100 Useful Books to Read Before You Die

100 Useful Books Eduhyme

From the best science books to the best fiction books, there are so many excellent titles collected in libraries and bookstores around the world.

So how do you know when one belongs among the best books to read of all time? Well, we believe the best books open our minds to new characters, points of view, and worlds. They stay with us long after the last page is read. They make us want to share them with everyone.

Not sure what to read and what to buy? Consider our collection of books to read before you die for your literary bucket list.

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The greatest books are not called classics for nothing. Written by the best literary minds, these below listed books have a universal theme, interesting characters, experiences, perspective, and emotions that are still relevant until today. Some of the ultimate and best interesting books to read have inspired modern fiction in many ways.

From prize-winning books to controversial classics that got everyone talking – these are the top 100 books to read at least once in your life.

  1. David Copperfield – Charles Dickens
  2. Hamlet – William Shakespeare
  3. The Rime of the Ancient Mariner – Samuel Taylor Coleridge
  4. Das Capital – Karl Mark
  5. Animal Farm – George Orwell
  6. Dialogues – Plato
  7. Tempest – William Shakespeare
  8. Main Kemp – Ad loaf Hitler
  9. Mother – Maxim Gorky
  10. As You Like it – William Shakespeare
  11. Paradise Lost – John Milton
  12. The Tale of Two Cities – Charles Dickens
  13. The Merchant of Venice – William Shakespeare
  14. Pride and Prejudice – Jane Austen
  15. All’s Well that Ends Well – William Shakespeare
  16. Anna Karenina – Leo Tolstoy
  17. Origin of Species – Charles Darwin
  18. Discovery of India – Jawahar Lal Nehru
  19. Asian Drama – Gunner Myrdal
  20. The Old Man and The Sea – Earnest Hemingway
  21. Julius Caesar – William Shakespeare
  22. Man and Superman – George Bernard Shaw
  23. War and Peace – Leo Tolstoy
  24. Gulliver’s Travels – Jonathan Swift
  25. Heaven and Earth – Lord Byron
  26. Blue Bird – Lord Alfred Tennyson
  27. Othello – William Shakespeare
  28. India Wins Freedom – Abul Kalam Azad
  29. Marriage and Moral – Bertrand Russell
  30. God of the Small Things – Arundhuty Roy
  31. Caesar and Cleopatra – George Bernard
  32. Romeo and Juliet – William Shakespeare
  33. Jungle Book – Rudyard Kipling
  34. Lycidas – John Milton
  35. Emma – Jane Austen
  36. A pair of Blue Eyes – Thomas Hardy
  37. Odyssey – Homer
  38. Memories of the Second World War – Winston Churchill
  39. For Whom the Bell Tolls – Earnest Hemingway
  40. Wealth of Nations – Adam Smith
  41. West Land – T.S Eliot
  42. Vanity Fair – W.M Thackeray
  43. Prince – Machiavelli
  44. Republic – Plato
  45. Freedom – Bertrand Russell
  46. A Long Walk to Freedom – Nelson Mandela
  47. Robinson Crusoe – Daniel Defoe
  48. Sons and Lovers, The Rainbow – D.H Lawrence
  49. Ulysses – Lord Alfred Tennyson
  50. Sense and Sensibility – Jane Austen
  51. Roots – Alex Haley
  52. To Skylark – P. B Shelly
  53. Time Machine – H. W Wells
  54. Try and Try Again – W.E Hick son
  55. Seven Seas – Rudyard Kipling
  56. Around the World in Eighty Days- Jules Verne
  57. Waiting For Goddot – Samuel Becket
  58. Things Fall Apart – Chinua Achebe
  59. Silent Women – Ben Johnson
  60. Wuthering Heights – Emile Bronte
  61. The Way of the World – William Congreve
  62. Voyage of Lilliput – Jonathon Swift
  63. Top Secret – Henry Fielding
  64. Twelfth Night – William Shakespeare
  65. Utopia – Sir Thomas Moore
  66. Tom Jones – Henry Fielding
  67. The Return of the Native – Thomas Hardy
  68. The Alchemist – Ben Jonson
  69. Tess of t D’Urbervilles – Thomas Hardy
  70. Scholar Gipsy – Matthew Arnold
  71. The Rape of the Lock – Alexander Pope
  72. Prelude – William Wordsworth
  73. Ode to the West Wind – P.B Shelly
  74. Great Expectations – Charles Dickens
  75. King Lear – William Shakespeare
  76. Kublai Khan – Samuel Taylor Coleridge
  77. Isabella – John Keats
  78. Measure and Measure – William Shakespeare
  79. In Memoriam – Lord Alfred Tennyson
  80. Pilgrim’s Progress – John Bunyan
  81. Oliver Twist – Charles Dickens
  82. Paradise Regained – John Milton
  83. Iliad – Homer
  84. Divine Comedy – Dante
  85. Crime and Punishment – Dostoevsky
  86. A Brief History Of Time – Stephen Hawking
  87. A Farewell to Arms – Earnest Hemingway
  88. A Midsummer’s Nights Dream – William Shakespeare
  89. Adonis – P. B Shelly
  90. Akbar Nama – Abul Fazal
  91. Canterbury Tales – Geoffrey Chaucer
  92. Comedy of Errors – William Shakespeare
  93. Don Juan – Lord Byron
  94. Dr. Faustus – Christopher Marlowe
  95. Politics – Aristotle
  96. Volpone – Ben Jonson
  97. Dictionary – Samuel Johnson
  98. A Passage to India – E. M. Forster
  99. Macbeth – William Shakespeare
  100. Samson Agonists – John Milton
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