Choose the Word That is Most Similar or Dissimilar in Meaning

Similar or Dissimilar Words Meaning Eduhyme

Reading is when you look for specific language in the text, and this can be very helpful when determining key language in questions and text. For this, you’re looking to answer specific questions, and to do so, you are looking for specific language be it adjectives, verbs, nouns or grouping of words that have a similar or dissimilar meaning to the language in the question.

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Read each question carefully and select the word that is most similar or dissimilar in meaning to the word provided.

1. Delirious is most similar to

a. manic
b. calm
c. tasty
d. suspicious

Correct Answer – a.
Explanation – delirious means marked by frenzied excitement, or manic

2. Infirm is most similar to

a. hospital
b. weak
c. short
d. fortitude

Correct Answer – b.
Explanation – infirm means feeble from age, or weak

3. Cautious is most dissimilar to

a. reasonable
b. careful
c. illogical
d. reckless

Correct Answer – d
Explanation – cautious means careful; reckless means lacking caution

4. Lure is most similar to

a. tickle
b. decoy
c. resist
d. suspect

Correct Answer – b
Explanation – a lure is used to attract animals into a trap, like a decoy

5. Perilous is most dissimilar to

a. disciplined
b. similar
c. safe
d. honest

Correct Answer – c
Explanation – perilous means dangerous, therefore safe is the opposite

6. Isolation is most similar to

a. fear
b. plentitude
c. solitude
d. disease

Correct Answer – c
Explanation – isolation means the state of being alone or withdrawn, or solitude

7. Lull is most similar to

a. pause
b. noise
c. boring
d. mark

Correct Answer – a
Explanation – a lull is a temporary pause

8. Outfit is most similar to

a. indoors
b. strong
c. special
d. furnish

Correct Answer – d
Explanation – to outfit means to supply or to furnish

9. Punctual is most dissimilar to

a. close
b. tardy
c. sloppy
d. precious

Correct Answer – b
Explanation – punctual means on time; tardy means late

10. Delude is most dissimilar to

a. drought
b. clever
c. enlighten
d. enrage

Correct Answer – c
Explanation – to delude means to mislead the judgment of someone, or to trick; to enlighten means to give knowledge to someone

11. Omit is most similar to

a. recluse
b. neglect
c. mistake
d. destroy

Correct Answer – b
Explanation – to omit means to leave out, to fail to perform, or to neglect

12. Resilient is most dissimilar to

a. stubborn
b. careless
c. substantial
d. flimsy

Correct Answer – d
Explanation – resilient means capable of withstanding shock; flimsy means lacking in physical strength or substance

13. Mutiny is most similar to

a. rebellion
b. currency
c. sailor
d. hassle

Correct Answer – a
Explanation – mutiny means resistance to lawful authority, or rebellion

14. Naive is most similar to

a. rural
b. secular
c. unsophisticated
d. sultry

Correct Answer – c
Explanation – naive means unaffectedly simple, or unsophisticated

15. Entice is most dissimilar to

a. piece
b. repulse
c. attract
d. repeat

Correct Answer – b
Explanation – to entice means attract seductively, or to lure; to repulse means to cause aversion to, or to disgust

16. Solemnity is most similar to

a. lightheartedness
b. gravity
c. diligence
d. sleepiness

Correct Answer – b
Explanation – solemnity means formal or ceremonious observance, or seriousness; gravity means dignity of bearing, or seriousness

17. Stingy is most dissimilar to

a. wasteful
b. democratic
c. spiteful
d. liberal

Correct Answer – d
Explanation – one meaning of liberal is giving freely, or generous; stingy means lacking generosity

18. Malign is most similar to

a. evil
b. malicious
c. slander
d. grandiose

Correct Answer – c
Explanation – to malign means to speak false or harmful things of, or to slander

19. Impudent is most similar to

a. cautious
b. haphazard
c. gleeful
d. insolent

Correct Answer – d
Explanation – impudent means contemptuously bold or cocky, or insolent

20. Vacillate is most dissimilar to

a. decide
b. teeter
c. dilate
d. please

Correct Answer – a
Explanation – vacillate means to hesitate among choices, or to waver; decide means to choose

21. Kinetic is most dissimilar to

a. cold
b. static
c. lewd
d. foolish

Correct Answer – b
Explanation – kinetic means relating to motion, or dynamic; static means at rest, or stationary

22. Lambaste is most similar to

a. marinade
b. commotion
c. censure
d. tickle

Correct Answer – c
Explanation – to lambaste means to attack verbally, or to censure

23. Kowtow is most dissimilar to

a. snub
b. pull
c. fawn
d. forage

Correct Answer – a
Explanation – to kowtow means to show fawning deference; to snub means to treat with contempt

24. Rudimentary is most similar to

a. crass
b. gracious
c. deliberate
d. primitive

Correct Answer – d
Explanation – rudimentary means crude or primitive

25. Pitched is most similar to

a. undone
b. retracted
c. heated
d. lovely

Correct Answer – c
Explanation – pitched means intensely fought; one meaning of heated is marked by anger

26. Tepid is most dissimilar to

a. dispassionate
b. scalding
c. crisp
d. clever

Correct Answer – b
Explanation – tepid means lukewarm; scalding means boiling hot

27. Largesse is most similar to

a. greatness
b. generosity
c. miniscule
d. clumsiness

Correct Answer – b
Explanation – largesse means liberal giving or generosity

28. Insidious is most dissimilar to

a. repellant
b. pure
c. charming
d. delicious

Correct Answer – a
Explanation – insidious means harmful but enticing or seductive; repellant means arousing aversion or disgust

29. Decorum is most similar to

a. etiquette
b. merit
c. parliament
d. slipshod

Correct Answer – a
Explanation – decorum means conduct required in social life, or etiquette

30. Succor is most dissimilar to

a. genius
b. abet
c. injure
d. deciduous

Correct Answer – c
Explanation – to succor means go to the aid of, or relieve; to injure means to harm

31. enjoin is most dissimilar to

a. sever
b. dislike
c. permit
d. divorce

Correct Answer – c
Explanation – enjoin means to forbid or prohibit, therefore permit is the opposite

32. Tumid is most similar to

a. swollen
b. fetid
c. aggressive
d. despondent

Correct Answer – a
Explanation – tumid means puffy or swollen

33. Jejune is most similar to

a. youthful
b. insipid
c. charming
d. quick

Correct Answer – b
Explanation – jejune means lacking in substance or interest; insipid means lacking in qualities to excite or interest

34. Ecumenical is most dissimilar to

a. spiritual
b. humanistic
c. secular
d. parochial

Correct Answer – d
Explanation – ecumenical means of or relating to the whole body of churches, or universal; parochial means of or relating to a parish, or limited in scope or range

35. Sinecure is most similar to

a. cakewalk
b. serpentine
c. evil
d. dishonest

Correct Answer – a
Explanation – a sinecure is a job for which little or no work is expected; a cakewalk is a one-sided competition

36. Castigate is most similar to

a. neuter
b. punish
c. banish
d. celebrate

Correct Answer – b
Explanation – to castigate means to subject to severe punishment

37. Reconnoiter is most dissimilar to

a. disarm
b. disassemble
c. distance
d. disregard

Correct Answer – d
Explanation – reconnoiter means to gain information or to explore; disregard means to pay no attention to

38. Obloquy is most similar to

a. tirade
b. dependence
c. oval
d. circumlocution

Correct Answer – a
Explanation – obloquy means abusive language; tirade means harshly censorious language

39. Recondite is most dissimilar to

a. give
b. obscure
c. patent
d. hardy

Correct Answer – c
Explanation – recondite means hidden from sight or obscure; patent means readily visible or intelligible

40. Querulous is most similar to

a. nauseous
b. fretful
c. curious
d. dizzy

Correct Answer – b
Explanation – querulous means habitually complaining, or fretful

41. Beckon is most similar to

a. light
b. beg
c. motion
d. hear

Correct Answer – c
Explanation – to beckon means to signal or summon with a wave or a nod; to motion means to gesture

42. Earnest is most dissimilar to

a. cheap
b. frivolous
c. release
d. civilized

Correct Answer – b
Explanation – earnest means grave or serious; frivolous means lacking in seriousness

43. Execute is most similar to

a. perform
b. decide
c. wonder
d. dismiss

Correct Answer – a
Explanation – one meaning of to execute is to carry out fully; one meaning of to perform is to carry out

44. Idiom is most similar to

a. stupidity
b. recipe
c. fastener
d. expression

Correct Answer – d
Explanation – an idiom is an expression that is unique either grammatically or in meaning

45. Accelerate is most dissimilar to

a. delay
b. risk
c. monitor
d. deny

Correct Answer – a
Explanation – to accelerate means to cause to move faster; to delay means to move or act slowly

46. Engross is most similar to

a. fatten
b. absorb
c. disgust
d. destroy

Correct Answer – b
Explanation – to engross means to occupy completely; one meaning of to absorb is to engage or engross wholly

47. Impervious is most dissimilar to

a. kind
b. disastrous
c. prone
d. perfect

Correct Answer – c
Explanation – impervious means to be incapable of being affected or disturbed; prone means having a tendency or inclination, or being likely

48. Brood is most similar to

a. wander
b. direction
c. progeny
d. tribe

Correct Answer – c
Explanation – a brood is the young of an animal or a family of young; progeny is the offspring of animals or plants

49. Balk is most similar to

a. crow
b. fight
c. distress
d. hamper

Correct Answer – d
Explanation – one meaning of to balk is to check or to stop; to hamper means to impede or restrain

50. Conversant is most dissimilar to

a. inexperienced
b. unprepared
c. shy
d. unpretentious

Correct Answer – a
Explanation – conversant means having knowledge or experience with, therefore inexperienced is the most dissimilar

51. Staunch is most similar to

a. faithful
b. strict
c. biased
d. political

Correct Answer – a
Explanation – staunch means steadfast in loyalty or principle, or faithful

52. Unctuous is most dissimilar to

a. pliant
b. cruel
c. sincere
d. rubbery

Correct Answer – c
Explanation – unctuous means marked by a smug or false earnestness, or insincere, therefore sincere is the most dissimilar

53. Hubris is most similar to

a. earth
b. pride
c. humility
d. sorrow

Correct Answer – b
Explanation – hubris means exaggerated pride or self-confidence

54. Bemuse is most dissimilar to

a. depress
b. inspire
c. clarify
d. desire

Correct Answer – c
Explanation – to bemuse means to make confused, or to bewilder; to clarify means to make free from confusion

55. Contrite is most similar to

a. brief
b. malicious
c. banal
d. rueful

Correct Answer – d
Explanation – contrite means penitent for sin or failing; rueful means regretful

56. Beset is most similar to

a. hector
b. decorate
c. establish
d. suspect

Correct Answer – a
Explanation – to beset means to trouble or harass; to hector means to intimidate or harass

57. Penurious is most dissimilar to

a. generous
b. lenient
c. injurious
d. relaxed

Correct Answer – a
Explanation – penurious means given to extreme stinginess or frugality, which is the opposite of generous

58. Perfidy is most similar to

a. incompleteness
b. ideal
c. betrayal
d. braggart

Correct Answer – c
Explanation – perfidy means an act of disloyalty, or betrayal

59. Ascription is most similar to

a. account
b. attribution
c. cure
d. description

Correct Answer – b
Explanation – ascription means the act of referring to a supposed cause, source, or author; attribution means the act of explaining by indicating a cause, or the act of ascribing a work to a particular author or artist

60. Fustigate is most dissimilar to

a. inveigle
b. investigate
c. explain
d. praise

Correct Answer – d
Explanation – to fustigate means to criticize severely, which is the opposite of to praise

61. Bagatelle is most similar to

a. paste
b. bread
c. bauble
d. pirouette

Correct Answer – c
Explanation – a bagatelle is a trifle (something of little value or importance); a bauble is a trinket or a trifle

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