Business Software Competitors: TOEIC Practice Test Questions & Answers

Business Competitors Eduhyme TOEIC Questions Answers

The TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication) is an English language proficiency test designed to assess the English language skills of non-native speakers in a business or professional context. The test is widely used by organizations around the world to evaluate the English language skills of job candidates, employees, and students.

The TOEIC test consists of two parts: the TOEIC Listening and Reading Test and the TOEIC Speaking and Writing Test. The TOEIC Listening and Reading Test is a paper-and-pencil test that consists of multiple-choice questions, while the TOEIC Speaking and Writing Test is a computer-based test that consists of spoken and written responses to prompts.

The test is designed to measure a wide range of English language skills, including listening comprehension, reading comprehension, speaking ability, and writing ability. Overall, the TOEIC is a widely recognized and respected English language proficiency test that is used by organizations around the world to evaluate the English language skills of non-native speakers.

Q&A Topic: Business Software Competitors

Business software competitors are companies that offer similar products or services to meet the needs of businesses.

Here are some questions that can help you to clear the TOEIC exam:

Q1 Brian Moran writes in SQL Server Magazine (March 2005) that an interesting battle is taking ________ between Microsoft and Oracle, two titans of the database world, and the prize is business-application software.

(a) form
(b) part
(c) shape
(d) stage

Answer: (c) shape

Q2 Pricing for databases and prices for high-end business-application software can be ________ entwined when a vendor controls both the business layer software and the database.

(a) inevitably
(b) inexorably
(c) inevitably
(d) irrevocably

Answer: (b) inexorably

Q3 Vendors who sell both have a lot more margin to ________ with and can be a lot more creative about how they price a total package for customers.

(a) control
(b) deal
(c) play
(d) sell

Answer: (c) play

Q4 Microsoft and Oracle are ________ competitors in the database space; competition in other areas inevitably has an effect on their database competitions.

(a) febrile
(b) fiendish
(c) fierce
(d) fleet

Answer: (c) fierce

Q5 Earlier this year, Oracle (the second largest provider of business application software) merged with PeopleSoft (the third largest provider), which had already ________ J. D. Edwards (another major provider) back in 2003.

(a) engorged
(b) gulped
(c) inhaled
(d) swallowed

Answer: (d) swallowed

Q6 SAP is still the dominant provider, but Oracle’s PeopleSoft acquisition is intended to grow the company’s ________ application division.

(a) flagging
(b) shrinking
(c) waxing
(d) wilting

Answer: (a) flagging

Q7 So a series of acquisitions has led to a(n) ________  in which SAP and Oracle share market leadership in the world of business application software.

(a) cartel
(b) consortium
(c) monopoly
(d) oligopoly

Answer: (d) oligopoly

Q8 At the same time, Microsoft has been ________ slow but steady strides in building its own competitive offerings in this space.

(a) forming
(b) making
(c) stretching
(d) taking

Answer: (b) making

Q9 Microsoft has been on a buying ________ since its purchase of Great Plains several years ago, acquiring Solomon and several other niche companies to stitch together the Microsoft Business Solutions Business Group.

(a) binge
(b) burst
(c) spell
(d) spree

Answer: (d) spree

Q10 The competition between Microsoft and Oracle isn’t only about business software; both companies are ________ to be platform companies.

(a) starving
(b) straining
(c) stretching
(d) striving

Answer: (d) striving

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