[English] Complete Each Sentence with Correct Ending – Exercise With Answers

Complete Each Sentence - English Exercise With Answers Eduhyme

Complete each sentence with the correct ending by using the following words:

hasty, detached, exclude, head is a ponytail, nasty, blizzard, he knows everything, a nurse or a doctor, kill a person, hot coffee, jaywalk, can’t work, terraced house, a voyage, valley, it is out of the question, available, called a field, a long time, is a hypochondriac, obsessed with it, walk out, someone believe a story that is not true, are familiar with it, fire someone

  1. Hair gathered together at the back of your ___.
  2. A know-it-all is a person who thinks ____________.
  3. A house not joined to another house is _________.
  4. A house that is in a row of houses is a __________.
  5. When someone is deliberately unkind, he is ______.
  6. Scalding hot coffee is extremely _____________.
  7. A decision or action done very quickly __________.
  8. Sick pay is money you receive when you _________.
  9. Someone who worries a lot about his health ______.
  10. A patient is someone looked after by __________.
  11. When something is completely impossible, ______.
  12. The opposite of include is __________________.
  13. To cross a street carelessly is to ____________.
  14. When you’re too interested in something, you ___.
  15. Vacancy is a job that is ____________________.
  16. To lay some off means to __________________.
  17. To pull somebody’s leg is to try to make ________.
  18. A long journey in a boat or ship is called _______.
  19. An assassin is someone paid to _______________.
  20. When you know something very well, you _______.
  21. An area of land that is part of a farm is _______.
  22. A ______ is an area of low land between two hills.
  23. When you leave a place angrily, you ___________.
  24. A snow storm is also known as a _____________.
  25. To gaze is to look at something for ___________.

Correct Answers – 

  1. Hair gathered at the back of your head is a ponytail.
  2. A know-it-all is a person who thinks he knows everything.
  3. A house not joined to another house is detached.
  4. A house that is in a row of houses is a terraced house.
  5. When someone is deliberately unkind, he is nasty.
  6. Scalding hot coffee is extremely hot coffee.
  7. A decision or action done very quickly is hasty.
  8. Sick pay is money you receive when you can’t work.
  9. Someone who worries a lot about his health is a hypochondriac.
  10. A patient is someone looked after by a nurse or doctor.
  11. When something is completely impossible it is out of the question.
  12. The opposite of include is exclude.
  13. To cross a street carelessly is to jaywalk.
  14. When you’re too interested in something, you are obsessed with it.
  15. Vacancy is a job that is available.
  16. To lay someone off means to fire someone.
  17. To pull somebody’s leg is to try to make somebody believe a story that is not true.
  18. A long journey in a boat or ship is called a voyage.
  19. An assassin is a person paid to kill someone.
  20. When you know something very well, you are familiar with it.
  21. An area of land that is part of farm is a field.
  22. A valley is an area of low land between two hills.
  23. When you leave a place angrily, you walk out!
  24. A snow storm is also known as a blizzard.
  25. To gaze is to look at something for a long time.
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