List of all Educational Offers for Students and Academic Institutions


The Edu Hyme Student Discounts List is the result of our survey of brands that offer educational discounts to all students and academic institutions all around the globe.

Below, find a great selection of 30+ educational discounts from retailers and service providers:-

Many websites out there also offer informal discounts to teachers and school staff members, so make sure that you must have academic .edu email address for availing these discounts.

Many offers are temporarily free during the COVID-19 pandemic. Some of these free products are very helpful to all students and teachers like Jetbrains who offers free educational licenses, 1 Year free license of AutoDesk, Office 365 etc.

S.No. Name Offer Action
1 LastPass 6 Month of Free Premium Read More
2 iMazing 30% Discount Read More
3 Ulysses Special offer rates Read More
4 Sketch 50% off for Student/Teacher/Staff Read More
5 Paw 30% Student Discount Read More
6 Toketaware Upto 50% discount (in Education field) Read More
7 Tumult Various offers upto 50% Read More
8 Github Real world tools, engaged students Read More
9 Jetbrains Free Educational Licenses Read More
10 Setapp 50% off for Students Read More
11 FindingsPro 40% Discount Read More
12 Belight Soft With 30% Discount Read More
13 AutoDesk 1 year Free Access for Students and Educators Read More
14 UnDistracted 40% Off Read More
15 WiFi Explorer 50% Off Read More
16 Substance By Adobe Free Personal License Read More
17 Deckset Apply for an educational discount Read More
18 Disk Drill Pro/Enterprise 20% Discount For Education, Non-Profit and Government Read More
19 Evernote 50% off a full year of Evernote Premium Read More
20 OmniGroup Tools Various tools (OmniFocus 3, OmniGraffle 7, OmniOutliner 5, OmniPlan 4) Read More
21 Flexibits Apply for Educaional Discount Read More
22 Capto Apply for educational licensing opportunities Read More
23 Trello 30% Discount Read More
24 Slack Upto 85% Discount Read More
25 MacPaw 30% Discount Read More
26 Matlab/Simulink Campus Wide License Read More
27 Microsoft Azure Free Azure for Students Read More
28 Office 365 Education Free for Schools and Educators Read More
29 DJI Discount for DJI Products Read More
30 Digital Ocean $100 Credit Discount Read More
31 Notion Free Workspace Read More
32 Axure Free Licenses for Students and Teachers Read More
33 Gurobi Offer a variety of licenses Read More
34 Dropbox Build a secure, connected campus Read More
35 Oreilly More than 60% Off Read More
36 Baido Smart Cloud Student Discount Package Read More
37 Yunchuang Campus-School Season Various offers on Student discount products Read More
38 Apple Music Discounts for up to 48 months (Student Subscription) Read More

For more academic discounts, you can register your academic email id –

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