For those keen to study a subject that touches on many of the biggest challenges for the world today, environmental science (Environment) degrees are a good starting point.
Environmental science incorporates the study of the physical, chemical and biological processes that take place on the Earth, as well as the social, political and cultural processes which impact the planet. As an environmental science class student, you’ll strive to understand the complex relationships between mankind and the environment, drawing on a diverse range of disciplines.
Also Read:
- 85 Mostly Asked Environmental Science Interview Questions
- Important Environment Calendar Days
- 50+ Interesting Questions Related to Environment
- Top 5 Career Options For Environmental Studies
- Important Terms Related to Environment and Ecology
- 200 Environment Related Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)
- Global Warming and Environmental Pollution One Liner Questions
- Global Warming and Environmental Pollution Related MCQ with Answers
- 200+ Important Questions Related To Environmental Science
Environmental studies, as a subject, has a very vast scope for its students. It offers a variety of career choices under private and governmental companies and organisations. Students might also get recruited in big world organisations like the World Health Organization (WHO), Red Cross, United Nations, United Nations Environment Programmes, World Wide Fund for Nature and many others.
Tick the right answer:
1. During photosynthesis trees produce
(a) Oxygen
(b) Carbon dioxide
(c) Nitrogen
(d) Carbon monoxide.
2. Forests prevent soil erosion by binding soil particles in their
(a) Stems
(b) Leaves
(c) Roots
(d) Beds.
3. Wood pulp is used for making
(a) Lumbar
(b) Chipboard
(c) Paper
(d) Plywood.
4. Deforestation rate is alarming in
(a) Temperature countries
(b) Tropical countries
(c) Polar region
(d) None of them.
5. Major causes of deforestation are
(a) Shifting cultivation
(b) Fuel requirements
(c) Raw material for industries
(d) All of these.
6. Major consequences of deforestation are
(a) Destruction of natural habitat of wild species
(b) Disturbances in hydrological cycle
(c) Soil erosion
(d) All of these.
7. Per capita use of water is the highest in
(a) USA
(b) India
(c) Kuwait
(d) Indonesia.
8. Ground subsidence occur due to
(a) Withdrawal of more ground water than its recharge
(b) More recharge of groundwater than its withdrawal
(c) Equal rates of recharge and withdrawal
(d) None of the above.
9. Which of the following dreams to become the water super power in the middle east countries
(a) Kuwait
(b) Syria
(c) Jordan
(d) Turkey
10. The Satluj – Yamuna Link (SYL) canal dispute is between
(a) Punjab and Haryana
(b) Karnataka and Tamil Nadu
(c) Delhi and U.P.
(d) All of the above.
11. Over grading results in
(a) Productive soils
(b) soil erosion
(c) Retention of useful species
(d) All of these.
12. Blue baby syndrome(methaemoglobinemia) is caused by the contamination of water due to
(a) Phosphates
(b) Sulphur
(c) Arsenic
(d) Nitrates.
13. Accumulation of non biodegradable materials in the food chain is called
(a) Biomagnification
(b) Detoxification
(c) None of these
(d) Both of these.
14. Natural geysers which operate due to geothermal energy are present in
(a) Manikaran in Kullu
(b) Sohana in Haryana
(c) None of them
(d) Both of these.
15. Biomass energy can be obtained from
(a) Energy plantations
(b)Petro crops
(c) Agricultural and urban waste biomass
(d) All of these.
16. Which of the following types of coal has maximum carbon and calorific value ?
(a) Anthracite (hard coal)
(b) Bituminous (soft coal)
(c) Lignite (brown coal)
(d) Wood coal.
17. Nuclear energy can be generated by
(a) Nuclear fusion
(b) Nuclear fission
(c) Both of these
(d) None of these.
18. The minimum time needed for the formation of one inch of top soil is
(a) 10 years
(b) 50 years
(c) 100 years
(d) 200 years.
19. Minimum disturbance is caused to SOCl during
(a) Contour farming
(b) No-till farming
(c) Terrace farming
(d) Alley cropping.
20. Which of the following is responsible for desertification ?
(a) Deforestation
(b) Overgrazing
(c) Mining
(d) All of these.
21. The organisms which feed on dead organisms, wastes of living organisms are called
(a) Chemotrophs
(b) Carnivores
(c) Detritivores
(d) Decomposers
22. The progressive accumulation of some non-biodegradable chemicals through the food chain is known as
(a) Ecological balance
(b) Biological magnification
(c) Trophic structure
(d) Bio-degradation.
23. Gross primary productivity is the highest in
(a) Open oceans
(b) Grasslands
(c) Wet tropical forests
(d) Agroecosystem.
24. The type of succession occurring on a base rock is called
(a) Halosere
(b) Lithosere
(c) Hydrosere.
(d) None of these.
25. The tropical grasslands in Africa with tall grasses scattered with shrubs or stunted trees are called
(a) Savannas
(b) Pampas
(c) Steppea
(d) Prairies.
26. The darker zone in lakes where light penetration is negligible is called
(a) Littoral zone
(b) Limnetic zone
(c) Profundal zone
(d) Euphotic zone.
27. The overnourished lakes with “algal blooms” are called
(a) Eutrophic
(b) Oligotrophic
(c) Dystrophic
(d) Meromictic.
28. Estuaries have the following characteristics
(a) Fresh and salt-water
(b) Rich biodiversity
(c) High productivity
(d) All of these.
29. Which of the following is not a biogeographic habitat of India as per classification
(a) Himalayan
(b) Western ghats
(c) Sunderbans
(d) Desert
30. Vinblastin and Vincristine, two anticancer drugs have been obtained from
(a) Periwinkle
(b) Cinchona
(c) Bacterium
(d) Jelly fish.
31. Western ghats are very rich in endemic species of
(a) Birds
(b) Lions
(c) Amphibians
(d) Turtles.
32. Which of the following hotspots of biodiversity has the maximum number of plant and vertebrate species
(a) Caribbean
(b) Tropical Andes
(c) Madagascar
(d) Indo-Burma Eastern Himalayas.
33. Which of the following is an extinct species
(a) Dugong
(b) Great Indian bastard
(c) Dodo
(d) Red panda.
34. Which of the following is an example of ex-situ conservation ?
(a) Biosphere reserve
(b) Gene bank
(c) Sanctuary
(d) All of these.
35. Kaziranga National Park is famous for
(a) One-horned rhino
(b) Hangul
(c) Tiger
(d) Elephant.
36. There are only two sanctuaries in India dealing with preservation of plants. The plants are
(a) Cinchona-Orchid
(b) Citrus-Pitcher plant
(c) Mango-Citrus
(d) Mango-Pitcher plant.
37. Cryopreservation of plant seeds and pollen is done at a very low temperature of -196°C by using
(a) Ice
(b) Carbon tetrachloride
(c) Liquid nitrogen
(d) Ammonia.
38. Which one of the following National Parks do not have tigers as their main wildlife ?
(a) Gir
(b) Corbett
(c) Dudwa
(d) Ranthambore
39. The most important indoor air pollutant is
(a) SO2
(b) CO2
(c) NO2
(d) Radon gas.
40. Damage to leaf structure by air pollutants causes
(a) Dead areas of leaf
(b) Chlorophyll reduction
(c) Dropping of leaf
(d) All of these.
41. Air pollutants mixing up with rain can cause
(a) High acidity
(b) Low acidity
(c) Neutral conditions
(d) None of these.
42. Industrial wastes may contain toxic
(a) Chemicals
(b) Phenols
(c) Acids
(d) All of these.
43. Dissolved oxygen in water comes from
(a) Photosynthesis of aquatic plants
(b) Atmosphere
(c) None of these
(d) Both of these.
44. Itai itai disease in Japan was caused by consumption of rice contaminated with
(a) Mercury
(b) Iron
(c) Cadmium
(d) Zinc.
45. Thermal pollution can be controlled by
(a) Cooling ponds
(b) Spray ponds
(c) Cooling towers
(d) All of these.
46. Oil in water affects fish by affecting
(a) Gills
(b) Scales
(c) Eyes
(d) None of these.
47. Which of the following have more penetration power ?
(a) Alpha particles
(b) Beta particles
(c) Gamma-rays
(d) None of these.
48. Bhopal gas tragedy occurred due to leakage of
(a) MIC
(b) DDT
(c) SO2
(d) Dioxins.
49. Which of the following enhance the frequency of earthquakes ?
(a) Big Dams
(b) Underground nuclear testing
(c) Deep well disposal of liquid wastes
(d) All of these.
50. The world famous report on “The Limits to Growth” predicting that the world will meet the doom’s day, if growth continues limitlessly, was written by
(a) Myers et al.
(b) Meadows et al.
(c) Brundtland
(d) Wilson et al.
51. Which one of the following is not associated with reducing the run-off loss of water
(a) Contour cultivation
(b) Chemical wetting
(c) Surface crop residues
(d) Fallow soil.
52. Rainwater harvesting has the following advantages
(a) Avoids flooding of roads
(b) Recharges ground water
(c) Reduces run-off loss
(d) All the above.
53. Rajendra Singh of “Tarun Bharat Sangh” was awarded Magsaysay Award for his work on
(a) Water conservation
(b) Social forestry
(c) Clean technology
(d) Popularisation of solar energy.
54. In sardar Sarovar Project displacement of about 3 lakh people occurred due to
(a) Submergence of villages
(b) Underground fires
(c) Severe landslides
(d) Creation of National Park.
55. Which of the following gases has maximum contribution to enhanced greenhouse effect ?
(a) CFC’ s
(b) CH4
(c) CO2
(d) N2O.
56. Cattle, sheep and termites are responsible for the release of the following greenhouse gas
(a) Methane
(b) Carbon dioxide
(c) Nitrous oxide
(d) All of these.
57. The most important agents for ozone depletion are
(a) Methane
(b) CFC’s
(c) Nuclear fallout
(d) Nitrous oxide.
58. Maximum depletion of ozone occurs on
(a) Equator
(b) North pole
(c) South pole
(d) Tropics.
59. Chernobyl disaster is associated with
(a) Nuclear accident
(b) Landslide
(c) Earthquake
(d) Acid rain.
60. Which article in constitution recognizes environmental protection as one of the fundamental duties of every citizen of India
(a) Article 42
(b) Article 48A
(c) Article 51A(g)
(d) Article 52.
61. As per the Forest Act, cultivation of which of the following is a non-forest activity
(a) Tea
(b) Rubber
(c) Mulberry
(d) All of these.
62.Which of the following NGO’s is associated with ‘Chipko Movement’ ?
(a) Kalpavriksh
(b) Srishti
(c) Dasholi Gram Swarajya Mandal
(d) Green Peace.
63. The sensitizing issue of pesticide contamination of coIa drinks was brought into limelight by the NGO
(a) Centre for Science and Environment
(b) Bombay Natural History Society
(c) Kerala Sastra Sahitya Parishad
(d) Kalpavriksh.
64. The present world population has just crossed
(a) 4 billion
(b) 5 billion
(c) 6 billion
(d) 8 billion.
65. If a nation has an annual growth rate of 2%, its population will double in
(a) 20 years
(b) 35 years
(c) 50 years
(d) 70 years.
66. Expanding population trend is predicted for the coming years when age-pyramid is
(a) Bell-shaped
(b) Pyramid shaped
(c) Um-shaped
(d) None of these.
67. Every __________ person in this world is an Indian.
(a) Fifth
(b) Sixth
(c) Seventh
(d) Tenth.
68. Which state in India has the lowest birth rate ?
(a) Kerala
(b) Bihar
(c) Jammu & Kashmir
(d) Himachal Pradesh.
69. Chemicals or agents that cause cancer are called
(a) Carcinogenic
(b) Mutagenic
(c) Teratogenic
(d) Neurotoxins.
70. In Vienna World Conference on Human Rights, 1993 emphasis was laid for developing countries on
(a) Political rights
(b) Economic rights
(c) Civil rights
(d) Cultural rights.
71. Declaration of Human Rights and Environment was drafted by the United Nations at
(a) Stockholm
(b) Geneva
(c) Rio de Jenerio
(d) Johannesburg
72. HIV can pass from infected persons to others by
(a) Contaminated syringe
(b) Saliva
(c) Sweat
(d) All of these
73. United Nations Decade for women has been during
(a) 1965-75
(b) 1975-85
(c) 1985-95
(d) 1995-2005
74. CEDAW deals with
(a) Human rights for freedom of speech
(b) Discrimination against women
(c) Value education and awareness
(d) Environmental education.
75. ENYIS generates database on :
(a) Coastal ecology
(b) Biodiversity
(c) Occupational health
(d) All of these.
Fill in the Blanks:
- The term Environment has been derived from the French word _____________ which means to encircle or surround.
- The United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (Earth Summit) was held at _____________ in _____________.
- The World Summit on Sustainable Development was held at _____________ in _____________.
- Hon’ble _____________ Court of India issued directive to make all curricula environment-oriented.
- Mr _____________ filed PIL (Public Interest Litigation) for creating environmental awareness among all citizens of India.
- _____________ resources are inexhaustible resources which can be generated within a given span of time.
- _____________ resources can not be generated.
- Plants use _____________ gas for photosynthesis.
- Deforestation means _____________ of forests.
- _____________ % of geographical area of a country should be forest area.
- Maximum number of dams in India are in the _____________ state.
- _____________ dam is the highest dam on river Bhagirathi in Uttaranchal.
- The _____________ dam on river Satluj in H.P. is the largest dam in terms of capacity.
- Ecological issue related with Tehri Dam are taken up by Sh _____________, the leader of Chipko movement.
- Environmental activist Medha Patekar has taken up issues related to _____________ Dam.
- About _____________ % of the earth’s surface is covered by water.
- Only _____________ % of total water on earth is readily available to as in the form of groundwater and fresh water.
- A layer of sediment or rock that is highly permeable and contains water (ground water) is called an _____________.
- Aquifers which are overlaid by permeable earth material and are recharged by seeping water are called _____________ aquifers.
- Aquifers which are sandwiched between two impermeable layers of rocks or sediments are called _____________ aquifers.
- _____________ conditions are created when annual rainfall is below normal and less than evaporation.
- The Cauvery river water is a bone of contention between _____________ and _____________ states.
- Uranium mining is done in _____________ in A.P.
- _____________ can be extracted from bauxite ore.
- Excessive use of fertilizers cause _____________imbalance in soil.
- Eutrophication of lakes is caused the excessive presence of _____________ and _____________.
- In water logged soils the plant roots do not get adequate _____________ for respiration.
- Ocean tides are produced by gravitational forces of _____________ and _____________.
- In India _____________ deltas are the tidal power sites.
- For operating ocean thermal energy conversion a difference of _____________ °C or more is required between surface and deeper water of ocean.
- _____________ crops are latex containing plants rich in hydrocarbons.
- Biogas is produced by _____________ degradation (in the absence of oxygen) of biological pastes.
- Gasohol is a mixture of _____________ and _____________.
- 95% of natural gas in _____________.
- Nuclear energy by nuclear fission i5 generated when certain iso – topes are bombarded by _____________.
- Terrace farming is practised as a soil conservation measure in _____________ areas.
- Inadequate drainage and poor quality irrigation water often lead to _____________ and _____________ of soils.
- The term ecosystem was coined by _____________.
- The organisms who feed directly on producers are called _____________.
- Chemosynthetic organisms can produce organic matter through oxidation of _____________ in the absence of sunlight.
- The sequence of eating and being eaten in an ecosystem is called a _____________.
- Biomagnification of the pesticide _____________ in the food chain resulted in the thinning of shells in birds eggs.
- Pyramid of _____________ is always upright.
- Movement of nutrients in an ecosystem is cynic while flow of energy is _____________.
- Guano deposits on the coasts of Peru are rich in the nutrient _____________.
- The inherent property of all living organisms to resist change is called _____________.
- The ultimate stable and culminating community during succession is called a _____________.
- The biggest flower in the plant kingdom is _____________.
- The thick layer of ice found frozen under the soil surface through-out the year is called _____________.
- When variations occur within a species due to new combinations of genes. this is called _____________ diversity.
- Shannon-Wiener index gives a measure of _____________ diversity.
- Drugs, fuelwood and food derived from biodiversity represent _____________ value of biodiversity.
- Quinine is obtained from the bark of _____________ tree.
- In terms of plant richness, the rank of India in the world is _____________.
- There are 25 biodiversity hot spots in the world, of which _____________ exist in India.
- Number of species found in a small homogeneous area is known as _____________ richness.
- Species restricted only to a particular area are called _____________.
- Loss of habitat in instalments leading to small scattered patches is known as _____________.
- Illegal killing of prohibited endangered animals is called _____________.
- Red Data Book giving the list of endangered species of plants and animals is published by _____________.
- Nanda Devi, Manas and Sunderbans are examples of _____________.
- The main pollutants emitted by Thermal Power Plants are _____________ and _____________.
- _____________ forms the highest proportion in the vehicular exhaust.
- Sulphur dioxide during coal burning is produced due to oxidation of _____________ contained in coal.
- CO has affinity for haemoglobin _____________ times more than oxygen.
- Air pollutants affects plants by entering through _____________.
- Sound frequency is expressed in _____________.
- Noise levels considered as threshold of pain are _____________ dB.
- As per Environmental (Protection) (Second Amendment) Rules, 1999 the permissible noise levels for firecrackers are _____________ dB.
- Minamata disease occurred due to consumption of fish contaminated with _____________.
- Blue baby syndrome is caused by the presence of _____________ in drinking water.
- Power plants utilize only _____________ of the energy provided by fossil fuel for their operation.
- Radioactive strontium affects bones by depositing in the bones instead of _____________.
- The point where first movement occurs during earthquake is called _____________.
- Various forms of cyclones are _____________, _____________ and _____________.
- The concept of sustainable development was given by _____________.
- The 3-R approach of resource use stands for Reduce, Reuse and _____________.
- The number of organisms sustained by any system on a long-term basis is known as in _____________.
- The land area from which water drains under gravity to a common drainage channel is called a _____________.
- Average global temperature is i5°C. in the absence of greenhouse gases the temperature would have been _____________.
- In acid rain, the pH of rain water falls below _____________.
- The atmospheric emissions of NO2 and _____________ cause acid rains.
- Ozone layer acts as a natural sunscreen which protects life on this earth against _____________ rays.
- Ozone concentration is measured in _____________ units.
- Ozone depleting nature of CFC’s was first reported by _____________ and _____________.
- Due to nuclear fallout, a phenomenon opposite to global warming is expected which is known as _____________.
- Radioactive strontium liberated during nuclear explosion replaces _____________ and therefore causes bone deformity.
- The World Environment Day is celebrated on _____________.
- The first country in the world to make provisions for environmental protection in its constitution is _____________.
- _____________ Act provides for setting up of National Parks and wildlife sanctuaries.
- Noise has been included as pollution in the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 in the year _____________.
- Any appeals filed by the aggrieved industrial unit against the State Pollution Control Board are heard and decided by _____________ authority under the Water and Air Acts.
- Environmental Protection Act came into force on _____________ 1986, the birth anniversary of Smt. Indira Gandhi.
- When a population increases by a fixed percentage it is called _____________ growth.
- When birth plus immigration in a population are just equal to deaths plus emigration, it is known as _____________.
- The phenomenon of fall in death rates and birth rates due to improved living conditions leading to low population growth is called _____________.
- Universal declaration of human rights was given by the UNO in the year _____________.
- Full form of AIDS is _____________.
- HIV infected persons show a decline in _____________ cells, thereby reducing their immune system.
- Rights of a child have become International Law in the year_____________ to ensure measures for the protection and well being of a child.
- _____________ has been constituted by the Ministry of Environment and forests for generating database on varions environmental aspects.
- GIS stands for _____________.
- www stands for _____________ which contain a vast quantum of current data on internet.
True or False:
- Surface water is more in quantity than the groundwater. (True/False)
- Networking of rivers is being proposed at national level to deal with the problem of floods. (True/False)
- Under Indus Water Treaty, Indus, Jhelum and Chenab were allocated to India and Satluj, Ravi and Beas to Pakistan. (True/False)
- Small dams are environmentally more sustainable than big dams. (True/False)
- Copper mines are located in Khetri (Rajasthan). (True/False)
- Mining of Uranium exposes local people to radioactive hazards. (True/False)
- Dichlorodiphenyl trichloroethane is the technical name of aldrin. (True/False)
- The major source of salinization of soil is excessive irrigation. (True/False)
- Solar cells are made up of thin wafers of semi-conductor materials like silicon and gallium. (True/False)
- Solar heat can not be used to operate street lights, water pumps, television, calculators etc. (True/False)
- Ideal location for installation of wind-mills are coastal regions, open grasslands, hilly regions. (True/False)
- Hydropower also causes environmental pollution. (True/False)
- Geothermal energy is produced as a result of fission of radioactive material naturally present in rocks. (True/False)
- Burning of dung produces biomass energy but doesn’t destroy essential nutrients like N and P. (True/False)
- Sludge left over in the biogas plant cannot be used as a fertilizer. (True/False)
- Ethyl mercaptan (a foul smelling gas) is added to odourless LPG for instantaneous detection of any leakage. (True/False)
- Soil erosion helps to maintain soil fertility. (True/False)
- Alley cropping is intercropping of crops with trees or shrubs. (True/False)
- Gully erosion is a mild type of soil erosion found in regions of (True/False)
- The soil below a depth of 20 cm is the fertile soil. (True/False)
- An ecosystem is a group of biotic communities interacting with one another but without exchanging energy and matter with the non-living environment. (True/False)
- Detritivores are also known as saprotrophs. (True/False)
- Biotic and abiotic components of an ecosystem influence each other arid are linked through energy flow and matter cycling. (True/False)
- Food webs provide less stability to art ecosystem as compared to linear food chain. (True/False)
- Double or Y- shaped energy flow model shows flow of energy through both grazing and detritus food chain. (True/False)
- Microorganisms play a crucial role in cycling of nitrogen. (True/False)
- The major reservoir of phosphorus is in the atmosphere. (True/False)
- Net primary productivity is always more than the gross primary productivity. (True/False)
- Wave currents bring nutrients in the estuaries which helps in boosting their primary productivity. (True/False)
- If we want to maintain the ecological balance, we should try to contribute to positive feedback mechanisms. (True/False)
- Positive feedback mechanisms tend to take the system away from its optimal conditions. (True/False)
- During ecological succession there is an orderly change in the community structure whereas the physical structure remains constant. (True/False)
- Landslides, drought, frost or volcanoes can result in development of a bare area for succession to start. (True/False)
- Orchids are epiphytes found in abundance in tropical rain forests, known for their beautiful flowers. (True/False)
- Abyssal zone of oceans receive no sunlight and constitute an incomplete ecosystem. (True/False)
- Biodiversity not only includes the variability of all types of living organisms but also the variations within the ecosystems. (True/False)
- The commercially usable value of biodiversity where the product is marketed and sold is called consumptive use value. (True/False)
- When ecological surveys are carried out during a tour, it is known as ecotourism. (True/False)
- Prevention of soil erosion and floods, cycling of nutrients, regulation of water cycle and reduction of global warming by the trees are examples of ecosystem service value. (True/False)
- The commercial value of a tree timber is much more than its ecological services value. (True/False)
- Maximum global biodiversity is found in tropical rain forests. (True/False)
- Amongst the animals, highest number of known living species are that of mammals. (True/False)
- Terrestrial diversity is much more than marine diversity. (True/False)
- India has on record 47,000 species of plants and 81,o00 species of animals. (True/False)
- Highest number of known living species of plant kingdom in India belong to fungi. (True/False)
- Though India is one of the 12 mega diversity countries in the world, yet it is not the centre or origin of any crop species. (True/False)
- As we move across large landscape gradients the gamma richness increases. (True/False)
- Human encroachment into forest areas is one of the main reasons for attack by wildlife on humans. (True/False)
- Endangered animals cannot be prevented from becoming extinct by providing them special protection. (True/False)
- Benzo-a-pyrene of cigarette smoke is considered to cause cancer. (True/False)
- SO2 does not affect respiratory passage. (True/False)
- Washing of coal cannot remove sulphur. (True/False)
- Sound can propagate without any medium. (True/False)
- Rocket engine causes 90 dB of noise. (True/False)
- On Diwali the use of fire-crackers is not permitted between 6.00 pm and 10.00 pm. (True/False)
- Groundwater is not less prone to contamination due to soil mantle. (True/False)
- Groundwater contamination is irreversible. (True/False)
- Waste heat in water does not affect the survival of sensitive species. (True/False)
- B.O.D. is always higher than C.O.D. (True/False)
- High temperature increases the dissolved oxygen content in water. (True/False)
- Solid waste material degraded by micro-organisms are called non-biodegradable. (True/False)
- Floods leave everything contaminated whom head water touches. (True/False)
- Landslides occur when coherent rock of soil masses move downslope. (True/False)
- Cities have less demands of energy as compared to rural areas. (True/False)
- Talaab, Bawri, Johar and Hauz are examples of ancient rain water harvesting technology. (True/False)
- As per UN declaration of Human Rights, right to housing is a basic human right. (True/false)
- The Govt. of India cannot serve notice to people to vacate their lands, as per Land Acquisition Act, 1894. (True/False)
- Tribals get maximum benefit of big river valley projects, mining projects and National Park Projects, because they actually live in such localities. (True/false)
- Anthropocentric world-view emphasizes on use and management of earth’s resources for the benefit of human beings. (True/False)
- Due to ozone depletion there will be increased incidence of skin cancer and eye cataract. (True/False)
- Wastelands can be formed due to anthropogenic activities like deforestation, overgrazing, mining and erroneous agricultural practices. (True/False)
- Consumption over-population is a characteristic of developing countries. (True/False)
- The population of India is 3.4 times that of USA but its energy consumption is 1/8th that of USA. (True/False)
- The Wild life (Protection) Act, 1972 is adopted all over India including Jammu & Kashmir. (True/False)
- For any non-forest activity in the forest prior approval of State Govt. is necessary, as per the 1992 amendment in Forest Act. (True/False)
- The definition of water pollution as per Water (Prevention and Control of Po1lution) Act, 1974 includes not only the agents causing harm to any form of life but also those which have a likelihood of doing so. (True/False)
- Central and State Pollution Control Boards were established in 1996 under the Environmental (Protection) Act. (True/False)
- One of the major drawbacks of the Forest Conservation Act, 1980 is very poor community participation in it. (True/False)
- Need for more man-power in agriculture-based societies has been responsible for an exceptionally high population growth in developing countries. (True/False)
- Total fertility rate and infant mortality rates are lower in developing countries. (True/False)
- Life expectancy over the globe has improved over the past century. (True/False)
- Andhra Pradesh has stabilized its population by paying incentives to poor people whereas in Kerala it has been done by improved social justice (True/False)
- Population and poverty in developing countries usually lead to violation of human rights. (True/False)
- India is a signatory to the World Declaration on Survival, Protection and development of children. (True/False)
- GIS is a technique of superimposing spatial data using digital information. (True/False)
- GIS can prove very useful for land-use planning, however, it is not useful for any atmospheric phenomena. (True/False)
- The Draft declaration on human rights provides for rights to pollution free environment, rich biodiversity and good quality life, but does not give rights for public participation in environmental decision making. (True/False)
- Value-based environmental education emphasizes on attaching monetary value to environmental components. (True/False)
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