600+ Synonyms – Useful For Clearing SSC Exams

synonyms Eduhyme

Vocabulary plays a vital role in excelling in various competitive exams, including SSC (Staff Selection Commission) exams. A strong command of synonyms, words that have similar or identical meanings, can significantly boost your performance in these exams, particularly in the English Language section.

In this article, we present you with a comprehensive list of over 600 synonyms that will prove invaluable in your quest to clear SSC exams.

1. INTREPID – resolutely fearless; dauntless – FEARLESS
2. ABROGATE – repeal or do away with (a law, right, or formal agreement) – REPEAL
3. DEFERENCE – polite submission and respect – RESPECT
4. COVENANT – agree by lease, deed, or other legal contract – CONTRACT
5. OBNOXIOUS – extremely unpleasant – DISGUSTING
6. PROLIFERATE- increase rapidly in number; multiply / cause (cells, tissue, structures, etc.) to reproduce rapidly – REPRODUCE
7. PARADOX – a seemingly absurd or contradictory statement or proposition which when investigated may prove to be well founded or true – PUZZLE
8. COLOSSAL – extremely large or great – ENORMOUS
9. INCEPTION – the establishment or starting point of an institution or activity – ORIGIN
10. GRANDEUR – splendour and impressiveness, especially of appearance or style – MAGNIFIENCE
11. TRAMP – a person who travels from place to place on foot in search of work or as a vagrant or beggar – WANDERED
12. CONSIGNEE – the person or company to whom goods or documents are officially sent or delivered – NOMINEE
13. INFATUATION – an intense but shortlived passion or admiration for someone or something – PASSION
14. BEAUTIFUL – pleasing the senses or mind aesthetically – HANDSOME
15. MOMENTOUS – of great importance or significance, especially in having a bearing on future events – IMPORTANT
16. QUIVER – tremble or shake with a slight rapid motion / a slight trembling movement or sound, especially one caused by a sudden strong emotion – TREMBLE
17. ADULATION – excessive admiration or praise – FLATTERY
18. CONTEMPLATION – the action of looking thoughtfully at something for a long time – MEDITATION
19. DILIGENT – having or showing care and conscientiousness in one’s work or duties – INDUTRIOUS
20. CENSURE – express severe disapproval of (someone or something), especially in a formal statement – CRITICZE
21. FATAL – causing death – DEADLY
22. DOLEFUL – expressing sorrow; mournful – MOURNFUL
23. GRUFF – rough and low in pitch – ROUGH
24. FIDELITY – faithfulness to a person, cause, or belief, demonstrated by continuing loyalty and support – LOYALTY
25. INFRUCTUOUS – fruitless, unprofitable – FRUITLESS
26. GARNISH – decorate or embellish (something, especially food) – ADORN
27. MENTOR – an experienced and trusted adviser – GUIDE
28. SUPERSTITIOUS – having or showing a belief in superstitions (a widely held but irrational belief in supernatural influences, especially as leading to good or bad luck, or a practice based on such a belief) – IRRATIONAL
29. RAVAGE – cause severe and extensive damage to / the destructive effects of something – DEMOLISH
30. SUCCESSIVE – following one another or following others – CONSECUTIVE
31. ABROGATE – repeal or do away with (a law, right, or formal agreement) – ABOLISH
32. DELINEATE – describe or portray (something) precisely – EXPLAIN
33. MENACE – a person or thing that is likely to cause harm; a threat or danger. – THREAT
34. OCCULT – mystical, supernatural, or magical powers, practices, or phenomena. – SUPERNATURAL
35. VINDICATE – clear (someone) of blame or suspicion – JUSTIFY
36. BENEVOLENCE – the quality of being well meaning – KINDNESS
37. PANACEA – a solution or remedy for all difficulties or diseases – CURE ALL
38. PRUDENT – acting with or showing care and thought for the future – CAUTIOUS
39. AMICABLE – characterized by friendliness and absence of discord – FRIENDLY
40. IRREVERENCE – a lack of respect for people or things that are generally taken seriously – DISRESPECT
41. CEREMONIAL – conferring or involving only nominal authority or power – FORMAL
42. PROPITIATE – win or regain the favour of (a god, spirit, or person) by doing something that pleases them – APPEASE
43. CAPITULATE – cease to resist an opponent or an unwelcome demand; yield. – SUREENDER
44. ESTRANGED – cause (someone) to be no longer on friendly terms with someone – SEPARATED
46. RESTIVE – unable to remain still, silent, or submissive, especially because of boredom or dissatisfaction – RESTLESS
47. NOMADIC – living the life of a nomad (a member of a community of people who live in different locations, moving from one place to another) – WANDERING
48. DEROGATORY – showing a critical or disrespectful attitude – DISPARAGING
49. PREMONITION – a strong feeling that something is about to happen, especially something unpleasant – FOREWARNING
50. ELUDE – escape from or avoid (a danger, enemy, or pursuer), typically in a skilful or cunning way – ESCAPE
51. FLUTTER – to move lightly or quickly – FLOAT
52. PRIORITY – the fact or condition of being regarded or treated as more important than others – PRECEDENCE
53. DUPLICATION – the action or process of duplicating something. – COPYING
54. DILATE – make or become wider, larger, or more open – WIDEN
55. OBSESSION – an idea or thought that continually preoccupies or intrudes on a person’s mind – PRE-OCCUPATION
56. ITINERANT – a person who travels from place to place – TRAVELLING FROM PLACE TO PLACE
57. CONVICT – declare (someone) to be guilty of a criminal offence by the verdict of a jury or the decision of a judge in a court of law – CRIMINAL
58. OSTENTATION – the pretentious or showy display of wealth and luxury, designed to impress – POMP
59. SELECTION – the action or fact of carefully choosing someone or something as being the best or most suitable – PREFERENCE
60. TORPID – mentally or physically inactive – INACTIVE
61. SURMOUNT – overcome (a difficulty or obstacle) – OVERCOME
62. ABLUTION – an act of washing oneself – WASHING
63. GNOME – a small ugly person – DWARF
64. COMMAND – give an authoritative or peremptory order – INSTRUCT
65. TRANSPARENT – (of a material or article) allowing light to pass through so that objects behind can be distinctly seen – LUCID
66. DEXTERITY – skill in performing tasks, especially with the hands – ADROITNESS
67. CAPRICIOUS – given to sudden and unaccountable changes of mood or behaviour – WHIMSICAL
68. ASSERTIVE – having or showing a confident and forceful personality – DOMINEERING
69. KNAVISH – dishonest – UNSCRUPULOUS
70. LACONIC – using very few words – CONCISE
71. KNACK – an acquired or natural skill at doing something – DEXTERITY
72. ILL-BRED – badly brought up or rude – UNCOUTH
73. DEMENTED – behaving irrationally due to anger, distress, or excitement – IDIOTIC
74. HAUGHTY – arrogantly superior and disdainful – CONCEITED
75. ENLIVEN – make (something) more entertaining, interesting, or appealing – CHEER
76. GENUINE – truly what something is said to be; authentic – ORIGINAL
77. BECKONED – summon (someone) – CALLED
78. ACCUSED – a person or group of people who are charged with or on trial for a crime – INDICTED
79. TRANSITION – the process or a period of changing from one state or condition to another – CHANGE
80. DECREPITUDE – the state of being decrepit (worn out or ruined because of age or neglect) – FEEBLENESS
81. AUDACITY – a willingness to take bold risks – BOLDNESS
82. SUPERANNAUTED – outdated or obsolete through age or new developments – RETIRED
83. ACCEDE – agree to a demand, request, or treaty – CONSENT
84. ALERT – quick to notice any unusual and potentially dangerous or difficult circumstances – WATCHFUL
85. OBSTINATE – very difficult to change or overcome – STUBBORN
86. LITTLE – small in size, amount, or degree – TRIVIAL
87. YARDSTICK – a standard used for comparison – STANDARD
88. TOXIC – poisonous – POISONOUS
89. REGRESS – return to a former or less developed state – BACKSLIDE
90. SOMBRE – dark or dull in colour or tone – GLOOMY
91. RARE – not occurring very often – SCARCE
92. HURDLE – a problem or difficulty that must be overcome – OBSTACLE
93. DECIMATED – kill, destroy, or remove a large proportion of – DESTROYED
94. AUGUST – respected and impressive – MAJESTIC
95. AVARICE – extreme greed for wealth or material gain – GREED
96. SLITHER – move smoothly over a surface – SLIDE
97. FREELANCE – earning one’s living – SELF-EMPLOYED
98. IMPIOUS – showing a lack of respect for God or religion – IRREVERENT
99. SCORN – a feeling and expression of contempt or disdain for someone or something – CONDEMN
100. APPOSITE – appropriate in the circumstances or in relation to something – APPROPRIATE
101. DULCET – sweet and soothing – SWEET
102. INDICMENT – a formal charge or accusation of a serious crime – ACCUSATION
103. INVARIABLE – never changing – CONSTANT
104. STUBBORN – difficult to move, remove, or cure – ADAMANT
105. COLOSSAL – extremely large or great – GIGANTIC
106. DETRIMENTAL – tending to cause harm – HARMFUL
107. HERALDED – be a sign that (something) is about to happen / clapped – CLAPPED
108. INCESSANTLY – without interruption / constantly – CONTINOUSLY
109. VERACITY – conformity to facts / accuracy – TRUTH
110. ACCOUNTREMENTS – an additional item of dress or equipment – EQUIPMENTS
111. OBSCENE – offensive or disgusting by accepted standards of morality and decency – INDECENT
112. GENUINE – truly what something is said to be – AUTHENTIC
113. ETERNAL – lasting or existing forever – PERPETUAL
114. FLABBERGASTED – surprise (someone) greatly / astonish – DUMBFOUNDED
115. DUBIOUS – not to be relied upon / suspect – DOUBTFUL
116. ANTIPATHY – a deep-seated feeling of aversion – DISLIKE
117. RESCIND – cancel, or repeal – REVOKE
118. METICULOUS – showing great attention to detail / very careful and precise – CAREFUL
119. ACRONYM – an abbreviation formed from the initial letters of other words and pronounced as a word – A WORD FORMED BY THE INITIAL LETTERS OF WORDS
120. INDIGNATION – anger or annoyance provoked by what is perceived as unfair treatment – ANGER
121. CONGREGATION – a gathering or collection of people, animals, or things / a group of people assembled for religious worship – MEETING
122. INCAPACITATE – prevent from functioning in a normal way – CRIPPLE
123. EXOTIC – originating in or characteristic of a distant foreign country – STRANGE
124. PHILANTHROPIST – a person who seeks to promote the welfare of others, especially by the generous donation of money to good causes – BENEFACTOR
125. DECAMP – leave a place suddenly or secretly – FLEE
126. SALIENT – most noticeable or important – PROMINENT
127. ABYSMAL – very deep – BOTTOMLESS
128. CONSERVATION – the action of conserving something – PRESERVATION
129. FLAIR – a special or instinctive aptitude or ability for doing something well – TALENT
130. ILLICIT – forbidden by law, rules, or custom – ILLEGAL
131. COARSE – rough or harsh in texture – ROUGH
132. IMPOST – a compulsory payment to the government – TAX
133. PRODIGAL – spending money or using resources freely and recklessly – WASTEFUL
134. RECIPIENTS – a person or thing that receives or is awarded something / receiving or capable of receiving something – RECIEVER
135. FOREGO – go without (something desirable) – LEAVE
136. ROUT – defeat and cause to retreat in disorder – DEFEAT
137. FRONTIER – a line or border separating two countries – BOUNDARY
138. KNAVE – a dishonest or unscrupulous man – SCOUNDREL
139. FELICITY – intense happiness – BLISS
140. IRREPROCHABLE – beyond criticism – FAULTLESS
141. FLIMSY – insubstantial and easily damaged – WEAK
142. CODDLE – treat (someone) in an indulgent or overprotective way with too much care and attention – SATISFY
143. PROPHYLACTIC – intended to prevent disease – PREVENTIVE
144. OSTRACISE – exclude from a society or group – BANISH
145. DEBACLE – a sudden and ignominious failure – DOWNFALL
146. TRITE – lacking originality or freshness / dull on account of overuse – COMMONPLACE
147. DERISION – contemptuous ridicule or mockery – RIDICULE
148. ONUS – something that is one’s duty – RESPONSIBILITY
149. CANTAKEROUS – badtempered, argumentative, and uncooperative – QUARRELSOME
150. LUXURIANT – rich and profuse in growth – ABUNDANT
151. SUFFICIENT – adequate – ENOUGH
152. MEEK – quiet, gentle, and easily imposed on – SUBMISSIVE
153. EMBRACE – an act of accepting something willingly or enthusiastically – ACCEPT
154. ANCESTORS – from whom one is descended – FOREFATHERS
155. BENEVOLENT – a person who is serving a charitable rather than a profit-making purpose – KIND
156. CENSURE – express severe disapproval of (someone or something), especially in a formal statement – CRITICIZE
157. CONFIDENTIAL – intended to be kept secret – SECRET
158. DANGEROUS – able or likely to cause harm or injury – HAZARDOUS
159. OBSTINATE – very difficult to change or overcome – STUBBORN
160. ILLICIT – forbidden by law, rules, or custom – UNLAWFUL
161. IRASCIBLE – having or showing a tendency to be easily angered – IRRITABLE
163. PROPINQUITY – the state of being close to someone or something / proximity – NEARNESS
164. ARTFUL – clever or skillful, especially in a crafty or cunning way – CUNNING
165. FATUOUS – silly and pointless – SILLY
166. PERQUISITE – a benefit which one enjoys or is entitled to on account of one’s job or position – PRIVILEGE
167. EXECRATE – feel or express great loathing for – CURSE
168. SPIRITED – full of energy, enthusiasm, and determination – ARDENT
169. VIRULENT – (of a disease or poison) extremely severe or harmful in its effects – DEADLY
170. CONTROVERT – to argue (with someone) – CONTRADICT
171. REVERIE – a state of being pleasantly lost in one’s thoughts – DAYDREAM
172. PERILOUS – full of danger or risk – HARAZDOUS
173. AUDACIOUS – showing a willingness to take surprisingly bold risks – BOLD
174. QUERULOUS – complaining – COMPLAINING
175. POIGNANT – evoking a keen sense of sadness or regret – SAD
176. ACCRUE – accumulate – ACCUMULATE
177. GENIAL – friendly and cheerful – CORDIAL
178. INCLEMENT – unpleasant conditions – UNFAVOURABLE
179. VINDICTIVE – having or showing a strong or unreasoning desire for revenge – SPITEFUL
180. LOQUACIOUS – tending to talk a great deal – TALKATIVE
181. PERSPICUOUS – clearly expressed and easily understood / simple / lucid – PRECISE
182. PRODIGAL – wasteful – LAVISH
183. INTREPID – feeling no fear / very bold or brave – FEARLESS
184. INFAMY – the state of being well known for some bad quality or deed – NOTORIETY
185. BARREN – too poor to produce much or any vegetation / showing no results or achievements – UNPRODUCTIVE
186. PREPONDERANCE – the quality or fact of being greater in number, quantity, or importance – DOMINANCE
187. DELUGE – a severe flood – FLOOD
188. APPRAISE – assess the value or quality of – JUDGE
189. INDICT – formally accuse of or charge with a crime – CHARGE
190. LUCIDITY – simplicity – CLARITY
191. DELIBERATELY – consciously and intentionally – INTENTIONALLY
192. STRINGENT – strict, precise, and exacting – TOUGH
193. BEHAVIOUR – the way in which one acts or conducts oneself, especially towards others – CONDUCT
194. SUBJUGATE – bring under domination or control, especially by conquest – CONQUER
195. FLAUNT – display (something) ostentatiously, especially in order to provoke envy or admiration or to show defiance – EXHIBIT
196. SURMOUNT – overcome (a difficulty or obstacle) – OVERCOME
197. SOLICIT – ask for or try to obtain (something) from someone – REQUEST
198. ACUTE – having or showing a perceptive understanding or insight – SHARP
199. RELISH – great enjoyment – ENJOY
200. CONCEALED – kept secret – HIDDEN
201. CRUDE – in a natural or raw state/ not yet processed or refined – UNREFINED
202. GRUMBLE – complain about something in a bad-tempered way – COMPLAIN
203. GLOOMY – dark or poorly lit, especially so as to appear depressing or frightening – MURKY
204. SPIRITED – full of energy, enthusiasm, and determination – ENTHUSIASTIC
205. MAGNIFICIENT – extremely beautiful, elaborate, or impressive – SPLENDID
206. CULMINATION – the highest or climactic point of something, especially as attained after a long time – CLIMAX
207. GENIUS – exceptional intellectual or creative power or other natural ability – A PERSON WITH UNCOMMON INTELLECT
208. PRUDENT – acting with or showing care and thought for the future – WISE
209. SWAP – an act of exchanging one thing for another – EXCHANGE
210. REGARD – best wishes – RESPECT
211. NOVICE – a person new to and inexperienced in a job or situation – BEGINNER
212. COUNTERFEIT – with the intention to deceive – FAKE
213. ABSTAIN – restrain oneself from doing or enjoying something – REFRAIN
214. BARREN – unproductive – INFERTILE
215. INADVERTENT – not resulting from or achieved through deliberate planning – UNINTENTIONAL
216. CONSENSUS – a general agreement – UNANIMITY
217. BIFURCATED – divide into two – DIVIDED INTO TWO
218. AFFLUENCE – the state of having a great deal of money / wealth – RICHNESS
219. PERILOUS – full of danger or risk – DANGEROUS
220. SUPERSEDE – take the place of (a person or thing previously in authority or use); supplant – REPEAL
221. AVERSION – a strong dislike or disinclination – DISLIKE
222. DESPERATION – a state of despair, typically one which results in rash or extreme behaviour – HOPELESSNESS
223. ENIGMATIC – difficult to interpret or understand / mysterious – PUZZLING
224. FABULOUS – extraordinary, especially extraordinarily large – CHARMING
225. LIBERTY – liberty – FREEDOM
226. DESPONDENT – in low spirits from loss of hope or courage – DEJECTED
227. JUBILANT – feeling or expressing great happiness and triumph – ECSTATIC
228. RECTIFY – put right / correct – CORRECT
229. TRAUMA – a deeply distressing or disturbing experience – EMOTIONAL SHOCK
230. BLISTER – a small bubble on the skin filled with serum and caused by friction, burning, or other damage – WOUND
231. ATROCITY – an extremely wicked or cruel act, typically one involving physical violence or injury – ABSURDITY
232. TEDIOUS – too long, slow, or dull / tiresome or monotonous – DULL
233. PAUCITY – the presence of something in only small or insufficient quantities or amounts – SHORTAGE
234. PACIFY – quell the anger, agitation, or excitement of – CALMDOWN
235. FORTIFY – provide (a place) with defensive works as protection against attack – STRENGTHEN
236. DISPARITY – a great difference – DIFFERENCE
237. PESTER – trouble or annoy (someone) with frequent or persistent requests or interruptions – ANNOY
238. TRIMMING – small pieces trimmed off something – CUTTING
239. RIVALLED – a person who is competing for the same object or goal as another, or who tries to equal or outdo another / competitor COMPETED
240. SAVIOUR – a person who saves someone or something from danger or difficulty – PROTECTOR
241. DEFER – put off (an action or event) to a later time – POSTPONE
242. DELIBERATE – done consciously and intentionally – INTENTIONAL
243. DEMONSTRATE – clearly show the existence or truth of (something) by giving proof or evidence – SHOW
244. DARING – adventurous or audaciously bold – COURAGEOUS
245. AUTOCRATIC – relating to a ruler who has absolute power – DICTATORIAL
246. DEARTH – a scarcity or lack of something – SCARCITY
247. INSENSITIVE – showing or feeling no concern for others’ feelings – CALLOUS
248. CIRCUITOUS – longer than the most direct way – ROUNDABOUT
249. SHINES – give out a bright light – GLITTERS
250. BOISTEROUS – noisy, energetic, and cheerful – NOISY
251. MELLOW – pleasantly smooth or soft / free from harshness – GENIAL
252. NEFARIOUS – wicked or criminal – WICKED
253. SORDID – involving immoral or dishonourable actions and motives; arousing moral distaste and contempt – UNPLEASANT
254. TRANQUIL – free from disturbance / calm – PEACEFUL
255. IMAGINARY – existing only in the imagination – FICTITIOUS
256. CARICATURE – a picture, description, or imitation of a person in which certain striking characteristics are exaggerated in order to create a comic or grotesque effect – GROTESQUE
257. ABSORBING – intensely interesting / engrossing – ENGROSSING
258. EMANCIPATE – set free, especially from legal, social, or political restrictions – LIBERATE
259. LAUD – praise (a person or their achievements) highly – PRAISE
260. EMULATE – reproduce the function or action of – SIMULATE
261. IMITATE – to copy someone or mimic – COPY
262. OBSCENE – offensive or disgusting by accepted standards of morality and decency – DIRTY
263. FICTITIOUS – not real or true/ imaginary or fabricate – FALSE
264. FRAGRANCE – a pleasant, sweet smell – AROMA
265. CAJOLE – persuade (someone) to do something by sustained coaxing or flattery – FLATTER
266. APPEAR – come into sight / become visible or noticeable, especially without apparent cause – SEEM
267. DISCRIMINATE – recognize a distinction / differentiate – DISTINGUISH
268. INTEGRATION – the action or process of integrating – UNITY
269. LIABILITY – the state of being legally responsible for something – DEBT
270. CEASE – come or bring to an end – STOP
271. SPECULATE – form a theory or conjecture about a subject without firm evidence – GUESS
272. EFFECT – cause to happen; bring about – RESULT
273. OBSCENE – offensive or disgusting by accepted standards of morality and decency – INDECENT
274. MERCY – compassion or forgiveness shown towards someone whom it is within one’s power to punish or harm – SYMPATHY
275. TAME – domesticate (an animal) – DOMESTICATED
276. ACQUAINT – make someone aware of or familiar with – INTRODUCE
277. GENUINE – truly what something is said to be / authentic – REAL
278. CHANGE – an act or process through which something becomes different – ALTER
279. FOREBODING – a feeling that something bad will happen / fearful apprehension – ALARM
280. REQUEST – an act of asking politely or formally for something – ASK
281. ADVERSE – preventing success or development/ harmful/ – UNFAVOURABLE
282. DISASTER – a sudden accident or a natural catastrophe that causes great damage or loss of life – MISFORTUNE
283. INSTANT – happening or coming immediately – IMMEDIATE
284. TEMPEST – a violent windy storm – STORM
285. DILLIGENT – having or showing care and conscientiousness in one’s work or duties – HARDWORKING
286. RESTRICT – put a limit on / keep under control – PROHIBIT
287. ANTICIPATE – regard as probable / expect or predict – EXPECT
288. ABUNDANT – existing or available in large quantities / plentiful – PLENTIFUL
289. METICULOUS – showing great attention to detail / very careful and precise – METHODICAL
290. QUASH – reject as invalid, especially by legal procedure – REJECT
291. PITY – the feeling of sorrow and compassion caused by the sufferings and misfortunes of others – MERCY
292. MOTIVE – a reason for doing something – INTENTION
293. FRUGAL – sparing or economical as regards money or food – ECONOMICAL
294. IRRESOLUTE – showing or feeling hesitancy / uncertain – UNDECIDED
295. TREMENDOUS – very great in amount, scale, or intensity – REMARKABLE
296. ANGER – a strong feeling of annoyance, displeasure, or hostility – DISPLEASURE
297. IRREVOCABLE – not able to be changed, reversed, or recovered; final – UNALTERABLE
298. COMMOTION – a state of confused and noisy disturbance – DISTURBANCE
299. REPOSE – a state of rest, sleep, or tranquillity – REST
300. ADORN – make more beautiful or attractive – BEAUTIFY
301. CANCEL – decide or announce that (a planned event) will not take place – ABOLISH
302. PIOUS – devoutly religious – RELIGIOUS
303. CEASE – come or bring to an end – STOP
304. DEFER – put off (an action or event) to a later time – POSTPONE
305. NURTURE – care for and protect (someone or something) while they are growing – GROW
306. CONSIDERATE – ` careful not to inconvenience or harm others – THOUGHFUL
307. DOCILE – ready to accept control or instruction – SUBMISSIVE
308. ABUSE – use (something) to bad effect or for a bad purpose / treat with cruelty or violence, especially regularly or repeatedly – SCORN
309. DENY – state that one refuses to admit the truth or existence of – REFUSE
310. ABANDON – cease to support or look after (someone) / desert – FORSAKE
311. ADVANCE – move forwards in a purposeful way – PROGRESS
312. IMPEDIMENT – a hindrance or obstruction in doing something – OBSTRUCTION
313. IMPECCABLE – in accordance with the highest standards / faultless – PERFECT
314. VACILLATE – waver between different opinions or actions / be indecisive – WAVER
315. ELASTIC – able to resume its normal shape spontaneously after being stretched or compressed – FLEXIBLE
316. GENUINE – truly what something is said to be – REAL
317. APPREHENDED – arrest (someone) for a crime – ARRESTED
318. DISEASE – a disorder of structure or function in a human, animal, or plant, especially one that produces specific symptoms or that affects a specific location and is not simply a direct result of physical injury – ILLNESS
319. EFFICIENT – achieving maximum productivity with minimum wasted effort or expense – CAPABLE
320. CONCEAL – not allow to be seen – HIDE
321. RIGHT – morally good, justified, or acceptable – CORRECT
322. EXHORT – strongly encourage or urge (someone) to do something – PUSH
323. REPARTEE – conversation or speech characterized by quick, witty comments or replies. – RESPONSE
324. POACH – the illegal practice of trespassing on another’s property to hunt or steal game without the landowner’s permission – HUNT
325. PROGNOSIS – a forecast of the likely outcome of a situation – FORECAST
326. ESPIONAGE – the practice of spying or of using spies, typically by governments to obtain political and military information – SPYING
327. CONCURRENCE – the state of agreeing with someone or something – AGREEMENT
328. ENIGMA – a person or thing that is mysterious or difficult to understand – PUZZLE
329. LURID – presented in vividly shocking or sensational terms – SHOCKING
330. MEAGRE – lacking in quantity or quality – INADEQUATE
331. CANDID – truthful and straightforward – FRANK
332. BLISS – perfect happiness / great joy – HAPPINESS
333. DECAY – the state or process of rotting or decomposition – DECOMPOSE
334. SOLITARY – done or existing alone – LONELY
335. COMPASSIONATE – feeling or showing sympathy and concern for others – SYMPATHETIC
336. COARSE – rough or harsh in texture – ROUGH
337. BLUNDER – a stupid or careless mistake – MISTAKE
338. DILIGENT – having or showing care and conscientiousness in one’s work or duties – ASSIDUOUS
339. ESSENTIAL – absolutely necessary / extremely important – VITAL
340. ONUS – something that is one’s duty or responsibility – RESPONSIBILITY
341. PLEASURE – a feeling of happy satisfaction and enjoyment – HAPPINESS
342. DISSUADE – persuade (someone) not to take a particular course of action – DISCOURAGE
343. ANGUISH – severe mental or physical pain or suffering – AGONY
344. THRIVE – grow or develop well or vigorously – FLOURISH
345. CONDONE – approve or sanction (something), especially with reluctance – OVERLOOK
346. PAIL – bucket – BUCKET
347. BRISK – quicken something / active and energetic – QUICK
348. GRUESOME – causing repulsion or horror / grisly – HIDEOUS
349. PERIODIC – appearing or occurring at intervals – REGULAR
350. APPRAISE – assess the value or quality of – INFORM
351. SYSTEMATICALLY – having, showing, or involving a system, method, or plan – METHODICALLY
352. SOLE – one and only – ONLY
353. CORDIAL – warm and friendly – FRIENDLY
354. INFIRM – not physically or mentally strong, especially through age or illness – WEAK
355. WHOLESOME – conducive to or suggestive of good health and physical well-being – SOUND
356. ALLURE – the quality of being powerfully and mysteriously attractive or fascinating – TEMPT
357. PERISH – die, especially in a violent or sudden way – DIE
358. MANIA – mental illness marked by periods of great excitement or euphoria, delusions, and overactivity / an excessive enthusiasm or desire / an obsession – MADNESS
359. SUPERFICIAL – appearing to be true or real only until examined more closely – SHALLOW
360. ECONOMICAL – careful not to waste money or resources / giving good value or return in relation to the money, time, or effort expended – THRIFTY
361. PREAMBLE – the introductory part of a statute or deed, stating its purpose, aims, and justification – INTRODUCTION
362. ADVOCATE -a person who publicly supports or recommends a particular cause or policy – SUPPORT
363. COLLATE – collect and combine – ASSEMBLE
364. RAMPART – a defensive wall of a castle or walled city, having a broad top with a walkway and typically a stone parapet – PARAPET
365. TRIBULATION – a cause of great trouble or suffering – SUFFERING
366. PARSIMONY – extreme unwillingness to spend money or use resources – MISERLINESS
367. INSOLENT – showing a rude and arrogant lack of respect – DISRESPECTFUL
368. INNOCUOUS – not harmful or offensive – HARMLESS
369. INGENUOUS – innocent and unsuspecting – INNOCENT
370. BAFFLE – totally bewilder or perplex – PUZZLE
371. APEX – the highest point of achievement / a climax – TOP
372. ACCOMPLISH – achieve or complete successfully – ACHIEVE
373.PROTRUDE – extend beyond or above a surface – BULGE
374. ASSAULT – make a physical attack on – ATTACK
375. ENGROSS – absorb all the attention or interest of – ABSORB
376. SOLITARY – done or existing alone – LONELY
377. ANTAGONIST – a person who actively opposes or is hostile to someone or something; an adversary – OPPONENT
378. MUNDANE – lacking interest or excitement / dull / of this earthly world rather than a heavenly or spiritual one – ORDINARY
379. ADVERSITY – a difficult or unpleasant situation – MISFORTUNE
380. DEMISE – a person’s death – DEATH
381. SPURIOUS – not being what it purports to be / false or fake – FAKE
382. VANISH – disappear suddenly and completely – DISAPPEAR
383. COARSE – rough or harsh in texture – ROUGH
384. DETER – prevent the occurrence of / discourage (someone) from doing something by instilling doubt or fear of the consequences – TO HINDER
385. HURDLE – a problem or difficulty that must be overcome – OBSTACLE
386. BARBARIC – savagely cruel / primitive / unsophisticated – UNCIVILISED
387. CLANDESTINE – kept secret or done secretively, especially because illicit – SECRET
388. ECSTASY – an overwhelming feeling of great happiness or joyful excitement – JOY
389. FETCH – go for and then bring back (someone or something) for someone – BRING
390. PACIFIC – peaceful in character or intent – PEACEFUL
391. SOLITARY – done or existing alone – LONELY
392. ABSURD – wildly unreasonable, illogical, or inappropriate – RIDICULOUS
393. KIOSK – a small open-fronted hut or cubicle from which newspapers, refreshments, tickets, etc. are sold – STORE
394. MIMIC – imitate (copy someone or their actions or words), especially in order to entertain or ridicule – COPY
395. TOIL – work extremely hard or incessantly / exhausting physical labour – WORKHARD
396. ASCRIPTION – the attribution of something to a cause – ATTRIBUTION
397. ABSOLVE – declare (someone) free from guilt, obligation, or punishment – ACQUIT
398. ABERRATION – a departure from what is normal, usual, or expected, typically an unwelcome one – DEVIATION
399. STERN – serious and unrelenting, especially in the assertion of authority and exercise of discipline – STRICT
400. CITADEL – a fortress, typically one on high ground above a city – FORTRESS
401. ERUDITE – having or showing great knowledge or learning – SCHOLARLY
402. REVERE – feel deep respect or admiration for (something) – RESPECT
403. REPEATED – done or occurring again several times in the same way – REITERATED
404. DERIVE – obtain something from (a specified source) / base a concept on an extension or modification of (another concept) – OBTAIN
405. SALACIOUS – having or conveying undue or indecent interest in sexual matters – LUSTFUL
406. HALLUCINATION – an experience involving the apparent perception of something not present – DELUSION
407. LABYRINTH – a complicated irregular network of passages or paths in which it is difficult to find one’s way / a maze – MEANDERING
408. TINSEL – a form of decoration consisting of thin strips of shiny metal foil attached to a long piece of thread – DECORATION
409. GARRULOUS – excessively talkative, especially on trivial matters – TALKATIVE
410. CATASTROPHE – an event causing great and usually sudden damage or suffering / a disaster – CALAMITY
411. HAPPINESS – the state of being happy – BLISS
412. GREET – give a polite word of recognition or sign of welcome when meeting (someone) – WELCOME
413. GATHER – come together / assemble or accumulate / bring together and take in from scattered places or sources – CONGREGATE
414. HUMOROUS – causing laughter and amusement – WITTY
415. HARD – with a great deal of effort – DIFFICULT
416. AMELIORATE – make (something bad or unsatisfactory) better – IMPROVE
417. INVOICE – a list of goods sent or services provided, with a statement of the sum due for these / a bill – STATEMENT
418. CONJURER – a performer of conjuring tricks – MAGICIAN
419. VENAL – showing or motivated by susceptibility to bribery – CORRUPT
420. ABNORMAL – deviating from what is normal or usual, typically in a way that is undesirable or worrying – UNNATURAL
421. MASTERY – control or superiority over someone or something – AUTHORITY
422. DELUSION – an idiosyncratic belief or impression maintained despite being contradicted by reality or rational argument, typically as a symptom of mental disorder – ILLUSION
423. LOGICAL – according to the rules of logic or formal argument – RATIONAL
424. THRIFTY – using money and other resources carefully and not wastefully – ECONOMICAL
425. ADMONITION – a firm warning or reprimand – WARNING
426. EVADE – escape or avoid (someone or something), especially by guile or trickery – AVOID
427. IMPETUOUS – acting or done quickly and without thought or care – HASTY
428. PRETEND – not really what it is represented as being / imaginary – FEIGN
429. ANGUISHED – experiencing or expressing severe mental or physical pain or suffering – SORROWFUL
430. WILY – skilled at gaining an advantage, especially deceitfully – CUNNING
431. TEMERITY – excessive confidence or boldness / audacity – AUDACITY
432. MASTERY – control or superiority over someone or something – AUTHORITY
433. REDEEM – compensate for / to save (somebody) from the power of evil – SAVE
434. ENCOUNTERED – meet (someone) unexpectedly / unexpectedly be faced with or experience (something hostile or difficult) – FACED
435. FLUNG – throw or hurl forcefully – THREW
436. VALIANT – possessing or showing courage or determination – COURAGEOUS
437. PLUMP – having a full rounded shape – FAT
438. TRANSIENT – lasting only for a short time / impermanent – TRANSITORY
439. FURY – wild or violent anger – ANGER
440. TACITURN – reserved or uncommunicative in speech / saying little – SILENT
441. WANDER – walk or move in a leisurely or aimless way – ROAM
442. CANTANKEROUS – badtempered, argumentative, and uncooperative – QUARRELSOME
443. VOCATION – a person’s employment or main occupation, especially regarded as worthy and requiring dedication – OCCUPATION
444. HONEST – free of deceit / truthful and sincere – UPRIGHT
445. OBSTREPEROUS – noisy and difficult to control – UNRULY
446. EXTRICATE – free (someone or something) from a constraint or difficulty – FREE
447. CREDIBLE – able to be believed / convincing – BELIEVABLE
448. VORACIOUS – wanting or devouring great quantities of food – GREEDY
449. TRANSIENT – lasting only for a short time / impermanent – FLEETING
450. SCINTILLATING – sparkling or shining brightly – GLITTERING
451. HUMANE – having or showing compassion or benevolence – SYMPATHETIC
452. CANNY – having or showing shrewdness and good judgement, especially in money or business matters – CLEVER
453. TEPID – only slightly warm / lukewarm – WARM
454. AFFLUENT – having a great deal of money / wealthy – PROSPEROUS
455. PENCHANT – a strong or habitual liking for something or tendency to do something – LIKING
456. EXORBITANT – unreasonably high (of a price or amount charged) – EXCESSIVE
457. CRAFTY – clever at achieving one’s aims by indirect or deceitful methods – CUNNING
458. DIFFIDENT – modest or shy because of a lack of self-confidence – TIMID
459. ELASTIC – able to resume its normal shape spontaneously after being stretched or compressed – FLEXIBLE
460. ASSESS – evaluate or estimate the nature, ability, or quality of – MEASURE
461. ABJURE – solemnly renounce (a belief, cause, or claim) – RENOUNCE
462. CATASTROPHE – an event causing great and usually sudden damage or suffering /a disaster – TRAGEDY
463. SCORN – a feeling and expression of contempt or disdain for someone or something – DESPISE
464. AUGUST – respected and impressive – DIGNIFIED
465. PERIL – serious and immediate danger – DANGER
466. AFFLUENT – having a great deal of money; wealthy – PROSPEROUS
467. BRUTALIZE – make (someone) cruel, violent, or insensitive to the pain of others by repeated exposure to violence – ILLTREAT
468. PINAACLE – the most successful point / the culmination / a high, pointed piece of rock- SUMMIT
469. GARBLE – reproduce (a message, sound, or transmission) in a confused and distorted way – CONFUSE
470. CONVALESCENCE – time spent recovering from an illness or medical treatment /recuperation – RECOVER
471. INSIPID – lacking flavor / weak or tasteless – BLAND
472. POROUS – having minute interstices through which liquid or air may pass – PERMEABLE
473. AMICABLE – characterized by friendliness and absence of discord – FRIENDLY
474. PERUSE – read (something), typically in a thorough or careful way – EXAMINE
475. IMPREVIOUS – not allowing fluid to pass through – IMPENETRABLE
476. IMPECCABLE – in accordance with the highest standards / faultless – FLAWLESS
477. EVENTUALLY – in the end, especially after a long delay, dispute, or series of problems – FINALLY
478. PERSIST – continue in an opinion or course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition – INSIST
479. JABBER – talk in a rapid, excited, and often incomprehensible way – CHATTER
480. MEANDER -follow a winding course (of a river or road) – CURVE
481. TRANSMISSION – the action or process of transmitting something or the state of being transmitted – CONVEYANCE
482. YEARN – have an intense feeling of longing for something, typically something that one has lost or been separated from – TO CRAVE
483. ADEQUATE – satisfactory or acceptable in quality or quantity – ENOUGH
484. PERSEVERE – continue in a course of action even in the face of difficulty or with little or no indication of success – PERSIST
485. SPORADIC – occurring at irregular intervals or only in a few places / scattered or isolated – SCATTERED
486. VIVACIOUS – attractively lively and animated – LIVELY
487. PROPOSITION – a suggested scheme or plan of action, especially in a business context – PROPOSAL
488. PETITION – a formal written request, typically one signed by many people, appealing to authority in respect of a particular cause – APPEAL
489. AMIABLE – having or displaying a friendly and pleasant manner – FRIENDLY
490. FORSAKEN – abandoned or deserted – ABANDONED
491. CANDID – truthful and straightforward / frank – HONEST
492. CURIOUS – eager to know or learn something – INQUISITIVE
493. ARDUOUS – involving or requiring strenuous effort; difficult and tiring – DIFFICULT
494. SHAM – a thing that is not what it is purported to be – FAKE
495. FUTILITY – pointlessness or uselessness – USELESSNESS
496. GUILE – sly or cunning intelligence – CUNNING
497. JEALOUS – feeling or showing an envious resentment of someone or their achievements, possessions, or perceived advantages – ENVIED
498. EPIDEMIC – a widespread occurrence of an infectious disease in a community at a particular time – WIDESPREAD
499. RETALIATE – make an attack in return for a similar attack – AVENGE
500. COMPENSATE – give (someone) something, typically money, in recognition of loss, suffering, or injury incurred; recompense – MAKE UP FOR
501. TRANSIENT – lasting only for a short time / impermanent – TEMPORARY
502. QUICKEN – make or become faster or quicker – ACCELERATE
503. GULLIBILITY – a failure of social intelligence in which a person is easily tricked or manipulated into an illadvised course of action – SIMPLICITY
504. EMIT – produce and discharge – DISCHARGE
505. HUMILIATION – the action of humiliating someone or the state of being humiliated – DISHONOUR
506. SNOOZE – a short, light sleep, especially during the day – SLEEP
507. BESEECH – ask someone urgently and fervently to do or give something – BEG
508. SPURIOUS – not being what it purports to be / false or fake – FAKE
509. OSSIFY – turn into bone or bony tissue – MAKE OR BECOME LIKE A BONE
510. AMELIORATE – make (something bad or unsatisfactory) better – TO IMPROVE
511. DWINDLE – diminish gradually in size, amount, or strength – DECREASE
512. LATENT – existing but not yet developed or manifest; hidden or concealed – HIDDEN
513. PECULIAR – different to what is normal or expected – STRANGE
514. TENET – a principle or belief, especially one of the main principles of a religion or philosophy – BELIEF
515. REPEAL – revoke or annul – a law or act of parliament – CANCELLATION
516. ODIOUS – extremely unpleasant / repulsive – HATEFUL
517. ABANDON – cease to support or look after (someone) / desert – FORSAKE
518. GARNISH – decorate or embellish (something, especially food – ADORN
519. ADMONISH – reprimand firmly – CHIDE
520. PROFICIENT – competent or skilled in doing or using something – ADEPT
521. TIRADE – a long, angry speech of criticism or accusation – RANT
522. SINUOUS – having many curves and turns – SERPENTINE
523. VIABLE – capable of working successfully / feasible – WORKABLE
524. ERRONEOUS –wrong / incorrect – FALSE
525. VISCERAL – relating to the viscera (the internal organs in the main cavities of the body, especially those in the abdomen, e.g. the intestines) – BODILY
526. OPULENT – ostentatiously costly and luxurious – RICH
527. ENTERPRISING – having or showing initiative and resourcefulness – FINDING OUT NEW WAYS OF DOING THINGS
528. COMPLACENT – showing smug or uncritical satisfaction with oneself or one’s achievements – SATISFIED
529. RECAPITULATION – an act or instance of summarizing and restating the main points of something – RECALL
530. VERISIMILITUDE – the appearance of being true or real – AUTHENTICITY
531. CONJECTURE – an opinion or conclusion formed on the basis of incomplete information – GUESS
532. ANNIHILATE – destroy utterly /obliterate – DESTROY
533. QUARRY – a place, typically a large, deep pit, from which stone or other materials are or have been extracted – VICTIM
534. INTERFERENCE – the action of interfering or the process of being interfered with – OBSTRUCTION
535. CHARISMA – compelling attractiveness or charm that can inspire devotion in others – CHARM
536. PODIUM – a small platform on which a person may stand to be seen by an audience, as when making a speech or conducting an orchestra – DIAS
537. INSANE – in a state of mind which prevents normal perception, behaviour, or social interaction; seriously mentally ill – MAD
538. INGENUOUS – innocent and unsuspecting – CANDID
539. DAMP – slightly wet – WET
540. RESURGENCE – an increase or revival after a period of little activity, popularity, or occurrence – RENEWAL
541. BOARD – a long, thin, flat piece of wood or other hard material, used for floors or other building purposes – PLANK
542. SPUME – froth or foam, especially that found on waves – FOAMS
543. PERSUE – follow or chase (someone or something) – READ
544. DIMINISH – make or become less – REDUCE
545. FRUGAL – simple and plain and costing little – ECONOMICAL
546. PLEBISCITE – the direct vote of all the members of an electorate on an important public question such as a change in the constitution – REFERENDUM
547. EFFIGY – a sculpture or model of a person – DUMMY
548. PREDILECTION – a preference or special liking for something; a bias in favour of something – PREFERENCE
549. DEVOUT – having or showing deep religious feeling or commitment – PIOUS
550. BANE – a cause of great distress or annoyance – CURSE
551. OSTRACIZE – exclude from a society or group – EXPEL
552. BUMPTIOUS – irritatingly selfassertive – CONCEITED
553. DRIZZLE – light rain falling in very fine drops – SPRINKLE
554. INEVITABLE – certain to happen – UNAVOIDABLE
555. ENORMOUS – very large in size, quantity, or extent – IMMENSE
556. RECTIFY – put right – CORRECT
557. HONOUR – high respect great esteem – RESPECT
559. ACQUIRE – buy or obtain – PROCURE
560. ANNOY – causing irritation or annoyance – OFFEND
561. MISTAKE – an act or judgement that is misguided or wrong – ERROR
562. FLITHY – disgustingly dirty – DIRTY
563. VOCATION – a strong feeling of suitability for a particular career or occupation- OCCUPATION
564. LIMPID – completely clear and transparent – CLEAR
565. GOURMET – a connoisseur of good food – GASTRONOME
566. MERGE – combine or cause to combine to form a single entity – BLEND
567. CRUSADE – a vigorous campaign for political, social, or religious change – CAPMPAIGN
568. LOUSY – very poor or bad – AWFUL
569. RESULT – a thing that is caused or produced by something else /a consequence or outcome – OUTCOME
570. INVINCIBLE -too powerful to be defeated or overcome – UNASSAILABLE
571. MAESTRO – a distinguished conductor or performer of classical music / a distinguished figure in any sphere – GENIUS
572. CHASTISE – rebuke or reprimand severely – UPBRAID
573. PAWN – a person used by others for their own purposes – DUPE
574. FEEBLE – lacking physical strength, especially as a result of age or illness – WEAK
575. CONSORT – a wife, husband, or companion, in particular the spouse of a reigning monarch – PARTNER
576. ACCURACY – the quality or state of being correct or precise – PRECISION
577. GENUINE – truly what something is said to be – AUTHENTIC
578. REVENUE – income, especially when of an organization and of a substantial nature – INCOME
579. QUEST – a long or arduous search for something – SEARCH
580. JEALOUS – feeling or showing an envious resentment of someone or their achievements, possessions, or perceived advantages – ENVIOUS
581. DESULTORY – lacking a plan, purpose – FRUGAL
582. DILIGENT – having or showing care and conscientiousness in one’s work or duties – INDUSTRIOUS STENOGRAPHER, 2016
583. ETERNAL – lasting or existing forever / without end – FOREVER
584. STROLL – walk in a leisurely way – WALK
585. BRUTAL – savagely violent – SAVAGE
586. REVEL – enjoy oneself in a lively and noisy way, especially with drinking and dancing – MAKE MERRY
587. ADVERSITY – a difficult or unpleasant situation – MISERY
588. DEVASTATION – great destruction or damage – DETRUCTION
589. PANACEA – a solution or remedy for all difficulties or diseases – CURE ALL
590. INSOLENT – showing a rude and arrogant lack of respect – OFFENSIVE
591. ENIGMA – a person or thing that is mysterious or difficult to understand – RIDDLE
592. DECIMATED – a person or thing that is mysterious or difficult to understand – DESTROYED
593. REVILE – criticize in an abusive or angrily insulting manner – ABUSE
594. VENIAL – denoting a sin that is not regarded as depriving the soul of divine grace – PARDONABLE
595. RECTIFY – put right – CORRECT
596. IMPECCABLE – in accordance with the highest standards; faultless – FAULTLESS
597. CONSTRAIN – compel or force (someone) to follow a particular course of action – RESTRICT
598. LETHARGIC – affected by lethargy (a lack of energy and enthusiasm) / sluggish and apathetic – LAZY
599. ARDUOUS – involving or requiring strenuous effort; difficult and tiring – STRENUOUS
600. RECEPTACLE – a hollow object used to contain something – CONTAINER
601. ADVERSITY – a difficult or unpleasant situation – MISFORTUNE
602. CONTRABAND – goods that have been imported or exported illegally – SMUGGLED
603. CUPIDITY – greed for money or possessions – GREED
604. MASTICATE – chew (food) – CHEW
605. LABYRINTH – a complicated irregular network of passages or paths in which it is difficult to find one’s way; a maze – MAZE
606. ABORTIVE – failing to produce the intended result – UNSUCCESSFUL
607. SYCOPHANT – a person who acts obsequiously towards someone important in order to gain advantage – FLATTERER
608. EXAGGERATE – represent (something) as being larger, better, or worse than it really is – MAGNIFY
609. OMINOUS – giving the worrying impression that something bad is going to happen / threateningly inauspicious – THREATENING
610. JUBILANT – feeling or expressing great happiness and triumph – REJOICING
611. ADAPT – make (something) suitable for a new use or purpose /modify – ADJUST
612. OBSEQUIOUS – obedient or attentive to an excessive or servile degree – SERVILE
613. NEGOTIATION – discussion aimed at reaching an agreement- BARGAINING
614. PALLID – pale, typically because of poor health – PALE
615. INVIGORATING – making one feel strong, healthy, and full of energy – REFRESHING
616. NEFARIOUS – wicked or criminal – WICKED
617. CONSCRIPT – enlist (someone) compulsorily, typically into the armed services – DRAFT
618. INDOLENT – wanting to avoid activity or exertion /lazy – LAZY
619. REPROOF – an expression of blame or disapproval – REBUKE
620. PROFLIGATE – recklessly extravagant or wasteful in the use of resources – WASTEFUL
621. HOODWINK – deceive or trick – DECEIVE
622. FORSWEAR -agree to give up or do without – FORSAKE
623. RATIONAL – based on or in accordance with reason or logic – LOGICAL
624. EMANCIPATE – set free, especially from legal, social, or political restrictions – LIBERATE
625. INNOCUOUS -not harmful or offensive – INOFFENSIVE
626. NONPLUSSED – so surprised and confused that one is unsure how to react – PUZZLED
627. CREDULOUS – having or showing too great a readiness to believe things – GULLIBLE

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