[Top 50] English Usage – Interview Questions and Answers

English Usage Interview Questions Answers Eduhyme

The English language holds a position of unparalleled significance in today’s world. With over 1.5 billion English speakers worldwide, it has become the lingua franca of international communication, business, science, and education. This article explores the importance and power of the English language, examining its global reach, cultural influence, and the opportunities it presents.

English has evolved into the most widely spoken language globally. It serves as an official language in many countries and is extensively used as a second language in countless others. Its prevalence enables people from diverse linguistic backgrounds to connect and communicate effectively. Whether it’s a business negotiation, academic collaboration, or international travel, proficiency in English facilitates smoother interactions and opens doors to opportunities.

Here’s a list of potential interview questions related to English usage:

1. Fill in the blanks with the most suitable alternative.
Mr. John has informed that our office will have ____ cafeteria soon.

Ans: a

2. Fill in the blanks with the most suitable tense form of the word given in the bracket.
A hazard notice at the end of the trail ____ (warn) hikers not to go any further.

Ans: warns

3. Fill in the blanks with the most suitable alternative as a response to the situation given below.
A: Why are you not coming to the party?
Answer: I can not come to ____ party as I have ____ seminar scheduled at ____ same time.

Ans: the,a,the

4. Choose the alternative which best expresses the given sentence in Active/Passive voice.
One should keep one’s promises.

Ans: Promises should be kept.

5. Fill in the blank with the most suitable alternative.
If the supervisor ____ received Stuart’s assignment ____ time, he would not have scolded him.

Ans: had, in

6. Fill in the blanks with the most suitable alternative.
____ accordance ____ the rules and regulations of the organization, the Director is the supreme authority of the company.

Ans: In, with

7. Fill in the blanks with the most suitable alternative.
1. __________ there is life, there is hope.
2. It was quarter past twelve ____ I returned from office.

Ans: 1 – while, 2 – when

8. Fill in the blanks with the most suitable alternative.
She said that her child _______ from typhoid for three days.

Ans: had been suffering

9. Fill in the blanks with the most suitable alternative.
Rehaan _______ anything about the transfer letter he received.

Ans: didn’t know

10. Choose the correct meaning of the underlined idiom in the sentence.
He dropped his child to school on his way to work, killing two birds with one stone.

Ans: achieve two things in one effort

11. Choose the correct meaning of the underlined idiom in the sentence.
India was in a pretty pass over the question of signing the CTBT.

Ans: in a difficulty

12. Given below are sentences which when arranged logically form a coherent passage.
Choose the alternative which gives the correct sequence.
1. The past month her unweaned daughter had suffered from coughing and fever.
2. Today was pay-day again.
3. Partly because of the cold, partly because of the little girl’s crying she was kept awake the whole night.
4. Several times she’d come to work late and she was fined.
5. The weather had been exceptionally cold.

Ans: 21534

13. Given below are sentences which when arranged logically form a coherent passage.
Choose the alternative which gives the correct sequence.
1. Getting people motivated is a tough task because it is dependent on personality;
2. The factors that can motivate an individual may be different from the ones that motivate another.
3. You can’t persuade people without knowing the art of motivation.
4. Persuasion has a significant relationship with motivation.

Ans: 4312

14. Given below are sentences which when arranged logically form a coherent passage.
Choose the alternative which gives the correct sequence.
1. And the power to control your feelings and emotions in these situations will make or break you.
2. Self-control is also extremely important in our social lives. Using self-control is part of our everyday interactions with others.
3. Not only is self-control important in achieving personal goals and underlies any successful person,
4. More often than not, we are put in situations that cause stress or friction within us that may be caused by other people,

Ans: 3241

15. Choose the correct meaning of the underlined idiom in the sentence.
I heard on the grapevine that Mr. Mehra is quitting his job, but I don’t know anything else.

Ans: to hear rumors about something

16. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow.
The ‘ransomware’ cyber attack that has hit as many as 200,000 victims in over 150 countries should be treated by governments around the world as a “wake-up call”, IT giant Microsoft has said. The virus exploits a flaw in a version of Microsoft Windows first identified by US intelligence. The attacks exploited the computers because they were running outdated versions of Microsoft’s Windows operating system. The National Security Agency(NSA) alerted Microsoft about the issue three months ago and Microsoft released an upgrade that patched the flaw, but many users were yet to run it, CNN reported. Brad Smith, Microsoft’s president and chief legal officer, said on Sunday in a blog post that his company, its customers, and the government all share the blame, the report said.
What is the meaning of the phrase “wake up call” as used in the passage?

Ans: Something that serves as an alert for upcoming danger

17. What is the meaning of the word “patched” as used in the passage?

Ans: Repair

18. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:
I recently sent a message to my boss to let him know that I would be a bit late. The bus hadn’t arrived despite a 30-minute wait in the freezing cold. To illustrate, I added an emoji of a snowflake and a snowman from my iPhone and sent them to his Android phone. Thankfully, those emoji didn’t get lost in translation, but I panicked for a second wondering whether they’d appeared as a love heart or a poop on his phone. The reason I panicked is that just a few weeks ago I had spent far too much of my time creating a story made completely from emoji, which I sent to a group of friends via Facebook Messenger. Not one of those friends replied to say how awesome my story was (and it really was awesome) and I soon discovered why: on their Android smartphones it made absolutely no sense whatsoever because the emoji were all different! I was devastated.
The primary concern of the author in the given passage is:

Ans: miscommunication

19. According to the first paragraph, the author was first ____ and then ____ after sending the message to his boss.

Ans: relaxed; tensed

20. Why were the efforts of the author (in creating an emoji-based story) NOT appreciated?

Ans: Differences in emoji designs across phone types

21. The additional remark and it really was awesome is made to:

Ans: emphasis on the good quality of the story

22. Why did the author feel devastated by the end of the second paragraph?

Ans: Because the author’s work was wasted

23. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow.
Spring was the season of green mountain and meadows, blushing snow and an expanse of yellow mustard flowers in the fields around our village. On Radio Kashmir, they played songs in Kashmiri celebrating the flowers in the meadows and the nightingales on willow branches. My favorite song ended with the refrain: ‘And the night angle sings to the flowers: Our land is a garden!’. When we had to harvest a crop, our neighbors and friends would send someone for help; when it was their turn, we would reciprocate. You never needed to make a formal request weeks in advance, somebody always turned up. During the farming season, Akhoon, the mullah, who refused to believe that Neil Armstrong had landed on the moon, complained about the thinning attendance at our neighborhood mosque. I struggled to control my laughter when the villagers, anxious to get back to farming, coughed during the prayers to make him finish faster. He compromised by reading shorter chapters from the holy book and then turning up at the fields to collect a seasonal donation — his fees for leading prayers at the mosque. In summer, after the mustard was reaped, we planted rice seedlings. On weekdays, before we left for school, my brother and I took samovars of kahwa, the sweet brew of saffron, almonds, and cinnamon, to the laborers working in our fields. On weekends, I would help grandfather and other men carry sacks of seedlings from the nurseries; my mother, aunts, and other neighboring women bent in rows in the well-watered fields, planted and sang.
If the passage was a part of a book; which of the following would be the literary genre of the book?
1. Fiction
2. Religion and beliefs
3. Politics
4. Memoir
5. Non-fiction
Choose appropriate alternative(s) based on the theme of the passage.

Ans: 4 and 5 only

24. The conditions of the laborers working in the village is:

Ans: contended

25. The phrase “who refused to believe that Neil Armstrong had landed on the moon”, in the second paragraph is used to provide additional information about the character Akhoon. However, it can be removed without changing the meaning of the sentence. Such phrases are often used in descriptive writing and are known as:

Ans: Modifier

26. Find out which part of the sentence below has an error and mark the alternative accordingly. If there are no mistakes, choose answer as “No mistakes”.
The construction workers / are protesting for there rights / in front of CM’s house.

Ans: are protesting for there rights

27. Find out which part of the sentence below has an error and mark the alternative accordingly. If there are no mistakes, choose answer as “No mistakes”.
Colors like red and yellow is / not suitable to wear to / offices or business meetings.

Ans: Colors like red and yellow is

28. Fill in the blank with the correct pronoun.
_________ completed this assignment and qualified for the next round.


29. Fill in the blank with the correct auxiliary verb.
It is you who ______ mistaken.


30. Find out which part of the sentence below has an error and mark the alternative accordingly. If there are no mistakes, choose answer as “No mistakes”.
Kindly pass me the / red dress, black one / does not fit me.

Ans: red dress, black one

31. Find out which part of the sentence below has an error and mark the alternative accordingly.
The boy who used to play / at my home everyday has / now grown up to become / the CEO of an UK based company.

Ans: the CEO of an UK based company

32. Find out which part of the sentence below has an error and mark the alternative accordingly. If there are no mistakes, choose answer as “No mistakes”.
We need a light in / this room if we are to / complete our work here.

Ans: We need a light in

33. Find out which part of the sentence below has an error and mark the alternative accordingly. If there are no mistakes, choose answer as “No mistakes”.
After this wonderful / success of our team, let us / all go out for a dinner tonight.

Ans: all go out for a dinner tonight

34. Fill in the blank with the correct pronoun.
___________ are going to shopping today.

Ans: She and I

35. From the given alternatives, choose the one which best expresses the given sentence in indirect speech.
He said to his colleague, “Could you please wait for me?”

Ans: He asked his colleague if he could wait for a him.

36. Choose the best alternative from those given below to replace the underlined portion of the sentence.
Shekhar asked me, “Why are you late?”

Ans: Shekhar asked me why I had been late.

37. Choose the alternative which best expresses the given sentence in Passive voice.
The engineers are building a new bridge.

Ans: A new bridge is being built by the engineers.

38. Fill in the blank with the correct set of pronouns in the same order.

Ans: You, Mary and I

39. Choose the best alternative from those given below to replace the underlined portion of the sentence.
Everyone at the office expressed doubt that she was the one spreading the rumors.

Ans: whether she was the one spreading the rumors.

40. Choose the alternative which is closest to the meaning of the word given below.

Ans: Happiness

41. Choose the alternative which is closest to the opposite in meaning of the word given below.

Ans: Start

42. From the given alternatives, choose the word that is spelt correctly.


43. Choose the alternative which is closest to the meaning of the word given below.

Ans: Hate

44. Choose the alternative which is closest to the meaning of the word given below.

Ans: Confusion

45. Choose the alternative which is closest to the opposite in meaning of the word given below.

Ans: Similar

46. Choose the alternative which is closest to the opposite in meaning of the word given below.

Ans: Dumb

47. From the following sentences, choose the sentence that contains a misspelled word.
If there are no mistakes, choose answer as “No mistakes”.

Ans: The army was unable to penitrate the terrorist camps.

48. Choose the correct spelling for the missing word in the following sentence.
The boy took a _______ pleasure in disturbing all his teachers.

Ans: malicious

49. Choose the alternative which is closest to the meaning of the underlined word or phrase.

Ans: Compensation for loss

50. Choose the alternative which is closest to the opposite meaning of the underlined word or phrase.

Ans: Cheerful

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