IELTS Speaking Skills – Practice Questions

IELTS Speaking

The Speaking section of the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) can be a daunting prospect for many candidates. However, with adequate preparation and practice, mastering this component is entirely achievable. To aid you in your journey towards IELTS Speaking success, we’ve compiled a diverse range of practice questions to sharpen your skills and build confidence.

1 Is it easy to make friends?
2 What is the most important thing when you make friends?
3 What is the importance of friendship?
4 What should a real friend be like?
5 Do people love to make friends with youngster or the elderly people?
6 Is it possible for people to have friends of different ages? Explain why.
7 What do you usually say when you meet someone for the first time?
8 Where and when do you usually meet your friends?
9 How do computer and mobile phone affect friendship?
10 Do you think common interest is important in making friends?
11 Do you have any foreign friends?
12 Where can you meet foreigners in your hometown?
13 Where and when do you usually hang out with foreign friends?
14 What do you usually do when you hang out with foreign friends?
15 Do you have difficulties when you talk about culture with foreigners?
16 Do you think the immigration may affect another country?
1 What do you think a successful person should be like?
2 What qualities do you think a successful person should have?
3 How to become a successful leader?
4 How to become a leader?
5 How to become a star?
6 Are there any differences between a successful person and a celebrity?
7 What are the disadvantages of being a celebrity?
8 Do you think celebrities deserve being paid so much money?
9 Do you want to become a celebrity? Why or why not?
10 Who is your idol? Can you give some names of the idols? Why do you love them?
11 Do you want to become a person like that? How to become a person like that?
1 How do you feel about advertisements?
2 What are the different types of advertisements?
3 What are the functions and the problems of advertisements?
4 What are the effects that advertisements have on people?
5 How do you feel about the celebrities endorse the big brands?
6 How do you feel about those false advertisements?
7 What influences do false advertisements have on people?
8 Are you going to be tempted into buying something you don’t actually need by advertisements?
9 What do you think of people are splashing out on the luxurious stuff?
10 What should a good advertisement be like?
11 What kind of advertisement attracts people most?
12 Do you think there are too many advertisements nowadays?
13 Should government restrict the advertisements?
14 Do you think it is good if children advertise the product?
15 Why are those people who advertise products always good-looking?
16 & Why do companies always invite celebrities in the advertisements?
1 Do you think teaching is a very important job?
2 What qualifications does a great teacher should have?
3 Please talk about the advantages and disadvantages of being a teacher?
4 Do you think teachers are well-paid in your country?
5 How to improve the teachers’ social status?
6 What’s the difference between teachers past and now?
7 What are the differences between public schools and private schools?
8 What are the differences of education compare the old days with today?
9 Which way do you prefer to study, self-study or having lectures?
1 What do your parents tell you about the things you should do and shouldn’t do in school?
2 Do children listen to their parents’ advice?
3 What do you think of peer pressure?
4 Should a successful person be able to make his own decision or listen to others’ advice?
5 Would you make decision based on others’ advice?
1 What do you think an adventurous person should be like?
2 What are the differences between adventurous and reckless?
3 Which kind of people do you like more, adventurous people or cautious people?
1 What is your favourite animal?
2 What do you think of pets?
3 Do you think pets are faithful to their owners?
4 What do you think caused the serious wildlife extinction?
5 What do you think of the ecological environment?
6 What do you think of the ecosystem?
7 What kind of laws do you think governments should enact to prevent more endangered species from extinction?
8 Does the law on the wildlife protection need to be improved further?
1 Do you love cell phones?
2 How often do you usually use cell phones?
3 Whom do you usually call?
4 What kind of stuff do you guys usually talk on the phone?
5 Do you enjoy a long talk over the phone with your buddies?
6 Have cell phones become a “must-have” for people today?
7 Which ones do you prefer, cell phones or landlines?
8 Why do you think students are forbidden to use cell phones at school?
9 Are cell phones influencing the students’ school life? In what way?
1 How do you feel about computers?
2 What influence do you think computers have on kids?
3 Which ones do you prefer, desktops or laptops?
4 What are the differences between desktops and laptops?
5 Which brand of the laptops do you prefer? Why?
6 How often do you usually surf the internet?
7 Generally speaking, how long do you surf the internet every day?
1 How do you feel about fashion?
2 Do you think different people have different opinions about fashion? Why?
3 In terms of fashion, do you think only those internationally famous brands are the latest fashions?
4 Do you like shopping? Why or why not?
5 Where and when do you usually go shopping?
6 Do you like to go shopping alone or with friends?
7 Where do you usually like to go shopping, online or big shopping malls?
8 Do you think online shopping will replace the shopping malls some day?
9 What are the disadvantages of online shopping?
10 How to improve these disadvantages of online shopping?
11 Why the prices of the goods in big shopping malls are much higher than the prices of goods online?
12 Why do you think girls like windowing shopping? Don’t you think it is a waste of time and energy?
13 What are the differences comparing the clothes the elderly people wear with the clothes the youngsters wear?
14 What are the differences of shopping habits comparing elderly people and young guys today?
15 What kind of clothes do you like to wear on different occasions?
16 What colors do you love most when you choose clothes?
17 Which is more important when you choose clothes, the quality, the design, the pattern or the price? Why?
18 Do you think we can judge people by what they wear?
19 Do you think we can judge people by the colour of the clothes they wear?
20 What role do you think clothes play in your life?
1 When do you usually send others gifts?
2 What do you usually send others as gifts?
3 When do people in your country usually send gifts to each other?
4 Are festivals the only occasion when people usually send gifts to each other?
5 Are there any special rules or customs when people select gifts?
6 Why do you think people always send gifts on some occasions? What is it for?
7 What gifts did you usually get?
8 From whom did you usually get gifts?
9 When did you usually get gifts?
10 What kinds of gifts do elderly people and little kids prefer?
1 What are the popular public transports in your country?
2 What are the things you don’t love about transport in your country?
3 What do you think causes the serious traffic problems?
4 Since there are some problems involved in transport in your country, how do you think these problems can be solved?
5 How do you feel about the future of the public traffic system in your country?
6 How do people go to work in your city?
7 How do you go to school or work every day?
8 What do you think the public transportations in the future would be like?
9 What differences between taxis and private cars?
10 What are the advantages of riding bicycles?
1 How can people take good photos?
2 Do you like taking pictures or taking pictures of you?
3 How do you feel about being a professional photography?
4 How do you feel about photography?
5 What are the difference between a photographer and a painter?
6 How to become a professional photographer?
7 Which ones would you prefer, traditional cameras or digital ones? Why?
8 What kind of pictures do you love taking?
9 When do people usually take photos?
10 What are the differences between photos and videotapes?
11 What are the differences between photographers and cameramen?
1 Do you love music?
2 What kind of music do you love?
3 Why do you think different guys love totally different kinds of music?
4 What kind of instrument do you love? Why?
5 Have you ever learned to play any instrument before?
6 What is the importance of learning to play different instruments?
7 What are the differences compare the western music and your country music?
8 What kind of music do you think young guys today prefer? Why?
1 Where do you usually watch films, at home or at the cinema?
2 In what way do you think a cinema can attract more people?
3 What do you think of those films with those special effects?
4 Where do you usually get news, TV, magazines, newspapers or internet?
5 What do you think a highly qualified journalist should be like?
6 Are there any things that photographers, journalists and the cameramen share in common?
1 Do you love doing sports?
2 What kinds of sports do you love doing?
3 What are the differences of favourite sports compare women and men?
4 What are the differences of favourite sports compare the elderly people and youngsters?
5 What kinds of sports do kids in your country like to play?
6 What are the differences erf people’s favourite sports compare before and today?
7 Which way do you prefer to enjoy matches, watch by TV or actually be a part of the match?
1 What kind of food do Chinese love?
2 What are the differences of the favourite food compare the elderly people with young guys?
3 What are the differences of the favourite food compare old days with today?
4 What are the differences of the favourite food compare women and men?
5 What are the differences between western food and eastern food?
6 Why are there more and more people dying to eat out rather than at home?
7 Where do you like to eat, five-star restaurant or a small street restaurant?
8 What do you usually consider when you choose a restaurant?
9 How do you think a restaurant can attract more customers?
10 Do you love to try food that you have never tried before?
11 Can you name any food unhealthy? Why?
12 What is the relation between food and health?
13 What should a country do about food to improve citizens’ health?
14 What diseases can a certain kind of food cause?
1 What are the differences compare the TV programmes in old days and today?
2 What are the differences compare the TV programmes women like and men like?
3 What are the differences compare the TV programmes the elderly people like and youngsters like?
4 Do you like watching TV?
5 What kind of TV programmes do you like watching?
1 How do you like to relax?
2 What do you usually do at night?
3 What do you usually do at weekends?
4 Do you like to have fun alone or hang out with your friends?
5 What kinds of relaxation methods are popular?
6 What are the differences compare the way people get relaxed before and now?
7 What are the differences compare the way women get relaxed and men get relaxed?
8 Do you think people should work at weekends?
9 Do you think people who are working at weekends should get double paid?
1 What are the differences between newspapers and magazines?
2 What are the differences between magazines and TVs?
3 What are the differences compare the magazines today and in the past?
4 What are the differences compare the magazines that women like and men like?
5 What are the differences compare the magazines the elderly people like and youngster love?
6 Which ones do you love more, international newspapers or local newspapers?
1 Do you like parties?
2 How often do you usually hang out?
3 Do you like a small get-together or a big party?
4 What do you usually do when you party?
5 Besides singing karaoke and eating out, what else do you do at parties?
6 What is your poison/your favourite drink?
7 What are the differences between formal parties and informal ones?
8 What are the differences compare the parties with friends with the one with family members?
9 Where do you usually hold party, at home or somewhere else?
1 Which way do you prefer to travel, by group or alone?
2 What are the advantages and disadvantages of traveling by group or travel agencies?
3 What are the advantages and disadvantages of traveling alone?
4 How do you feel about the backpacking?
5 What can you get by traveling? What is the importance of traveling?
6 What are the advantages and disadvantages of tourism industry?
7 How can a place benefit from the local tourism industry?
8 How can government encourage and sponsor the local tourism industry?
9 How can a place attract more tourists to visit?
10 How do you feel about the development of tourism in your country?
11 Do you think the advantages of tourism development outweigh the disadvantages? Why?
12 Do you think overdevelopment of tourism industry caused too much pollution?
13 Are there any good solutions to improve this situation?
1 Do you want to travel around the world?
2 What is the cause of noise?
3 How do you feel about noise?
4 What consequences will noise cause?
5 How to reduce noise?
6 Are there any good solutions that government and individuals should do to deal with it?
7 Besides noise pollution, is that any other kinds of pollution you think is very severe in your country?
1 Do people in your country love reading books?
2 What kinds of book do they like reading?
3 What kinds of books are popular in your country?
4 Do you love reading books or novels online?
5 Do you think online books will replace the real books some day?
6 Are you into reading those academic books, text books and reference books?
1 How do people in your country celebrate the festivals?
2 What do people usually do on festivals?
3 What are the differences compare the way people celebrated the festivals in the past with today?
4 How do you feel about the festivals in your country?
5 How do you like the western festivals? Can you name some of the western festivals are getting widespread in your country?
6 What should the government do to remain the traditional festivals’ features and signatures? •
7 Can you name some of the tradition-featured festivals? And tell me what people usually do in these festivals?
1 How often do you usually go to parks?
2 What influence do you think parks have on people’s life?
3 What kinds of people like to go to parks?
4 What do people usually do in parks?
5 Do people usually go for a walk, walk dogs and birds in the park?


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