Choose the Correct Answer – Question Tags

question tags correct answer eduhyme

A tag question is a special construction in English. It is a statement followed by a mini-question. We use tag questions to ask for confirmation. They mean something like: “She’s a doctor, isn’t she?” or “He can’t drive, can he?“. They are very common in English.

There are 20 questions in this exercise. Choose the correct answer. Improve the underline part of sentences, if needed;

1. You sister cooks well, isn’t she?

  1. isn’t it?
  2. doesn’t she?
  3. doesn’t it?
  4. No improvement

Answer – B

2. When the police officer asked you your salary, you provided wrong information, haven’t you?

  1. have you not?
  2. aren’t you?
  3. didn’t you?
  4. No improvement

Answer – C

3. Prasad bowls faster than Suinath, isn’t it?

  1. isn’t it?
  2. won’t she?
  3. doesn’t he?
  4. No improvement

Answer – C

4. She will not finish the work on time, will she?

  1. isn’t it?
  2. won’t she?
  3. doesn’t she?
  4. No improvement

Answer – D

5. These are your new shoes, aren’t they?

  1. isn’t it?
  2. is it so?
  3. are they?
  4. No improvement

Answer – D

6. You can buy almost anything in this store, can you?

  1. isn’t it?
  2. do you?
  3. can’t you?
  4. No improvement

Answer – C

7. Remember to shut the window, willn’t you?

  1. will you?
  2. do you?
  3. won’t you?
  4. No improvement

Answer – C

8. Use your new bike, can’t you?

  1. can you?
  2. can we?
  3. won’t you?
  4. No improvement

Answer – D

9. There is cool in this room, isn’t it?

  1. isn’t there?
  2. is there?
  3. is it?
  4. No improvement

Answer – A

10. One girl can do it, can isn’t he?

  1. can she?
  2. can’t she?
  3. can we?
  4. No improvement

Answer – B

11. Let’s buy a new car with the annual bonus. Can’t he?

  1. can’t we?
  2. don’t we?
  3. shall we?
  4. No improvement

Answer – C

12. He did a good job yesterday, doesn’t he?

  1. isn’t he?
  2. didn’t he?
  3. isn’t it?
  4. No improvement

Answer – B

13. Ravi has been demanding a lot more marks, doesn’t he?

  1. isn’t he?
  2. hasn’t he?
  3. isn’t it?
  4. No improvement

Answer – B

14. The prime minister has gone to Brazil, isn’t it?

  1. has he?
  2. hasn’t he?
  3. didn’t he?
  4. No improvement

Answer – B

15. She did not like the movie, nor I did.

  1. nor did I?
  2. nor I liked it?
  3. nor I like it?
  4. No improvement

Answer – A

16. The price of gas has not fallen much recently, does it?

  1. has it?
  2. is it?
  3. will it?
  4. No improvement

Answer – A

17. There are too many chairs around that table, is not there?

  1. are they?
  2. isn’t there?
  3. aren’t there?
  4. No improvement

Answer – C

18. The weather won’t improve if we sit here and look out the window, shall we?

  1. will we?
  2. will it?
  3. won’t it?
  4. No improvement

Answer – B

19. Everyone can hear me at the back of the room, can you?

  1. cann’t you
  2. can you?
  3. can’t they?
  4. No improvement

Answer – A

20. He speaks English well, do he?

  1. don’t he?
  2. does he?
  3. doesn’t he
  4. No improvement

Answer – C

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