Expanding our vocabulary is essential for effective communication and understanding the nuances of the English language. One way to do so is by learning opposite words, also known as antonyms. Antonyms provide us with the ability to express contrasting ideas and concepts.
In this article, we present 100 important opposite words, offering you a valuable resource to broaden your vocabulary and enhance your language skills.
1. | Ability | inability |
2. | Happy | unhappy |
3. | Import | export |
4. | Interior | exterior |
5. | Maximum | minimum |
6. | Include | exclude |
7. | Junior | senior |
8. | Above | below |
9. | Majority | minority |
10. | Optimist | pessimist |
11. | Superior | inferior |
12. | Accept | refuse |
13. | Civilized | uncivilized/savage/barbaric |
14. | Big | small |
15. | Acquire | lose |
16. | Ancient | modern |
17. | Agree | disagree |
18. | Alive | dead |
19. | Barren | fertile |
20. | Admire | despise |
21. | Blunt | sharp |
22. | Bold | timid |
23. | Bright | dim |
24. | Broad | narrow |
25. | Care | neglect |
26. | Confess | deny |
27. | Cool | warm |
28. | Broad | narrow |
29. | Bold | timid |
30. | Clean | dirty |
31. | Cruel | kind |
32. | Domestic | wild |
33. | Difficult | easy |
34. | Dangerous | safe |
35. | Dark | bright |
36. | Death | birth |
37. | Debit | credit |
38. | Early | late |
39. | Earn | spend |
40. | Empty | full |
41. | False | true |
42. | Guilty | innocent |
43. | Fine | coarse |
44. | Freedom | slavery |
45. | Fat | thin |
46. | Foolish | wise |
47. | Fresh | stale |
48. | Fear | courage |
49. | Guilty | innocent |
50. | Gain | loss |
51. | Good | bad |
52. | High | low |
53. | Humble | proud/arrogant |
54. | Honour | dishonour |
55. | Joy | sorrow |
56. | Knowledge | ignorance |
57. | Kind | cruel |
58. | Lie | truth |
59. | Little | much |
60. | Masculine | feminine |
61. | Make | mar / break |
62. | Natural | artificial |
63. | Noise | silence |
64. | Oral | written |
65. | Pride/arrogance | humility |
66. | Presence | absence |
67. | Black | White |
68. | Profit | loss |
69. | Prose | poetry |
70. | Quick | slow |
71. | Receive | give |
72. | Reject | accept |
73. | Ripe | raw |
74. | Rough | smooth |
75. | Remember | forget |
76. | Rich | poor |
77. | Sharp | dull |
78. | Tragedy | comedy |
79. | General | particular |
80. | Victory | defeat |
81. | Wild | domestic/tame |
82. | Weak | strong |
83. | Wisdom | folly |
84. | Youth | aged |
85. | Give | take |
86. | Laugh | cry |
87. | Smile | frown |
88. | Buy | sell |
89. | Here | there |
90. | This | that |
91. | Never | always |
92. | Stop | start |
93. | Wrong | right |
94. | Tight | loose |
95. | Love | hate |
96. | Throw | catch |
97. | Yes | no |
98. | Forward | backward |
99. | Stand | sit |
100. | Lost | found |
Expanding our vocabulary with opposite words empowers us to express contrasting ideas and adds depth to our language skills. By familiarizing ourselves with these 100 important opposite words, we can become more
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