250 Premium Vocabulary Words You Need To Know

Premium Vocabulary Words Eduhyme

It is not mandatory to by-heart all the listed vocabulary.  In normal case we are using some basic level of vocabulary in writing and speaking. But in certain cases to improvise and flourish the writings and speech in more perpetual way it is better to know some tough words too to express the meaning in appropriate to the context.

There are around 250 words listed and it’s meaning nearby. These premium words are fair enough to score maximum. The way most people build their vocabulary is by reading words in context. Reading is ultimately the best way to increase your vocabulary, although it also takes the most time.

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If you try to study some of these words you may unconsciously study some other appropriate words during your practice and it would be applicable in the examination. That would be enough to score your required score.

  1. Abate: To become less strong or decrease
  2. Aberrant: Not usual or normal
  3. Abeyance: Something such as a custom, rule or system that is in abeyance is not be ing used at the present time
  4. Abscond: To suddenly leave the place where you are being kept for doing something wrong
  5. Abstemious: Formal or humorous careful not to have too much food, drink etc
  6. Admonish: To tell or warn someone severely that they have done something wrong
  7. Aggregate: The total after a lot of different parts or data
  8. Alacrity: Quickness and eagerness
  9. Alleviate: To make something less painful or difficult
  10. Ambivalence: Not sure whether you want or like something or not
  11. Ameliorate: To make something better
  12. Anachronism: Someone or something that seems to belong to the past
  13. Analogous: Similar to another situation or thing so that a comparison can be made
  14. Anomalous: Different from what you expect ed to find
  15. Antipathy: Strong dislike or opposition to wards someone or something
  16. Apathy: The feeling of not being interested or not caring
  17. Appease: To make someone less angry or stop them from attacking you by giving them what they want
  18. Apprise: To inform or tell someone about something
  19. Approbation: Official praise or approval
  20. Arduous: Involving a lot of strength and ef fort
  21. Artless: Natural, honest, sincere
  22. Ascetic: Living without any physical pleasures or comforts
  23. Assiduous: Very careful to make them re sponsible is done properly or completely
  24. Assuage: To make an unpleasant feeling less painful or severe
  25. Attenuate: To make something weaker or have less effect
  26. Audacious: Brave and shocking
  27. Austere: Plain and simple and without any decoration
  28. Aver: To say something firmly and strongly because you are sure that it is true
  29. Banal: Ordinary and not interesting, because of a lack of new or different ideas
  30. Belie: To give someone a false idea about something
  31. Bolster: To help someone to feel better and more positive
  32. Bombastic: Long important sounding words that have no real meaning
  33. Boorish: Behaves in a very rude way
  34. Burgeon: To grow or develop quickly
  35. Burnish: To polish metal until it shines
  36. Buttress: To support a system, idea, argument especially by providing money
  37. Cacophonous: A loud unpleasant mixture of sounds
  38. Capricious: Changing quickly and suddenly
  39. Castigation: To criticize or punish someone severely
  40. Caustic: Criticize someone in a way that is unkind but often cleverly humorous
  41. Chicanery: The use of clever plans or actions to deceive people
  42. Coda: A separate piece of writing at the end of a work of literature or a speech
  43. Cogent: Reasonable & correct argument
  44. Commensurate: Matching something in size, quality or length of time
  45. Compendium: A collection of different and complete items in a box or book
  46. Conciliatory: Doing something that is in tended to make someone stop arguing with you
  47. Condone: To accept or forgive behavior that most people think is morally wrong
  48. Confound: To confuse or surprise people by being unexpected
  49. Connoisseur: Someone who know a lot about art, music, food etc
  50. Contention: An opinion that someone expresses
  51. Contentious: Someone who is contentious often argues with people
  52. Contrite: Feeling guilty and sorry for something bad that you have done
  53. Conundrum: A confusing & difficult problem
  54. Converge: To come from different direction and meet at the same point
  55. Convoluted: Complicated and difficult to understand
  56. Craven: Completely lacking courage
  57. Daunt: To make someone feel afraid or less confident
  58. Decorum: Correct behavior that shows respect
  59. Deference: Behavior that shows that you respect someone and are therefore willing to accept their opinions or judgment
  60. Delineate: To describe or draw something carefully so that people can understand it
  61. Denigrate: To say that something or someone is not good or important
  62. Deride: To make remarks or jokes that show you think someone or something is silly or useless
  63. Derivative: Something that has developed or been produced from something else
  64. Desiccate: To remove all water from something
  65. Desultory: Done without any particular plan or purpose
  66. Deterrent: Something that makes some one less likely to do something
  67. Diatribe: A long speech or piece of writing that criticize someone or something very seriously
  68. Dichotomy: A separation between two things or ideas that are completely opposite
  69. Diffidence: Shy and unwilling to make people notice you or talk about you
  70. Diffuse: To make heat, a gas etc spread so that it mixes with the surrounding air or water
  71. Digression: To move away from the main sub ject that you are talking or writing about
  72. Dirge: A slow and sad song sung at a funeral
  73. Disabuse: To persuade someone that what they believe is untrue
  74. Discerning: Showing the ability to make good judgments, especially about art, music, style etc
  75. Discordant: To seem strange and unsuitable in relation to everything around
  76. Discredit: Loss of other people’s respect of trust
  77. Discrepancy: A difference between two amounts, details, reports etc that ought to be the same
  78. Discrete: Separate
  79. Disingenuous: Not sincere and slightly dishonest
  80. Disinterested: Able to judge a situation fairly because you are not concerned with gaining any personal advantage from it
  81. Disjointed: Not well connected
  82. Disparage: To criticize someone or something in a way any connection with someone or some thing
  83. Disparate: Very different and not connected with each other
  84. Dissemble: Hiding your true feeling, idea or desire
  85. Disseminate: To spread information, ideas etc to as many people as possible, especially in order to influence them
  86. Dissolution: The process by which something gradually becomes weaker and disappears
  87. Dissonance: Combination of non harmonic musical notes
  88. Distend: Pressure from inside causing swelling or moving something
  89. Divest: To take off something you are wearing or carrying
  90. Ebullient: Very happy and excited
  91. Efficacy: The quality of being able to produce the result that was intended
  92. Effrontery: Behavior that you think someone should be ashamed of
  93. Elegy: A poem or song written to show sadness for someone or something that no longer exists
  94. Elicit: To succeed in getting information
  95. Embellish: To make a story or statement more interesting by adding details that are not true
  96. Empirical: Based on the scientific testing and practical experience not on ideas from books
  97. Emulate: Try to be like someone else because you admire them
  98. Endemic: Always present in an particular place
  99. Enervate: Having lost energy and feeling weak
  100. Engender: To be caused of a situation or feeling
  101. Ephemeral: Popular or important for only a short time
  102. Equanimity: Calmness
  103. Equivocate: To say something that has more than one possible meaning
  104. Erudite: Showing a lot of knowledge based on careful study
  105. Esoteric: Known only by a few
  106.  Eulogy: Praising somebody or something very much
  107. Euphemism: Polite word or expression to talk about shocking news without hurting the person
  108. Exacerbate: To make a bad situation worse
  109. Exculpate: To prove that someone is not guilty of something
  110. Exigency: Something that you much do to deal with an urgent situation
  111. Extrapolation: To make a guess about something in the future from facts that you already known
  112. Facetious: Saying things that are intended to be clever and funny but are really silly and annoying
  113. Facilitate: To make it easier for a process or activity to happen
  114. Fallacious: Containing or based on false idea
  115. Fatuous: Very silly or stupid
  116. Fawning: Praise someone and be friendly to them in an insincere way
  117. Felicitous: Well-chosen and suitable
  118. Fervor: Very strong believe or feeling
  119. Fledgling: A young bird that is learning to fly
  120. Flout: To deliberately disobey a law, rule etc
  121. Foment: To cause trouble and make people start fighting each other or opposing the government
  122. Forestall: To prevent something from happening
  123. Frugality: Careful to only buy what is necessary?
  124. Futile: No chance of being successful
  125. Gainsay: To say that something is not true and disagree with someone
  126. Garrulous: Always talking a lot
  127. Goad: Something that forces someone to do something
  128. Gouge: A hole or cut made in something, usually by a sharp tool or weapon
  129. Grandiloquent: Using words that are too long and formal in order to sound important
  130. Gregarious: Friendly and preferring to be with others rather than alone
  131. Guileless: Behaving in a honest way, without trying to hide anything or deceive people
  132. Gullible: Making false believe
  133. Harangue: A loud speech that criticizes or blames people or tries to persuade them
  134. Iconoclastic: Ideas that attack established beliefs and customs
  135. Idolatry: The practice of worshiping idols
  136. Immutable: Never changing or impossible to change
  137. Impede: To prevent something happening in the normal way
  138. Impermeable: Not allowed to pass anything
  139. Imperturbable: Remaining calm and unworried in spite of problems or difficulties
  140. Impervious: Not affected or influenced by something and seeming not to notice
  141. Implacable: Very determined to continue op posing someone or something
  142. Implicit: Understood without being stated
  143. Implode: To explode inward
  144. Inadvertently: Without realizing what you are doing
  145. Inchoate: Just starting to develop
  146. Incongruity: An act or event which seems strange or unsuitable
  147. Inconsequential: Not important
  148. Incorporate: To include something as part of a group, system, plan etc
  149. Indeterminate: Impossible to know about definitely or exactly
  150. Indigence: Not having much money or many possessions
  151. Indolent: Lazy
  152. Inert: Not having the strength or power to move
  153. Ingenuous: Inexperienced, simple, trusting and honesty
  154. Innocuous: Not offensive, dangerous or harmful
  155. Insinuate: Mean something unpleasant without saying directly
  156. Insipid: Not interested, exciting or attractive
  157. Insulate: To cover or protect something
  158. Intractable: Having a strong will and difficult to control
  159. Intransigence: Unwilling to change your ideas or behavior
  160. Inundate: To receive so much of something unpleasant
  161. Inured: To make someone become unpleasant
  162. Invective: Rude and insulting words
  163. Irascible: Becoming angry
  164. Irresolute: Unable to decide what to do
  165. Lethargic: Feeling as if you have no energy and no interest in doing anything
  166. Levee: A special wall built to stop a river flooding
  167. Laconic: Using only a few words to say something
  168. Lassitude: Tiredness and lack of energy
  169. Latent: Something present but hidden
  170. Laud: To praise someone or something
  171. Levity: Lack of respect or seriousness when you are dealing with something serious
  172. Loquacious: Liking to talk a lot
  173. Lucid: Expressed a way that is clear and easy to understand
  174. Luminous: Made of a substance or material that shines in the dark
  175. Magnanimous: Kind and generous
  176. Malinger: Avoid work by pretending to be ill
  177. Malleable: Easy to press or pull into new shape
  178. Maverick: An unusual person with different ideas and skills
  179. Mendacious: Not truthful
  180. Metamorphosis: Changing completely from one form to other
  181. Meticulous: Very careful about small details
  182. Misanthrope: Dislike others and prefer to be alone
  183. Mitigate: Making the situation less unpleasant
  184. Morose: Bad-tempered, unhappy and silent
  185. Mundane: Ordinary and uninteresting
  186. Negate: To prevent something from having any effect
  187. Neophyte: Someone who has just started to learn a particular skill
  188. Obdurate: Unreasonably determine not to change your beliefs or feelings
  189. Obsequious: Too eager to serve people and agree with them
  190. Obviate: Easy to notice or understand
  191. Opprobrium: Strong public criticism, hatred or shame
  192. Ostentatious: Show off how rich they are
  193. Pathological: The study of the causes and effect of illness
  194. Pedantic: Too much attention to rules and details
  195. Penchant: A slight disapproval
  196. Penury: The state of being very poor
  197. Perfidious: Disloyal and cannot be trusted
  198. Perfunctory: Action is done quickly
  199. Permeable: Substance that allow water, gas etc pass through
  200. Pervasive: Existing or spreading every where
  201. Phlegmatic: Calm and not easily excited or worried
  202. Piety: Respect for God and religion
  203. Placate: To make someone stop feeling angry
  204. Plethora: An amount of something, larger than you needed
  205. Plummet: To suddenly or quickly to go down in value or amount
  206. Pragmatic: Dealing with problems with sensible and practical way
  207. Preamble: A statement at the beginning of the book, document or talk
  208. Precarious: A situation or state is likely to become very dangerous
  209. Presumptuous: Showing disrespect as a result of being too confident
  210. Prevaricate: Try to hid the truth by not answering the question directly
  211. Pristine: Extremely fresh or clean
  212. Prodigal: Someone who spending money carelessly and wastes their time
  213. Propensity: A natural tendency to behave in a particular way
  214. Proscribe: Try to stop the existence of something
  215. Quibble: To argue about small important points
  216. Quiescent: Not developing or doing anything
  217. Recalcitrant: Refused to do what you are told to do even after getting punishment
  218. Recluse: Liking lonely life
  219. Recondite: Only a few people know about that information
  220. Refractory: Disobedient and difficult to deal with or control
  221. Refute: To prove that a statement of idea is not Correct
  222. Relegate: Depromote
  223. Repudiate: To refuse to accept something
  224. Rescind: Officially end a law, decision or agreement that has been made in the past
  225. Reticent: Talk about what you feel and what you know
  226. Salubrious: Pleasant and healthy place
  227. Satiate: To satisfy a desire to food, sex
  228. Savor: Interest and enjoyment
  229. Shard: A sharp piece of broken glass, metal etc
  230. Skeptic: Someone who does not believe things unless they have define proof
  231. Solicitous: Anxiously caring about safety, health and conform
  232. Soporific: Making you feel ready to sleep
  233. Sporadic: Happening often but not regularly
  234. Stint: To give or use too little of something
  235. Stolid: Does not react to the situation or get excited
  236. Striated: Having narrow lines or bands of colors
  237. Strut: To show your skills at doing something
  238. Subpoena: To order someone to come to a court of law and be a witness
  239. Tacit: Unofficially accepting support
  240. Tenuous: Weak or doubtful link
  241. Torpor: Not being active because of lazy and sleepy
  242. Truculent: Bad tempered and always argue with people
  243. Vacillate: Continuously changing opinion, ideas etc
  244. Venerate: Treat people with great respect
  245. Veracity: The quality of being true or of telling the truth
  246. Vituperative: Full of angry and cruel criticism
  247. Wary: Worrying much something might be dangerous
  248. Welter: A large and confusing number or different details, emotions etc
  249. Whimsical: Unusual or strange and often amusing.
  250. Zealot: Extremely strong belief especially religious

As we told before, knowledge about the antonyms and synonyms are necessary for para phrasing and making more sentence strength based on the context. These listed words are very basic and simple. Go through to catch the idea behind that.

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