Match the columns referring to the process of comparing and relating items in two separate columns. This could involve finding pairs of items that have a specific relationship or connection, or it could involve organising items in a particular way.
Match the column in competitve exams are pretty common. The best practice is to go through both the columns before jumping into the exercises. Connect with context if you don’t know by meaning, eliminate the ones that cannot be matched, look at them at the end.
Chances are all that make sense have been matched up leaving you the ones that you could not match and that’s a small pot to choose from now.
Match each word in the first column with its definition in the second column.
Set #1 | |
1. ABASE | A. applause |
2. ABSTAIN | B. caustic |
3. ACOLYTE | C. shorten |
4. ABEYANCE | D. applause |
5. ABRIDGE | E. assistant |
6. ACCOLADE | F. postponement |
7. ACRIMONIOUS | G. refrain |
8. ADDUCE H | H. exercise |
9. ADULATION | I. degrade |
10. AEROBICS | J. offer as example |
Correct Answer:
- I
- G
- E
- F
- C
- D
- B
- J
- A
- H
Set #2 | |
1. ANATHEMA | A. hard |
2. ANNIHILATE | B. curse |
3. ANOMALOUS | C. gully |
4. APATHETIC | D. suffocate |
5. ARCHAI | E. antiquated |
6. ARDUOUS | F. destroy |
7. ARROYO | G. abnormal |
8. ASPHYXIATE | H. unconcerned |
9. ASTRINGENT | I. make amends |
10. ATONE | J. causing contraction |
Correct Answer:
- B
- F
- G
- H
- E
- A
- C
- D
- J
- I
Set #3 | |
1. BESMIRCH | A. unheeded prophet |
2. BICAMERAL | B. peevish |
3. BILATERAL | C. pertaining to dogs |
4. BOOTLESS | D. plot |
5. BRANDISH | E. farce |
6. BURLESQUE | F. display menacingly |
7. CABAL | G. unavailing |
8. CANINE | H. two-sided |
9. CANTANKEROUS | I. having two legislative branches |
10. CASSANDRA | J. sully |
Correct Answer:
- J
- I
- H
- G
- F
- E
- D
- C
- B
- A
Set #4 | |
1. COMMANDEER | A. seize for military use |
2. COMMUNION | B. apologetic |
3. COMPATRIOT | C. perfect |
4. CONCERTED | D. accord |
5. CONCORD | E. done together |
6. CONFLUENCE | F. pile |
7. CONGERIES | G. flowing together |
8. CONSONANT | H. harmonious |
9. CONSUMMATE | I. countryman |
10. CONTRITE | J. fellowship |
Correct Answer:
- A
- J
- I
- E
- D
- G
- F
- H
- C
- B
Set #5 | |
1. DEBUNK | A. decode |
2. DECIPHER | B. refute |
3. DEDUCE | C. conclusive |
4. DEFINITIVE | D. conclude |
5. DEFUNCT | E. to draw a line around |
6. DELINEATE | F. extinct |
7. DENOMINATION | G. belittle |
8. DEPRECATE | H. sect |
9. DESOLATE | I. pertaining to debate |
10. DIALECTIC | J. forsaken |
Correct Answer:
- B
- A
- D
- C
- F
- E
- H
- G
- J
- I
Set #6 | |
1. DORMANT | A. exuberant |
2. DOUGHTY | B. puzzling |
3. DUET | C. comprehensive |
4. EBULLIENT | D. asleep |
5. EFFEMINATE | E. omission of words |
6. ELLIPSIS | F. unmanly |
7. EMANCIPATE | G. charm |
8. ENCHANT | H. liberate |
9. ENCYCLOPEDIC | I. twosome |
10. ENIGMATIC | J. resolute |
Correct Answer:
- D
- J
- I
- A
- F
- E
- H
- G
- C
- B
Set #7 | |
1. EXHORT | A. free from blame |
2. EXONERATE | B. strongly urge |
3. EXPOSTULATE | C. agitator |
4. EXTRADITE | D. untamed |
5. EXULT | E. debacle |
6. FACTITIOUS | F. inane |
7. FATUOUS | G. artificial |
8. FERAL | H. deport |
9. FIASCO | I. rejoice |
10. FIREBRAND | J. protest |
Correct Answer:
- B
- A
- J
- H
- I
- G
- F
- D
- E
- C
Set #8 | |
1. GRANDIOSE | A. drink |
2. GRIEVOUS | B. pertaining to marriage |
3. HALCYON | C. arrogance |
4. HARLEQUIN | D. prejudiced |
5. HEDONISM | E. teaching device or method |
6. HEURISTIC | F. the pursuit of pleasure in life |
7. HIDEBOUND | G. clown |
8. HUBRIS | H. serene |
9. HYMENEAL | I. heinous |
10. IMBIBE | J. impressive |
Correct Answer:
- J
- I
- H
- G
- F
- E
- D
- C
- B
- A
Set #9 | |
1. INCONGRUOUS | A. harden |
2. INCONSPICUOUS | B. relentless |
3. INDECOROUS | C. hostile |
4. INDIGNANT | D. cannot be fully understood |
5. INDURATE | E. out of place, absurd |
6. INEXORABLE | F. not noticeable |
7. INIMICAL | G. unseemly |
8. INSCRUTABLE | H. resentment of injustice |
9. INSOUCIANT | I. nonchalant |
10. INSUPERABLE | J. insurmountable |
Correct Answer:
- E
- F
- G
- H
- A
- B
- C
- D
- I
- J
Set #10 | |
1. LACHRYMOSE | A. trickery |
2. LAGGARD | B. roué |
3. LASCIVIOUS | C. very small |
4. LEGERDEMAIN | D. tearful |
5. LIBERTINE | E. loafer |
6. LILLIPUTIAN | F. lustful |
7. LOQUACIOUS | G. talkative |
8. MACHIAVELLIAN | H. comical misuse of a word |
9. MAGISTERIAL | I. arbitrary, dictatorial |
10. MALAPROPISM | J. politically crafty, cunning |
Correct Answer:
- D
- E
- F
- A
- B
- C
- G
- J
- I
- H
Set #11 | |
1. MISCELLANY | A. peerless |
2. MISSIVE | B. to gather one’s forces |
3. MOOT | C. newly coined expression |
4. MOUNTEBANK | D. self-love |
5. MULTIFARIOUS | E. loyal followers |
6. MUSTER | F. letter |
7. MYRMIDONS | G. diverse |
8. NARCISSISM | H. charlatan |
9. NEOLOGISM | I. disputable |
10. NONPAREIL | J. mixture of items |
Correct Answer:
- J
- F
- I
- H
- G
- B
- E
- D
- C
- A
Set #12 | |
1. ORDNANCE | A. a model |
2. ORTHODOX | B. local speech |
3. OUTMODED | C. convulsion |
4. PALAVER | D. stingy |
5. PANEGYRIC | E. agent causing disease |
6. PARADIGM | F. artillery |
7. PARLANCE | G. conventional |
8. PAROXYSM | H. out-of-date |
9. PARSIMONIOUS | I. babble |
10. PATHOGEN | J. praise |
Correct Answer:
- F
- G
- H
- I
- J
- A
- B
- C
- D
- E
Set #13 | |
1. PHOENIX | A. cliff |
2. PILLORY | B. inclination |
3. PITTANCE | C. warning |
4. PLAUDIT | D. acclaim |
5. PLETHORA | E. overabundance |
6. POGROM | F. after death |
7. POSTHUMOUS | G. massacre |
8. PRECIPICE | H. rebirth |
9. PREDILECTION | I. punish by ridicule |
10. PREMONITION | J. trifle |
Correct Answer:
- H
- I
- J
- D
- E
- G
- F
- A
- B
- C
Set #14 | |
1. PROTEAN | A. bulge |
2. PROTUBERANCE | B. changing readily |
3. PROVISIONAL | C. steal |
4. PUNDIT | D. majority |
5. PURLOIN | E. temporary |
6. PURPORT | F. a cessation of activity |
7. QUAVER | G. line |
8. QUEUE | H. tremble |
9. QUIETUS | I. claim to be |
10. QUORUM | J. politically astute person |
Correct Answer:
- B
- A
- E
- J
- C
- I
- H
- G
- F
- D
Set #15 | |
1. REGIME | A. vulgar |
2. REJOINDER | B. quick reply |
3. REMUNERATION | C. uneasy |
4. RENDEZVOUS | D. necessary |
5. RENT | E. miscreant |
6. REPROBATE | F. rupture |
7. REQUISITE | G. a meeting |
8. RESTIVE | H. compensation |
9. RETRIBUTION | I. retort |
10. RIBALD | J. a government |
Correct Answer:
- J
- I
- H
- G
- F
- E
- D
- C
- B
- A
Set #16 | |
1. SCRUPLES | A. figure of speech |
2. SCYTHE | B. proper, attractive |
3. SEEMLY | C. long, curved blade |
4. SENTENTIOUS | D. left-handed |
5. SERENDIPITY | E. pertaining to the stars |
6. SHIBBOLETH | F. signer |
7. SIDEREAL | G. making fortunate discoveries |
8. SIGNATORY | H. password |
9. SIMILE | I. misgivings |
10. SINISTRAL | J. concise |
Correct Answer:
- I
- C
- B
- J
- G
- H
- E
- F
- A
- D
Set #17 | |
1. STAVE | A. distress |
2. STEVEDORE | B. diligent |
3. STRAIT | C. ward off |
4. STUDIOUS | D. longshoreman |
5. SUBJUGATE | E. various |
6. SUBTERFUGE | F. overabundant |
7. SUNDRY | G. suppress |
8. SUPERFLUOUS | H. cunning |
9. SUPINE | I. dreamlike |
10. SURREAL | J. lying on the back |
Correct Answer:
- C
- D
- A
- B
- G
- H
- E
- F
- J
- I
Set #18 | |
1. SWATCH | A. to foil |
2. SYNOD | B. anguish |
3. TACIT | C. concise |
4. TALON | D. provisional |
5. TAURINE | E. agitated |
6. TEMPESTUOUS | F. bull-like |
7. TENTATIVE | G. claw |
8. TERSE | H. understood without being spoken |
9. THROES | I. council |
10. THWART | J. strip of fabric |
Correct Answer:
- J
- I
- H
- G
- F
- E
- D
- C
- B
- A
Set #19 | |
1. TIDINGS | A. incisive |
2. TITER | B. omnipresent |
3. TITULAR | C. lethargic |
4. TORPID | D. figurehead |
5. TRADUCE | E. unrestrained |
6. TRENCHANT | F. news |
7. UBIQUITOUS | G. laugh nervously |
8. ULULATE | H. ceaseless |
9. UNABATED | I. wail |
10. UNBRIDLED | J. slander |
Correct Answer:
- F
- G
- D
- C
- J
- A
- B
- I
- H
- E
Set #20 | |
1. UNCOUTH | A. disheveled |
2. UNDULY | B. ca p able of surviving |
3. UNFLAGGING | C. awkward |
4. UNKEMPT | D. uncultured |
5. UNSTINTING | E. truthfulness |
6. UNTENABLE | F. whim |
7. UNWIELDY | G. unrelenting |
8. VA GARY | H. cannot be achieved |
9. VERA CITY | I. generous |
10. VIABLE | J. excessive |
Correct Answer:
- D
- J
- G
- A
- I
- H
- C
- F
- E
- B
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