[English Grammar] 900+ Phrasal Verbs – Fill in the Blanks with Answers

Phrasal Verbs English Grammar Eduhyme
  1. We’ll have to account ______________ the missing money somehow. (3 letters)
  2. Maria sometimes has to ______________ as our babysitter as well as our maid. (3 letters)
  3. You should act ______________ your doctor’s advice to eat more fruit and vegetables. (2 letters)
  4. My printer was ______________ up so I had to get it fixed. (6 letters)
  5. A good light show adds a lot ______________ the excitement of a rock concert. (2 letters)
  6. I don’t believe his story. It just doesn’t add ______________ (2 letters)
  7. The electricity and telephone bills ______________ up to $325.00. (3 letters)
  8. The ads for the new jeans are aimed ______________ teenagers. (2 letters)
  9. Don’t forget to ______________ enough time for traffic jams on the way to the airport. (5 letters)
  10. Having one book published doesn’t really amount ______________ reeras a writer. (2 letters)
  11. He got into trouble for answering ______________ to his teacher. (4 letters)
  12. The Red Cross had to appeal ______________ more money to help people after the earthquake. (3 letters)
  13. Our new line of watches is designed to ______________ to young professional people. (6 letters)
  14. The tax increases only ______________ to people in the top income brackets. (5 letters)
  15. We arrived ______________ our conclusions after studying all the evidence. (2 letters)
  16. I got an email from Mark and he ______________ after you, so I said you were fine. (5 letters)
  17. If you get lost, ______________ someone for directions. (3 letters)
  18. If you like her, you should ask her ______________ on a date. (3 letters)
  19. We’re going to ______________ some friends over for dinner tomorrow night. (3 letters)
  20. You shouldn’t attach any importance ______________ what people say when they’ve been drinking. (2 letters)
  21. She has to ______________ to two customers at once if there aren’t enough sales staff. (6 letters)
  22. Her income depends on sales of her books, but it averages ______________ at about $10,000 a month. (3 letters)
  23. The workers had to back ______________ on their demand for higher wages. (4 letters)
  24. He said he’d help but later backed ______________ saying he was busy. (3 letters)
  25. No-one will ever trust you again if you back ______________ the deal now. (2 letters)
  26. You have to back ______________ what you say with evidence to show that it’s true. (2 letters)
  27. I believe you, and I’ll back you ______________ if anyone says you’re lying. (2 letters)
  28. If my kids get into financial trouble, I ______________ them out with ‘loans’ they never pay back. (4 letters)
  29. Her son was arrested, so she had pay money to bail him ______________ of jail. (3 letters)
  30. We can bank ______________ Simon to be here on time. He’s never late. (2 letters)
  31. The conclusions we reached in our report are ______________ on the evidence we collected. (5 letters)
  32. The evidence wasn’t accepted because the judge said it didn’t ______________ upon the case. (4 letters)
  33. Everyone waited nervously as the cyclone bore ______________ on the city. (4 letters)
  34. If you work as a share trader, you’ll have to learn how to bear ______________ under real pressure. (2 letters)
  35. They wanted $120 for the bike, but I beat them ______________ to $90. (4 letters)
  36. He was beaten ______________ by some violent thugs and had to go to hospital. (2 letters)
  37. What became ______________ James after he left his job here? Has anyone heard anything? (2 letters)
  38. The government decided to beef ______________ security after the bomb attack. (2 letters)
  39. This band’s concerts always begin ______________ a slow song, followed by a faster one. (4 letters)
  40. Do you believe ______________ UFOs and alien beings from other planets? (2 letters)
  41. I found this bag in the bathroom. Does it belong ______________ anyone here? (2 letters)
  42. Joe says he’ll have the job done on time, but don’t bet ______________ it. He often misses deadlines. (2 letters)
  43. The lights blacked ______________ during the storm, so we had to light some candles. (3 letters)
  44. Nick drank so much vodka last night that he ______________ out. (7 letters)
  45. Could you close the curtains to block ______________ the sunlight? (3 letters)
  46. It smells really bad in the toilet. The pipes must be blocked ______________ again. (2 letters)
  47. I let go of my kite and the wind ______________ it away. (4 letters)
  48. She blew ______________ the candles on her birthday cake. (3 letters)
  49. The story was big news at first, but it soon blew ______________ and everyone forgot about it. (4 letters)
  50. The terrorists planted a huge bomb and it blew ______________ the building. (2 letters)
  51. It took an hour to ______________ up enough balloons for the party. (4 letters)
  52. Our company nearly went broke in 2006, but it bounced ______________ and now it’s doing well. (4 letters)
  53. Terry will bow ______________ after being captain for six years. (3 letters)
  54. He was bowled ______________ by the news that his wife was pregnant. (4 letters)
  55. Our company should ______________ out into some new fields of business. (6 letters)
  56. The southern states wanted to break ______________ and form their own separate country. (4 letters)
  57. Her car ______________ down, so she had to call for a mechanic. (5 letters)
  58. The negotiations broke ______________ when the two sides couldn’t agree. (4 letters)
  59. She broke ______________ at her sister’s funeral and started to cry. (4 letters)
  60. You should break your new running shoes ______________ before wearing them in a race. (2 letters)
  61. I had to tell them the news straight away, so I broke in ______________ their conversation. (2 letters)
  62. A burglar broke ______________ our apartment and stole our money and jewellery. (4 letters)
  63. Sally was very angry with Jim, so she broke ______________ their engagement. (3 letters)
  64. After the new taxes were announced, protests broke ______________. (3 letters)
  65. The government broke ______________ the talks with the rebels after another attack on their soldiers. (3 letters)
  66. Robert’s face broke out ______________ spots when he became a teenager. (2 letters)
  67. Some prisoners broke ______________ of jail, but the police soon caught them. (3 letters)
  68. Judy sometimes gets tired of her routine and breaks out ______________ it by doing something new. (2 letters)
  69. Sally and Jim broke ______________ after they had a big argument. (2 letters)
  70. The teacher saw the boys having a fight and ______________ it up. (5 letters)
  71. The signal on my phone is getting weak. You’re ______________ up. (8 letters)
  72. He’s not happy at the moment, but he’ll brighten ______________ when he gets the good news. (2 letters)
  73. The changes were brought ______________ in order to reduce costs and save money. (5 letters)
  74. When we go to the cinema, bring ______________ some friends if you like. (5 letters)
  75. Bring your new friend ______________ to my house after work. (6 letters)
  76. We tried to persuade Jim, but we couldn’t bring him round ______________ our point of view. (2 letters)
  77. When I drove past my old school, it ______________ back lots of memories. (7 letters)
  78. The protesters marched in the streets, hoping to bring ______________ the corrupt government. (4 letters)
  79. Next week’s meeting has been brought ______________ to this Friday instead. (7 letters)
  80. The government is planning to bring ______________ many new laws. (2 letters)
  81. Beating the world champion was a huge challenge, but she brought it ______________ somehow. (3 letters)
  82. Maria’s really upset and she’s crying. What brought that ______________? (2 letters)
  83. When will Bob be bringing ______________ the new computer game he’s created? (3 letters)
  84. Kathy was born in South Africa, but her parents brought her ______________ in England. (2 letters)
  85. I need to brush up ______________ some new vocab before the exam. (2 letters)
  86. When planning for the future, we have to budget ______________ unexpected costs and expenses. (3 letters)
  87. You have to keep working hard to ______________ on the success you’ve already achieved. (5 letters)
  88. He puts Money into the bank every week in order to build ______________ his savings. (2 letters)
  89. I bumped ______________ an old friend at the mall today. (4 letters)
  90. Ten houses burned ______________ in the fire. (4 letters)
  91. He burned ______________ because he worked for too long, under pressure, without a break. (3 letters)
  92. She’s very rude and often butts ______________ when I’m talking to someone. (2 letters)
  93. Our company has been ______________ out by a big Japanese company. (6 letters)
  94. If we bought ______________ all the shares on offer, could we take control of the company? (2 letters)
  95. I can’t talk now, but I’ll ______________ you back when I’m free. (4 letters)
  96. Many people called ______________ an enquiry after the minister was arrested for corruption. (3 letters)
  97. Yesterday’s game was called ______________ because of the rain. (3 letters)
  98. Did you call ______________ Denise in Paris and see her new apartment? (2 letters)
  99. Our teacher always ______________ on me to answer the most difficult questions. (5 letters)
  100. I turned around after hearing someone call ______________ my name. (3 letters)
  101. Don’t forget to call me ______________ when you get to Bangkok. Have you still got my number? (2 letters)
  102. You can calm ______________ the baby by gently rocking her cradle. (4 letters)
  103. He went back home to ______________ for his mum while she recovered from her illness. (4 letters)
  104. The waiter said, ‘Would you care ______________ some dessert, madam?’ (3 letters)
  105. When the rain stopped, we carried ______________ with our tennis match. (2 letters)
  106. I wish people wouldn’t ______________ on talking after a movie has started. (5 letters)
  107. As soon as he gets back to the meeting, they can carry ______________ (2 letters)
  108. We carried ______________ the coach’s instructions and won the game. (3 letters)
  109. The new hairstyle didn’t catch ______________ at first, but it’s popular now. (2 letters)
  110. At first I didn’t understand, but after a while I ______________ on. (6 letters)
  111. I got behind in my work and had to do some overtime to catch ______________ (2 letters)
  112. She had to run fast to catch up ______________ the leader. (4 letters)
  113. On Sundays, Marian stays in bed all morning to catch up ______________ her sleep. (2 letters)
  114. I visited my home town to catch up ______________ some old friends. (4 letters)
  115. The new hotel is especially designed to cater ______________ the needs of business travelers. (2 letters)
  116. Did you get wet in the rain? Do you want to ______________ into some dry clothes? (6 letters)
  117. To avoid computer viruses, they’re changing ______________ to Mac computers. (4 letters)
  118. The police arrested him and charged him ______________ drunk driving. (4 letters)
  119. I spend a lot of time chasing ______________ slow deliveries to customers. (2 letters)
  120. Christian likes going out to bars and chatting ______________ women. (2 letters)
  121. I lost a lot when my business partner cheated me ______________ of the money I’d invested. (3 letters)
  122. Leave your bags at the hotel’s front desk when you check ______________ (2 letters)
  123. After he was arrested for using cocaine, he checked ______________ a drug treatment centre. (4 letters)
  124. Just a moment. I have to go and check ______________-the baby. (2 letters)
  125. Give back the key when you check out ______________ the hotel. (2 letters)
  126. Let’s check ______________ that new bookshop Jose was talking about. (3 letters)
  127. He checked ______________ the old car to see if it was in good condition and worth buying. (4 letters)
  128. The security guards checked ______________ our bags before we were allowed inside. (7 letters)
  129. The crowd cheered the runners ______________ as they ran the race. (2 letters)
  130. Jenny looks a bit sad. Do you think a movie would cheer her ______________? (2 letters)
  131. After a hard day’s work, I like to chill ______________ by watching TV. (3 letters)
  132. We should get our gardener to ______________ down that dead tree. (4 letters)
  133. Use this knife to chop ______________ the vegetables for the soup. (2 letters)
  134. The police are trying to clamp ______________ on drug dealers. (4 letters)
  135. If you make a mess in the kitchen, please ______________ it up. (5 letters)
  136. The old man came out and told the noisy kids to clear ______________ (3 letters)
  137. I quit my job, but I still have to go back and clear ______________ my desk and my locker. (3 letters)
  138. We’ve arranged a meeting with our customer to clear ______________ the misunderstanding. (2 letters)
  139. It was raining all morning, but it’s ______________ up now. (8 letters)
  140. My doctor said the skin cream would clear ______________ my pimples in a couple of weeks. (2 letters)
  141. Some old-style leaders still cling ______________ the idea that military force can solve any problem. (2 letters)
  142. The downpipe got clogged ______________ with leaves so I got on the roof and cleared it out. (2 letters)
  143. The bar was closed ______________ because it stayed open after the legal closing time. (4 letters)
  144. The police drew their guns as they closed ______________ on the killer’s hideout. (2 letters)
  145. Our boss doesn’t mind us having fun and clowning ______________ as long as we do our work. (6 letters)
  146. They’re a strong team, and their strength is combined ______________ plenty of skill. (4 letters)
  147. How did the idea of starting your own software company come ______________? (5 letters)
  148. She came ______________ some old letters and postcards while clearing out her closets. (6 letters)
  149. He comes across ______________ very serious when you first meet him, but he can be quite funny. (2 letters)
  150. Her English is coming ______________ very well. She can join in our conversations now. (5 letters)
  151. We’re going out to dinner. Why don’t you ______________ along? (4 letters)
  152. The old magazine came ______________ when I opened it and some pages fell out. (5 letters)
  153. He doesn’t agree yet, but he’ll eventually come ______________ (6 letters)
  154. It was a terrible experience, but he came ____ from it with more appreciation of life. (4 letters)
  155. Let’s come back ______________ that topic after we’ve discussed everything else on the agenda. (2 letters)
  156. Why don’t you come ______________ to my place and watch the football on my big new TV? (6 letters)
  157. How did you come ______________ that information? It should have been kept secret. (2 letters)
  158. For most people, success comes ______________ to a combination of hard work and persistence. (4 letters)
  159. She came down ______________ the flu and had to stay home for a week. (4 letters)
  160. Akira comes ______________ Japan, but he’s been living in Australia for many years. (4 letters)
  161. Let me know what time your flight comes ______________ and I’ll pick you up from the airport. (2 letters)
  162. My pocketknife ______________ in handy when I go camping. (5 letters)
  163. She’s a wealthy woman and her children will come ______________ a lot of money when she dies. (4 letters)
  164. The president came in ______________ a lot of criticism in the media. (3 letters)
  165. They invested a lot in the search for new gold deposits, but nothing came ______________ it. (2 letters)
  166. The plan to cheat by using mobile phones didn’t come ______________ the students were caught. (3 letters)
  167. We have to get home by 9.45 because the football comes ______________ at 10 o’clock. (2 letters)
  168. Maria’s studying hard and her English is ______________ on very well. (6 letters)
  169. We were surprised when the election results came ______________ and the same party won again. (3 letters)
  170. Many families reject their gay children if they come ______________ and declare their sexuality. (3 letters)
  171. Did the ink stain come ______________ when you washed your shirt? (3 letters)
  172. I can’t wait for The Rolling Stone’s new album to ______________ out. (4 letters)
  173. Our friends came ______________ to see how we’d decorated our house. (4 letters)
  174. Her confidence came ______________ during her speech. (7 letters)
  175. Jamila really came through ______________ us this time. Her design’s great. (3 letters)
  176. The total amount comes ______________ $25.00. (2 letters)
  177. The president has come ______________ pressure to end the war. (5 letters)
  178. Please tell me if a job vacancy ______________ up at your company. (5 letters)
  179. What time did the sun come ______________ this morning? (2 letters)
  180. She came up ______________ some tough challenges in her new job. (7 letters)
  181. His work doesn’t come up ______________ the standard we require. (2 letters)
  182. She always comes ______________ with new ideas for their advertising campaigns. (2 letters)
  183. This computer comes ______________ a two-year guarantee covering all parts and service. (4 letters)
  184. The new movie’s style was compared ______________ classic movies from the 1940’s. (2 letters)
  185. Compared ______________ last year’s sales, this year’s sales were quite good. (4 letters)
  186. The job consists ______________ serving customers and checking stock. Do you think he can do it? (2 letters)
  187. We’ll contract some of the work ______________ to other companies. (3 letters)
  188. Factors such as good training and hard work contributed ______________ the company’s success. (2 letters)
  189. He wanted to leave work early, so he cooked ______________ a story about visiting a sick aunt. (2 letters)
  190. If the soup is too hot, blow on it to ______________ it down. (4 letters)
  191. If you get angry, stop and count to ten to cool ______________ (3 letters)
  192. I could have started my own band, but I copped ______________ and became a music teacher. (3 letters)
  193. The quality of the material we got didn’t correspond ______________ that of the sample we saw. (2 letters)
  194. People cosy ______________ to powerful figures to get something from them. (2 letters)
  195. I didn’t understand at first, but I soon cottoned ______________ when he winked at me. (2 letters)
  196. He went to the hospital after he coughed ______________ some blood. (2 letters)
  197. Their garden could ______________ with some work. It’s looking a bit overgrown. (2 letters)
  198. He won the award and said he couldn’t have asked ______________ a better outcome. (3 letters)
  199. They ______________ down from ten to one and then called out ‘Happy New Year . (7 letters)
  200. I love playing Word Up. You can count me ______________ whenever you play a game. (2 letters)
  201. If you’re going to the pub, count me ______________ I’d like to go but I have to pick up my kids. (3 letters)
  202. Don’t worry. You can ______________ on Ming. She’s very reliable. (5 letters)
  203. The government tried to cover ______________ the corruption story and keep it a secret. (2 letters)
  204. The police are cracking ______________ on people who drink alcohol and then drive. (4 letters)
  205. Jason told a really funny joke and we all cracked ______________ (2 letters)
  206. She used to be a great singer, but now she just cranks ______________ her old songs for the money. (3 letters)
  207. The music’s too quiet for a party, so let’s crank it ______________- a bit. (2 letters)
  208. He was so tired he crashed ______________ in front of the TV and slept there all night. (3 letters)
  209. The credit card debt crept up ______________ her, and now she owes a lot of money. (2 letters)
  210. The same problems keep cropping ______________ again and again. (2 letters)
  211. Check the list and cross ______________ the names of those who’ve left. (3 letters)
  212. People were crowding ______________ to see the injured people after the accident. (6 letters)
  213. The soldier ______________ out in pain when he was shot. (5 letters)
  214. Our apartment is crying out ______________ some new furniture. (3 letters)
  215. The meetings culminated ______________ the signing of an important agreement. (2 letters)
  216. The cat curled ______________ in front of the fire and dozed off. (2 letters)
  217. Let’s cut ______________ the field. It’ll be quicker than the road. (6 letters)
  218. The gardener is cutting ______________ the branches on the rose bush. It’s getting too big. (4 letters)
  219. I’m trying to cut back ______________ the number of hours I work. (2 letters)
  220. Her doctor told her to cut ______________ on the amount of fatty food she eats. (4 letters)
  221. We should ask the gardener to cut ______________ that dead tree. (4 letters)
  222. I was on the phone to my mother when we got cut ______________ so I had to call her again. (3 letters)
  223. We saw our photo in the newspaper, so we cut it ______________ (3 letters)
  224. I was driving home when my car’s engine cut ______________ (3 letters)
  225. His father wanted him to be a soldier, but he wasn’t cut out ______________ a career in the army. (3 letters)
  226. Could you cut ______________ some bananas for the fruit salad, please? (2 letters)
  227. It suddenly dawned ______________ me that I’d left my umbrella in the car, so I went back to get it.(2 letters)
  228. She set up a successful company that deals ______________ second-hand computer parts. (2 letters)
  229. Could you ______________ with this customer? I’m too busy at the moment. (4 letters)
  230. Amir has to deal ______________ many problems in his job. (4 letters)
  231. I thought about taking the new job but I decided ______________ it, so I’m keeping this one. (7 letters)
  232. How did you ______________ which delivery service to use to send the shipment? (2 letters)
  233. You can ______________ on Robert. He’s very reliable and he won’t let you down. (6 letters)
  234. We’re not sure what we’re doing tomorrow. It depends ______________ the weather. (2 letters)
  235. He was deterred ______________ going into politics by the fear of media intrusion. (4 letters)
  236. Bill Gates decided to devote most of his time and money ______________ helping people in need. (2 letters)
  237. The controversy about corrupt government officials has finally died ______________ (4 letters)
  238. Let’s go to a coffee shop. I’m dying ______________ a nice hot cappuccino. (3 letters)
  239. Many animal species are dying ______________ as their habitats are being destroyed. (3 letters)
  240. My dog could smell the bone buried in the garden and used his paws to ______________ it up. (3 letters)
  241. Leila has decided to dip ______________ her savings to buy a new computer. (4 letters)
  242. Has the nuclear power industry worked out how to safely dispose ______________ nuclear waste yet? (2 letters)
  243. We’ll divide the profits ______________ equally among all the investors. (2 letters)
  244. There’s a problem with our network and we have to do something ______________ it now. (5 letters)
  245. We should do ______________ with laws that allow police to listen in on our private phone calls. (4 letters)
  246. Before the plane landed, we straightened our seats and did ______________ our seatbelts. (2 letters)
  247. We’re going to do ______________ the old house by painting it and redecorating it. (2 letters)
  248. What will you do ______________ all that money you won in the lottery? (4 letters)
  249. We’ll have to do ______________ the photocopier while they’re fixing it. (7 letters)
  250. He dozed ______________ during the concert and started to snore. (3 letters)
  251. The movie was so boring that it seemed to drag ______________ for hours. (2 letters)
  252. Older people have lots of experience to draw ______________ when working. (4 letters)
  253. Can you tell our lawyer to draw ______________ a new distribution agreement? (2 letters)
  254. When she was young she dreamed ______________ being a ballet dancer. (2 letters)
  255. Do you know who first dreamed ______________ the idea of the World Wide Web? (2 letters)
  256. The police drove the protesters ______________ of the building and onto the street. (3 letters)
  257. Why don’t you drop ______________ my apartment on your way home? (2 letters)
  258. Could you ______________ these books into the library on your way to work? They’re late. (4 letters)
  259. Would you mind dropping the report ______________ on your way home? (3 letters)
  260. I’ll ______________ you off at the station on my way to work. (4 letters)
  261. The English classes were boring, so many people dropped ______________ and stopped going. (3 letters)
  262. Oil reserves could dry ______________ before the end of the century. (2 letters)
  263. Do you think some movies are dumbed ______________ so more people can understand them? (4 letters)
  264. I don’t feel like going out to a restaurant tonight, so let’s ______________ in. (3 letters)
  265. High fuel costs are eating ______________ the profits of many businesses. (4 letters)
  266. Let’s eat ______________ tonight. I know a great Japanese restaurant near here. (3 letters)
  267. If the kids eat ______________ all their vegetables they can have dessert (2 letters)
  268. He got drunk and danced on the table because his friends were egging him ______________ (2 letters)
  269. After quitting his job in business, Joe embarked ______________ a new career as a teacher. (2 letters)
  270. If you don’t study hard, you might end ______________ working in a job you don’t like. (2 letters)
  271. They ended the concert ______________ an extended version of one of their most popular songs. (4 letters)
  272. The timber company is engaged ______________ a dispute with local people over logging their forest. (2 letters)
  273. Laos and Thailand entered ______________ an agreement to build a bridge over their border. (4 letters)
  274. In most European countries, all citizens are entitled ______________ free medical care. (2 letters)
  275. You paid the bill last time, so I’ll pay this time and that’ll even things ______________ (2 letters)
  276. Do you think it’s good for children to be exposed ______________ places like hospitals and prisons? (2 letters)
  277. We have to ______________ up to the fact that many students need help with phrasal verbs. (4 letters)
  278. Our company is faced ______________ the challenge of developing exciting new products. (4 letters)
  279. You should factor ______________ rising wages and fuel costs when you work out next year’s budget. (2 letters)
  280. You can’t touch the old books because they’re fragile and they fall ______________ easily. (5 letters)
  281. He’ll need a degree to fall ______________ on in case he can’t make a living from music. (4 letters)
  282. If I fall ______________ in my work, I’ll have to do some overtime to catch up. (6 letters)
  283. Romeo and Juliet fell ______________ each other, but their families wouldn’t accept their love. (3 letters)
  284. Sales of CDs have been falling ______________ since people started downloading music online. (3 letters)
  285. Due to a dispute over money, they fell ______________ and aren’t speaking to each other. (3 letters)
  286. The little girl fell ______________- and hurt her knee. (4 letters)
  287. Our holiday plans fell ______________ when one of our kids came down with the flu. (7 letters)
  288. Angelina feels ______________ children in poor countries and tries to help them whenever she can. (3 letters)
  289. It’s difficult to fend ______________ a big dog if it’s attacking you. (3 letters)
  290. When kids bully him, the shy boy won’t fight ______________ He just looks at the floor. (4 letters)
  291. A healthy body fights ______________ infectious diseases more effectively than an unhealthy body. (3 letters)
  292. What do you figure ______________ doing if your company closes down? (2 letters)
  293. Can you figure ______________ what the phrasal verb in the example sentence means? (3 letters)
  294. He’s a strange guy. I never know what he’s thinking and I really can’t figure him ______________ (3 letters)
  295. You have to ______________ in the blanks with a word that correctly completes the sentence. (4 letters)
  296. Our teacher is sick today, so another teacher is filling ______________ for her. (2 letters)
  297. The police spokesman filled the reporters in ______________ the latest developments in the case. (2 letters)
  298. Before you’re interviewed for a visa, you’ll have to fill ______________ a visa application form. (3 letters)
  299. Can you fill the car ______________ with gas before bringing it back? (2 letters)
  300. How did you find ______________ about the company’s secret plans? (3 letters)
  301. Are you sure you can finish ______________ the report before Monday morning? (3 letters)
  302. After travelling around Asia, Jenny finished ______________ working on a farm in New Zealand. (2 letters)
  303. Could you drop the newspaper into my office when you’ve finished ______________ it? (4 letters)
  304. After a bad start, the coach fired ______________ his players with his half-time team talk. (2 letters)
  305. Kids sometimes have problems fitting ______________ at a new school. (2 letters)
  306. If a jigsaw puzzle is made properly, the pieces will fit ______________ perfectly. (8 letters)
  307. As your best friend, I should tell you that you need to freshen ______________ your breath somehow. (2 letters)
  308. Our house looks old and a bit runs down, so we’re going to fix it ______________. (2 letters)
  309. There used to be a lot of interest in the band, but it fizzled ______________ when the singer left. (3 letters)
  310. Many police are needed at football games because fights can flare ______________ among fans. (2 letters)
  311. I like to flick ______________ the pages of a magazine before I buy it. (7 letters)
  312. Orders have been flooding ______________ since they released their new line of computers. (2 letters)
  313. The new government will focus ______________ improving the country’s education system. (2 letters)
  314. We’ll follow ______________ the seminar with monthly reports on the issues that were covered. (2 letters)
  315. We’ve got our exams next week, so we don’t have time to fool ______________ in our classes. (6 letters)
  316. I’ll try to free ______________ some time for the meeting tomorrow afternoon. (2 letters)
  317. He felt hot and sweaty after playing tennis, so he went to the bathroom to freshen ______________ (2 letters)
  318. Sarah functions ______________ the company’s manager, receptionist, driver and cleaner. (2 letters)
  319. Our training courses are geared ______________ teaching technicians how to service our products. (2 letters)
  320. You don’t need a car to ______________ about Zurich because the public transport is excellent. (3 letters)
  321. He still has trouble getting his ideas ______________ in English. (6 letters)
  322. Invest your money wisely and you’ll start ______________ ahead. (7 letters)
  323. They worked really hard to get ______________ of their competitors and lead the market. (5 letters)
  324. The sisters used to argue a lot, but they get ______________ well now. (5 letters)
  325. He gets along ______________ his mother well, but he often argues with his father. (4 letters)
  326. We can’t get ______________ the new tax, so we’ll just have to pay it. (6 letters)
  327. Sonia must really ______________ around. She seems to know everyone in the city. (3 letters)
  328. The best way to get ______________ Paris is by subway. (6 letters)
  329. I haven’t read the report yet, but I’ll get around ______________ it soon. (2 letters)
  330. I know what you’re getting ______________ , but you could have explained your ideas better. (2 letters)
  331. The thief got ______________ before the police arrived. (4 letters)
  332. A few students got away ______________ cheating in the exam. They were lucky this time. (4 letters)
  333. Can I borrow the movie after you get it ______________ from Susan? (4 letters)
  334. After I fired her, she tried to get back ______________ me by accusing me of assaulting her. (2 letters)
  335. He thinks it’s time they got back ______________ the main topic of the discussion. (2 letters)
  336. I’ll find out how much that would cost and get ______________ to you on it. (4 letters)
  337. She earns a small salary and only just ______________ on it. (2 letters)
  338. We’ll have to get by ______________ our heater until it’s repaired. It’s going to be cold! (7 letters)
  339. Jill doesn’t seem happy. I think she has problems at home and they get her ______________ (4 letters)
  340. It’s time we got down ______________ business and started doing some work. (2 letters)
  341. You sit in the back seat, and I’ll get ______________ the front. (2 letters)
  342. Do you know what time the Thai Airways flight from Bangkok gets ______________? (2 letters)
  343. When she was a student Jenny got ______________ tennis, and she still likes playing today. (4 letters)
  344. We can’t get ______________ the bus until it stops and the doors open. (3 letters)
  345. Get ______________ the lawn, please. You’ll leave boot marks on it. (3 letters)
  346. Please ______________ the car off the lawn. It’ll leave tyre marks on it. (3 letters)
  347. It’s taking Sandy a long time to get ______________ breaking up with her girlfriend. (4 letters)
  348. I got out of the car and got ______________ the bus. (2 letters)
  349. How much time will you get ______________ from work for your vacation? (3 letters)
  350. Jim doesn’t get on ______________ his father very well. They often argue. (4 letters)
  351. It’s raining outside. You’d better get your raincoat ______________ (2 letters)
  352. Let’s get ______________ the job of finding new distributors for our products. (4 letters)
  353. Benito’s parents were very proud of him when he got ______________ the Board of Directors. (4 letters)
  354. I tried to get out ______________ the car but I couldn’t open the door. (2 letters)
  355. Timmy tries to get ______________ of going to school by saying he’s sick. Why does he do that? (3 letters)
  356. Colds usually only last a few days, but it’s taking Rob a long time to get ______________ his. (4 letters)
  357. I couldn’t get ______________ the fact that I got the job. It was hard to believe. (4 letters)
  358. It’ll take him hours to get ______________ all those reports. (7 letters)
  359. She can’t get through ______________ her husband. He must have turned off his phone. (2 letters)
  360. We try to get ______________ to our staff the importance of double-checking their emails. (7 letters)
  361. It really got ______________ Mike when he saw innocent young soldiers getting killed in the war. (2 letters)
  362. What time do you usually get ______________ in the morning? (2 letters)
  363. All the students’ ______________ up when their teacher came into the room. (3 letters)
  364. We got up ______________ all sorts of naughty mischief when we were kids, like stealing sweets. (2 letters)
  365. Bill Gates ______________ away a lot of his money to help people in need. (5 letters)
  366. He tried to hide his fear, but his nervous smile and darting eyes gave him ______________ (4 letters)
  367. Has he given ______________ the books he borrowed from you yet? (4 letters)
  368. Keep on trying and never give ______________ You can do it! (2 letters)
  369. Give your test papers ______________ at the door as you leave. (2 letters)
  370. That fruit gives ______________ a strange smell. Can you smell it? (3 letters)
  371. Could you give these papers ______________ to the students, please? (3 letters)
  372. What will we do when the supply of oil ______________ out and there’s none left? (5 letters)
  373. I’m trying to give ______________ cigarettes, but it’s very difficult. (2 letters)
  374. The thief raised his hands and gave up ______________ the police. (2 letters)
  375. Keep on trying to learn these phrasal verbs and don’t ______________ up. I know you can do it! (4 letters)
  376. How do you think we should go ______________ increasing sales? Should we advertise more? (5 letters)
  377. Kids are taught to follow laws and rules and never go ______________ them. (7 letters)
  378. You go ______________ and I’ll catch up with you in a minute. (5 letters)
  379. Do you go ______________ with Sue’s ideas on marketing? (5 letters)
  380. We have to solve this problem. It isn’t going to go ______________ by itself. (4 letters)
  381. She usually ______________ back to her home town to see her parents every New Year. (4 letters)
  382. He promises to do things, but you can’t trust him. He often goes back ______________ his word. (2 letters)
  383. I was really sick for the first few days, but as time went ______________ I began to feel better. (2 letters)
  384. Prices usually increase. They don’t often go ______________ (4 letters)
  385. The new designs didn’t go down so well ______________ the customers and sales weren’t so good. (4 letters)
  386. Our team is in the final match in the Olympics and we’re going ______________ the gold medal. (3 letters)
  387. I want Liverpool to win but my friend is ______________ for Chelsea. (5 letters)
  388. I didn’t go ______________ sports that much at school. I preferred playing music and chess. (3 letters)
  389. Do you really want ______________ go into that issue now? Can’t we talk about it later? (2 letters)
  390. Don’t go near the bomb. It could go ______________ (3 letters)
  391. His alarm clock ______________ off at 6 o’clock every morning, and he hates it. (4 letters)
  392. Norma keeps a torch beside her bed in case the power goes ______________ during the night. (3 letters)
  393. Sorry I interrupted you. Please go ______________ (2 letters)
  394. What are they doing? I can’t see what ______________ is on. (5 letters)
  395. Do you feel like staying home tonight or would you rather go ______________? (3 letters)
  396. The forest fire finally went ______________ after it started to rain. (3 letters)
  397. Make sure you have enough time to go ______________ your notes before the exam. (4 letters)
  398. Her performance ______________ over really well. Everyone loved it. (4 letters)
  399. Can you go ______________ the invoices and sort them by country, please? (7 letters)
  400. Maria has ______________ through some hard times this year but she’s coped well. (4 letters)
  401. Despite the problems, we went through ______________ our plan to take over another company. (4 letters)
  402. Do you think that orange and blue go ______________better than orange and purple? (8 letters)
  403. The increase in the cost of registering pets went ______________ badly with animal lovers. (4 letters)
  404. His business went ______________ so he had to get a regular job to make a living. (5 letters)
  405. Prices usually go ______________ but if demand for something falls; its price can go down too. (2 letters)
  406. Are you sure the green tie goes ______________ the blue shirt? (4 letters)
  407. When I was young, I could go ______________ sleep for a night and still work the next day. (7 letters)
  408. We used to be close friends, but we have ______________ apart over the years. (5 letters)
  409. I didn’t like jazz when I first listened to it, but its grown ______________ me and I like it a lot now. (2 letters)
  410. Zan was born in China, but she grew ______________ in New Zealand. (2 letters)
  411. How can we guard ______________ food companies selling unhealthy junk to our kids? (7 letters)
  412. If someone gives you his or her name card, don’t hand it ______________ to them. Keep it. (4 letters)
  413. The family business has been handed ______________ from generation to generation. (4 letters)
  414. Please hand ______________ your exam papers before you leave the room. (2 letters)
  415. Take one chocolate for yourself and then hand the box ______________ to the next person. (2 letters)
  416. Their teacher handed ______________ the test papers and then told the students to start. (3 letters)
  417. After he was caught by the police, the thief had to hand ______________ the jewellery. (4 letters)
  418. Airports are full of people hanging ______________ because their flights have been delayed. (6 letters)
  419. The train stops quickly, so you’d better hang ______________ or you might fall over. (2 letters)
  420. Kids used to hang ______________ in pool rooms and bowling alleys, but now they’re all online. (3 letters)
  421. You can hang your coat ______________ in the cupboard if you like. (2 letters)
  422. Jason’s got a black eye. What happened ______________ him? Was he in a fight? (2 letters)
  423. It’s cold outside tonight. I hope you have some warm clothes ______________ (2 letters)
  424. We’re having some people ______________ for dinner tonight. (4 letters)
  425. I can’t go tonight. I’ve ______________ something else on. (3 letters)
  426. We should head ______________ home before the traffic gets too bad. (4 letters)
  427. We’ll have to head ______________ early in the morning if we want to get there by noon. (3 letters)
  428. You can heat the food ______________ in the microwave oven when you get home. (2 letters)
  429. I haven’t heard ______________ Bobby for a while. Do you know how he’s getting on? (4 letters)
  430. They say he’s a famous writer, but I’ve never heard ______________ him. Have you? (2 letters)
  431. Would you like to help ______________ by writing some invitations to her birthday party? (3 letters)
  432. The robbers hid the jeweler ______________ in a secret place so no-one would find it. (4 letters)
  433. Our competitors beat us last year, but we’re hitting ______________ with a new marketing plan. (4 letters)
  434. Kamal hit ______________ the idea of sponsoring competitions and giving our products away as prizes. (2 letters)
  435. She had to hold ______________- the tears when she heard she’d lost her job. (4 letters)
  436. The government is trying to ______________ the unemployment rate down as much as possible. (4 letters)
  437. Hold the dog ______________ while I give her some medicine. (4 letters)
  438. I’m not sure what room he’s staying in, but if you hold ______________ a moment I’ll check for you. (2 letters)
  439. Make sure you hold on ______ your purse when you’re on the bus or someone might steal it. (2 letters)
  440. The train’s stopping, so hold ______________ tight or you might fall over. (2 letters)
  441. Sorry I’m late. I got held ______________ in a traffic jam. (2 letters)
  442. Two men armed with pistols held ______________ the bank and stole a large sum of money. (2 letters)
  443. Do you know how to ______________ up your new TV to the DVD player and the sound system? (4 letters)
  444. The army has been hunting ______________ terrorist leaders for several years now. (4 letters)
  445. If you don’t hurry ______________ and get ready to go, we’ll be late. (2 letters)
  446. Can you remember any famous people you identified ______________- when you were young? (4 letters)
  447. Global warming will impact ______________ different parts of the world in different ways. (2 letters)
  448. Terrorist attacks made airlines impose strict limits ______________ what people could carry on board. (2 letters)
  449. His boss said he’d have to improve ______________ his performance if he wanted to be promoted. (2 letters)
  450. Was he able to infer the meaning of the phrasal verb ______________ its context in the sentence? (4 letters)
  451. They insist ______________ including a minimum order clause in the distribution contract. (2 letters)
  452. We’ve ______________ upon being paid in advance since we lost money by selling on credit. (8 letters)
  453. We interested an investor ______________ our idea and got money to start up a company. (2 letters)
  454. I’ve got to get up early, so would you mind if I didn’t invite you ______________-______________ for a drink? (2 letters)
  455. Let’s invite Jill and her family ______________ for a barbecue on Saturday afternoon. (4 letters)
  456. My son has got himself involved ______________ a conflict with his neighbors over their noisy dogs. (2 letters)
  457. We’ll meet the customer to iron ______________- any problems with their contract. (3 letters)
  458. The substitute players are itching ______________ a chance to get on the field to show their skills. (3 letters)
  459. Lots of people hope to make money by investing ______________ the stock market. (2 letters)
  460. The price of imported cars went up after the government ______________ up import taxes. (6 letters)
  461. The office looks a bit dull. Why don’t we jazz it ______________ with some wallpaper and pictures? (2 letters)
  462. In our classes, I want everyone to join ______________ the discussions and practice their English. (2 letters)
  463. His mother doesn’t want him to join ______________ and become a soldier and fight in the war. (2 letters)
  464. Why don’t you jot your ideas ______________ as soon as you have them so you don’t forget them? (4 letters)
  465. The technician jumbled ______________ the files on my computer, so I’ll have to sort them out again. (2 letters)
  466. Carmen would jump ______________ the chance to work overseas to get more experience. (2 letters)
  467. When the fire started, people passing by in the street jumped ______________ to help us put it out. (2 letters)
  468. The front of his car got hit because it was jutting ______________ into the passing traffic. (3 letters)
  469. Our professor was giving a lecture when she keeled ______________ and fell to the floor. (4 letters)
  470. She’s been studying hard and if she keeps ______________ it, her English will improve quickly. (2 letters)
  471. Do farmers still use scarecrows to keep bird’s ______________ from their crops? (4 letters)
  472. He put on weight because he couldn’t keep away ______________ sweets and ice-cream. (4 letters)
  473. Bill dropped out of university, but he didn’t let the lack of a degree keep him ______________ (4 letters)
  474. We must keep our production costs ______________ if we’re going to compete with cheap imports. (4 letters)
  475. Let me know if you’re busy. I wouldn’t want to keep you ______________ your work. (4 letters)
  476. How did people keep food ______________ going off and spoiling before they had refrigerators? (4 letters)
  477. If we misbehaved, our teachers used to punish us by keeping us ______________ after school. (2 letters)
  478. If you don’t want to put on weight, keep ______________ sweets and fatty foods. (3 letters)
  479. If we keep ______________ working hard, our company will make profits and our jobs will be safe. (2 letters)
  480. Despite the ‘Keep ______________ sign, homeless people still use the old building for shelter. (3 letters)
  481. The government tried to keep the story ______________ of the newspapers, but they couldn’t. (3 letters)
  482. Keep out ______________ the sun until you get some sunscreen, or you might get burnt. (2 letters)
  483. If everyone had ______________ to their schedules, the seminar would have finished on time. (4 letters)
  484. Don’t you think we should keep ______________ the plan? Wouldn’t it be risky to change it now? (2 letters)
  485. Rashid needs to learn how to keep his emotions _______________-__ control. (5 letters)
  486. What you’re doing is excellent, so keep ______________ the good work. (2 letters)
  487. John ran so fast that nobody could keep up ______________ him and he won the race easily. (4 letters)
  488. If you don’t know English idioms, you’ll have trouble keeping ______________ in a conversation. (2 letters)
  489. If you want to open the door, key ______________ your security code. (2 letters)
  490. Let’s have a brainstorming session and kick ______________ a few ideas. (6 letters)
  491. After work, Jeff likes to kick ______________ and relax by listening to music or watching TV. (4 letters)
  492. The party will kick ______________ at 9 p.m., so get there on time or you’ll miss out on the food. (3 letters)
  493. Carlo was kicked ______________ of the dance club for starting a fight. (3 letters)
  494. Let’s knock ______________ a rough prototype and see what our client thinks. (8 letters)
  495. Don’t you think we should stop kidding ______________ and be serious for a while? (6 letters)
  496. Monique kneeled ______________ next to her friend and rubbed sunscreen into her back. (4 letters)
  497. We used to knock ______________ together and have lots of fun when we were kids. (6 letters)
  498. The company offered David a new employment package, but he knocked it ______________. (4 letters)
  499. Everyone was shocked when the champ was knocked ______________ in the first round of the fight. (3 letters)
  500. Are you sure they’re going to knock ______________ our old cinema and build apartments there? (4 letters)
  501. What time do you knock ______________ from work and go home each day? (3 letters)
  502. The new Harry Potter movie really knocked me ______________ when I saw it. It’s great. (3 letters)
  503. His real name is Richard, but everyone knows him ______________ Ricky. (2 letters)
  504. Sony Corp is known ______________ its innovative, high-quality products. (3 letters)
  505. Does anyone know ______________ a good tailor near here? I need to have a couple of new suits made. (2 letters)
  506. We’ll have to knuckle ______________ and work hard if we’re going to finish the job on time. (4 letters)
  507. Nicole loves being a celebrity and laps ______________ all the attention she gets. (2 letters)
  508. Many angry people lashed ______________ at the government for not helping the hurricane victims. (3 letters)
  509. He latched ______________ me at the party and followed me everywhere. He wouldn’t go away! (4 letters)
  510. It was a bad mistake, but he’s trying to laugh it ______________ as if it wasn’t serious. (3 letters)
  511. The opposition leader launched ______________ another attack on the government. (4 letters)
  512. Have you laid ______________ some money in case you need it in the future? (5 letters)
  513. Our boss is going to lay ______________ the law and fine anyone who comes to work late. (4 letters)
  514. His boss was angry and laid ______________ Ben for turning up late for the meeting. (4 letters)
  515. He said if Ben was late again he’d be forced to lay him ______________ and employ someone else. (3 letters)
  516. Did you lay the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle ______________ before trying to fit them together? (3 letters)
  517. My cat just lazes ______________ doing nothing all day. It must be nice being a cat. (6 letters)
  518. Juanita will lead ______________ the discussion with her new ideas on cutting costs. (3 letters)
  519. The Academy Award she won for acting should lead ______________ even better roles in the future. (2 letters)
  520. We’ll have to work hard in the weeks leading ______________ to the trade fair. (2 letters)
  521. When you’re upset and need support, you can lean ______________ me. That’s what friends are for. (2 letters)
  522. Can you ______________ some guidelines down on how our staff should relate to customers? (3 letters)
  523. My son leapt ______________ the chance to attend a football training camp. He was very excited. (2 letters)
  524. When I realized that I’d left my umbrella ______________ I went back to my car to get it. (6 letters)
  525. Do you want names deleted from the corruption report, or do you want them left ______________ (2 letters)
  526. Copy all the details and make sure you don’t make mistakes or leave anything ______________ (3 letters)
  527. All our staff will get a big bonus. Nobody will be ______________ out. (4 letters)
  528. If there’s any food left ______________ ask the waiter to wrap it up so you can bring it home. (4 letters)
  529. Do you want to deal with this matter yourself, or would you rather leave it ______________ me? (2 letters)
  530. Our CEO gets lots of advice, but in the end the decision-making is ______________ to her. (2 letters)
  531. Chang will do an excellent job. He won’t ______________ you down. (3 letters)
  532. Jenny is waiting at the door. Could someone let her ______________? (2 letters)
  533. Don’t let anyone in ______________ the secret. Keep it to yourself. (2 letters)
  534. Mick was stopped for speeding, and relieved when he was let ______________ with a warning only. (3 letters)
  535. On New Year’s Eve, people like to let ______________ fireworks to celebrate. (3 letters)
  536. Before sales staff are let ______________ of the store after work, security guards check their bags. (3 letters)
  537. It’s a secret, so don’t let the cat out ______________ the bag by telling anyone. (2 letters)
  538. The kids will be stuck inside the house until the rain lets ______________ then they can go outside. (2 letters)
  539. She said she had a headache and went to lie ______________ on the sofa. (4 letters)
  540. He hurt his back while he was lifting ______________ a really heavy metal box. (2 letters)
  541. Isaac’s always so serious. He should try to lighten ______________ sometimes and have some fun. (2 letters)
  542. We let off the fireworks and they ______________ up the night sky. (3 letters)
  543. The passengers had to line ______________ at the ticket window. (2 letters)
  544. Our last receptionist used to ______________ on our private phone calls. (2 letters)
  545. He’ll never live ______________ the fact that he forgot his CEO’s name while giving a speech. (4 letters)
  546. Many people want to make lots of money, retire early and then live ______________ their savings. (3 letters)
  547. Lots of people in Australia retire at 65 and live ______________ the old-age pension. (2 letters)
  548. My grandparents lived _______________two world wars and the Great Depression. (7 letters)
  549. He couldn’t live up ______________ his father’s expectations, and felt that he was a failure. (2 letters)
  550. Why don’t we put on some dance music and liven ______________ the party? (2 letters)
  551. You should have locked your valuable things ______________ in the hotel’s safe. (4 letters)
  552. Don’t forget to lock ______________ the office when you leave. (2 letters)
  553. He can’t log ______________ his email account, so he can’t send emails. (4 letters)
  554. You should log ______________ after you’ve finished checking your emails. (3 letters)
  555. My grandfather longs ______________ the days when he was young and flirted with all the girls. (3 letters)
  556. We need to find a baby-sitter to ______________ after the kids tonight. (4 letters)
  557. We looked ______________ the new factory this morning, and were happy with what we saw. (6 letters)
  558. We’ll look ______________ the possibility of expanding into new markets soon. (2 letters)
  559. When I look ______________ on my childhood, I realize how lucky I was. (4 letters)
  560. We shouldn’t look ______________ on people just because they’re poor or not well educated. (4 letters)
  561. I’ve lost my glasses. Could you help me look ______________ them? (3 letters)
  562. I’m really looking ______________ to our trip to Spain next month. It’ll be great. (7 letters)
  563. The police are looking ______________ the murder and expect to make an arrest soon. (4 letters)
  564. Many young people look ______________ sports stars as role models. (4 letters)
  565. Look______________! There’s a car coming! Get off the road. (3 letters)
  566. Ming is always looking out ______________ new business opportunities. (3 letters)
  567. Would you like a mechanic to look ______________ the car before you buy it? (4 letters)
  568. I looked ______________ his notes for the speech and made a few suggestions. (7 letters)
  569. If you don’t know what a word means, look it ______________ in a dictionary. (2 letters)
  570. Business was slow last year, but things are looking ______________ this year. (2 letters)
  571. Many young people look up ______________ sports stars and see them as heroes. (2 letters)
  572. The company didn’t keep up with the latest trends and lost ______________ to their competitors. (3 letters)
  573. Can you find out how much it’d cost to mail ______________ 500 booklets? (3 letters)
  574. What did you major ______________ when you were at university? (2 letters)
  575. Stephen King’s latest novel is being made ______________ a movie. (4 letters)
  576. Justin blames himself for not making the most ______________ the opportunities he had. (2 letters)
  577. What do you make ______________ our new office manager? Do you think she’s any good? (2 letters)
  578. His handwriting is difficult to read. Can you make ______________ this word? (3 letters)
  579. Jenny and Steve argue a lot, but then they talk things through and make ______________? (2 letters)
  580. My son is really good at ______________ up jokes and funny stories. (6 letters)
  581. She’s working overtime to make up ______________ the days she missed when she was sick. (3 letters)
  582. Our new manager has mapped ______________ a path of steady growth for our company. (3 letters)
  583. How much do you think we should mark the old stock ______________ for the next sale? (4 letters)
  584. Big department stores mark everything ______________ by at least thirty per cent. (2 letters)
  585. He hasn’t measured up ______________ our expectations, so I’m afraid we’ll have to let him go. (2 letters)
  586. After we all met ______________ in the coffee shop, we went out for dinner. (2 letters)
  587. The company’s decision to close the factory was met ______________ anger from the workers. (4 letters)
  588. The kids aren’t studying. They’re messing ______________ with computer games instead. (5 letters)
  589. Sergio is upset because he thinks he messed ______________ his speech today. (2 letters)
  590. We didn’t get tickets in time so we missed ______________ on the concert. (3 letters)
  591. The counterfeit banknotes were good copies and easily mistaken ______________ real ones. (3 letters)
  592. She mixed ______________ the dates and went to see her doctor on the wrong day. (2 letters)
  593. He got mixed up ______________ the drugs trade and now he’s in prison. (2 letters)
  594. When will you move ______________ your new apartment? (4 letters)
  595. I’m worried about my son. He’s mixed up ______________ some guys who’re in a motorcycle gang. (4 letters)
  596. We’ve covered that topic, so let’s move ______________ to the next item on the agenda. (2 letters)
  597. My son is moving ______________ of home and moving into an apartment near his office. (3 letters)
  598. Tom moved ______________ so Katie could sit down next to him. (4 letters)
  599. He’d never done a report before, but he muddled ______________ and it wasn’t too bad. (7 letters)
  600. The fear that I’d left the door unlocked kept nagging ______________ me, so I went back home to check. (2 letters)
  601. Do you think we can nail ______________ the agreement this week, or will we need more time? (4 letters)
  602. We named our baby ______________ my grandfather, so now there’s another Sam in the family. (5 letters)
  603. Nine people applied for the job. After checking their CVs, we narrowed it ______________ to three. (4 letters)
  604. The speech was so boring that I nodded ______________ and started to snore. (3 letters)
  605. Photographers were nosing ______________ the resort, trying to get photos of famous celebrities. (6 letters)
  606. Our team has just notched ______________ our tenth win in a row. They’re in great form at the moment. (2 letters)
  607. If you have trouble remembering names, carry a pen and pad and note them ______________ (4 letters)
  608. I numbered him ______________ my friends – until he tried to chat up my girlfriend, that is. (5 letters)
  609. Many people objected ______________ the rule prohibiting liquids in hand luggage on a plane. (2 letters)
  610. She seemed happy here. It never occurred ______________ anyone that she was thinking of quitting. (2 letters)
  611. Do you find it easier to open ______________ and share your feelings with men or with women? (2 letters)
  612. Why do you think so many people opt ________________ early retirement these days? (3 letters)
  613. If the English classes aren’t fun, many of our staff opt ______________ and quit studying. (3 letters)
  614. I hate the way our supervisor orders us ______________ it’s like being in the army. (6 letters)
  615. Let’s order ______________ a couple of pizzas and some salads. It’s easier than going out to eat. (2 letters)
  616. New markets are opening ______________ in Africa, so it’s time to find distributors there. (2 letters)
  617. Someone put the wrong ink in the printer, but no-one’s owned ______________ to making the mistake. (2 letters)
  618. How long will it take to pack ______________ all the equipment after the concert? (4 letters)
  619. Very few rock bands can still pack the crowds ______________ after thirty years of performing (2letters)
  620. Why is Monica packing ______________ all her things? Is she moving out? (2 letters)
  621. Have you seen how people are ______________ in the trains in Tokyo? The guards jam them in! (6 letters)
  622. We’ll just have to be patient and wait to see how things pan ______________ (3 letters)
  623. After a long illness, Barry’s grandfather passed ______________ peacefully in his sleep last night. (4 letters)
  624. Could you post this parcel for me if you’re passing ______________ the post office? (2 letters)
  625. The counterfeit notes were being passed ______________ as real banknotes. (3 letters)
  626. After you’ve signed the card, could you pass it ______________ to the next person to sign? (2 letters)
  627. Could someone pass ______________ the application forms, please? (3 letters)
  628. Hector regrets passing ______________ the chance to study more when he was young. (2 letters)
  629. Maria and Jose fight a lot, but they always ______________- things up afterwards. (5 letters)
  630. The guards patted everyone ______________ as they entered the building, checking for guns. (4 letters)
  631. His sister lent him fifty dollars and he promised to ______________ her back next week. (3 letters)
  632. Thanks so much for your help. What can I do to pay you ______________ (4 letters)
  633. Is it possible to have my pension paid directly _____________ a bank account overseas? (4 letters)
  634. I bought a lovely house by the sea, but it’ll take me thirty years to pay ______________ the loan. (3 letters)
  635. His three years of hard work studying English ______________ off when he got his dream job. (4 letters)
  636. How long did the insurance company take to pay ______________ your claim for the operation? (3 letters)
  637. These guys came and said he owed them money, and if he didn’t pay ______________ he’d be sorry. (2 letters)
  638. She was quiet until she’d had some wine, and then she perked ______________ and started to have fun. (2 letters)
  639. The government gradually phased ______________ the tax cuts they’d promised to make. (2 letters)
  640. It’s time our company’s old dress code was phased ______________ so we can wear casual clothes. (3 letters)
  641. My son says some of the older boys at his school pick ______________ him. What should I do about it? (2 letters)
  642. Painters are coming soon, so look at the chart and pick ______________ a color for your office. (3 letters)
  643. Her boyfriend always picks he ______________ from the station and drives her home. (2 letters)
  644. We’ll stop now, then after lunch we’ll pick up ______________ where we left off. (4 letters)
  645. She doesn’t pick up ______________ the signs when she’s boring people, and just keeps on talking. (2 letters)
  646. After collecting evidence, the police pieced it all ______________ and solved the crime. (8 letters)
  647. Bills are piling ______________ at home and she has no money to pay them. (2 letters)
  648. The rebels have agreed to a ceasefire, but we haven’t pinned them ______________ to a date as yet. (4 letters)
  649. We were talking loudly and laughing when the boss came and told us to pipe ______________ (4 letters)
  650. They all pitched ______________ and had their grandmother’s house cleaned up in a few hours. (2 letters)
  651. If you’re studying, you should plan ______________ in order to prepare for your exams. (5 letters)
  652. The kids love playing ______________ in the park with their dad on weekends. (6 letters)
  653. The prime minister tried to play ______________ the bad news by saying it wasn’t so serious. (4 letters)
  654. My back’s playing ______________ again, so I’ll have to call off my tennis lesson this week. (2 letters)
  655. In job interviews, Max always ______________ up the fact that he studied at Oxford University. (5 letters)
  656. If your computer won’t start up, make sure it’s plugged ______________ to a power socket that works. (2 letters)
  657. I’d like to point ______________ the fact that it’s extremely important to know lots of phrasal verbs. (3 letters)
  658. Most experts say all the current indicators point ______________ an economic slowdown. (2 letters)
  659. Over half the cake was left over, but Greg polished it ______________ easily. No wonder he’s so big! (3 letters)
  660. Before I go to Germany, I’m going to polish ______________ my German language skills. (2 letters)
  661. Could you pop ______________ my office and pick up that CD I was telling you about? 4 letters)
  662. I’m popping ______________ to call someone, but I’ll be back in a minute. (3 letters)
  663. Orders for Noam’s book have been pouring ______________ since he won the Pulitzer Prize. (2 letters)
  664. The country’s agricultural sector has been propped ______________ by state subsidies for years. (2 letters)
  665. Sergei had trouble providing ______________ his wife and kids after his business failed. (3 letters)
  666. Our soldiers tried to hold onto the territory, but had to pull ______________ after being attacked. (4 letters)
  667. The old block of apartments was pulled ______________ because it was no longer safe. (4 letters)
  668. The train pulled ______________ and everyone got off. (2 letters)
  669. The new Harry Potter movie is really pulling ______________ the crowds. (2 letters)
  670. The students pulled ______________ a daring break-in and photographed their exam questions. (3 letters)
  671. Nadal injured his ankle and had to pull ______________ of his match with Roger Federer. (3 letters)
  672. After I signaled to the taxi driver, he pulled ______________ and I got in the back seat. (4 letters)
  673. It was a very serious illness and he could have died, but luckily he pulled ______________? (7 letters)
  674. The coach told his players to pull ______________ and work as a team. (8 letters)
  675. The only part of gardening he doesn’t enjoy much is pulling ______________ weeds. (2 letters)
  676. My son is learning karate so bullies won’t be able to push him ______________ anymore. (6 letters)
  677. The government plans to push ______________ new laws to ban alcohol advertisements. (7 letters)
  678. Many of our students still have trouble putting their ideas ______________ in a conversation. (6 letters)
  679. I hope you’re putting plenty of money ______________ for your old age. (5 letters)
  680. Every month he saves about a thousand dollars, but sometimes he puts ______________ a bit more. (4 letters)
  681. Production delays meant the release date had to be put ______________ a month. (4 letters)
  682. I hate the way our boss puts us ______________ in front of everyone else if we make a mistake. (4 letters)
  683. The coach put his team’s loss down ______________ their lack of experience. (2 letters)
  684. Advertising agencies will put ______________ their proposals for the campaign later today. (7 letters)
  685. The captain always ______________ in a big effort and works as hard as he can for the team. (4 letters)
  686. Have you put ______________ your application for a visa yet? (2 letters)
  687. How many hours of overtime are you ______________ in this week? (7 letters)
  688. You should put in ______________ a study grant. You’d have a good chance of getting it. (3 letters)
  689. Jamaal’s not well, so we had to put today’s meeting ______________ until Monday morning. (3 letters)
  690. Ernie missed his putt because a phone rang just as he hit the ball, and it put him ______________ (3 letters)
  691. A TV show about how animals are killed for food has put me ______________ eating meat forever. (3 letters)
  692. Which suit do you think I should put ______________ for the job interview? (2 letters)
  693. When she interviews people, she on a very serious expression to see how they react. (4 letters)
  694. Sam put me ______________ a new barber and I got a new hairstyle. What do you think? (4 letters)
  695. It took the firemen over an hour to put ______________ the fire. (3 letters)
  696. Hold the line please. I’ll put you ______________ to Mr. Kim as soon as he’s free. (7 letters)
  697. She put her concept ______________ the marketing team, and they said it had potential. (2 letters)
  698. We need to put ______________ a top design team if we want to create the best products. (8 letters)
  699. If a company’s profits are falling, do you think it should put ______________ the prices it charges? (2 letters)
  700. I’m quitting because I can’t put ______________ our boss any longer. She’s driving me crazy! (4 letters)
  701. When you go to the post office, you’ll have to queue ______________ at a counter to buy stamps. (2 letters)
  702. The kids were talking loudly until the teacher came and told them to quieten ______________ (4 letters)
  703. Sanjaya has been raking ______________ the money since his business took off. (2 letters)
  704. While Christine was sick, her friends rallied ______________to help her. (5 letters)
  705. The monkey reached ______________ and grabbed the apple from my hand while I was eating it. (3 letters)
  706. My wife thinks I’m reading too much ______________ what Bob said about my work. (4 letters)
  707. The teacher reads ______________ her students’ names to check attendance in every class. (3 letters)
  708. I’m going to read up ______________ Chinese history before going there. (2 letters)
  709. While she was ill, Sue reflected ______________ how she’d treated her body and vowed to change. (2 letters)
  710. Our new accountant reminds me ______________ my cousin. They’re both quiet and serious. (2 letters)
  711. Miguel always does a good job, so you can rely ______________ him. (2 letters)
  712. After losing all his money at the casino, he resorted ______________ selling his watch to keep going. (2 letters)
  713. The coach’s new tactics worked well and resulted ______________ the team’s first win for a month. (2 letters)
  714. Life is slowly ______________ normal in the city after the worst floods in history. (2 letters)
  715. The coach’s new tactics didn’t work well, so the team reverted ______________ its old tactics. (2 letters)
  716. Some apartment owners rip their tenant’s ______________ by charging too much for electricity. (3 letters)
  717. Apple Corp will be rolling ______________ their new line of computers at the end of the month. (3 letters)
  718. Before you send the poster, roll it ______________ and put it into a mailing tube. (2 letters)
  719. The government has promised to root ______________ corrupt officials and punish them. (3 letters)
  720. More people are needed to join in the charity run, so rope ______________ as many as you can. (2 letters)
  721. As soon as they arrived, the new prisoners were roughed ______________ by the guards. (2 letters)
  722. If it’s $76.20, you can round it ______________ to $76.00. (4 letters)
  723. If it’s $86.90, you can round it ______________ to $87.00. (2 letters)
  724. Nora’s enthusiasm has rubbed ______________ on other workers and now everyone’s doing better. (3 letters)
  725. Tam will probably get the promotion, but don’t rule ______________ Joe. He’s got a good chance too. (3 letters)
  726. I ran ______________ an old friend at the gym yesterday. We hadn’t seen each for years. (6 letters)
  727. I threw a stick and my dog ran ______________ it and caught it in his mouth. (5 letters)
  728. Al Gore ran ______________ George W. Bush in the 2000 election. Bush won, didn’t he? (7 letters)
  729. Her son ran away ______________ home when he was 13, but he came back the next day. (4 letters)
  730. After I’d prepared my presentation, I ran it ______________ Bob and he told me what he thought. (2 letters)
  731. Does your boss get angry and run you ______________ whenever you make a mistake? (4 letters)
  732. A bus nearly ______________ me down while I was walking along the road. (3 letters)
  733. If you buy a new car, you’ll need to spend the first week or two running it ______________? (2 letters)
  734. While he was driving home, he took his eyes off the road and ______________ into the back of a bus. (3 letters)
  735. She ran ______________ her old teacher at the game and they had a quick chat before it started. (4 letters)
  736. Many companies ran ______________ financial difficulty when the value of the dollar dropped. (4 letters)
  737. Could you tell the photocopy guy to run ______________ sixty copies of this report? (3 letters)
  738. The accountant ran off ______________ the company’s money, but the police soon caught him. (4 letters)
  739. The meeting should have finished at 5.30, but it ran ______________ until 7.30. (2 letters)
  740. Could you run down to the store and get some milk? We’ve run ______________ (3 letters)
  741. The printer stopped because it had run out ______________ ink. (2 letters)
  742. While she was crossing the road, the old lady was nearly run ______________ by a bus. (4 letters)
  743. Let’s run ______________ the agenda before the meeting so we know what we’ll be doing. (7 letters)
  744. Whenever Rashid needs money, he runs ______________ his sister and asks her to help him out. (2 letters)
  745. It’s easy to run ______________ a very big bill if you’re ordering expensive drinks, so be careful. (2 letters)
  746. The production team ran up ______________ some problems in the new factory. (7 letters)
  747. When you’re making investment decisions, be sure you don’t rush ______________ anything. (4 letters)
  748. My son is saving ______________ for a new car, and he’s already got about $6,000. (2 letters)
  749. I was very lazy in university, but I always scraped ______________ my exams somehow. (7 letters)
  750. Sometimes the poor boy can’t even scrape ______________ enough money for his lunch. (8 letters)
  751. Jim’s already made a lot of mistakes, and if he screws ______________ again he might lose his job. (2 letters)
  752. I’m going to the travel agent to ______________ about booking tickets for our holiday. (3 letters)
  753. Does anyone know what Richard’s doing? I haven’t seen him ______________ for a few days. (6 letters)
  754. My family will come to see me ______________ at the airport when I leave for China. (3 letters)
  755. Nostradamus thought he could see ______________ the future and he made many predictions. (4 letters)
  756. She’s going to see ______________ the year in her current job, and then quit and travel for a while. (3 letters)
  757. Would you mind ______________ our guest out to his car when the meeting is over? (6 letters)
  758. We’ll see the job ______________ no matter how long it takes. (7 letters)
  759. Her parents will see her ______________ college, but she’ll be supporting herself after that. (7 letters)
  760. Don’t worry. I’ll see ______________ it that he gets your message. (2 letters)
  761. We were advised to seek ______________ the best lawyers we could find to defend our son. (3 letters)
  762. The bankrupt company had to ______________ off its assets to pay its debts. (4 letters)
  763. I went to the shop to buy some milk but they’d sold ______________, so I couldn’t get any. (3 letters)
  764. The camera I ordered arrived in the mail, but it was damaged so I sent it ______________? 4 letters)
  765. Why didn’t anyone send ______________ the fire brigade when the fire first started? (3 letters)
  766. The referee gave him a red card for a dangerous tackle and sent him ______________ (3 letters)
  767. We’re going to send ______________ ten thousand copies of our new catalog to our customers. (3 letters)
  768. Ken didn’t feel like cooking, so we sent out ______________ some pizza and salad instead. (3 letters)
  769. The new manager set ______________ the difficult task of saving the failing company. (5 letters)
  770. The war in Iraq set Shiite and Sunni Moslems ______________ each other and many died. (7 letters)
  771. Have you set ______________ enough money for your trip to India? (5 letters)
  772. The concert tickets set him ______________ about two hundred dollars. (4 letters)
  773. We need to set the details of our arrangement ______________ in writing so everything is clear. (4 letters)
  774. The rain looks like its set ______________ so I don’t think we’ll be playing tennis today. (2 letters)
  775. A bomb was set ______________ just as the prime minister was coming out of the building. (3 letters)
  776. We have to go a long way tomorrow, so we should set ______________ early in the morning. (3 letters)
  777. My brother set ______________ his own company when he was only 18 years old. (2 letters)
  778. Why don’t you ______________ up a meeting with our new clients? (3 letters)
  779. He travelled for years and didn’t settle ______________ and raise a family until he was nearly forty. (4 letters)
  780. Despite wanting more, the workers settled ______________ a $10 raise and ended their strike. (3 letters)
  781. The kids took a while to settle ______________ to their new school, but now they like it. (2 letters)
  782. At first they thought about going to India, but they settled ________ a trip to Italy instead. (2 letters)
  783. After winning the lottery, Jerry settled ____________________________ all his debts. (2 letters)
  784. David hurt his foot, but he shook it ______________ and played out the rest of the game. (3 letters)
  785. Even though she wasn’t hurt in the accident, she was really shaken ______________ by it. (2 letters)
  786. The new manager is going to shake things ______________ and try to save the company. (2 letters)
  787. Unless we shape ______________ and do better in our work, our boss said he’d have to fire us. (2 letters)
  788. One of our fighter jets was shot ______________ by the enemy. (4 letters)
  789. If you want to buy a new phone, shop ______________ to find the best price. (6 letters)
  790. Many guys at the gym love to show ______________ their big muscles. (3 letters)
  791. John was angry when his ex-wife showed ______________ at his party without being invited. (2 letters)
  792. The government tried to shut ______________ the illegal drugs trade. (4 letters)
  793. Before you try to fix the wiring, make sure you shut ______________ the power. (3 letters)
  794. Its too bright in here. Would you mind closing the curtains to shut ______________ the light? (3 letters)
  795. Their teacher got angry and told the noisy students to shut ______________ or get out. (2 letters)
  796. He shuts ______________ his shop and goes home at six o’clock every day. (2 letters)
  797. Jimmy claimed he was tricked by his manager into signing ______________ the rights to his music. (4 letters)
  798. I usually end my emails with ‘Best regards’. How do you usually sign ______________? (3 letters)
  799. He likes his job, so he’s signed ______________ for another one-year contract. (2 letters)
  800. The army is using TV commercials to get more people to sign ______________ and become soldiers. (2 letters)
  801. I’ll only sing a song if everyone else sings ______________ with me. (5 letters)
  802. When I heard I’d won a scholarship to Oxford University, it took a moment to sink ______________? (2 letters)
  803. I can’t just sit ______________ and do nothing while everybody else is working hard. (4 letters)
  804. They stood up while the judge came in, and then sat ______________? (4 letters)
  805. He couldn’t get to the meeting, so he asked his assistant to sit in ______________ him. (3 letters)
  806. Some trainee teachers sat ______________ on the class and watched as Steven taught his students. (2 letters)
  807. Since losing his job, Gino has just sat ______________ all day watching TV. (6 letters)
  808. I find musicals boring but my family wanted to see Cats so I took them and sat it ______________ (3 letters)
  809. Sit ______________ straight or you’ll have back problems when you get older. (2 letters)
  810. My grandma can size people ______________ as soon as she meets them, and she’s always right. (2 letters)
  811. In many societies it’s acceptable for men to sleep ______________ but not for women. (6 letters)
  812. My wife loves sleeping ______________ on Sundays. Sometimes she doesn’t get up until midday. (2 letters)
  813. Rashid’s being very careful with his work. If he slips ______________ again, he might lose his job. (2 letters)
  814. What should I say if a taxi driver is going too fast and I want him to slow ______________? (4 letters)
  815. I had a fight with my wife last night, but we soon smoothed things ______________ again. (4 letters)
  816. We went to a furniture sale and snapped ______________ some really good bargains. (2 letters)
  817. My accounts and financial statements are piling up. I really should sort them ______________ (3 letters)
  818. We can’t go home until we’ve ______________ out this problem. (6 letters)
  819. Jane’s sorting ______________ all the details for the meeting, like time, venue, agenda, and so on. (3 letters)
  820. George drank too much, so his friends tried to sober him ______________ with some black coffee. (2 letters)
  821. The attack on our team’s captain sparked ______________ a fight between the teams. (3 letters)
  822. I can’t speak ______________ the other teachers, but I think we need a more up-to-date textbook. (3 letters)
  823. If workers are cheated or treated badly, they should speak ______________ about it. (3 letters)
  824. I’m a little bit deaf. Could you ______________ up, please? (5 letters)
  825. If the company gets a big order, the workers must speed ______________ production in the factory. (2 letters)
  826. The teacher spelled ______________ the importance of learning phrasal verbs and idioms. (3 letters)
  827. Ken and Barbie have split ______________ after living together for twenty years. (2 letters)
  828. She spread the map ______________ on the floor and planned the route she’d follow the next day. (3 letters)
  829. He hoped to meet a nice girl at the party, so he had a shave and spruced himself ______________ (2 letters)
  830. The police sat in their car, staking ______________ the killer’s house in case he came back. (3 letters)
  831. Most governments have found it impossible to stamp ______________ the illegal drugs trade. (3 letters)
  832. Firemen stood ______________ in case the damaged plane caught fire. (2 letters)
  833. After being convicted, the president stood ______________ and the vice president took over. (4 letters)
  834. The letters U.K. stand ______________ United Kingdom. (3 letters)
  835. Our teacher’s sick, so another teacher is standing ______________ for her. (2 letters)
  836. He’s over 7 feet tall, so he really stands ______________ in a crowd. (3 letters)
  837. The teacher said she wouldn’t stand ______________ any more bad behavior. (3 letters)
  838. We always stand ______________ when the professor comes in. (2 letters)
  839. Which political party says they stand ______________ traditional family values? (3 letters)
  840. Her friends stood ______________ for her and said the mistake wasn’t her fault. (2 letters)
  841. My son wants to learn karate so he can stand up ______________ other boys who try to bully him. (2 letters)
  842. They started ______________ the concert with one of their biggest hit songs. (3 letters)
  843. Mr. Brown started ______________ as a junior salesman, but now he runs the company. (3 letters)
  844. How much money did he have when he started ______________ the company? (2 letters)
  845. My dog is in a bad mood today, so I’d stay ______________ from him if I were you. He might bite. (4 letters)
  846. His wife was so upset with him that she shut him ______________ of their bedroom. (3 letters)
  847. He loved Thailand so much that he decided to ______________ and look for a job there. (2 letters)
  848. If you hadn’t stayed ______________ late last night, you wouldn’t feel so tired today. (2 letters)
  849. Our old manager stepped ______________ after twenty years, and a new manager took over. (4 letters)
  850. The girls fought until their teacher stepped _______________ and stopped the fight. (2 letters)
  851. During the meeting, Nada and Ride stepped ______________ for a quick talk in private. (3 letters)
  852. After the bomb, the embassy stepped ______________ security and employed more guards. (2 letters)
  853. It takes time for a new business to succeed, so stick ______________ it and don’t give up too soon. (2 letters)
  854. They’ll stick ______________ the original plan and won’t change anything unless they’re told to. (2 letters)
  855. Jenny’s a good friend. She’ll stick ______________ you no matter what happen. (2 letters)
  856. Are you sure he had a gun? Did you really see one sticking out ______________ his pocket? (2 letters)
  857. When Sue was in Africa, her red hair and white skin made her stand ______________ in a crowd. (3 letters)
  858. Last month’s sales were good, so we’ll stick ______________ the marketing plan we used. (4 letters)
  859. The protest leaders stirred ______________ the crowd and made them start a fight with police. (2 letters)
  860. Floods are expected, so we’ll stock up ______________ food and water in case the shops run out. (2 letters)
  861. Can we stop ______________ a pharmacy on the way to the airport? I need some aspirin. (2 letters)
  862. On our way to London we’ll stop ______________ in Oxford and visit the university. (3 letters)
  863. Does the flight stop ______________ in Japan on the way to China? (4 letters)
  864. Gillian got really angry in the meeting and stood up and stormed ______________ of the room. (3 letters)
  865. The tax inspector wants a meeting to straighten ______________ a few details on our tax return. (3 letters)
  866. Last night we went to the beach and stripped ______________ and swam naked in the sea. (3 letters)
  867. The professor summed __________ her lecture, and then it was over. (2 letters)
  868. Are you sure you didn’t forget to switch ______________ the stove before you left the house? (3 letters)
  869. Don’t switch ______________ the power until you’re sure everyone has stopped work on the wiring. (2 letters)
  870. Our CD sales began falling last year, and this year they’ve tailed ______________ even more. (3 letters)
  871. He was taken ______________ by the news that he’d been promoted. He hadn’t expected it. (5 letters)
  872. Carlo takes ______________ his father more than his mother, both in looks and in personality. (5 letters)
  873. He took his bicycle ______________ did some repairs, and then put it back together again. (5 letters)
  874. The technician wanted to take the computer ______________ but we asked him to fix it here. (4 letters)
  875. Have you ______________ those books you borrowed back to the library yet? (5 letters)
  876. Before you paint the walls, please take ______________ the paintings and put them in the hall. (4 letters)
  877. He took me ______________ a fool and tried to sell me a fake gold necklace. (3 letters)
  878. Did you take ______________ what he said, or was it too difficult to understand? (2 letters)
  879. These pants are too big, so I’ll have to get my tailor to take them ______________ for me. (2 letters)
  880. Before you go into the temple, take ______________ your shoes. (3 letters)
  881. His family watched and waved as his plane ______________ off. (4 letters)
  882. After the movie was a hit, sales of the book it was based on took ______________? (3 letters)
  883. We don’t have enough workers, so we need to ______________ on several more. (4 letters)
  884. Linda’s too busy to take ______________ any more students at the moment. (2 letters)
  885. In this week’s Match of the Day, Chelsea is ______________ on Liverpool. (6 letters)
  886. Jenny wants to buy an apartment, so she’s taking ______________ a loan from the bank. (3 letters)
  887. Peter’s going to the dentist to have his rotten tooth ______________ out. (5 letters)
  888. Don’t forget that we’re taking Martina ______________ for lunch on her birthday. (3 letters)
  889. That game of squash I had after work took a lot out ______________ me. I’m really tired tonight. (2 letters)
  890. My father took ______________ golf after he retired from work, and now he plays nearly every day. (2 letters)
  891. The new manager will be taking ______________ from the current manager next week. (4 letters)
  892. After lunch, we’ll take the discussion ______________ again from where we left off. (2 letters)
  893. Jim gets angry at work, then goes home and takes it out ______________ his kids by yelling at them. (2 letters)
  894. They’re selling the dining table because it’s too big and takes ______________ too much room. (2 letters)
  895. The staff didn’t take ______________ their new boss at first, but they like her now. (2 letters)
  896. These pants are too long. I’ll have to get my tailor to take them ______________ (2 letters)
  897. Are you going to take Mike up ______________ his offer of a job? (2 letters)
  898. Jose’s mother tried to talk him ______________ of leaving school, but he wouldn’t listen to her. (3 letters)
  899. Billy gets into trouble for being rude at school and talking ______________ to his teachers. (4 letters)
  900. I hate the way she talks ______________ to poor people and acts as if she’s so superior to them. (4 letters)
  901. His mother talked him out ______________ joining the army because she was afraid he’d be killed. (2 letters)
  902. His father talked him ______________ going to university instead of getting a job. (4 letters)
  903. Before deciding on whether to take the job, he’ll talk it ______________ with his family. (7 letters)
  904. A shopping mall will be built after the church is torn ______________ (4 letters)
  905. After she’d read her ex-boyfriend’s letter, she tore it ______________ and threw away the pieces. (2 letters)
  906. When the bomb exploded, it tore the bus ______________ and killed everyone on board. (5 letters)
  907. The kittens all look the same to me. I can’t ______________ them apart. (4 letters)
  908. Our teacher used to tell us ______________ whenever we were late. (3 letters)
  909. How did she ______________ up all those amazing details in the Harry Potter books. (5 letters)
  910. The judge thought the case ______________ qaaw carefully before deciding on his verdict. (7 letters)
  911. He thought it ______________ for a few days before deciding to quit his job. (4 letters)
  912. I’ve been thinking ______________ moving to London to live. (2 letters)
  913. What else can we throw ______________ for free to make it a better deal for our customers? (2 letters)
  914. They got together to toss ______________ a few ideas on new directions in design. (6 letters)
  915. I can’t find yesterday’s newspaper. Did you throw it ______________? (3 letters)
  916. James drank too much wine and threw ______________ in the bathroom. (2 letters)
  917. Did Jim really get thrown ______________ of the club for getting drunk and starting a fight? (3 letters)
  918. She told her son he couldn’t go out until he’d tidied ______________ his room. (2 letters)
  919. Farmer Bob will ______________ the calf up with some rope and put it in the back of his truck. (3 letters)
  920. Most experts say you shouldn’t tie all your money ______________ in shares on the stock market. (2 letters)
  921. After seeing someone selling drugs near her school, Carlotta tipped ______________ the police. (3 letters)
  922. He used to swear a lot, but he stopped after his boss told him to down his language. (4 letters)
  923. He’ll be tied ______________ in meetings all day, but you can see him tomorrow. (2 letters)
  924. My phone has run out of pre-paid calls, so I’d better ______________ it up. (3 letters)
  925. A lot of interesting topics were touched ______________ in the discussion. (2 letters)
  926. They’re toying ______________ the idea of moving to a new town, but they haven’t decided yet. (4 letters)
  927. Did you track ______________ all the emails we’ve sent to our lawyer? (4 letters)
  928. You should try ______________ the jeans to make sure they fit before you buy them. (2 letters)
  929. Did you try the phone ______________ before you bought it to make sure it worked properly? (3 letters)
  930. Jimmy liked tuning ______________ to the jazz and blues stations on the radio when he was young. (2 letters)
  931. 62Fans usually turn ______________ athletes who are caught cheating by using steroids. (7 letters)
  932. 63Our company is struggling, but the new CEO says he’s going to turn things ______________ (6 letters)
  933. The restaurant turned him ______________ because he wasn’t wearing a jacket and a tie. (4 letters)
  934. Kate was offered a good job, but she turned it ______________ because she didn’t want to move. (4 letters)
  935. I’m really tired so I’m going to turn ______________. See you in the morning. (2 letters)
  936. The students couldn’t leave until they’d turned ______________ their exam papers. (2 letters)
  937. Turn ______________ the main road at the second set of traffic lights. (3 letters)
  938. Don‘t forget to turn the heater ______________ before you go to bed. (3 letters)
  939. Whoever gets to the office first has to turn ______________ the coffee machine. (2 letters)
  940. Are you sure you ______________ out the lights before you went to bed? (6 letters)
  941. The chocolate cake turned ______________ much better than we’d expected. It was delicious. (3 letters)
  942. Lots of people turned ______________ to see the parade. (3 letters)
  943. The new factory can turn ______________ a thousand computers a day. (3 letters)
  944. After a minute or two, turn the egg ______________ and cook the other side. (4 letters)
  945. He ______________ up an hour late and the meeting was already over. (6 letters)
  946. 77I can’t hear the TV. Could you turn it ______________ a bit, please? (2 letters)
  947. My dentist was running late, so I had to wait ______________ for ages before seeing her. (6 letters)
  948. The waiter who was waiting ______________ table 7 was in trouble after a complaint about service. (2 letters)
  949. He told his wife he’d be working late that night and not to bother waiting ______________ for him. (2 letters)
  950. Because his alarm clock didn’t go off, Bill didn’t wake ______________ until 10 o’clock this morning. (2 letters)
  951. People say you walked out ______________ your first family and haven’t supported them? Is it true? (2 letters)
  952. Some businesses failed, but most were able to ward ______________ the effects of the recession. (3 letters)
  953. The food was cold by the time I got home, so I ______________ it up in the oven. (6 letters)
  954. Before the game, they did some stretches and then ran around a bit to warm ______________ (2 letters)
  955. His comic strip was too controversial, so it had to be watered ______________ for newspapers. (4 letters)
  956. We had pasta with salad for lunch and washed it ______________ with a nice white wine. (4 letters)
  957. A rain storm came and washed ______________ the game, so it’ll be played tomorrow instead. (3 letters)
  958. Your mum cooked the meal, I paid for the food, so who should wash ______________ the dishes? (2 letters)
  959. Your hands are dirty, so you’d better go to the bathroom and wash ______________ before dinner. (2 letters)
  960. Watch ______________! The bus isn’t stopping, so get out of the way! (3 letters)
  961. Jim didn’t want to get drunk, so he watered ______________ his beer. (4 letters)
  962. It was a really stressful job and the work wore me ______________ After six months I had to quit. (4 letters)
  963. He had a bad hangover this morning, but it’s worn ______________ now and he feels a lot better. (3 letters)
  964. I bought new running shoes because my old ones had worn ______________ (3 letters)
  965. The government is trying to weed _______________corrupt officials and charge them. (3 letters)
  966. He felt weighed ______________ by all his responsibilities, but he knew he had to go on. (4 letters)
  967. After listening to the discussion for a while, Sam weighed ______________ with an opinion of his own. (2 letters)
  968. The members of the jury ______________ up all the evidence before coming to a decision. (7 letters)
  969. Movie publicists have many ways of whipping ______________ excitement about their new movies. (2 letters)
  970. Joe lost money playing cards. He tried to win it ______________ but ended up losing even more. (4 letters)
  971. At first she wasn’t interested, but Ken eventually won her ______________ and they went on a date. (4 letters)
  972. After a hard day’s work, he goes to the pub to wind ______________ and relax with his friends. (4 letters)
  973. If he keeps building up his business, he’ll wind ______________ being a millionaire. (2 letters)
  974. It was getting late, so the chairman wound the meeting ______________ and everyone went home. (2 letters)
  975. The government is trying to wipe the drugs trade ______________ but it’s very difficult to do. (3 letters)
  976. The hurricane was so destructive that it ______________ out many small towns on the coast. (5 letters)
  977. After weight-related illnesses, Mary wised ______________ and began to eat less and exercise more. (2 letters)
  978. After putting on weight, Mark decided to lose it by working ______________ at the gym every day. (3 letters)
  979. Mark’s plan to lose weight didn’t ______________ out too well. He hurt his back lifting weights. (4 letters)
  980. They couldn’t get a bank loan, so they had to work ______________ another way to get the money. (3 letters)
  981. We found some nice paper and used it to ______________ up Jill’s birthday present. (4 letters)
  982. After wrapping ______________ the company’s biggest deal ever, the staff went out to celebrate. (2 letters)
  983. Peter wrote the address ______________ on a piece of paper and gave it to the messenger. (4 letters)
  984. They asked their accountant to look into writing ______________ the company’s bad debts. (3 letters)
  985. The policeman wrote ______________ a speeding ticket and then I drove off, slowly. (3 letters)
  986. She spent a few days collecting the information and then quickly wrote ______________ her report. (2 letters)
  987. While she was away, she yearned ______________ the cozy feeling of being in her own bed. (3 letters)
  988. Their teacher got mad because the kids were yelling ______________ and being noisy in class. (3 letters)
  989. Police hunted for members of the mafia, hoping to zero in ______________ their boss and arrest him. (2 letters)
  990. Harry was very embarrassed when he realized he hadn’t zipped ______________ his fly. (2 letters)
  991. The messenger zips ______________ on his bicycle and makes a living while keeping fit. (6 letters)
  992. Before taking the picture, the photographer zoomed ______________ on the boy’s face. (2 letters)
  993. If the text looks too big on your screen, zoom ______________ and it’ll get smaller. (3 letters)

Correct Answers –

  1. for
  2. act
  3. on
  4. acting
  5. to
  6. up
  7. add
  8. at
  9. allow
  10. to
  11. back
  12. for
  13. appeal
  14. apply
  15. at
  16. asked
  17. ask
  18. out
  19. ask
  20. to
  21. attend
  22. out
  23. down
  24. out
  25. of
  26. up
  27. up
  28. bail
  29. out
  30. on
  31. based
  32. bear
  33. down
  34. up
  35. down
  36. up
  37. of
  38. up
  39. with
  40. in
  41. to
  42. on
  43. out
  44. blacked
  45. out
  46. up
  47. blew
  48. out
  49. over
  50. up
  51. blow
  52. back
  53. out
  54. over
  55. branch
  56. away
  57. broke
  58. down
  59. down
  60. in
  61. on
  62. into
  63. off
  64. out
  65. off
  66. in
  67. out
  68. of
  69. up
  70. broke
  71. breaking
  72. up
  73. about
  74. along
  75. around
  76. to
  77. brought
  78. down
  79. forward
  80. in
  81. off
  82. on
  83. out
  84. up
  85. on
  86. for
  87. build
  88. up / on
  89. into
  90. down
  91. out
  92. in
  93. bought
  94. up
  95. call
  96. for
  97. off
  98. on
  99. calls
  100. out
  101. up
  102. down
  103. care
  104. for
  105. on
  106. carry
  107. on
  108. out
  109. on
  110. caught
  111. up
  112. with
  113. on
  114. with
  115. to
  116. change
  117. over
  118. with
  119. up
  120. up
  121. out
  122. in
  123. into
  124. on
  125. of
  126. out
  127. over
  128. through
  129. on
  130. up
  131. out
  132. chop
  133. up
  134. down
  135. clean / clear
  136. off
  137. out
  138. up
  139. clearing
  140. up
  141. to
  142. up
  143. down
  144. in
  145. around
  146. with
  147. about
  148. across
  149. as
  150. along
  151. come
  152. apart
  153. around
  154. away
  155. to
  156. around
  157. by
  158. down
  159. with
  160. from
  161. in
  162. comes
  163. into
  164. for
  165. of
  166. off
  167. on
  168. coming
  169. out
  170. out
  171. out / off
  172. come
  173. over
  174. through
  175. for
  176. to
  177. under
  178. comes
  179. up
  180. against
  181. to
  182. up
  183. with
  184. to
  185. with
  186. of
  187. out
  188. to
  189. up
  190. cool
  191. off
  192. out
  193. to
  194. up
  195. on
  196. up
  197. do
  198. for
  199. counted
  200. in
  201. out
  202. count
  203. up
  204. down
  205. up
  206. out
  207. up
  208. out
  209. on
  210. up
  211. out / off
  212. around
  213. cried
  214. for
  215. in
  216. up
  217. across
  218. back
  219. on
  220. back/down
  221. down
  222. off
  223. out
  224. out
  225. for
  226. up
  227. on
  228. in
  229. deal
  230. with
  231. against
  232. on
  233. depend
  234. on
  235. from
  236. to
  237. down
  238. for
  239. out / off
  240. dig
  241. into
  242. of
  243. up
  244. about
  245. away
  246. up
  247. up
  248. with
  249. without
  250. off
  251. on
  252. upon
  253. up
  254. of
  255. up / of
  256. out
  257. by
  258. drop
  259. off
  260. drop
  261. out
  262. up
  263. down
  264. eat
  265. into
  266. out
  267. up
  268. on
  269. on
  270. up
  271. with
  272. in
  273. into
  274. to
  275. up
  276. to
  277. face
  278. with
  279. in
  280. apart
  281. back
  282. behind
  283. for
  284. off
  285. out
  286. over / down
  287. through
  288. for
  289. off
  290. back
  291. off
  292. on
  293. out
  294. out
  295. fill
  296. in
  297. on
  298. out
  299. up
  300. out
  301. off
  302. up
  303. with
  304. up
  305. in
  306. together
  307. up
  308. up
  309. out
  310. up
  311. through
  312. in
  313. on
  314. up
  315. around
  316. up
  317. up
  318. as
  319. to
  320. get
  321. across
  322. getting
  323. ahead
  324. along
  325. with
  326. around
  327. get
  328. around
  329. to
  330. at
  331. away
  332. with
  333. back
  334. at
  335. to
  336. back
  337. by
  338. without
  339. down
  340. to
  341. in
  342. in
  343. into
  344. off
  345. off
  346. get
  347. over
  348. on / in
  349. off
  350. with
  351. on
  352. with
  353. onto
  354. of
  355. out
  356. over
  357. over
  358. through
  359. to
  360. through
  361. to
  362. up
  363. got
  364. to
  365. gives
  366. away
  367. back
  368. in / up
  369. in
  370. off
  371. out
  372. gives
  373. up
  374. to
  375. give
  376. about
  377. against
  378. ahead
  379. along
  380. away
  381. goes / went
  382. on
  383. by
  384. down
  385. with
  386. for
  387. going
  388. for
  389. to
  390. off
  391. goes / went
  392. off
  393. on
  394. going
  395. out
  396. out
  397. over
  398. went
  399. through
  400. gone / been
  401. with
  402. together
  403. down
  404. under
  405. up
  406. with
  407. without
  408. grown
  409. on
  410. up
  411. against
  412. back
  413. down
  414. in
  415. on
  416. out
  417. over / back
  418. around
  419. on
  420. out
  421. up
  422. to
  423. on
  424. over
  425. got
  426. back
  427. off
  428. up
  429. from
  430. of
  431. out
  432. away
  433. back
  434. on
  435. back
  436. hold
  437. down
  438. on
  439. to
  440. on
  441. up
  442. up
  443. hook
  444. down
  445. up
  446. with
  447. on
  448. on
  449. on
  450. from
  451. on
  452. insisted
  453. in
  454. in / up
  455. over
  456. in
  457. out
  458. for
  459. in
  460. jacked
  461. up
  462. in
  463. up
  464. down
  465. up
  466. at
  467. in
  468. out
  469. over
  470. at
  471. away
  472. from
  473. back / down
  474. down
  475. from
  476. from
  477. in
  478. off
  479. on
  480. out
  481. out
  482. of
  483. kept
  484. to
  485. under
  486. up
  487. with
  488. up
  489. in
  490. around
  491. back
  492. off
  493. out
  494. together
  495. around
  496. down
  497. around
  498. back
  499. out
  500. down
  501. off
  502. out
  503. as
  504. for
  505. of
  506. down
  507. up
  508. out
  509. onto
  510. off
  511. into
  512. aside
  513. down
  514. into
  515. off
  516. out
  517. around
  518. off
  519. to
  520. up
  521. on
  522. lay
  523. at
  524. behind
  525. in
  526. out
  527. left
  528. over
  529. to
  530. up
  531. let
  532. in
  533. on
  534. off
  535. off
  536. out
  537. of
  538. up
  539. down
  540. up
  541. up
  542. lit
  543. up
  544. in
  545. down
  546. off
  547. on
  548. through
  549. to
  550. up
  551. away
  552. up
  553. onto / into
  554. off / out
  555. for
  556. look
  557. around
  558. at
  559. back
  560. down
  561. for
  562. forward
  563. into
  564. upon
  565. out
  566. for
  567. over
  568. through
  569. up
  570. up
  571. to
  572. out
  573. out
  574. in
  575. into
  576. of
  577. of
  578. out
  579. up
  580. making
  581. for
  582. out
  583. down
  584. up
  585. to
  586. up
  587. with
  588. about
  589. up
  590. out
  591. for
  592. up
  593. in
  594. into
  595. with
  596. on
  597. out
  598. over / down
  599. through
  600. at
  601. down
  602. after
  603. down
  604. off
  605. around
  606. up
  607. down
  608. among
  609. to
  610. to
  611. up
  612. for
  613. out
  614. around
  615. in
  616. up
  617. up
  618. away
  619. in
  620. up
  621. packed
  622. out
  623. away
  624. by
  625. off
  626. on
  627. out
  628. up
  629. patch
  630. down
  631. pay
  632. back
  633. into
  634. off
  635. paid
  636. out / off
  637. up
  638. up
  639. in
  640. out
  641. on
  642. out
  643. up
  644. from
  645. on
  646. together
  647. up
  648. down
  649. down
  650. in
  651. ahead
  652. around
  653. down
  654. up
  655. plays
  656. in
  657. out
  658. to
  659. off
  660. up
  661. into
  662. out
  663. in
  664. up
  665. for
  666. back
  667. down
  668. in / up
  669. in
  670. off
  671. out
  672. over
  673. through
  674. together
  675. up
  676. around
  677. through
  678. across
  679. aside
  680. away
  681. back
  682. down
  683. to
  684. forward
  685. puts
  686. in
  687. putting
  688. for
  689. off
  690. off
  691. off
  692. on
  693. puts
  694. onto
  695. out
  696. through
  697. to
  698. together
  699. up
  700. with
  701. up
  702. down
  703. in
  704. round
  705. out
  706. into
  707. out
  708. on
  709. on
  710. of
  711. on
  712. to
  713. in
  714. to
  715. to
  716. off
  717. out
  718. up
  719. out
  720. in
  721. up
  722. down
  723. up
  724. off
  725. out
  726. across
  727. after
  728. against
  729. from
  730. by
  731. down
  732. ran
  733. in
  734. ran
  735. into
  736. into
  737. off
  738. with
  739. on
  740. out
  741. of
  742. over / down
  743. through
  744. to
  745. up
  746. against
  747. into
  748. up
  749. through
  750. together
  751. up
  752. see
  753. around
  754. off
  755. into
  756. out
  757. seeing
  758. through
  759. through
  760. to
  761. out
  762. sell
  763. out
  764. back
  765. for
  766. off
  767. out
  768. for
  769. about
  770. against
  771. aside
  772. back
  773. down
  774. in
  775. off
  776. off / out
  777. up
  778. set
  779. down
  780. for
  781. in
  782. on
  783. up
  784. off
  785. up
  786. up
  787. up
  788. down
  789. around
  790. off
  791. up
  792. down
  793. off
  794. out
  795. up
  796. up
  797. away
  798. off
  799. on
  800. up
  801. along
  802. in
  803. back / down
  804. down
  805. for
  806. in
  807. around
  808. out
  809. up
  810. up
  811. around
  812. in
  813. up
  814. down
  815. over
  816. up
  817. out
  818. sorted
  819. out
  820. up
  821. off
  822. for
  823. out
  824. speak
  825. up
  826. out
  827. up
  828. out
  829. up
  830. out
  831. out
  832. by
  833. down
  834. for
  835. in
  836. out
  837. for
  838. up
  839. for
  840. up
  841. to
  842. off
  843. out / off
  844. up
  845. away
  846. out
  847. on
  848. up
  849. down
  850. in
  851. out
  852. up
  853. at / to
  854. to
  855. by
  856. of
  857. out
  858. with
  859. up
  860. on
  861. by
  862. off
  863. over
  864. out
  865. out
  866. off
  867. up
  868. off
  869. on
  870. off
  871. aback
  872. after
  873. apart
  874. away / back
  875. taken
  876. down
  877. for
  878. in
  879. in
  880. off
  881. took
  882. off
  883. take
  884. on
  885. taking
  886. out
  887. taken
  888. out
  889. of
  890. up / to
  891. over
  892. up
  893. on
  894. up
  895. to
  896. up
  897. on
  898. out
  899. back
  900. down
  901. of
  902. into
  903. through
  904. down
  905. up
  906. apart
  907. tell
  908. off
  909. think
  910. through
  911. over
  912. of
  913. in
  914. around
  915. out
  916. up
  917. out
  918. up
  919. tie
  920. up
  921. off
  922. tone
  923. up
  924. top
  925. on
  926. with
  927. down
  928. on
  929. out
  930. in
  931. against
  932. around
  933. away / down
  934. down
  935. in
  936. in
  937. off
  938. off
  939. on
  940. turned
  941. out
  942. out
  943. out
  944. over
  945. turned
  946. up
  947. Around
  948. on
  949. up
  950. up
  951. on
  952. off
  953. warmed
  954. up
  955. down
  956. down
  957. out
  958. up
  959. up
  960. out
  961. down
  962. down
  963. off
  964. out
  965. out
  966. down
  967. in
  968. weighed
  969. up
  970. back
  971. over
  972. down
  973. up
  974. up
  975. out
  976. wiped
  977. up
  978. out
  979. work
  980. out
  981. wrap
  982. up
  983. down
  984. off
  985. out
  986. up
  987. for
  988. out
  989. on
  990. up
  991. around
  992. in
  993. out
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