Reading: IELTS Speaking Questions with Answers

Reading IELTS Speaking Questions Answers Eduhyme

Talking about reading in IELTS Speaking can be a challenge, not only for the vocabulary, but also knowing what to talk about. The IELTS Speaking Module is designed to assess your English Language Speaking Skills. To ensure a good score in the IELTS Speaking Module, you must study and practice the common Speaking Question types.

Get ideas on  the sample answers below and practice to achieve your target band score. Here are some of the questions asked:

1. Do you read electronic book ?

Answer – Definitely yes. I’m a real sucker for e-books as they are portable. I often download my favorite books and copy them to my smartphones or Ipads and when I’m on the bus in other public places, I will take my hi-tech devices out and start to read right on my phone.

2. Have you lent books to other?

Answer – At times, I reckon. My friends and t are avid readers and would love to exchange books with one another. So, I often lend my books, mostly English books to my besties and get in return some comic books to read in my free time.

3. Have you borrowed books from others?

Answer – As I have said, I have a circle of friends who are bookworms! which means I’m in the habit of borrowing some comic books from my friends to while away the time during days off or just to catch up on things in the Manga world.

4. Do you read professional books ?

Answer – At the moment, I’m getting bogged down with work! so I can’t manage decent time for reading books related to my major field of study, but in the past during my university years, I had to say I was a bookworm, and purchased books every week to enhance my expertise.

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