[English Grammar] Time Preposition Exercise – in/on/at

Time Preposition Exercise Eduhyme

As we all know, prepositions help us to show the position of a person/thing. Now one among them is the preposition of time. It is important that students who want to develop a better grip on English Grammar have a basic understanding of prepositions of time. And proper exercises related to prepositions of time will help them develop a better understanding.

Complete the following sentences using an appropriate preposition (in/on/at).

  1. I made cupcakes _________ Saturday.
  2. My football practice starts _________ 5 pm.
  3. I bought groceries _________ Sunday.
  4. I drink milk _________ the morning.
  5. The school bus leaves _________ 3.30 pm.
  6. It is nice to go camping _________ the summer.
  7. Christmas Day is _________ December 25th.
  8. We read our favourite books _________ night.
  9. Kate feeds her chicken _________ 7 am.
  10. The baby was born _________ October 10th.
  11. We go pumpkin picking _________ the fall.
  12. It is fun to play with the leaves _________ autumn.
  13. I go jogging _________ the morning.
  14. I play with Kate _________ the weekend.
  15. The bakery closes _________ 8 pm.
  16. We sing Christmas carols _________ December.
  17. I visited the doctor _________ Monday.
  18. Kate brushes her teeth _________ night.
  19. We spent time with grandpa _________Sunday.
  20. I take a bubble bath before bed _________ night.
  21. My piano recital begins _________ 7 pm.
  22. I had my breakfast _________ the morning.
  23. I play tennis _________ the afternoon.
  24. I made decorations for class _________ Friday.
  25. My mom would read me a story _________ night.
  26. I rode my bike to park _________ Saturday.
  27. I colour _________ rainy days.
  28. The supermarket will reopen _________ the morning.
  29. Tom likes to build sandcastles _________ the summer.
  30. My dad returned home _________ Sunday.
  31. It is fun to visit the farm _________ holiday.
  32. I have cheer leading practice _________the afternoon.
  33. The basketball game is _________ Saturday the 3rd.
  34. I will leave _________ the afternoon.
  35. I do my homework _________ the evening.
  36. We eat ice-cream _________ the summer.
  37. The packages were delivered _________ 11 am.
  38. I water my plant _________ the afternoon.
  39. Jack likes to fly his kite _________ Easter Monday.
  40. My singing audition was _________ 5 pm.
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