances are deceptive in these restaurants, which look like dingy pubs from the outside.
54 Resolute Certainly the final score does no justice to a determined display.
55 Tenacious Children can be remarkably adaptable and are more resilient to trauma than older generations.
56 Entice Jobs that involve entertaining may tempt you to drink more than you intend.
57 Extract His name isn’t going to elicit a positive reaction – it hasn’t for over a year now.
58 Ban Environmental laws forbid alteration of the coast.
59 Appeal They want the Supreme Court to overturn the decision and have submitted a petition for a writ of certiorari.
60 Abdicate There is no evidence of her ever wishing to voluntarily relinquish the post.
61 Astonish Football’s incredible ability to throw up surprises never ceases to amaze me.
62 Puzzle Would they do a complete about-face and baffle everyone?
63 Tolerate, contain, carry No one really came to that dump to eat, so she was never really that busy, but work got so monotonous that with every passing day it seemed like she wouldn’t be able to bear it.
64 Obstruct “The parked cars block the road and leave nowhere for anyone to pull in.” he said.
65 Cloud His novels blur the boundaries between criticism and fiction.
66 Radiant We’ll definitely keep an eye on your brilliant career!
67 Warn Rather, love, and its consequences, is seen as a valuable goal, but one to be pursued with caution and handled with care
68 Dare My uncle took up the challenge and bolted out to the rescue.
69 Fragile Of delicate health, he was constantly ill and in pain in the last ten years of his life.
70 Strengthen After all, governments are supposed to be there to enhance our quality of life.
71 Fascinate The cabinet was a nest of intrigue.
72 Convince He did everything he could to persuade the police that he was the robber.
73 Substitute This is required to replace older medicines that will eventually face competition from generic substitutes.
74 Discard That could allow it to shed jobs without adding to its fixed costs.
75 Rare They employed the unusual, if not unique , move of boycotting their own executive meetings.
76 Mostly An audience consisting chiefly of women between the ages of 18 and 54
77 Rough Elderly people often describe the hard days of the past with examples of how they struggled with inadequate and coarse food.
78 Frequent If you think buffets are commonplace and boring, just try the beverage buffet.
79 Relatively The latest generation of drugs that are comparatively cheaper offer great promise.
80 Complicated The vehicle has four wheels all connected by complex machinery that simple minds like ours can’t begin to describe.
81 Traditional Of course, conventional training wisdom doesn’t condone this.
82 Peculiar She closed the door behind him and watched, curious to know who would do this.
83 Extremely Both teams looked exceedingly sharp even after the two and a half week Christmas break.
84 Restrictively Do you think that this kind of expression is exclusively the product of an urban setting?
85 Massive He certainly used it in the sense of destiny that is carved out by immense human efforts.
86 Truly For those who have dived upon an untouched shipwreck the experience is described as very moving indeed.
87 Stiff By being so rigid, he is unable to adapt and trust.
88 Ordinary Inside and outside the house the same routine was followed as in the previous year.
89 Adequate These were necessary but not sufficient conditions for the end of the old regime.
90 Extant She hasn’t got a bad back or broken leg or some other easily visible form of injury.
91 Proper But it still wouldn’t be appropriate to make a big deal of the fact that I have a famous father.
92 Explain Further careful epidemiological research is needed to clarify who benefits most from such treatment.
93 Prove As for the manipulation of final salary pension, I can confirm that is true.
94 Hide They were at great pains to conceal that information from the public.
95 Continually He was constantly on her mind.
96 Suitable This is timely and convenient for patrons, and it saves a great deal of staff time and attention.uiuhvhuy8dyd
97 Nucleus I told you again that you were the reason Adam ate the apple and its core.
98 Dangerous The second younger couple was so seriously injured that they were airlifted to Hamilton General Hospital in critical condition.
99 Deform By taking this stand they are choosing to deliberately distort my views.
100 Different Thus, studies of asthma in racially diverse populations appear to be warranted.
101 Thriving An inventory taken at the time shows a very prosperous society.
102 Deliberately He set off for the pasture with a purposeful stride.
103 Manifest, expose, display The reveal about his past is one of the greatest treats Mad Men has to offer this season.
104 Hypothetically This is not to suggest that research is entirely dictated by theoretical concerns.
105 Rarely She wraps one leg around the other and scarcely pauses for breath before elaborating.
106 Hasten Biotechnology will continue to advance and its rate of advance will accelerate .
107 Fracture Could the Guardian’s crack team of theatre experts give the show an instant makeover and turn its fortunes around?
108 Produce If these bodies are left around any longer they will create disease and bring harm to the people.
109 Crawl An attempt to prevent this slow creep of costs.
110 Grind No, don’t read anything into that, I don’t have a crush on my best friend, I’m not that sadly tortured, but I can admit he is cute.
111 Grow Farmers grow loose flowers in open fields, but cultivate cut flowers under controlled conditions.
112 Impose What’s important is that we not try to dictate to companies how they run their labor policies in this country.
113 Discriminate Pinker suggests that our love of music may have developed out of a similar evolutionary need to distinguish different sounds.
114 Defect After a few days of use I can’t flaw the actual display at all.
115 Gather Strict and complex regulations control all aspects of the harvest and production.
116 Reflect The young man saw himself in the mirror behind the bar.
117 Gain I had to obtain permission from her father.
118 Fragment He agrees without hearing the least particle of evidence.
119 Colonize They rely heavily on international agreement to settle problems.
120 Carry The story is a family affair against a backdrop of dirty dealings in the underground transport system.
121 Precise Police say the weapon used in the shootings was likely an assault rifle or a hunting rifle, accurate up to 650 meters.
122 Arrange And if allowed, they will classify the documents for 100 years
123 Money No claim had been made during the currency of the policy
124 Thorough She was taking very little bites of food and looked very deep in thought.
125 Thick As it turns out, your ears are particularly dense with these pressure points.
126 Trust It all depends on you.
127 Faint Eventually I could make out a dim figure ahead of me
128 Exhibit The display of wealth is the most important way to show a superior position in society.
129 foreign sales The other is an initiative to boost the export of renewable energy technologies to developing countries.
130 Enormous Over at the machinery section, farmers gazed longingly at some of the latest gigantic tractors.
131 Imposing His achievement is all the more impressive given the in limitations of the chosen media.
132 Enduring He was not able to establish a lasting dialogue with the United States at that point, however.
133 Bank Any excess money is stored in gold or silver in the country’s treasury and saved for times of war.
134 Consistent I quickly change into the uniform shirt front-end assistant manager Patrick loaned me; I didn’t want to wear it out on the street.
135 Trembling Her voice was vibrant and rich as before, but with a strange seriousness that she had not expected.
136 Definite There are two separate and distinct conditions for the exercise of the discretion created by that provision.
137 Major One dominant suppressor was identified among the 112 suppressors characterized.
138 Prostitute, slut, drowsy, ashy We captured nine drab males and nine bright males from each site.
139 Emotional Then I guess he was always a dramatic kid, he did a really impressive dyeing scene.
140 Complex This travel involves elaborate planning and discussions about eating.
141 Phenomenal Ted was a remarkable and exceptional man, who just happened to also live for 106 years.
142 Dangerous Hairdressing is one of the occupations most hazardous to the skin.
143 Tiny Some snakes, such as pythons, retain tiny leg bones, which may be visible as minuscule claws at the base of the tail.
144 Best Outstanding Cuts with the choice label have less fat than prime , and select cuts even less.
145 Basic When I first got into it, the visual language of television animation was very, very rudimentary
146 Delicate The perianal area can be highly sensitive to perfumes, soaps, clothes, fabrics, dietary intake and superficial trauma.
147 Shallow They were treated for smoke inhalation and superficial burns.
148 Frightening He increasingly tries to terrify them rather than reassure them.
149 Strong We are committed to a healthy and vigorous debate at the state level in which the people decide, not judges.
150 Asleep , sleeping, silent The plant sets fruit between July and September and it becomes dormant in early October.
151 Convenience The prospects of severely congested streets, increased health problems and loss of amenity in the city are real concerns.
152 Ruin They forget to tell you of this pain, the kind that will eventually overwhelm and destroy you.
153 Circulate We had such hot weather and there wasn’t a lot of wind to disperse it.
154 House Many residents of the settlement strive to make their dwellings habitable
155 Component However, if a proton is added to the hydrogen atom, a new element , helium is created.
156 Primary Finally, at the base of the educational pyramid, were the parish schools, providing a one-year elementary course.
157 Delete If we could eliminate stress, would we eliminate a lot of disease?
158 Highlight I can’t emphasize enough how important it is to pay attention to your body.
159 Surround While I was washing up the coffee cups I felt a pair of arms encircle my waist and a head lean on my shoulder.
160 Inconsistent Her blood pressure resumed its former erratic pattern.
161 Overstate No one dragged their rivals to the court; there were very few exaggerated claims.
162 Remark In its defense, the book does very briefly mention these events on an earlier page.
163 Dock The shops weren’t as good, there were no amusement arcades and no pier or beach.
164 Commonplace One of the most prevalent crimes in wide-open areas like Wiltshire is theft from cars.
165 Free The cinema release is planned for next year.
166 Assist He has spent his entire political career fighting every significant environmental program that would benefit our nation.
167 Unaware The blind covering the reception window was firmly down.
168 Enlarge Efforts to broaden classical music’s appeal.
169 Thrive The Vietnam anti-war movement began to burgeon in 1965.
170 Noticeably Construction, however, was a conspicuous exception to the general good news
171 Insist The nonsmokers could demand what they wanted in exchange for their rations.
172 Support Why do consumers care if celebrities endorse a product?
173 Tremendous It’s an enormous pressure he shoulders with good grace and a sense of responsibility.
174 Thoroughly The action takes place almost entirely in his house, and on a ruined wall overlooking a lake.
175 Deteriorate That could erode overall confidence in the economy and undermine the spending and investment needed to get it moving.
176 Disappear This gets the oil hot enough to evaporate any moisture.
177 Retrieve It can take many years to recover from the death of a loved one.
178 Rumored She’s reportedly unhappy about the article.
179 Switch You’ll learn not to get distracted when the car is about to shift into top gear.
180 Endure France will no longer suffer the existing government.
181 Notable One of our guys rolled his oversize truck on a residential street in front of a visiting dignitary .
182 Critical Everyone was aware that those games weren’t crucial, and it was just the group stage.
183 Evade The most important thing to do now was to second guess their pursuers and elude capture.
184 Apparent That flaw was evident in the first half yesterday but was rectified almost immediately.
185 Deplete Designed with smokeless exhaust diesel engines aided by gas turbines, air pollution is kept minimal.
186 Comprehensive The Marine Institute has just completed an extensive refurbishment at its facilities.
187 Confront Example: Her smile faded slowly as she saw her father’s face turn serious.
188 Aspect Isn’t this a normal facet of business daily life?
189 Idol She’s as strong and likable a female character as Davy is a male hero , making this a perfect bookend to book one.
190 Remote How many sales have you missed because the work is inaccessible?
191 Evidently He’d seemed astounded, but poor Ryan had been making himself painfully obvious.
192 Expectedly They observe all the rules and expect others to do likewise, and can be very predictable.
193 Resolve He is hoping to work with others such as the town council to try to solve the problem in various ways.
194 Appropriate The big supermarkets could do more to suggest suitable wine and food partnerships.
195 Extra This is an extremely difficult thing to do.
196 Sufficient Her ample body became a sign of financial abundance afforded by the upper class.
197 Dry The arid land of this autonomous republic supports a nomadic lifestyle.
198 Avert If enough people avoid the place of the robbery or the assault, the problem will go away.
199 Resist It is in the nature of disaster to defy representation.
200 Legislate The French Revolution was an attempt to enact his ideas.
201 Equitable They were also level in the table and the game looked like an even match.
202 Simulate The next day I decide that I can probably safely show up at anytime and feign having made an appointment.
203 Rich The lake, however, has become a fertile subject of debate for joggers and authorities, who blame each other for the decaying of the water body.
204 Recently At the moment, with the scandal freshly broken, everyone seems to be blaming everyone else.
205 Role These factors are a function of sampling effort and sampling strategy.
206 Essential Some theoretical issues and fundamental material problems remain, however.
207 Arbitrary Both areas were crowded and the results were indiscriminate casualties.
208 Discriminating However, at the research level there’s no alternative to a proper selective process.
209 Expansive The rooms are spacious and five have balconies with spectacular mountain views
210 Tolerate In so far as possible, the houses will be designed to withstand earthquakes.
211 Sturdy He also wears durable yet comfortable black nylon pants and thick sneakers.
212 Support The fact is that conservative voters favor conservative politicians.
213 Attain I’m angry that a company is out there selling my personal information for monetary gain.
214 Create The Austrians have voted not to generate electricity from nuclear power stations.
215 Stop She had pressed the bell indicating that she wanted the bus to halt at the next stop where she would disembark.
216 Manage Its lack of depth makes it more difficult each year to handle the newer, larger and deeper vessels plying the southern African route.
217 Shelter Ports that usually average 30 to 35 ships in harbor , now have 60 to 65.
218 Unhealthy We must protect children from potentially harmful material
219 Meaningless Never believe that you are too insignificant to make a difference
220 Baffling A young artist has created a mysterious object in a box for a corporate assignment.
221 Dangerous If they did not, the situation may be even more perilous.
222 Delay You observe and store up what you need, but you know, always, that you’re escaping something, postponing the inevitable.
223 Boost The European Commission is actively encouraging member states to promote the early teaching of languages.
224 Refuse Never leave a popular classmate stranded with a social reject for group projects.
225 Significant I went in thinking I’d have something light at noon and then eat a substantial meal later.
226 Meticulous It is very refreshing to see that there may be an ability to refuse to pay a levy for a reason relating to conscientious or religious grounds.
227 Communicate It’s in the way we engage in small talk and mobilize our facial expressions to convey interest and sympathetic sentiments.
228 Include Learning environments, therefore, must remain interesting and encompass a variety of teaching strategies.
229 Growth The software industry’s expansion plans have triggered a real estate boom in the city.
230 Intensify Turning points separate the acts, change the course of the story and often heighten the drama by raising the stakes.
231 Carelessly There are two separate issues here: deliberate copying and stealing of information, and inadvertent copying and leaking.
232 Unavoidable She made the inevitable cup of tea.
233 Beginning All their children died in infancy , perhaps from childhood infections so easily treated today.
234 Astonishingly The Lions are showing signs, but nothing miraculous will happen in this one.
235 Recover If possible, use all the types of birds the dog may retrieve in the future.
236 Methodically These are really issues of practical and systematic approaches to primary care.
237 Doubtful It is possible but highly unlikely that he could compel his victim to attend the trial.
238 Unjustified I reiterate to the House that this bill is unnecessary, unwarranted , and dangerous.
239 Apex The sun was well past the zenith.
240 Outstanding He views that season as the highlight of his career.
241 Disturb If you’re going to agitate a person by getting them to eat certain foods, I think you’ve not given them a quality experience.
242 Secret We worked very hard to keep any information that they provide us confidential.
243 Elated We are both delighted to be playing our football in England and it has happened because of hard work.
244 Cautiously He jumps in his chair at a discreet cough immediately beside him.
245 Proven There is online archived material to view and printable worksheets to help children document their work.
246 Steadily The situation gradually improved.
247 Penetration Local interests did not need formal representation to exert effective influence over officials.
248 Affect She testified that the project was creating an inordinate amount of paper work, far in excess of the norm.
249 Immediately The box fell apart instantly and the whole content of the box slid out onto my desk and onto the floor.
250 Inherent I wasn’t sure if it was intentionally funny or not.
251 Overwhelm These systems are inseparable and intrinsic to the problem of designing a school.
252 Saturate This site could more effectively control floods and would not inundate park land.
253 Include This result does not involve any unconstitutional border crossing by the court.
254 Moderate If a nominal charge was introduced to defray the cost, I don’t think too many people would complain.
255 Supposedly At least if we were all locked in, we presumably didn’t have to be Houdini to get out.
256 Ridiculous The taxi driver was complaining to them, about their rather absurd behavior and making him wait the whole day.
257 ill usage There is a lot of abuse , robbery, corruption, crime and theft of our wealth.
258 Distribution My account immediately showed that I had no discs at home and was awaiting allocation from their warehouse.
259 Equalized After incubation on ice for 45 minutes, the cells were washed twice in a balanced electrolyte solution.
260 Protection It exposes students to research that addresses issues of conservation and management of wildlife populations.
261 Incorrect However, most of his evidence is in the form of specious and fallacious arguments.
262 Possible This last idea seemed the best to me – and the most feasible to try and achieve as well.
263 Shortage There is no lack of entertainment aboard ship.
264 Flexible It will not only help you develop a more lithe and limber body, it will improve your strength training as well.
265 Methods Arts programs are one means of achieving that goal.
266 Thin The roads are very narrow , and the drivers are very aggressive.
267 Bias At once the preconception was shattered, and once the mental image was lost, it could not be easily restored.
268 Energetic She is a pleasantly robust woman of modest means, patriotic in convictions, guileless in manner
269 Constant He replied rather quickly as he tried to keep the ship steady.
270 Fast It was a messenger, mounted on a slim and swift chestnut horse.
271 old-fashioned The antiquated system of temporal note keeping needs to be addressed as a matter of urgency.
272 Ogical In fact I was more coherent about the general approach than I can remember being.
273 Evolve If I could have my own darkroom, I’d develop my own film and print my work myself.
274 Invent Only master craftsmen could design and fabricate such a product.
275 Probe Probably at any one time, there is a politician under investigation , or on trial or in prison.
276 Typically According to friends was behaving normally up to the day she disappeared.
277 Observe No one around this school ever noticed him or paid much attention if they did notice .
278 Concept I had no notion of what her words meant.
279 original This is not to say that this campaign has not produced any novel ideas; they have just been lost in the flood.
280 Resistance It was supported by the government, opposition , big businesses and trade unions.
281 Register If a person is so close minded that they would not want to listen to our music because of the record label that we are on, so be it.
282 Communicate He also holds that events that are causally related must be related under some strict law
283 Speculate It’s not a bad idea but I suspect it’ll take a crisis such as a property crash to make people change their habits.
284 Objective At least it means we can enjoy impartial unbiased commentary from now on.
285 Diverse His work was highly varied , but he became best known for his ingenious use of scrap material.
286 Emphasize I am keen to accentuate the positives and there are many if we care to look for them.
287 Conceal A few years back baseball caps were used to disguise someone’s appearance.
288 Fund The problem stems from a change in the way public finance is handled.
289 bring in A potential initiate is hardly going to stumble upon a support group this small.
290 Novelty Innovation is crucial to the continuing success of any organization
291 Relate Sometimes, stark images can speak for themselves and even narrate untold stories.
292 Nonetheless Warm, arid and scented it may have been, but it was an irritant nevertheless .
293 Sometimes Very occasionally the condition can result in death.
294 Neglect This story was omitted from last week’s paper due to a technical error.
295 Bizarre Many of your more bizarre or outlandish schemes will come to fruition.
296 Conquer She’s been able to overcome so many adversities.
297 Somewhat The work partially fulfills the function of a historical swn memoir.
298 Approve All drivers have to do to pass each other safely is to stay on their side of the road.
299 Depict His rich experience in the field helps him portray each character better year after year.
300 Propose It is in that context that we submit that it cannot be, in effect, whose hair this was.
301 Decrease In recent years, his health began to decline but his serene and tranquil nature never deserted him.
302 Collect She paused to gather her breath and leaned against the wall puffing.
303 Move The plaintiff brought a motion for an order dismissing the action without costs.
304 Biased It is not unheard of for countries to put aside partisan differences in the national interest, usually when the enemy is at the gates.
305 Habit Now, if I can stay awake until tonight I might just be able to get back into a regular pattern again.
306 Events Early retirement is a relatively new phenomenon in Britain
307 Humanitarian Service learning often relies on a notion of volunteerism, charity or philanthropic effort.
308 Calm The sea was so calm and placid on top but underneath, it was as busy as a train station.
309 Abundant My duck was the best I have tasted: tender meat with crispy skin, and, to top it all, plentiful.
310 Response He suffered a severe reaction to the nuts.
311 Pulse It took him awhile to get back to sleep, but finally he did, and I watched him, listening to the strong rhythm of his heart.
312 Picturesque Her first impressions on arrival were the scenic beauty, the lovely animals and the freshness of the air.
313 Superficial We swam to the shore and in every shallow we stopped.
314 Protected The week after she died, we received a phone call to transport the animals to the shelter.
315 Disappearing A million years before a mass extinction event, the corals vanish , more or less.
316 Arithmetic The fact that in typical sized prints the difference is vanishingly small is of no account.
317 Ancient He retained archaic word choices and used footnotes to explain the meanings of those words.
318 Accelerate A couple of undistinguished losses hastened the end of his career.
319 Color Each one was simple or complex, and each had its own hue , and shade.
320 Picture It’s a clear illustration of the problem.
321 Idle In patients with inactive disease, levels fell to those of controls.
322 Complex Even more seriously, this is a play full of the most intricate , knotty, compacted language.
323 Dimension The brightness increases as magnitude lowers.
324 Require Photos of interest would be most welcome so if you can oblige please do.
325 Disregard A lot of people may overlook him now, but they’ll be sorry in the long run.
326 Vote the ruling party won 24 seats, narrowly topping the poll.
327 Location They have a different social position to ordinary rank and file union members.
328 Functional The disputes were usually about small things, some of which had no actual ramifications in the practical application of Jewish law
329 Principal The color you choose will be determined by the predominant color of the room.
330 immediate, instant, urgent The public and the media would criticize the police if no prompt action were taken.
331 to simi While information may be analogous to facts, knowledge is what the body makes of these facts.
332 Around It’s approximately a year ago.
333 Obliged They may compel a witness’s attendance at court by issue of a summons.
334 Overwhelming It was an emphatic victory and formidable testimony to his talent and determination.
335 Annoying I am satisfied that this is the least disruptive and intrusive order I can make that is consistent with the child’s best interests.
336 Sometimes It is the periodical publication of the professional society of newspaper editorial writers.
337 Inclined to The devices are meant to make voting easier, more efficient and less prone to error.
338 Predictive The majority occur in the prophetic genre where often these words have a symbolic meaning of blessing or judgment.
339 Dimensions She has also attracted the biggest proportion of male viewers to her channel.
340 Freely Second hand office furniture is readily available and can easily be given a new lease of life.
341 Dependably The only thing that changes is the increasing reliance on computer technology.
342 Hesitatingly He was a reluctant reader.
343 Prominence Her pamphlets on faith and Christian living were gaining renown.
344 Concession This has been accomplished in the faithful obedience of the Lord Christ Jesus and His propitiatory sacrifice
345 Achievement Nevertheless, I do get a sense from the trailer of a resounding triumph and victory when all is said and done.
346 cause , entail , bring It was taking up more time than he could afford.
347 Pollute If not properly disposed of, these substances can contaminate ground water.
348 Detectable Each pebble was clearly discernible.
349 Thriving The year 2003 is shaping up to be a banner twelve months for the flourishing world of the genre small press.
350 Preserve Will you to the utmost of your power maintain the laws of God?
351 Average The first story was great and the others various degrees of mediocre to all right.
352 Insignificant A spokesman for the county council said only one sign was to be moved at a negligible cost.
353 Similar It’s an absolutely extraordinary situation which has no parallel in any other Western democracy.
354 Strange The young woman thought this style of dress very peculiar and abnormal.
355 Powerful Instead they can have very real and potent social and political effects.
356 Exceptional I love all the little things the company did to make the product remarkable .
357 Dispersed There was only a small scatter of other caravans and motorhomes when we arrived.
358 Steady I think of it as arising from pain fibers that are not mucosal but deeper in hollow organs or in solid masses.
359 Wearying We might even find it a bit tedious to keep reading about it in the papers.
360 Little You’re away from the stage by some margin and in this case the music seemed somewhat far off.
361 Concisely I will briefly summarize some of the main areas of law that are relevant to this case.
362 Distribute We go to a restaurant and eat, and circulate to chat with other locals, trying to make a plan.
363 Dependably Finally, science moves forward because scientists seek to develop logically consistent theories.
364 Display She was invited to exhibit at several French museums.
365 Establish He was okay, but you’ve seen found pieces and discarded tat turned into art before.
366 Inappropriately During the festive season, injuries result from improper use of fireworks.
367 Rarely She had not spoken to her parents in years and contact with her sisters was sporadic and infrequent.
368 Secluded The latter state of mind seemed totally understandable given his isolated existence.
369 Openly That he avoided overt references to modernity was something the public, shy of change, appreciated.
370 Significantly Those assumptions are important because they so profoundly define us.
371 Quickly I just wore sharp clothes, and whenever anyone asked who was I supposed to be, I told them and smiled.
372 Located Their flat was most conveniently situated.
373 Afterwards He was subsequently arrested by a heroic Garda and some members of the local community.
374 Indisputable They offer unmistakable evidence that summer is, at last, on its way.
375 Disorganized In the chaotic world of war and its aftermath, it’s hard to distinguish between good and bad.
376 Typical Here he has met some setbacks, but with characteristic determination he is going to try again.
377 Debatable The project has become highly controversial due to the history and sensitivity of the site.
378 Symbolize The people he’s working with exemplify a distinct trend in the new population.
379 Satisfying All he saw in me was a way to gratify his greed and voracity.
380 Clarify What is the language from which you are going to interpret?
381 Initiate Two European-owned companies plan to launch new ships this year as well.
382 Authentic Yet you very rarely see them in legitimate theatre.
383 Specific He was particular about what sort of food should be mentioned
384 Bright The physical parameters, relative humidity, and mean radiant temperature were also calculated.
385 Crest The roof was unusual due to the relative heights of the eaves and the ridge.
386 Cover Her mouth seemed to spread the entire span of her head.
387 Instinctive They just do it, and it’s beautiful and creative and spontaneous.
388 River He noticed a stream of fresh blood flowing down the covers of the bedspread and onto the floor.
389 Remarkable His striking hair often attracts the attention of the ladies.
390 Indifference So far, however, they have not been able to rouse their compatriots from their apathy.
391 Display That would be a visible demonstration of your affection
392 Elements Whereas the first two were components of metals, salt was considered an essential ingredient of living bodies.
393 Automatically It is an important matter if more people are requiring involuntary admission.
394 Wonder It’s a technological marvel and will give computer gaming a whole new meaning.
395 Assessable The question of making it tangible and measurable really is key.
396 temperate , mild He aim was always to hollow out the more moderate party and supplant it.
397 Strange We had the odd drink together but we didn’t glam around
398 Image Maria stood admiring her own reflection in the full length bedroom mirror.
399 Presumably I suppose she assumed I would bust into tears again at any moment.
400 Consistent She has a decent voice, but it was her sustain on the more difficult notes that really impressed.
401 Marks Better yet, make it the universal symbol for the Red Cross regardless of nationality.
402 Combination They identified genetic mutations that disabled specific steps in the synthesis of a complex molecule.
403 Concrete That feeling of heaven, that bliss, had disappeared, leaving an almost tangible sense of absence.
404 Firmly For increased efficiency, you may have a tendency to fasten your laces very tight .
405 Irritating The minutes slowly tick by; the woman is getting aggravated.
406 Diversion We gave our new dictionary a work out to the amusement of the staff.
407 Possibly I confess I didn’t find it especially exciting, but others conceivably might
408 Alter The owner plans to convert the building into apartments.
409 Healing It never suggests that adultery is a curative for a diseased relationship.
410 Weakening The troops were severely debilitated by hunger and disease.
411 Consume Like other farmed fish, they consume fishmeal which depletes wild stock.
412 Limited We do not know for sure whether the Universe is finite or infinite.
413 Observe No two persons can ever, in this sense, perceive the same item: nothing at all is publicly perceptible.
414 Safety He has ensured security of tenure for those whom he has backed.
415 Poisonous You should avoid toxic substances and chemicals at work and at home.
416 Peacefulness People have long fled to the mountains in search of fresh air and tranquility .
417 Retain I shall henceforth keep my trap shut about the food.
418 Absolutely It is undeniable that Christianity has shaped European history.
419 Miscalculated I wish people wouldn’t underestimate me, or my strength, or my weakness.
420 Admit He called her name but she refused to acknowledge him.
421 Incorporate Children find it easier to assimilate new information when it is presented within the structure of a story.
422 Selection Children find it easier to assimilate new information when it is presented within the structure of a story
423 Quality Any bullet will pass through it, even a .22 caliber bullet.
424 Summarized As if the knots and tangles of my twisted psyche could mesh with her intricate synaptic network of condensed neural convolutions.
425 Inconsistent It suggests to the outsider that he must have been exceptionally vague, and probably contradictory.
426 Ignore The most serious evidence of this disregard for content is the movie itself.
427 Cherished pent my time doing chores and praying, leaving precious little time for friendships.
428 Renowned Frank was prominent in the community life of the region and was widely known throughout the district.
429 Demanded A Salient Editor needs to have a strong vision, and the requisite traits to make that vision a reality.
430 Separate They were attempting to unravel the cause of death.
431 Unclear When it came to direct actions, the group discussions became purposely vague.
432 Huge The roads that they’re building at vast expense.
433 Quantity The title poem, which concludes the volume , poses a series of questions about perspectives.
434 Appeal He has tremendous charisma and stage presence.
435 Astute I saw nothing original or clever or ingenious about this film
436 Ensure It’s a simple one, but it’s one of those scams that convince people because they want to believe it.
437 Persevere They now endure the lowest living standards on earth.
438 Penalty It did not mean that statutory authority to discharge into the sewage works became forfeit upon proof of a nuisance.
439 Hazardous As I looked down from my precarious position next to a pile of honey on top of the Aga, I noticed two things.
440 Intense These are very serious and grave matters which call for severe punishment.
441 Erratic The situation is easing, although sporadic fresh outbreaks are still occurring.
442 Exceptional The school prided itself upon its policy of providing a superior education.
443 Reveler Yet we never understand why she lives her life as such a wanton woman.
444 Ineffective I felt too weak to move, and too tired to care.
445 Extensive There is a widespread belief that the government should do more to encourage saving.
446 Insight It was the voice of a male, speaking with wisdom behind the simple words.
447 Humor Don smiled at this witticism.
448 Attract Not wanting to break their cover they took turns to woo the unwitting woman.
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