Drinking Water: IELTS Speaking Questions with Answers

Drinking Water IELTS Speaking Questions Answers Eduhyme

Talking about drinking water in IELTS Speaking can be a challenge, not only for the vocabulary, but also knowing what to talk about. The IELTS Speaking Module is designed to assess your English Language Speaking Skills. To ensure a good score in the IELTS Speaking Module, you must study and practice the common Speaking Question types.

Get ideas on  the sample answers below and practice to achieve your target band score. Here are some of the questions asked:

1. How often do you drink water?

Answer – Well, everyday of course! Staying hydrated is a priority for me since I easily get a headache if I don’t, not to mention my weight loss goals. Drinking enough water is critical for our health.

2. What kinds of water do you like to drink?

Answer – All different kinds; I’m not too picky (selective)! I either drink tap water that I put in a Brita filter or bottled water from time to time. I usually put water in my refillable water bottle and carry it around me with me all day.

3. Do you drink bottled water or water from water machines?

Answer – Bottled water. Since the water in my country is potable (drinkable), I usually opt for that with a filter to improve the flavor. If this isn’t available to me, I buy a bottle of water, although I prefer not to because of my environmental concerns.

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