Simple Past Tense Sentences – Fill In The Blanks With Answers

simple past tense eduhyme

The simple past is a verb tense that is used to talk about things that happened or existed before now. The simple past tense shows that you are talking about something that has already happened. You can also use the simple past to talk about a past state of being, such as the way someone felt about something.

In other words, it started in the past and ended in the past.


  • I ate a pizza yesterday.
  • Alex baked a cake.

Fill in the blanks using the verb given in the bracket to form Simple Past Tense Sentences.

  1. He __________ (walk) to school yesterday.
  2. They __________ (do) their homework last night.
  3. You __________ (are) lazy last week.
  4. That woman __________ (buy) a new book this morning.
  5. The monitor __________ (clean) the blackboard yesterday.
  6. My mother __________ (cook) food yesterday.
  7. This morning my teacher __________ (teach) English.
  8. I __________ (am) hungry yesterday.
  9. The gardener __________ (cut) the trees last month.
  10. She __________ (drink) milk this morning.
  11. Last month the man __________ (ride) a horse.
  12. Vinay __________ (go) to Hong Kong last year.
  13. The birds __________ (fly) in the sky this morning.
  14. I __________ (know) Varun’s house last year.
  15. The joiner __________ (make) tables and chairs yesterday.
  16. 1166.. The farmer __________ (grow) rice last year.
  17. Two weeks ago the boy __________ (has) a new bicycle.
  18. He __________ (feel) happy yesterday.
  19. We __________ (work) hard last week.
  20. The students __________ (meet) in the hall last week.
  21. Last year I __________ (go) to England on holiday.
  22. It __________ (be) fantastic.
  23. I __________ (visit) lots of interesting places. I was with two friends of mine .
  24. In the mornings we __________ (walk) on the streets of London.
  25. In the evenings we __________ (go) to pubs.
  26. The weather __________ (be) strangely fine.
  27. It __________ (not / rain) a lot.
  28. But we __________ (see) some beautiful rainbows.
  29. Where __________ (spend / you) your last holiday?
  30. Ashok __________ (write) a letter yesterday.
  31. The girls __________ (draw) a rangoli.
  32. Where did he __________ (put) his bag?
  33. We did not __________ (like) the movie.
  34. Anuj __________ (throw) his books angrily.
  35. Whom did you __________ (give) your money?
  36. Mrs Shah __________ (sell) this house last year.
  37. The servant __________ (burn) his finger last night.
  38. Did you __________ (ask) your father?
  39. Meena __________ (meet) her friend last week.
  40. They __________ (visit) the zoo last Sunday.
  41. Aman __________ (shut) the door.
  42. Shailesh __________ (help) his friends.
  43. Diya __________ (cook) good food.
  44. Dhwani __________ (learn) German language.

Answers –

  1. walked
  2. did
  3. were
  4. bought
  5. cleaned
  6. cooked
  7. taught
  8. was
  9. cut
  10. drank
  11. rode
  12. went
  13. flew
  14. knew
  15. made
  16. grew
  17. had
  18. felt
  19. worked
  20. met
  21. went
  22. was
  23. visited
  24. walked
  25. went
  26. was
  27. did not rain
  28. saw
  29. did you spend
  30. wrote
  31. drew
  32. put
  33. like
  34. threw
  35. give
  36. sold
  37. burnt
  38. ask
  39. met
  40. visited
  41. shut
  42. helped
  43. cooked
  44. learnt
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