Idioms and Phrases – 50 MCQ Questions with Answers

Idioms and Phrases Eduhyme

Idioms and phrases are an integral part of language. They add depth and color to our conversations, making our communication more engaging and expressive. Whether you are preparing for competitive exams or simply looking to enhance your language skills, understanding idioms and phrases is essential.

To help you test your knowledge in this area, we have compiled a list of multiple-choice questions (MCQs) on idioms and phrases along with their answers. Let’s dive in!

(1) The failure of crops in successive years put the farmers in a tight corner.

(1) In a closed room
(2) In a small filed
(3) In a difficult situation
(4) In a meadow

(2) The effort to trace the culprit was a wild goose chase.

(1) Fruitful hunting
(2) Futile search
(3) Ideal seeking
(4) Genuine effort

(3) The story does not hold water.

(1) Does not deserve appreciation
(2) Does not fulfil the requirements
(3) Cannot be believed
(4) Cannot be valued

(4) Raj couldn’t pay the bill, so he asked the owner to put it on the cuff.

(1) On credit
(2) Against his credit card
(3) In his bank account
(4) In his friend’s account

(5) His statement is out and out a lie.

(1) Totally
(2) Simply
(3) Merely
(4) Slightly

(6) The luxury car that they bought turned out to be a white elephant.

(1) A rare article
(2) Useful mode of transport
(3) Costly or troublesome possession
(4) A proud possession

(7) If you are fair and square in your work, you will definitely prosper.

(1) Active
(2) Honest
(3) Business like
(4) Authoritative

(8) There is no love lost between any two neighbouring countries in the world.

(1) Stop loving
(2) Not on good terms
(3) Forming a group
(4) Have good understanding

(9) The heavy downpour played havoc in the coastal area.

(1) Caused destruction
(2) Caused diseases
(3) Caused floods
(4) Caused hardship

(10) To have a green thumb means

(1) One’s nails are painted green
(2) One is artistic
(3) To have a natural interest in gardening
(4) One has a green tattoo on the thumb

(11) He went on sowing wild oats, he reaped suffering in his later life.

(1) Inviting troubles as a boy
(2) Warning others as a young man
(3) Irresponsible pleasure seeking in young age
(4) Sowing grains called oats when young

(12) I don’t know why she has become stand-offish recently.

(1) Angry
(2) Hilarious
(3) Indifferent
(4) Unmanageable

(13) Why don’t you put an end to blowing your own trumpet?

(1) Playing your own trumpet to produce music
(2) Making too much noise
(3) Praising your own abilities and achievements
(4) None of the above

(14) I knew he had an axe to grind and turned down his offer of help.

(1) A blunt axe
(2) A sharp tongue
(3) A private interest to serve
(4) A tendency to fight

(15) The saint’s life was an open book.

(1) An uncomplicated one
(2) One that held no secrets
(3) An example to all
(4) An interesting biography

(16) Reading between the lines I realized that my friend wanted to keep something from me.

(1) Looking for meanings that are not actually expressed.
(2) Reading carelessly
(3) Reading with anxiety
(4) Glancing over the lines

(17) Sometimes, it happens that we have to give the devil his due.

(1) To give credit to even a notorious person
(2) To give encouragement even to the friend
(3) To invite the devil
(4) To stand in the way of the devil

(18) The king had been made to eat humble pie.

(1) To eat slowly
(2) To have an excellent dish
(3) To eat a good pie
(4) To have to apologise

(19) He has a very nice manner, but you would better take what he says with a grain of salt.

(1) To listen to something with considerable doubt
(2) To talk sensibly
(3) To criticise
(4) To complement

(20) Gopi works by fits and starts.

(1) Consistently
(2) Irregularly
(3) In high spirits
(4) Enthusiastically

(21) I can not put up with your misconduct any longer.

(1) Excuse
(2) Refuse
(3) Accept
(4) Tolerate

(22) I did not mind what he was saying, he was only talking through his hat.

(1) Talking nonsense
(2) Talking ignorantly
(3) Talking irresponsibly
(4) Talking insultingly

(23) He is so furious that he would go through fire and water to revenge himself on his foe.

(1) Approach everybody for help
(2) Avail himself of any opportunity
(3) Use any conceivable method
(4) Undergo any risk

(24) The watchdogs were asleep when the bulls ran riot.

(1) Behaved cleverly
(2) Acted without restraint
(3) Wandered aimlessly
(4) Had the best of time

(25) In spite of the immense pressure exerted by the militants, the government has decided not to give in.

(1) Accede
(2) Yield
(3) Oblige
(4) Confirm

(26) The young boy and the old one sat cheek by jowl in the large audience.

(1) Very near
(2) Very far
(3) Tongue tied
(4) Irritated

(27) We wanted to keep the gift as a surprise for mother but my sister gave the game away.

(1) Lost the game
(2) Gave out the secret
(3) Played badly
(4) Withdrew from the game

(28) I don’t think the law will interfere with us as we are just trying to turn an honest penny.

(1) Make a legitimate living
(2) Make a good living
(3) Have dealings in white money
(4) Become more honest

(29) At one’s wit’s end

(1) To work hard
(2) To be intelligent
(3) To get puzzled
(4) To be stupid

(30) To take someone to task

(1) To scold someone
(2) To assign work to someone
(3) To take someone to his place of work
(4) To praise someone for the work done

(31) To face the music

(1) To be greeted rudely
(2) To be offered warm hospitality
(3) To enjoy a music programme
(4) To bear the consequences

(32) To run one down

(1) To be in a hurry
(2) To be weak and tired
(3) To disparage someone
(4) To run down a lane

(33) At snail’s pace

(1) To do things very slowly
(2) To walk like a snail
(3) To lack interest in work
(4) To do things in methodical manner

(34) To turn a deaf ear

(1) To be hard of hearing
(2) To be indifferent
(3) To be attentive
(4) To be obstinate

(35) To have something up one’s sleeves

(1) Having a practical plan
(2) Having an important project
(3) Having an ambitious plan
(4) Having a secret plan

(36) To end in smoke

(1) To have a smoking session
(2) To be on fire
(3) To come to nothing
(4) To burn slowly

(37) As the bomb exploded people ran helter-skelter.

(1) In great fear
(2) In disorderly haste
(3) In haste
(4) In great sorrow

(38) He was progressing by leaps and bounds because of his hard work.

(1) Rapidly
(2) Slowly
(3) Peacefully
(4) strongly

(39) Our founder had done a Herculean task by constructing this great educational institution.

(1) A work of no worth
(2) On effortless job
(3) A work requiring very great effort
(4) A work requiring very great intelligence

(40) My close friend got the sack from his first job recently.

(1) Resigned
(2) Got rid of
(3) Was demoted from
(4) Was dismissed from

(41) She is a fair weather friend.

(1) A good friend
(2) A friend who meets difficulties calmly
(3) One who deserts you in difficulties
(4) A favourable friend

(42) After independence Indian agriculture rose like a phoenix due to the Green Revolution.

(1) With a new life
(2) With a start
(3) With royal gait
(4) With vengeance

(43) His failure at the election has been a sore point with him for a long time.

(1) Something which hurts
(2) Something that brings fear to
(3) Something memorable for
(4) Something pleasurable to

(44) To emerge out of thin air means to

(1) Appear suddenly
(2) Descend gradually
(3) Fall down quickly
(4) Enter from space

(45) The green eyed monster strikes a woman the moment she sees her husband talking to another pretty woman.

(1) Anger
(2) Hatred
(3) Envy
(4) Jealousy

(46) He expects his subordinates to be always at his beck and call.

(1) Ready to take a rest
(2) Ready to enjoy
(3) Ready to do something
(4) Ready to sit

(47) To weigh up the pros and cons is to

(1) Measure the ingredient
(2) Observe etiquette
(3) Consider all facts
(4) Postpone action

(48) The passing of anti-defection law struck a chill to the heart of every opportunistic legislator.

(1) Caused anger
(2) Caused relief
(3) Aroused fear
(4) Awakened bitterness

(49) He has a bone to pick with his cousin.

(1) Reasonable agreement
(2) Cause of quarrel
(3) Cause of doubt
(4) Difference of opinion

(50) Many young artists were dropping names at the party to impress the gathering.

(1) Talking proudly about their family members
(2) Using pet names
(3) Hinting at high connections
(4) Talking informally

Correct Answers:-

  1. Ans 1– (3)
  2. Ans 2– (2)
  3. Ans 3– (3)
  4. Ans 4- (1)
  5. Ans 5- (1)
  6. Ans 6- (3)
  7. Ans 7- (2)
  8. Ans 8- (2)
  9. Ans 9- (1)
  10. Ans 10- (3)
  11. Ans 11- (3)
  12. Ans 12- (3)
  13. Ans 13- (3)
  14. Ans 14- (3)
  15. Ans 15- (2)
  16. Ans 16- (1)
  17. Ans 17- (1)
  18. Ans 18- (4)
  19. Ans 19- (1)
  20. Ans 20- (2)
  21. Ans 21- (4)
  22. Ans 22- (1)
  23. Ans 23- (4)
  24. Ans 24- (2)
  25. Ans 25- (2)
  26. Ans 26- (1)
  27. Ans 27- (2)
  28. Ans 28- (1)
  29. Ans 29- (3)
  30. Ans 30- (1)
  31. Ans 31- (4)
  32. Ans 32- (3)
  33. Ans 33- (1)
  34. Ans 34- (2)
  35. Ans 35- (3)
  36. Ans 36- (3)
  37. Ans 37- (2)
  38. Ans 38- (1)
  39. Ans 39- (3)
  40. Ans 40- (4)
  41. Ans 41- (3)
  42. Ans 42- (1)
  43. Ans 43- (1)
  44. Ans 44- (1)
  45. Ans 45- (4)
  46. Ans 46- (3)
  47. Ans 47- (3)
  48. Ans 48- (3)
  49. Ans 49- (4)
  50. Ans 50- (3)
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