Correct Form of English Word [200 Line of Sentences with Answers]

english correct word eduhyme

In English, there are many words that have the same root, but can be changed to be a verb, noun, adjective, or adverb by adding a suffix.

To use a word correctly in a sentence, it is important to know two things: not only which part of speech to choose (e.g. noun or verb), but also which suffix creates this part of speech (e.g. -ness or -tion to form a specific noun). This two-stage process can be quite challenging.

Fill in each blank with the correct form of the word in the bracket:

  1. The ______ ( pound ) of the drums could be heard miles away.
  2. “This is a ______ ( person ) matter, please don’t interfere,” shouted the angry man.
  3. Through his ______ ( eloquent ), the candidate hopes to win the support of the masses.
  4. Political _______ ( stable ) is very essential for a country’s economic progress.
  5. We stared in awe at the ______ ( unforget ) grace of the whale frolicking in the ocean.
  6. This ______ ( express ) coach will arrive at Euds Station in just an hour.
  7. Damor is _______ ( mind ) of the needs of others; he is always so considerate.
  8. The students gave _______ ( minute ) details of their experiments.
  9. It breaks his heart to know that his pet dog died ______ ( miserable ).
  10. You must bring some _______ ( suit ) clothes for the hike.
  11. The ______ ( censor ) committee will ban the reporting of all undesirable news into the country.
  12. They are ______ ( begin ) to see the true colors of the impostor.
  13. We visited an oil palm ______ ( plant ) to learn more about the harvesting process.
  14. Imami ______ ( battle ) with the strong current but his canoe capsized.
  15. Chicken lasagne is a ______ ( special ) of this restaurant; you cannot find this anywhere.
  16. The latest _______ ( edit ) of this book contains many illustrative pictures.
  17. I guess mother will agree but ______ ( convince ) father will be altogether difficult.
  18. The marine police are ______ ( tight ) the net around the illegal immigrants at sea.
  19. Walking alone late at night can be _______ ( danger ).
  20. The campers shivered with fear when they heard the wind ______ ( whistle ) through the trees.
  21. In the early days, traders ______ ( monopoly ) the spice trade.
  22. The poor children are without ______ ( nourish ); they are very sickly.
  23. Their refusal to help is ______ ( perfect ) understandable in view of the difficult circumstances.
  24. Her younger sister can be ______ ( annoy ) when she behaves haughtily.
  25. The recent swimming carnival drew a large crowd of sports ______ ( enthuse ).
  26. “In all ______ ( serious ) don’t get mixed up with bad company again,” the social counselor advised the delinquents at reform school.
  27. We must be thorough with our work; the supervisor expects all the ______ ( niggle ) details.
  28. The unfit boy feels tired after the ______ ( torture ) climb up the steep hill.
  29. When he moved to Japan, he ______ ( bare ) knew the country, but within a year he had become familiar with the customs.
  30. Many rich ______ ( royal ) own luxurious home along this private beach.
  31. You must read the ______ ( instruct ) carefully before you use the new oven.
  32. We were taken aback at the ______ ( drama ) changes in our village; each home owns a computer now.
  33. ______ ( gradual ) he began to show his true character; we realized he is not a sincere person.
  34. They are ______ ( campaign ) for a greener environment.
  35. This work is ______ ( woeful ) beyond the required standard; I cannot accept it.
  36. ______ ( begin ) will find this lesson difficult to grasp; it is quite technical.
  37. It is always ______ ( interest ) to watch the cubs at play.
  38. Your objection to the plans could be a ______ ( hinder ) to economic progress.
  39. My mother advised me to be careful in my ______ ( choose ) of friends.
  40. ______ ( short ) after feeding time, the bears were killed.
  41. We all stood up upon the ______ ( arrive ) of the guest-of-honour.
  42. Arturo ______ ( accident ) broke the glass window while playing in the verandah.
  43. Jeremiah is not stupid. He just refuses to use his ______ ( intelligent ).
  44. “Please pay ______ ( attend ) when I am teaching,” said Miss Chan.
  45. The prime minister’s wisdom won the ______ ( admire ) of his citizens.
  46. The policeman advises the driver to drive ______ ( careful ) on the road.
  47. This is the most ______ ( comfort ) bed that I have slept in.
  48. The beauty of the countryside is beyond our ______ ( imagine ).
  49. Nobody wants to employ him because of his past ______ ( crime ) record.
  50. We should ______ ( strength ) ties with our neighboring countries.
  51. Everybody dislikes Henry because he always acts in a ______ ( coward ) manner.
  52. This will be a fierce ______ ( compete ). Every team is just as good.
  53. Ice ______ ( solid ) at zero degrees Celsius.
  54. It was a ______ ( disaster ) outing. Everything went wrong.
  55. It was our ______ ( please ) to have met the well known artist from Italy.
  56. The ______ ( hot ) makes everybody very drowsy during the lesson in class.
  57. You could notice the ______ ( sad ) in his eyes.
  58. Please follow the ______ ( instruct ) carefully when you do the exercises.
  59. “Come and see me once you have gathered enough ______ ( inform ) about the case,” the police inspector told his staff.
  60. The children found the trip to Bintan most ______ ( enjoy ).
  61. The teacher is very impressed with the ______ ( behave ) of the new pupil.
  62. It is everyone’s ______ ( responsible ) to save the environment.
  63. His good stamina ______ ( able ) him to run 10 kilometers non-stop.
  64. The good news ______ ( bright ) up my day.
  65. The Chinese respect the ______ ( teach ) of Confucius.
  66. Be a ______ ( consider ) driver. Drive carefully.
  67. The government is encouraging the nation to be more ______ ( create ).
  68. He is very troubled by the ______ ( decide ) of his boss.
  69. The damages to the car were ______ ( extend ). It took the mechanic one week to repair it.
  70. The old man ______ ( trust ) his grand-daughter to the care of his faithful servant when he died.
  71. The ______ ( describe ) given by the eye-witness helped the police to catch the robber.
  72. Every mountain climber must pass an ______ ( endure ) test before he can participate in the expedition.
  73. The old lady is ______ ( sad ) by the crimes committed by her only son.
  74. The plants served to ______ ( beauty ) the hall.
  75. The ant is considered one of the most _______ ( industry ) insects.
  76. Desmond’s ______ ( hero ) rescue won praises from the boy’s grateful parents.
  77. I have never sailed in such a _______ ( luxury ) ocean liner before.
  78. The pension is enough for the old couple to live on ______ ( comfort ) for at least 20 years.
  79. We should visit the dentist ______ ( occasion ) to have a check-up.
  80. The ballet dancer glided ______ ( grace ) to the tempo of the music.
  81. The young generation are becoming more and more ______ ( material ) in their outlook.
  82. His ______ ( formula ) for success is hard work.
  83. I am in a ______ ( festival ) mood. I don’t feel like working today.
  84. I am ______ ( absolute ) sure that that is the man who stole the car.
  85. Their parents ______ ( objection ) strongly to their marriage.
  86. You made me a ______ ( laugh ) stock in front of everybody.
  87. The girls are told to dress ______ ( decent ) for the party.
  88. He smiled ______ ( candid ) for the camera.
  89. The supply of water is not always in ______ ( abundant ). You should learn how to save water.
  90. The flower ______ ( arrange ) was very beautifully done.
  91. The ______ ( product ) of the television serial was badly done.
  92. You need the doctor to ______ ( certain ) that you were sick yesterday.
  93. Dilly handled the situation ______ ( effect ). Everyone was pleased with her explanations.
  94. ______ ( sudden ) it rained and we were all drenched.
  95. The ______ ( year ) salary increment is too little. No wonder the staff do not stay in the company for long.
  96. His sense of ______ ( humorous ) was so dry that the guests preferred not to talk with him.
  97. The ______ ( strong ) of the company is in its team spirit.
  98. I have a ______ ( person ) favor to ask of you. I hope you can help me.
  99. Please be ______ ( reason ). I cannot finish this task all by myself today.
  100. “Excuse me, my ______ ( appoint ) with the doctor is at 9 o’clock,” the patient told the nurse.
  101. The ______ ( renew ) of her passport will take two weeks.
  102. Don’t ______ ( angry ) her anymore or she will beat you up.
  103. The escaped leopard will ______ ( danger ) the lives of the villagers.
  104. The champion squad jumped ______ ( triumphant ) when its name was called.
  105. Please ______ ( low ) the volume of your voice. I can even hear you from next door.
  106. The _______ ( endure ) test will take approximately two hours to complete.
  107. The play is so boring. The script writer should ______ ( live ) it with more jokes.
  108. The ______ ( rebel ) was stopped in time by the military.
  109. The couple came here at the special ______ ( invite ) of the prime minister.
  110. Please accept my ______ ( sister ) advice. You look horrible in that dress.
  111. ______ ( absent ) makes the heart grow fonder.
  112. The ______ ( fail ) of the project left many of the staff disappointed.
  113. The policemen are here to ______ ( force ) law and order.
  114. The prophet is said to be ______ ( power ) by God to save the world.
  115. You are under no ______ ( oblige ) to accept the terms and conditions.
  116. The rapid ______ ( grow ) of the company took everyone by surprise.
  117. All the pupils were ______ ( busy ) finishing their exam papers when the bell rang.
  118. His grandmother is ______ ( critic ) ill and wants to see him immediately.
  119. “Sally, you should be more ______ ( care ) in your work, ” said the supervisor.
  120. The ______ ( center ) location of the building makes it very convenient for the workers to go to the office.
  121. I will try to complete this task to the best of my ______ ( able ).
  122. The big flowery designs _______ ( cheap ) the overall look of the painting.
  123. The ______ ( defend ) of our country is left in the hands of our loyal soldiers.
  124. The _____ ( forget ) old man cannot find his way home.
  125. “This ceremony marks the ______ ( begin ) of our business venture with VTEC company,” said the president of BBE company.
  126. There is a wise saying which goes : ” ______ ( curious ) kills the cat.”
  127. The price of petrol in Vietnam is ______ ( compare ) cheaper than in Thailand.
  128. The tourists were caught up with the ______ ( magic ) atmosphere in Disneyland.
  129. The staff ______ ( ready ) accepted the apology from their boss.
  130. Do not doubt the ______ ( wise ) of the old folks in this village.
  131. All the ______ ( hope ) beauties are eyeing the first prize in the beauty contest.
  132. “Do not ______ ( breath ) a word about this agreement to anybody in the office,” Mr. Kang told his secretary.
  133. “It is our ______ ( please ) to serve you,” said the flight stewardess.
  134. You could read his ______ ( resent ) for the kids in his eyes.
  135. The project engineers are going to ______ ( broad ) this narrow lane.
  136. My ______ ( distance ) cousin from China will be coming to Singapore in June.
  137. Dolly is such a ______ ( trouble ) customer that all the salesgirls dislike serving her.
  138. The amazing technology enables us to take a ______ ( giant ) leap into the future.
  139. The ______ ( try ) of the murderers has been going on for days at the Supreme Court.
  140. The ______ ( nature ) make-up colours suit her complexion best.
  141. The little girl hums ______ ( cheer ) to herself.
  142. The patient is ______ ( danger ) ill and may not be able to live much longer.
  143. Desmond ______ ( grudge ) gave up his seat to the old lady in the bus.
  144. ______ ( Unite ) we stand. Divided we fall.
  145. The ______ ( boast ) boy failed his examinations.
  146. At the conclusion of the meeting, the ______ ( chair ) summarized the main points again.
  147. The ______ ( construct ) of all his sentences is very clumsy.
  148. ______ ( General ), the orientation program was very well planned.
  149. If you want to lose weight, you must exercise ______ ( faith ).
  150. “Please shorten your meeting and come home ______ ( immediate ),” Linda told her husband.
  151. Devi’s dog ran out of the garden and attacked the man without _______ ( provoke ).
  152. The little village is very quiet and ______ ( peace ) at night.
  153. Our English ______ ( assign ) is due next week.
  154. Do not give up because of _______ ( fail ). If you work hard, you will eventually succeed.
  155. Drinking two cups of coffee in the morning has become ______ ( habit ) to her.
  156. As the trapeze artists performed one daring act after another, the audience watched in ______ ( amaze ).
  157. Olaniyi knows enough French to carry on a simple ______ ( converse ) in that language.
  158. “Seldom have I seen so much ______ ( create ) in a child so young,” said the artist.
  159. The news that Mingde had inherited a million dollars caused much _______ ( excite ) among his friends.
  160. On ______ ( arrive ) in Bangkok, a tour guide will meet you at the airport.
  161. Any ______ ( add ) information you may have on the accident will be most useful to the police.
  162. The ______ ( invade ) of Kuwait by the Iraqis was condemned by almost the whole world.
  163. This restaurant is ______ ( fame ) for its western meals.
  164. In ______ ( accord ) with the rules of the competition, the team was disqualified.
  165. This examination will test your ______ ( proficient ) in Japanese.
  166. The police announced yesterday that the stolen jewellery had been returned to its ______ ( right ) owner.
  167. The new king abolished all forms of ______ ( slave ).
  168. “Have you seen the new ______ ( advertise ) for Beautiful Shampoo ? I think I shall buy a bottle now,” said Liz.
  169. “I get a lot of ______ ( satisfy ) out of being a social worker,” said Mrs Hu.
  170. The price of this car, which is forty thousand dollars, is _______ ( negotiate ).
  171. Eva’s mother made her ______ ( practice ) playing the piano every morning.
  172. Her new year ______ ( resolute ) is to be more generous towards her relatives.
  173. She is ______ ( apparent ) returning to Australia in June.
  174. The ______ ( emphasize ) is not on cultural development but economic development for this country.
  175. John does not believe in ghosts. He said they are just ______ ( illusive ) of people with wild imagination.
  176. It is important to show _______ ( initiate ) on the job; otherwise you will not be promoted.
  177. It was a ______ ( nostalgic ) time when songs of yesterday were played on the radio.
  178. Jasmine did not live up to her coach’s ______ ( expect ); she failed to win a medal at the athletics meet.
  179. There was _______ ( tense ) between father and son. it will take a long time for them to be reconciled.
  180. The audience ______ ( applause ) the singer for his sterling performance.
  181. “Is there any ______ ( oppose ) to the idea of building a new swimming pool ?” asked the school Principal.
  182. There is too much ______ ( violent ) in this movie.
  183. A torchlight is a ______ ( use ) appliance to have in the house, especially if there is a blackout.
  184. “I have noticed Gopal’s ______ ( absent ) from training since last month. Please ask him to see me,” said Mrs. Singam.
  185. “Don’t drink that fragrant liquid ! It’s ______ ( poison ) !” shouted the tribal chief.
  186. “You will need ______ ( determine ) and strength to complete this martial arts course,” the instructor said.
  187. David’s ______ ( resemble ) to his grandfather is uncanny.
  188. In ______ ( desperate ), the drug addict took his own life.
  189. This medicine can be dangerous if applied in large amounts. Please use it ______ ( spare ).
  190. “Please be ______ ( reason ). I don’t have the money to pay you right now,” Mr Song told the moneylender.
  191. The school will be giving Mrs Dong, the school Principal, an award in _______ ( recognize ) of her service to the school.
  192. The weather in England can be rather ______ ( change ). Be sure to bring along an umbrella or raincoat when you tour the country.
  193. The ______ ( major ) of the class wants to go to a safari park during the school holidays.
  194. Ahmad’s _______ ( describe ) of the thief fits that of the suspect the police caught yesterday.
  195. There will be twenty ______ ( music ) performing at the concert.
  196. In the last few years, there has been a ______ ( reduce ) in the number of students dropping out of school.
  197. Being ______ ( tradition ), my mother forbids me to wear short skirts or sleeveless shirts.
  198. George was ______ ( fury ) when he learnt that his brother had broken his stereo set apart.
  199. The mother bird is very ______ ( protect ) of her young. She takes care of them until they grow up.
  200. They find Paul’s manner and behavior totally ______ ( repel ).


  1. pounding
  2. personal
  3. eloquence
  4. stability
  5. unforgettable
  6. express
  7. mindful
  8. minute
  9. miserably
  10. suitable
  11. censorship
  12. beginning
  13. plantation
  14. battled
  15. speciality
  16. edition
  17. convincing
  18. tightening
  19. dangerous
  20. whistling
  21. monopolized
  22. nourishment
  23. perfectly
  24. annoying
  25. enthusiasts
  26. seriousness
  27. niggly
  28. torturous
  29. barely
  30. royalties
  31. instructions
  32. dramatic
  33. Gradually
  34. campaigning
  35. woefully
  36. Beginners
  37. interesting
  38. hindrance
  39. choice
  40. Shortly
  41. arrival
  42. accidentally
  43. intelligence
  44. attention
  45. admiration
  46. carefully
  47. comfortable
  48. imagination
  49. criminal
  50. strengthen
  51. cowardly
  52. competition
  53. solidifies
  54. disastrous
  55. pleasure
  56. heat
  57. sadness
  58. instructions
  59. information
  60. enjoyable
  61. behavior
  62. responsibility
  63. enables
  64. brightened
  65. teachings
  66. considerate
  67. creative
  68. decision
  69. extensive
  70. entrusted
  71. description
  72. endurance
  73. saddened
  74. beautify
  75. industrious
  76. heroic
  77. luxurious
  78. comfortably
  79. occasionally
  80. gracefully
  81. materialistic
  82. formula
  83. festive
  84. absolutely
  85. objected
  86. laughing
  87. decently
  88. candidly
  89. abundance
  90. arrangement
  91. production
  92. ascertain
  93. effectively
  94. Suddenly
  95. yearly
  96. humor
  97. strength
  98. personal
  99. reasonable
  100. appointment
  101. renewal
  102. anger
  103. endanger
  104. triumph
  105. lower
  106. endurance
  107. liven
  108. rebellion
  109. invitation
  110. sisterly
  111. 1. Absence
  112. failure
  113. enforce
  114. empowered
  115. obligation
  116. growth.
  117. busily
  118. critically
  119. careful
  120. central
  121. ability
  122. cheapen
  123. defense
  124. forgetful
  125. beginning
  126. curiosity
  127. comparatively
  128. magical
  129. readily
  130. wisdom
  131. hopeful
  132. breathe
  133. pleasure
  134. resentment
  135. broaden
  136. distant
  137. troublesome
  138. gigantic
  139. trial
  140. natural
  141. cheerfully
  142. dangerously
  143. grudgingly
  144. United
  145. boastful
  146. chairman
  147. construction
  148. Generally
  149. faithfully
  150. immediately
  151. provocation
  152. peaceful
  153. assignment
  154. failure
  155. habitual
  156. amazement
  157. conversation
  158. creativity
  159. excitement
  160. arrival
  161. additional
  162. invasion
  163. famous
  164. accordance
  165. proficiency
  166. rightful
  167. slavery
  168. advertisement
  169. satisfaction
  170. negotiable
  171. practise
  172. resolution
  173. apparently
  174. emphasis
  175. illusion
  176. initiative
  177. nostalgic
  178. expectation
  179. tension
  180. applauded
  181. opposition
  182. violence
  183. useful
  184. absence
  185. poisonous
  186. determination
  187. resemblance
  188. desperation
  189. sparingly
  190. reasonable
  191. recognition
  192. changeable
  193. majority
  194. description
  195. musicians
  196. reduction
  197. traditional
  198. furious
  199. protective
  200. repulsive
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