Phrasal Verbs, Idioms and Other Expressions Using ‘Pick’

Phrasal Verbs Pick

The English language is rich with phrases, idioms, and expressions that add color, depth, and nuance to everyday communication. Among these linguistic gems, the word ‘pick’ stands out for its versatility.

From phrasal verbs to idiomatic expressions, ‘pick’ finds itself woven into numerous contexts, offering various shades of meaning.

1. (a) They spent ages talking in detail about his faults.
(b) They spent ages _______________ his faults.

2. (a) Sales have been slow, but we hope they will improve in the summer.
(b) Sales have been slow, but we hope they will _______________ in the summer.

3. (a) I don’t speak German, but I managed to learn a few phrases without intending to when I was in Munich.
(b) I don’t speak German, but I managed to _______________ a few phrases when I was in Munich.

4. (a) We looked carefully at all the contents of his room looking for evidence.
(b) We _______________ the contents of his room looking for evidence.

5. (a) The manager always treats me unfairly or criticises me.
(b) The manager always _______________ me.

6. (a) I wasn’t very hungry, so only ate only small amounts of the meal.
(b) I wasn’t very hungry, so only _______________ the meal.

7. (a) Have you chosen a dress from your collection to wear to the party?
(b) Have you _______________ a dress to wear to the party?

8. (a) I couldn’t see her in the huge crowd.
(b) I couldn’t _______________ in the huge crowd.

9. (a) We’ll send a car to collect you from the hotel.
(b) We’ll send a car to _______________ the hotel.

10. (a) The car suddenly started going faster.
(b) The car suddenly _______________.

11. (a) We’ve had a very difficult year, but we’re slowly returning to a normal life.
(b) We’ve had a very difficult year, but we’re slowly _______________.

12. (a) Our company makes a lot of mobile phones. Chose one from our extensive range.
(b) Our company makes a lot of mobile phones. _______________ from our extensive range.

13. (a) My teacher is always making my work seem bad by finding all the things that are wrong with it.
(b) My teacher is always _______________ my work.

14. (a) You’ve disagreed with me on everything I’ve said. Are you trying to start an argument?
(b) You’ve disagreed with me on everything I’ve said. Are you trying to _______________?

15. (a) I need some help buying a new computer and was wondering if I could ask you some questions so that you can give me the right advice.
(b) I need some help buying a new computer and wondering if I could _______________.

16. (a) When you invest money, make sure that you choose a company that will perform well.
(b) When you invest money, make sure that you _______________.

Correct Answers:

  1. picking over
  2. pick up
  3. pick up
  4. picked through
  5. picks on
  6. picked at
  7. picked out
  8. pick her out
  9. pick you up from
  10. picked up speed
  11. picking up the pieces
  12. Take your pick
  13. picking holes in
  14. pick a fight
  15. pick your brains
  16. pick a winner (This informal expression can be used in any situation where you make a good decision that makes you successful)
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