Adjectives are words that describe or modify nouns and pronouns. They provide additional information about the nouns or pronouns they modify, such as size, shape, color, age, origin, material, and many other characteristics. Adjectives help to create more vivid and descriptive sentences, adding detail and emphasis to the nouns or pronouns they modify. Some common adjectives include big, small, blue, old, new, happy, sad, and round.
S.No. | Word | Meaning |
1 | Afraid | When you’re afraid, you are scared. |
2 | Ajar | Something that is ajar is partly open. The door is ajar. |
3 | Alike | When things are alike they look the same. |
4 | Angry | When you are angry, you are very mad. |
5 | Asleep | When you are asleep you are not awake. |
6 | Awake | When you are awake, you are not asleep. |
7 | Bad | When something is bad, it is has unpleasant qualities. The opposite of bad is good. |
8 | Big | When someone or something is big, it is above average size. |
9 | Bigger | The boy in the middle is bigger than the boy on the left. |
10 | Biggest | The boy on the right is the biggest of the three. |
11 | Black | Black is the color of a very dark night. |
12 | Blue | The sky is blue during the day. |
13 | Brave | Someone who is brave has courage. |
14 | Brittle | Something that is brittle will break or snap in two easily. Potato chips are brittle. |
15 | Broken | When something is broken, it does not work or has been damaged. |
16 | Brown | Brown is the color of wood. |
17 | Clean | When something is clean, it is not dirty. |
18 | Closed | When something is closed, it is not open. The door is closed. |
19 | Colorful | Something that is colorful is brightly colored or has many colors. |
20 | Courage | A quality in which a person can face danger or pain without showing excessive fear. |
21 | Dark | When it is dark, there isn’t much light. |
22 | Different | When things are different they are not the same |
23 | Dirty | When something is dirty, it is not clean. |
24 | Early | When something happens early, it occurs in the beginning part of the day or it occurs before it was expected to happen. |
25 | Excellent | When something is excellent, it is very, very good. |
26 | Fast | This girl can run very fast. |
27 | Fat | The opposite of fat is thin. |
28 | Fiery | Fiery means very hot. Fiery embers flew out of the campfire. |
29 | Full | This glass is full. Empty is the opposite of full. |
30 | Frightened | When we are frightened, we are afraid. |
31 | Good | When something is good, it is has nice qualities. The opposite of good is bad. |
32 | Gray | Elephants are large, gray mammals. Gray paint can be made by mixing black and white paint. |
33 | Green | Grass, broccoli, and many other plants are green. You can make green paint by mixing blue and yellow paint. |
34 | Happy | People usually smile when they’re happy. |
35 | Healthy | When you are healthy, you are not sick. |
36 | Hot | Fire is very hot. |
37 | Large | When someone or something is large, it is above average size. |
38 | Last | The last item or person is the one at the end. |
39 | Little | When someone or something is little, it is below average in size. |
40 | Littler | The boy in the middle is littler than the boy on the right. |
41 | Littlest | The boy on the left is the littlest of the three. |
42 | Long | When something is long, it is not short. |
43 | Loud | The opposite of loud is quiet. |
44 | Mad | When you are mad at someone, you are angry with them. |
45 | Many | The are many apples above. |
46 | Multicolored | Multicolored means having many colors. |
47 | Narrow | When something is narrow, it doesn’t take up a lot space from side to side. |
48 | New | When something is new, it hasn’t been used before. |
49 | Old | When someone or something is old, it has been around for a long, long time. |
50 | Open | Something that is open is not shut. The door is open. |
51 | Orange | Orange is a color. You can mix red and yellow paint to get orange. |
52 | Pink | Pink is the color you get when you mix red and white paint. |
53 | Purple | The color purple is made by mixing red and blue paint. |
54 | Quiet | When it is quiet there is no noise. |
55 | Red | Red is the first color in the rainbow. |
56 | Sad | Sometimes people cry when they’re sad. |
57 | Scared | When you’re scared, you are afraid. |
58 | Short | When someone or something is short, it is below average height. |
59 | Shorter | The boy in the middle is shorter than the boy on the right. |
60 | Shortest | The boy on the left is the shortest of the three. |
61 | Shut | When something is shut, it is not open The door is shut. |
62 | Sick | When you are sick, you are not healthy. |
63 | Slow | When something is slow it does not move quickly. |
64 | Small | When someone or something is small, it is below average size. |
65 | Smaller | The boy in the middle is smaller than the boy on the right. |
66 | Smallest | The boy on the left is the smallest of the three. |
67 | Smart | Someone who is smart can think well. |
68 | Splendid | When something is splendid, it is very, very good. |
69 | Straight | Something straight is not curvy or bent. |
70 | Tall | When someone or something is tall, it is above average height. |
71 | Taller | The boy in the middle is taller than the boy on the left. |
72 | Tallest | The boy on the right is the tallest of the three. |
73 | Tiny | When someone or something is tiny, it is very small. |
74 | Tinier | The boy in the middle is tinier than the boy on the right. |
75 | Tiniest | The boy on the left is the tiniest of the three. |
76 | Ugly | Something that is ugly is not nice to look at. |
77 | Unhappy | Sometimes people cry when they’re unhappy. |
78 | Upside down | When something is upside down, its top is where its bottom used to be. |
79 | Violet | Violet is a bluish purple color. |
80 | White | Snow is white. |
81 | Wide | When something is wide, it takes up a lot space from side to side. |
82 | Yellow | Yellow is a color. The sun is yellow. Lemons are yellow. |
83 | Young | When someone or something is young, it has only been around for a short time. A baby is young. |
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