Staying at home: IELTS Speaking Questions with Answers

Staying at home IELTS Speaking Question Answer Eduhyme

Talking about Staying at home in IELTS Speaking can be a challenge, not only for the vocabulary, but also knowing what to talk about. The IELTS Speaking Module is designed to assess your English Language Speaking Skills. To ensure a good score in the IELTS Speaking Module, you must study and practice the common Speaking Question types.

Get ideas on  the sample answers below and practice to achieve your target band score. Here are some of the questions asked:

1. Do you like to go out or stay at home?

Answer – If I were to take a pick, I’d opt for staying at home on my own because I loathe the hustle and bustle of city life. Going out is also time-consuming, meaning that I have to groom myself carefully beforehand. By contrast, I can idle my time away when being at home.

2. How much time do you spend at home?

Answer – I’m a full-time worker, so I’m only at home in the evening, it’s quite a pity, you know. I wish I had more time to spare at home for my families.

3. What do you do at home?

Answer – After getting home from work, I’m just too dead beat to do something strenuous, So, I just hold my smartphone and log into Facebook to catch up on what has been going during the day.

4. What did you do at home when you were a child?

Answer – When I was knee-high to a grasshopper, I used to play with the toys that my mother gave me, nothing really special. I simply love the company of myself.

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