Body Language – Multiple Choice Questions

Body Language Questions Eduhyme

The ability to interpret body language is a skill that will enhance anyone’s career. Body language is a form of communication, and it needs to be practiced like any other form of communication. Whether in sales or management, it is essential to understand the body language of others and exactly what your own body is communicating.

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1. Communicating with Body Language

We are constantly communicating, even when we are not speaking. Unspoken communication makes up over half of what we tell others and they tell us. It affects our work and personal relationships. Improves negotiating, management, and interpersonal skills by correctly interpreting body language and important signals.

1. Goals should be _____?

a) Concurrent
b) Compatible
c) Revised
d) Realistic

2. How often should body language be practiced?

a) Hourly
b) Weekly
c) Daily
d) Monthly

3. What does body language NOT improve?

a) Sight
b) Listening
c) Success
d) Understanding

4. What should provide cues to your communication?

a) Your own feelings
b) Feelings of others
c) The tone of voice
d) The truth

5. What is the term for the distance between people?

a) Respiration
b) Proximity
c) Positioning
d) Screening

6. What is NOT included in touching?

a) Self
b) Others
c) Positioning
d) Objects

7. _____ makes a lasting impression.

a) Body language
b) Words
c) Appearance
d) Clothing

8. Body language can communicate _____.

a) Experience
b) Estimation
c) Expectations
d) Deception

9. What unacceptable form of body communication did Jen exhibit?

a) Yelling
b) Aggression
c) Eye rolling
d) Crossed arms

10. What did Jim add to his interview?

a) Double interview
b) Body language assessment
c) Internal interviews
d) Skills assessment

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2. Reading Body Language

We are constantly reading the body language of others, even when we are not aware of it. Actively reading body language, however, will provide valuable insight and improve communication. Pay attention to the positions and movements of people around you. Specifically their head positions, physical gestures, and eyes.

11. A head positioned forward facing someone indicates ______.

a) Interest
b) Superiority
c) Approval
d) Disinterest

12. A head held high can indicate ________.

a) Interest
b) Superiority
c) Approval
d) Disinterest

13. What is the signal for OK?

a) Pointed finger
b) Thumbs up
c) Touch thumb and index finger
d) Thumbs down

14. Thumb down is a gesture of ______.

a) Interest
b) Approval
c) Disinterest
d) Disapproval

15. Crossed arms are an example of ________.

a) Closed body language
b) Aggression
c) Open body language
d) Approval

16. Crossed legs while standing combined with crossed arm indicate _______.

a) Interest
b) Insecurity
c) Approval
d) Disapproval

17. Looks to the right indicate _________.

a) Memory
b) Sound
c) Thought
d) Imagination

18. What signals disbelief?

a) Rolled Eyes
b) Blinking
c) Rubbing eyes
d) Winking

19. How many attendees did Mark persuade with his presentation?

a) 0
b) 1
c) 2
d) 3

20. Describe the nodding of the attendees?

a) Barely noticeable
b) Shaking
c) Slow
d) Fast

3. Body Language Mistakes

There are different factors that will create false body language signals. This is why it is so important to examine the positions and gestures as a whole when attempting to interpret body language. To prevent body language mistakes, become aware of these factors and think carefully when reading body language.

21. Repetitive motions will ________ posture.

a) Create an ill
b) Not affect
c) Injure
d) Improve

22. A closed posture is common when people are ____.

a) Cold
b) Happy
c) Hot
d) Warm

23. What should be evaluated before assuming someone is invading personal space?

a) Goals
b) Activity
c) Space
d) Relationship

24. What will not affect a person’s concept of personal space?

a) Culture
b) Activity
c) Background
d) Space

25. What is not a factor that causes quick movements?

a) Illness
b) Activity
c) Exhaustion
d) Cold

26. What do quick movements typically indicate to observers?

a) Activities
b) Deception
c) Nerves
d) Happiness

27. What is not an emotional reason for fidgeting?

a) Nerves
b) Boredom
c) Happiness
d) Frustration

28. Employees need to be able to communicate their ______.

a) Requirements
b) Feedback
c) Frustration
d) Needs

29. What was Sara’s initial impression of Jon?

a) Positive
b) Helpful
c) Negative
d) Optimistic

30. What explained Jon’s posture?

a) Injury
b) Illness
c) Age
d) Medication

4. Gender Differences

Not all body language is universal. There are differences in the way that men and women communicate. Body language is often confused between genders. In order to prevent miscommunications, it is important to understand the signals that are common to most people as well as the different signals that men and women communicate with their body language.

31. _____ are more likely to smile?

a) Women
b) The old
c) Men
d) The young

32. How are facial expressions between men and women viewed?

a) The same
b) Equally
c) Differently
d) In context

33. Women typically have larger personal distances with _____?

a) Each other
b) Male strangers
c) Friends
d) Male friends

34. Whose personal distance is more likely to be respected?

a) A boy’s
b) A woman’s
c) A girl’s
d) A man’s

35. What is signaled when a woman only smiles with her mouth?

a) Politeness
b) Attraction
c) Interest
d) Happiness

36. A woman is annoyed if she is _____?

a) Leaning forward
b) Tapping
c) Smiling
d) Touching

37. Men are more likely to mirror ______?

a) Women
b) Each other
c) No one
d) Anyone

38. What can prolonged eye contact indicate?

a) Domination
b) Friendship
c) Interest
d) Boredom

39. How you describe Lisa’s smile?

a) Polite
b) Genuine
c) Happy
d) Engaging

40. What indicated that Lisa was not happy with Tom?

a) Leaning away from him
b) Leaning toward him
c) Smiling
d) Laughing

5. Nonverbal Communication

We all communicate nonverbally. The image that we project from our nonverbal communication affects the way that our spoken communication is received. While interpreting body language is important, it is equally important to understand what your nonverbal communication is telling others. It takes more than words to persuade others.

41. What does it mean when someone bites nails?

a) Thought
b) Doubt
c) Insecurity
d) Anticipation

42. Tugging on ears can be a sign of ________.

a) Insecurity
b) Anticipation
c) Decision
d) Indecision

43. What type of impression does a disheveled appearance make?

a) Negative
b) None
c) Positive
d) Lasting

44. What does a great personal distance indicate?

a) Warmth
b) Friendliness
c) Coldness
d) Confidence

45. A person ends a statement on a higher pitch, and it is not a question. What does this signal?

a) Aggression
b) Insecurity
c) Security
d) Strength

46. Tone should _____ when speaking.

a) Stay the same
b) Be sarcastic
c) Be emotionless
d) Vary

47. What does a hunched posture indicate?

a) Aggression
b) Confidence
c) Insecurity
d) Submission

48. The head should be positioned _______.

a) Forward
b) At a tilt
c) Down
d) To the side

49. What describes the supervisor’s tone?

a) Confident
b) Monotone
c) Friendly
d) Condescending

50. What describes the supervisor’s gestures?

a) Passive
b) Confident
c) Aggressive
d) Insecurity

6. Facial Expressions

Facial expressions are an important part of body language. We use our faces to express ourselves, and we all interpret the facial expressions we see. While some facial expressions are cultural, some facial expressions are universal. Understanding the basics of facial expressions and decoding them will help you determine what people are feeling and facilitate better communication.

51. Facial expressions show _______.

a) Degree of emotion
b) Emotional change
c) Thoughts
d) Motives

52. What is most true about emotions and facial expressions?

a) Facial expressions can always be faked
b) Facial expressions show emotions
c) Facial expressions can never be faked
d) Facial expressions cannot be read

53. How long do micro‐expressions typically last?

a) .5 second
b) 1 second
c) 1/25 second
d) .25 second

54. What do micro‐expressions typically show?

a) Faked emotions
b) Complex emotions
c) New feelings
d) Universal emotions

55. What does FACS break muscle movements into?

a) Action units
b) Autonomic understanding
c) Automatic unit
d) Actions understood

56. What is part of the lower face?

a) Eyes
b) Nose
c) Orbital
d) Eyebrows

57. Eyebrows rise with both fear and _____.

a) Anger
b) Surprise
c) Contempt
d) Disgust

58. What happens to the chin when someone is angry?

a) Forward
b) Down
c) Straight
d) Tilted

59. What training did Jane receive?

a) Micro‐expression
c) Universal facial expressions

60. How much did the Jane’s sales increase?

a) 15 percent
b) 30 percent
c) 20 percent
d) 25 percent

7. Body Language in Business

Body language can provide people in business with a key advantage. Learn how to adjust your body language to each situation, as you identify the needs, thoughts, and feelings of those you do business with every day. A basic understanding of body language will strengthen negotiating strategies and other business tactics.

61. What describes a powerful walk?

a) Slow
b) Running
c) Quick
d) Leisurely

62. Legs need to be ______ to indicate power.

a) Together
b) Closed
c) Apart
d) Crossed

63. What direction may a client’s head move if he or she is from India?

a) Side
b) Forward
c) Backward
d) Down

64. Hand gestures are _______.

a) Universal
b) Natural
c) Cultural
d) Learned

65. What type of body position builds trust?

a) Tense
b) Relaxed
c) Authoritative
d) Closed

66. What will decrease trust?

a) Smiles
b) Relaxation
c) Listening
d) Barriers

67. What is not mirrored in speech?

a) Pattern
b) Tone
c) Pitch
d) Rhythm

68. Mirroring in a business setting is typically a conscious choice for ____?

a) Women
b) CEOs
c) Men
d) Colleagues

69. What was William’s body language really signaling?

a) Interest
b) Disrespect
c) Aggression
d) Respect

70. What improved the meetings?

a) Time
b) Cultural awareness
c) Personal friendship
d) Powerful body language

8. Lying and Body Language

Body language can expose deception. Close observation of body language can indicate that someone is hiding something. Be careful about interpreting every action as a lie. A number of factors, including stress and insecurity, will cause suspicious body language. When there are multiple indications of deception in a person’s body language, however, further investigation may be warranted.

71. What does showing palms signal?

a) Deception
b) Submission
c) Authority
d) Sincerity

72. Where will hands go when someone is lying?

a) Side
b) Lap
c) Face
d) Together

73. What is someone likely to do after a lie?

a) Smile
b) Lick lips
c) Laugh
d) Frown

74. What is another reason for a closed smile that does not signal a lie?

a) Nerves
b) Hide teeth
c) Authority
d) Passivity

75. What direction will eyes look if someone is left‐handed and using imagination?

a) Up
b) Right
c) Down
d) Left

76. What is a sign that direct eye contact indicates a lie?

a) When it is unmoved
b) When it glances
c) When looks up
d) When there are many changes

77. Deception is indicated when posture changes are ______.

a) Natural
b) Relaxed
c) Clumsy
d) Smooth

78. What does extreme stillness indicate?

a) Honesty
b) Deception
c) Submission
d) Authority

79. What sign did the second candidate give?

a) Unmoving eye contact
b) Tone did not match body language
c) Closed body language
d) Tone matched body language

80. What sign did the first candidate give?

a) Tone matches body language
b) Unmoving eyes
c) Open smile
d) Shifting eyes

9. Improve Your Body Language

People make snap judgments about each other based on body language. It is possible to improve your body language and the way that others view you. Give an air of confidence when meeting with colleagues and potential clients. Understanding the subtleties of body language makes it easier to improve your own. Simply pay attention to what you say and do.

81. What will prevent nervous body language?

a) Smiles
b) Gestures
c) Practice
d) Relaxation

82. What will signal interest?

a) Shaking head
b) Being still
c) Occasional nodding
d) Smile

83. What will improve self‐esteem?

a) Relaxation
b) Dressing well
c) Smiling
d) Tone

84. What does not improve confidence?

a) Mumbling
b) Posture
c) Exercise
d) Appearance

85. What type of posture should be avoided?

a) Slouching
b) Straight
c) Relaxed
d) Closed

86. What will posture improve?

a) Strength
b) Communication
c) Alertness
d) Understanding

87. What will poor body mechanics affect?

a) Age
b) Strength
c) Posture
d) Speaking

88. What should be avoided?

a) Open communication
b) Nervous gestures
c) Honest communication
d) Relaxation

89. What caused the price of the stock to drop?

a) Body language
b) Disasters
c) Poor communication
d) Public image

90. What happened to the stock after the CEO worked on his body language?

a) Nothing
b) Doubled
c) Slightly improved
d) Dropped

10. Matching Your Words to Your Movement

The key to instilling trust is matching body language to the words spoken. Movements will confirm or contradict what is said. Gestures will easily match what is said if the words reflect genuine feeling. Emotional awareness is necessary to communicate exactly what you mean. Unresolved emotions can affect body language.

91. What is not a way to reduce stress?

a) Exercise
b) Journal
c) Diet
d) Communication

92. What can affect gestures?

a) Actions
b) Communication
c) Emotions
d) Movement

93. What should be addressed when communicating?

a) Meetings
b) Facts
c) Sentiment
d) Emotions

94. What is important to know before communicating?

a) Goal
b) Feelings
c) Language
d) Emotions

95. Honesty must be perceived in the words and _______.

a) Body language
b) Actions
c) Emotions
d) Language

96. Responses should be guided by ______.

a) Personal tone
b) Emotions
c) Body language of others
d) Instinct

97. What is more effective at communicating?

a) Words
b) Body language
c) Language
d) Feelings

98. Body language and _____ determine how we view people.

a) Instinct
b) Feelings
c) Words
d) Behavior

99. Steve’s sales initially dropped _____.

a) 5 percent
b) 15 percent
c) 10 percent
d) 20 percent

100. How much did his sales increase?

a) 10 percent
b) 15 percent
c) 30 percent
d) 40 percent

Conclusion –

Although this workshop is coming to a close, we hope that your journey to improve your body language skills is just beginning. Please take a moment to review and update your action plan. This will be a key tool to guide your progress in the days, weeks, months, and years to come. We wish you the best of luck on the rest of your travels!

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