Here, we are summarising general knowledge questions and answers for all students in a simplified form including broad varieties of topics, from science, history, civics, geography, intelligence, etc. It will help in developing intellectual abilities and also provide them with the ability to speak up when necessary.
General Knowledge or General Awareness is an important and common section in all competitive and government recruitment examinations such as UPSC, SSC, Bank PO/Clerk, CAT, GATE and so forth.
1. | Who discovered the law of floating – | Archimedes |
2. | The unit of measuring potential difference is – | Volt |
3. | The atomic bomb is based on the principle of – | uncontrolled nuclear fission |
4. | Why the earth is having its own atmosphere – | Gravity |
5. | At hill stations, the boiling point of water will be – | less than that at sea level |
6. | Sun appears red colour at sunrise and sunset due to – | that all other colors scatter away except red |
7. | Which of the following Article/Articles cannot be suspended even during emergency? | Article 20 and 21 |
8. | Which article of Indian constitution has the provision for National Emergency? | Article 352 |
9. | Under which article, President of India can proclaim constitutional emergency? | Article 356 |
10. | How many types of emergency are there in the Indian Constitution? | 3 |
11. | Financial emergency related to which article? | Article 360 |
12. | How many fundamental Rights are mentioned in Indian constitution? | 6 |
13. | How many Fundamental Duties are mentioned in Indian constitution? | 11 |
14. | How many types of writ are there in the Indian Constitution? | 5 |
15. | How many members of upper house (Rajya Sabha) can be nominated by President of India? | 12 |
16. | President of India can be removed from his office by | Parliament |
17. | The Sharda Act is related to | Child marriage |
18. | The Jammu and Kashmir state legislative assembly has a tenure of | 6 years |
19. | Indian Planning Commission was constituted in | 1950 |
20. | Which article given special status to Jammu and Kashmir? | Article 370 |
21. | Who is the first governor general of India? | Lord Mountbatten |
22. | Who is the first and last Indian governor general of India? | C. Rajagopalachari |
23. | Who is the first Lok Sabha Speaker? | GV Mavalankar |
24. | Who designed Indian national Flag? | Pingali Venkayya |
25. | Who among the following appointed the Governor of the states in India? | The president |
26. | How many Schedules are contained in the Constitution of India? | 12 |
27. | Who appointed the Chief Justice and Other Judges of the Supreme Court of India? | The president |
28. | Article 368 of the Indian Constitution deals with | Amending Procedure |
29. | Which type of emergency has not been declared so far in India? | Financial Emergency |
30. | In which year the first amendment to the Constitution was held? | 1951 |
31. | Which of amendment act is related to goods and service tax (GST)? | 101st |
32. | Which Constitutional Amendment Bill lowered the voting age from 21 to 18 years? | 61st |
33. | Which bill cannot originate in Rajya Sabha? | Money Bill |
34. | The first Indian actress to have been nominated to the Rajya Sabha was | Nargis Dutt |
35. | Who was the Constitutional advisor to the Constituent Assembly of India? | Dr. B. N. Rao |
36. | The Parliament and the constitution are the instruments of | Legal Justice |
37. | The term of Finance Commission is | 5 years |
38. | Which of countries have an unwritten constitution | UK |
39. | Where is the national Emblem of India taken from the Lion Capital of | Ashoka at Sarnath |
40. | When was Indian Government adopted national emblem of India? | 26 January 1950 |
41. | Number of spokes in Indian National Flag? | 24 |
42. | What is the ratio of length and width of Indian National Flag? | 3:2 |
43. | When was Indian national flag adopted? | 24 January 1950 |
44. | What is the time limit of National Anthem? | 52 Seconds |
45. | Who wrote the National Anthem? | Rabindra Nath Tagore |
46. | Who wrote the national song of India? | Bankim Chand Chatterjee |
47. | Who estimate the national income for the first time? | Dadabai Naoroji |
48. | Who is the first chief justice of Supreme Court of India? | Hiralal J Kania |
49. | Who is the first Indian woman president of Indian National Congress? | Sarojini Naidu |
50. | Who is the first woman President of Indian National Congress? | Annie Besant |
51. | Which is the first state in India formed on the basis of language? | Andhra Pradesh |
52. | Who is the first ICS of India? | Satendra Nath Tagore |
53. | When is Human Rights Day celebrated? | 10 December |
54. | Taxes belong to Central Government? | Excise Duty, Custom Duty, Income Tax |
55. | A money bill under the constitution of India tabled in the | Lok Sabha |
56. | Which one of the following cannot be dissolved but can be abolished any time? | – |
57. | The first meeting of the Constitution | Assembly 9 December 1946 State Legislative Councils |
58. | The last meeting of the Constituent Assembly | 24 January 1950 |
59. | When was national flag of India adopted? | 22 July 1947 |
60. | By which amendment the ‘Right to Property’ has been omitted? | 44th |
61. | Who is addressed as the chairman of Rajya Sabha? | Vice President |
62. | When was Rowlatt Act passed? | 1919 |
63. | From which country, the process of impeachment of President of India is taken? | USA |
64. | India and China signed ‘Panchsheel Pact in the year? | 1954 |
65. | How many languages are officially recognized in India? | 22 |
66. | In which year India became the capital of India? | 1911 |
67. | Maximum strength of Rajya Sabha? | 250 |
68. | Who was the first chairman of planning commission? | Pt. Jawahar Lal Neharu |
69. | Who appoints the chairman of UPSC? | The President |
70. | First general election held in | 1951 |
71. | In which state was the Panchayati Raj first introduced | Rajasthan |
72. | Who fixes the poverty line? | NITI Ayog |
73. | What is the maximum gap between tow session of a Parliament? | 6 Months |
74. | In which year did the Cabinet Mission arrived in India? | 1946 |
75. | Panchayat Raj comes under | State List |
76. | SAARC was formed in | 1985 |
77. | Which is the lowest unit of Local Government? | Gram Panchayat |
78. | Who was the first viceroy of India? | Lord Canning |
79. | What is the minimum age required to become vice president of India? | 35 Years |
80. | NITI Ayog has been formed to replace which of the following institution? | Planning Commision |
81. | In Indian Constitution, the method of election of President has been taken from which country? | Ireland |
82. | Which of the Amendment is also known as the ‘Mini Constitution of India’ | 42nd Amendment |
83. | The chairman of NITI Ayog is | The prime minister |
84. | When was the first five year plan launched in India? | 1 April, 1951 |
85. | Who is the Presiding officer of the Lok Sabha? | Speaker |
86. | Article 1 of the Indian Constitution declares India as | Union of States |
87. | How much time it took for constituent assembly to finalize the constitution? | 2 Years 11 Months 18 Days |
88. | The number of union Territories in India is | 7 |
89. | The maximum duration for which the President’s office remain vacant is | 6 months |
90. | The supreme court of India established in | 26 January 1950 |
91. | Which article of the constitution provides special rights to the president? | Article 361 |
92. | The state of Nagaland has a special protection under which of the following article? | Article 371A |
93. | Who was the first Indian to become member of British Parliament? | Dadabai Naoroji |
94. | Who designed Sansad Bhavan? | Edwin Lutyens |
95. | To which category ‘Right to Vote’ belongs to | Political Right |
96. | The chief minister is appointed by | Governor |
97. | Article 60 of the Indian Constitution refers to | Oath of President |
98. | Which state assembly has the maximum number of members | Uttar – Pradesh |
99. | The Constitution of India does not mention the post of | The Deputy Prime Minister |
100. | Who administers the oath of office to the President? | Chief Justice of India |
101. | The first law minister of Independent India was | B. R. Ambedakar |
102. | The first Education Minster of Independent India was | Maulana Abul Kalam Azad |
103. | Who is known as the first Law Officer of India Attorney General of India | – |
104. | Which of the terms were added by the 42nd Amendment act in our Preamble? | Socialist and Secular |
105. | Preamble is known as | The Heart and Soul of Indian Constitution |
106. | The President addresses his resignation letter to the | Vice President |
107. | The first woman governor in Independent India was | Sarojini Naidu |
108. | Who is known as the father of Indian Constitution? | Dr. B. R. Ambedakar |
109. | From which Constitution was a concept of a 5-year plan borrowed into our Constitution? —- | USSR (Russia) |
110. | The idea of the Constitution of India was flashed for the first time by —– | M. N. Roy |
111. | Who is the first Governor General of Bengal? —- | Warren Hastings |
112. | Which Act created for the first ‘The Supreme Court’? —- | The Regulating Act, 1773 |
113. | Which one of the following acted as the Provisional President of the Constituent Assembly? | Sachidananda Sinha |
114. | The Constituent Assembly elected on its Permanent Chairman ——— | Rajendra Prasad |
115. | Who elected the Chairman of the Drafting Committee of the Constituent Assembly? —– | B. R. Ambedkar |
116. | When was the Constituent Assembly established to form the Constitution? | 9 December 1946 |
117. | The Constitution of India was adopted on | 26 November 1949 |
118. | The Constitution of India came into force on | 26 January 1950 |
119. | The Constitution of India is ——- | Written and bulky document |
120. | How many articles are mainly in the Indian Constitution | 448 |
121. | How many parts are mainly in the Indian Constitution | 25 |
122. | How many schedules are mainly in the Indian Constitution | 12 |
123. | Right to Information Act, in India came fully into force in | October 2005 |
124. | In which year the “The House of the Unit People “as the “Lok Sabha” | 1954 |
125. | The speaker of the Lok Sabha address his letter of resignation to the | Deputy Speaker of Lok Sabha |
126. | The prime minster of India was appointed by the | President |
127. | The idea of ‘Single Citizenship’ taken from which country? | Britain |
128. | Who appoints chief election commissioner of India? | President of India |
129. | By which procedure the president of India may be removed before the expiry of the term? | Impeachment |
130. | Who appoints the Attorney General of India? | President of India |
131. | Who is the first deputy prime minister of India? | Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel |
132. | How Many members were there in Constituent assembly | 389 |
133. | Constituent Assembly is based on which structure? | Unicameral |
134. | Who was the chairman of the Minorities Committee? | Harendra Kumar Mukherjee |
135. | Who was elected the president of Constituent Assembly after | Sachchidanand Sinha? |
136. | Dr. Rajendra Prasad 336. What are the two major languages, the original constitution written in? | Hindi and English |
137. | When Hindi became the official language of India | 1950 |
138. | Who is the constitutional head of the Indian union? | President of India |
139. | Constitutionally who is the second powerful person in India? | Vice – President |
140. | One of the basic characters of the Indian constitution is | Judicial Review |
141. | What is the major basic feature of the Indian Constitution? | Fundamental rights |
142. | What is the constitutional name of | India Republic of India? |
143. | The fundamental rights feature borrowed from which nation? | United States of America |
144. | The Panchayat Raj system came in existence by the | 73rd constitutional amendment |
145. | Fundamental Rights have no value without | Right to Constitutional Remedies |
146. | Which state has a separate constitution | Jammu and Kashmir |
147. | Where was first municipal corporation setup in India | Madras |
148. | When was Panchayati Raj System introduced in India | 1959 |
149. | The constitutional status has been given to Panchayats under which | Article 243 |
150. | Which Indian state has no Panchayat Raj Institution? | Nagaland |
151. | The finance commission is constituted under which Article of the | Constitution of India 280 |
152. | English is official language of which state | Nagaland |
153. | What is the maximum age limit for the president | No limit |
154. | Who is the first Muslim President of India | Zakir Hussain |
155. | Who is the first president to declare national emergency | Dr. S Radhkrishnana |
156. | Who was the first president of India elected without opposition? | Neelam Sanjeev Reddy |
157. | Who is the first chief justice of India | Hiralal J Kania |
158. | Which article in Indian constitutional fives the power of writ jurisdiction to Supreme Court? | Article 32 |
159. | Who is the first female judge of | Supreme Court Fathima Beevi |
160. | In which amendment did preamble amended? | 42nd Amendment |
161. | Maximum age limit for chief justice of Supreme Court? | 65 years |
162. | Maximum age limit for chief Justice of High Court? | 62 years |
163. | Fundamental duties are mentioned in which of the following part of Indian Constitution? | Part IV A |
164. | Who among the following is not a member of any of the two houses of our country? | President |
165. | Indian Citizenship is granted by the | ministry of Home Affairs |
166. | Which Institution has the final authority to interpret the Constitution of India? | Supreme Court of India |
167. | Appointments for all India | Services are made by President |
168. | The Residuary powers of legislation under Indian Constitution rests with | Parliament |
169. | The President can dismiss a member of the Council of Ministers On the recommendation of the | Prime Minister |
170. | Right to Privacy comes | under Article 21 |
171. | Which of the following is not provided in the constitution? | Planning Commission |
172. | Who was the first women speaker of Lok Sabha? | Meera Kumar |
173. | The minimum number of members that must be present to hold the meeting of the | Lok Sabha is One tenth of the total membership |
174. | Who has the power to prorogue the Lok Sabha? | The Lok Sabha |
175. | Who has the right to decide whether a Bill is a money bill or not? | Speaker of the Lok Sabhaw |
176. | Which type of democracy do we follow in India? | Representative |
177. | The minimum age limit for the membership of the Vidhan Parishad is | 30 years |
178. | All doubts and disputes in connection with election of the President are inquired into and decided by | Supreme Court of India |
179. | Which Constitutional Amendment Act deals with the disqualification of MPs and MLAs? | 52nd Amendment Act |
180. | Who is the Chairman of National Integration Council Prime Minister? | – |
181. | Planning Commission of India was | A Non – Constitutional Body |
182. | When was NITI Ayog Established? | 1 January |
183. | Under which of the following article the Election Commission was established | Article 324 |
184. | In which year Anti-Defection Law was passed by | Indian Parliament 1985 |
185. | The national political party is one which has attained 6% of total | vote in four or more state |
186. | By which bill, Government presents a proposal for annual revenue collection | Finance Bill |
187. | Which of the following Chief Justice of India had the opportunity to act as President of India? | Justice M. Hidaytulla |
188. | The law framed by Judiciary is called | Case Law |
189. | Which amendment act raised the age of retirement for judges of High Court to 62 from 60 years | 15th |
190. | A proclamation of emergency, under Article 352, on account of war or aggression requires approval of parliament within | 1 month |
191. | The Indian Constitution is made up of how many words | 80000 |
192. | Indian Constitution is | Quasi Federal |
193. | Which of the following act suggested the post of | Comptroller and Auditor General Act of 1919 |
194. | Which of the following languages were added in 8th schedule later | Sindhi, Konkani, Manipuri, Nepali |
195. | Part 8 is related to | Union Territories |
196. | In which year were the Indian states recognized on the linguistic basis? | 1956 |
197. | The unification of Karnataka was achieved in the year | 1956 |
198. | Which State was formed after the amendment of | Article 239A and 240 Arunachal Pradesh |
199. | How many members of the Rajya Sabha are elected every two years? | One Third |
200. | How is the President of India Elected? | By single transferable vote |
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