Social Network: IELTS Speaking Questions with Answers

Social Network IELTS Speaking Questions Answers Eduhyme

Talking about social network in IELTS Speaking can be a challenge, not only for the vocabulary, but also knowing what to talk about. The IELTS Speaking Module is designed to assess your English Language Speaking Skills. To ensure a good score in the IELTS Speaking Module, you must study and practice the common Speaking Question types.

Get ideas on  the sample answers below and practice to achieve your target band score. Here are some of the questions asked:

1. Are you a social person?

Answer – Very much so! I feel that I thrive on (survive) social interactions. I like a small amount of time to myself each day, but I feel most charged when I spend time with others. I prefer to spend my free time with friends or family rather than being in my room reading a book, for instance.

2. What kind of social networking websites do you like to use?

Answer – Just the usual ones, like Facebook and Instagram. I used to be into (interested) posting positivity on Facebook, but now I prefer to post just photography on Instagram instead. As I’m an avid (experienced) traveler, I like to showcase my photography as a way to share my stories with others.

3. What kind of people do you like to be friends with on those websites?

Answer – All kinds! I am friends with a wide range of people from my school years, family members, and friends I’ve recently met. Actually, I’m even friends with people who I’ve never even met before.

4. Is it easy to find a real friend on a social networking website?

Answer – It depends. The thing is, I think people are superficial on social media sites, and that some people lie about their identities. However, I think one can still meet a genuine friend online, but they must practice more caution.

5. What kinds of chatting apps do people in your country like to use?

Answer – I would say the most common are Facebook messenger, I message, Instagram Direct Message, and Whatsapp. Nowadays, as most people have I phones, I think I message is the most prominent, followed by Instagram.

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