Synonyms and Antonyms form an important part of competitive exams such as SSC, IBPS, CAT, GRE, IELTS etc. Candidates frequently face questions related to synonyms and antonyms in the English language.
Synonyms mean meaning while Antonyms means Opposites. A student having good knowledge of Synonyms & Antonyms can write better Essays and Reports. They are asked in Match the Following, Reading Comprehensions, etc.
Below is the list of top 400 Frequently Asked Synonyms and Antonyms.
S.No | Words | Synonyms | Antonyms |
1 | Acumen | Awareness, brilliance | Stupidity, Ignorance |
2 | Adhere | Comply, observe | Condemn, disjoin |
3 | Abolish | Abrogate, annual | Setup Establish |
4 | Abash | Disconcert, rattle | Uphold, Discompose |
5 | Abound | Flourish, proliferate | Deficient, Destitute |
6 | Abate | Moderate, decrease | Aggravate |
7 | Abject | Despicable, servile | Commendable, Praiseworthy |
8 | Abjure | Forsake, renounce | Approve, Sanction |
9 | Abortive | Vain, unproductive | Productive |
10 | Absolve | Pardon, forgive | Compel, Accuse |
11 | Accord | Agreement, harmony | Discord |
12 | Acrimony | Harshness, bitterness | Courtesy, Benevolence |
13 | Adamant | Stubborn, inflexible | Flexible, Soft |
14 | Adherent | Follower, disciple | Rival, Adversary |
15 | Adjunct | Joined, Added | Separated, Subtracted |
16 | Admonish | Counsel, reprove | Approve, Applaud |
17 | Adversity | Misfortune, calamity | Prosperity, Fortune |
18 | Alien | Foreigner, outsider | Native, Resident |
19 | Allay | Pacify, soothe | Aggravate, Excite |
20 | Alleviate | Abate, relieve | Aggravate, Enhance |
21 | Allure | Entice, fascinate | Repulse Repel |
22 | Ascend | Climb Escalate | Descend, Decline |
23 | Amplify | Augment, deepen | Lessen, Contract |
24 | Arraign | Incriminate, indict | Exculpate, Pardon |
25 | Audacity | Boldness, Courage | Mildness, Cowardice |
26 | Authentic | Accurate, credible | Fictitious, unreal |
27 | Awkward | Rude, blundering | Adroit, clever |
28 | Axiom | Adage, truism | Absurdity, Blunder |
29 | Baffle | Astound, Faze | Facilitate, Clarify |
30 | Bewitching | Alluring, charming | Repulsive, Repugnant |
31 | Bleak | Grim, Austere | Bright, Pleasant |
32 | Brittle | Breakable, crisp | Tough, Enduring |
33 | Bustle | Commotion, Tumult | Slowness, Quiet |
34 | Barbarous | Frustrate, perplex | Civilized |
35 | Baroque | Florid, gilt | Plain, unadorned |
36 | Barren | Desolate, Sterile | Damp, Fertile |
37 | Barrier | Barricade, Obstacle | Link, Assistance |
38 | Base | Vulgar, Coarse | Summit, Noble |
39 | Batty | Insane, silly | Sane |
40 | Bawdy | Erotic, Coarse | Decent, Moral |
41 | Befogged | Becloud, Dim | Clear headed, Uncloud |
42 | Benevolent | Benign, Generous | Malevolent, Miserly |
43 | Benign | Favorable, friendly | Malignant, Cruel |
44 | Bind | Predicament | Release |
45 | Bleak | Austere, Blank | Bright, Cheerful |
46 | Blunt | Dull, Insensitive | Keen, Sharp |
47 | Boisterous | Clamorous, rowdy | Placid, Calm |
48 | Bold | Adventurous | Timid |
49 | Busy | Active, Engaged | Idle, Lazy |
50 | Calculating | Canny, Devious | Artless, honest |
51 | Calamity | adversity, misfortune | Fortune |
52 | Callous | obdurate, unfeeling | Compassionate, Tender |
53 | Calumny | defamation, aspersion | Commendation, Praise |
54 | Capable | competent, able | Incompetent, Inept |
55 | Captivate | Charm, fascinate | Disillusion offend |
56 | Captivity | imprisonment, confinement | Freedom, Liberty |
57 | Cease | terminate, desist | Begin, Originate |
58 | Chaste | virtuous, pure | Sullied, Lustful |
59 | Chastise | punish, admonish | Cheer, encourage |
60 | Compassion | kindness, sympathy | Cruelty, Barbarity |
61 | Comprise | include, contain | Reject, lack |
62 | Concede | yield, permit | Deny, reject |
63 | Concur | approve, agree | Differ, disagree |
64 | Consent | agree, permit | Object Disagree |
65 | Consequence | effect, outcome | Origin, Start |
66 | Consolidate | solidify, strengthen | Separate, Weaken |
67 | Conspicuous | prominent, obvious | Concealed, hidden |
68 | Contempt | scorn, disregard | Regard, Praise |
69 | Contradict | deny, oppose | Approve, Confirm |
70 | Contrary | dissimilar, conflicting | Similar, Alike |
71 | Calm | Harmonious, unruffled | Stormy, turbulent |
72 | Callous | Insensitive, indurated | Kind, merciful |
73 | Camouflage | Cloak, disguise | Reveal |
74 | Candid | Blunt, bluff | Evasive |
75 | Captivate | Beguile, bewitch | Repel |
76 | Carnal | Earthly, fleshly | Spiritual |
77 | Catholic | Generic, liberal | Narrow- minded |
78 | Celebrated | Acclaimed, lionized | Unknown, Inglorious |
79 | Cement | Plaster, mortar | Disintegrate |
80 | Censure | Rebuke, reprimand | Praise, Acceptance |
81 | Cheap | Competitive, Inexpensive | Dear, unreasonable |
82 | Clandestine | Covert, fruitive | Open, Legal |
83 | Classic | Simple, Typical | Romantic, Unusual |
84 | Coarse | Bawdy, Boorish | Fine, Chaste |
85 | Comic | Clown, Jester | Tragic, tragedian |
86 | Compact | Bunched, thick | Loose, Diffuse |
87 | Compress | Abbreviate, Shrink | Amplify, Expand |
88 | Conceit | Egotism, Immodesty | Modesty |
89 | Concord | Agreement, accord | Discord |
90 | Condemn | Castigate, Chide | Approve, Praise |
91 | Confident | Bold, Undaunted | Diffident, cowardly |
92 | Consolidate | Centralize, Fortify | Weaken |
93 | Courtesy | Generosity, Reverence | Disdain, Rudeness |
94 | Creation | Formation, foundation | Destruction |
95 | Cunning | Acute, Smart | Nave, Coarse |
96 | Decay | Collapse, decompose | Flourish, Progress |
97 | Deceit | deception, artifice | Veracity, Sincerity |
98 | Decipher | interpret, reveal | Misinterpret, distort |
99 | Defile | contaminate, pollute | Purify, sanctity |
100 | Defray | spend, pay | Disclaim, Repudiate |
101 | Deliberate | cautious, intentional | Rash, Sudden |
102 | Demolish | Ruin, devastate | Repair, construct |
103 | Deprive | despoil, divest | Restore, Renew |
104 | Deride | mock, taunt | Inspire, Encourage |
105 | Disdain | detest, despise | Approve, praise |
106 | Dissuade | Remonstrate, Counsel | Insite, Persuade |
107 | Denounce | Blame, boycott | Defend |
108 | Dense | Opaque, piled | Sparse, brainy |
109 | Derogatory | Sarcastic, critical | Laudatory, appreciative |
110 | Despair | Depression, misery | Contentment, Hope |
111 | Destructive | Catastrophic, pernicious | Creative, Constructive |
112 | Docile | Pliable, pliant | Headstrong, obstinate |
113 | Dwarf | Diminutive, Petite | Huge, Giant |
114 | Eager | Keen, acquisitive | Indifferent, apathetic |
115 | Eclipse | Diminution, Dimming | Shine, eclipse |
116 | Eccentric | strange, abnormal | Natural, Conventional |
117 | Ecstasy | delight, exultation | Despair, Calamity |
118 | Efface | destroy, obliterate | Retain, Maintain |
119 | Eloquence | expression, fluency | Halting, Stammering |
120 | Encumbrance | hindrance, obstacle | Incentive, stimulant |
121 | Endeavour | undertake, aspire | Cease, quit |
122 | Enormous | colossal, mammoth | Diminutive, negligible |
123 | Epitome | precise, example | Increment, expansion |
124 | Equivocal | uncertain, hazy | Obvious, lucid |
125 | Eradicate | destroy, exterminate | Secure, plant |
126 | Fabricate | construct, produce | Destroy, Dismantle |
127 | Fallacy | delusion, mistake | Veracity, Truth |
128 | Falter | stumble, demur | Persist, Endure |
129 | Fanatical | narrow-minded, biased | Liberal, Tolerant |
130 | Feeble | weak, frail | Strong, Robust |
131 | Ferocious | cruel, fierce | Gentle, Sympathetic |
132 | Feud | strife, quarrel | Harmony, fraternity |
133 | Fluctuate | deflect, vacillate | Stabilize, resolve |
134 | Forsake | desert, renounce | Hold, maintain |
135 | Fragile | weak, infirm | Enduring, Tough |
136 | Frantic | violent, agitated | Subdued, gentle |
137 | Frivolous | petty, worthless | Solemn, significant |
138 | Frugality | economy, providence | Lavishness, extravagance |
139 | Gather | Converge, huddle | Disperse, Dissemble |
140 | Gloom | obscurity, darkness | Delight, mirth |
141 | Glut | stuff, satiate | Starve, abstain |
142 | Gorgeous | magnificent, dazzling | Dull, unpretentious |
143 | Gracious | courteous, beneficent | Rude, Unforgiving |
144 | Grisly | disgusting, atrocious | Pleasing, attractive |
145 | Grudge | hatred, aversion | Benevolence, Affection |
146 | Guile | cunning, deceit | Honesty, frankness |
147 | Generosity | Altruism, bounty | Stinginess, greed |
148 | Genuine | Absolute, Factual | Spurious |
149 | Gloomy | Bleak, cloudy | Gay, Bright |
150 | Glory | Dignity, renown | Shame, Disgrace |
151 | Hamper | retard, prevent | Promote, facilitate |
152 | Hapless | unfortunate, ill-fated | Fortunate, Lucky |
153 | Harass | irritate, molest | Assist, comfort |
154 | Haughty | arrogant, pompous | Humble, Submissive |
155 | Hazard | Peril, danger | Conviction, security |
156 | Heretic | non-conformist, secularist | Conformable, religious |
157 | Hideous | frightful, shocking | Attractive, alluring |
158 | Hamstrung | Cripple Debilitate | Strengthen, Encourage |
159 | Harmony | Conformity, Amicability | Discord, discord |
160 | Hasty | Abrupt, Impetuous | Leisurely, Cautious |
161 | Honor | Adoration, Reverence | Denunciation, Shame |
162 | Humble | Meek, Timid | Proud, Assertive |
163 | Humility | Resignation, Fawning | Boldness, Pride |
164 | Hypocrisy | Deception, Pharisaism | Sincerity, frankness |
165 | Impenitent | Uncontrite, Obdurate | Repentant |
166 | Impulsive | Flaky, Impetuous | Cautious, Deliberate |
167 | Indifferent | Equitable, Haughty | Partial, Biased |
168 | Indigent | Destitute, Impoverished | Rich, Affluent |
169 | Infernal | Damned, Accursed | Heavenly |
170 | Insipid | Tedious, Prosaic | Pleasing, appetizing |
171 | Interesting | Enchanting, Riveting | Dull, Uninteresting |
172 | Immaculate | unsullied, spotless | Defiled, Tarnished |
173 | Immense | huge, enormous | Puny, Insignificant |
174 | Immerse | submerge, involve | Emerge, uncover |
175 | Imminent | impending, brewing | Distant, Receding |
176 | Immunity | prerogative, privilege | Blame, Censure |
177 | Impair | diminish, deteriorate | Restore, Revive |
178 | Impartial | just, unbiased | Prejudiced, Biased |
179 | Impediment | hurdle, obstruction | Assistant, Concurrence |
180 | Impious | irreligious, unholy | Pious, Devout |
181 | Impute | attribute, ascribe | Exculpate, support |
182 | Inclination | disposition, affection | Indifference, Disinclination |
183 | Incompetent | inefficient, unskilled | Dexterous, Skilled |
184 | Incongruous | inappropriate, absurd | Compatible, harmonious |
185 | Inevitable | unavoidable, ascertained | Unlikely, Doubtful |
186 | Infringe | violate, encroach | Comply, Concur |
187 | Ingenuous | undisguised, naïve | Wily, Craftly |
188 | Insinuate | allude, hint | Conceal, Camouflage |
189 | Insipid | tasteless, vapid | Delicious, luscious |
190 | Insolvent | indigent, destitute | Wealthy, solvent |
191 | Instill | inculcate, inject | Eradicate, extract |
192 | Intricate | tangled, complicated | Regulated, Orderly |
193 | Intrigue | scheme, conspiracy | Candor, Sincerity |
194 | Intrinsic | genuine, fundamental | Extraneous, incidental |
195 | Invective | accusation, censure | Approval, acclamation |
196 | Invincible | unconquerable, impregnable | Effeminate, languid |
197 | Irrepressible | irresistible, unconfined | Composed, hesitant |
198 | Immaculate | Exquisite, Impeccable | Defiled, Tarnished |
199 | Jaded | tired, exhausted | Renewed, recreated |
200 | Jejune | dull, boring | Interesting, exciting |
201 | Jovial | frolicsome, cheerful | Solemn, morose |
202 | Jubilant | rejoicing, triumphant | Melancholy, depressing |
203 | Judicious | thoughtful, prudent | Irrational, foolish |
204 | Just | honest, impartial | Unequal, unfair |
205 | Justify | defend, exculpate | Impute, arraign |
206 | Juvenile | young, tender | Dotage, antiquated |
207 | Keen | sharp, poignant | Vapid, insipid |
208 | Kindred | relation, species | Unrelated, dissimilar |
209 | Knave | dishonest, scoundrel | Paragon, innocent |
210 | Knell | death knell, last blow | Reconstruction, rediscovery |
211 | Knotty | complicated difficult | Simple, manageable |
212 | Lavish | abundant, excessive | Scarce, deficient |
213 | Lax | slack, careless | Firm, reliable |
214 | Lenient | compassionate, merciful | Cruel, severe |
215 | Liable | accountable, bound | Unaccountable, apt to |
216 | Liberal | magnanimous, generous | Stingy, malicious |
217 | Linger | loiter, prolong | Hasten, quicken |
218 | Lucid | sound, rational | Obscure, hidden |
219 | Lunacy | delusion, insanity | Normalcy, sanity |
220 | Lure | attract, entice | Repel, dissuade |
221 | Luscious | palatable, delicious | Unsavory, tart |
222 | Luxuriant | profuse, abundant | Scanty, meager |
223 | Languid | Sluggish, apathetic | Energetic, spirited |
224 | Malice | Vengefulness, grudge | Goodwill, Kindness |
225 | Mandatory | Imperative, requisite | Optional |
226 | Masculine | Gallant, strapping | Feminine, meek |
227 | Merit | Stature, Asset | Demerit, dishonor |
228 | Miraculous | marvelous, extraordinary | Ordinary, trivial |
229 | Mitigate | alleviate, relieve | Augment enhance |
230 | Modest | humble, courteous | Arrogant, pompous |
231 | Molest | harass, tease | Console, soothe |
232 | Mollify | appease, assuage | Irritate, infuriate |
233 | Momentous | notable, eventful | Trivial, insignificant |
234 | Monotonous | irksome, tedious | Varied, pleasant |
235 | Morbid | Nasty, Macabre | Healthy, Cheerful |
236 | Munificent | liberal, hospitable | Frugal, penurious |
237 | Murky | dusky, dreary | Bright, shining |
238 | Mutinous | recalcitrant, insurgent | Submissive, faithful |
239 | Mutual | joint, identical | Separate, distinct |
240 | Niggardly | miser, covetous | Generous, profuse |
241 | Nimble | prompt, brisk | Sluggish, languid |
242 | Nonchalant | indifferent, negligent | Attentive, considerate |
243 | Novice | tyro, beginner | Veteran, ingenious |
244 | Noxious | baneful, injurious | Healing, profitable |
245 | Nullify | cancel, annual | Confirm, Uphold |
246 | Notion | Conceit, Apprehension | Reality, Concrete |
247 | Numerous | profuse, various | Scarce, deficient |
248 | Obstruct | impede, prevent | Hasten, encourage |
249 | Obliging | Complaisant, Willing | Mulish, Obstinate |
250 | Obscure | Arcane, Vague | Prominent |
251 | Obstinate | Stubborn, Adamant | Pliable, flexible |
252 | Obtain | Access, Inherit | Forfeit |
253 | Obvious | Evident, apparent | Obscure, ambiguous |
254 | Odious | Malevolent, obnoxious | Engaging, fascinating |
255 | Offensive | Abhorrent, obnoxious | Engaging, fascinating |
256 | Occult | latent, ambiguous | Intelligible, transparent |
257 | Offspring | descendant, sibling | Ancestor, forefather |
258 | Ominous | Menacing, Foreboding | Auspicious |
259 | Opaque | obscure, shady | Transparent, bright |
260 | Optimist | Idealist | Pessimist |
261 | Oracular | cryptic, vague | Lucid, distinct |
262 | Ordain | Order, impose | Revoke abolish |
263 | Ornamental | decorative, adorned | Unseemly, plain |
264 | Outbreak | eruption, insurrection | Compliance, subjection |
265 | Outrage | offence, maltreatment | Praise, favour |
266 | Pacify | Appease, Chasten | Irritate, worsen |
267 | Persuade | Cajole, Impress | Dissuade, halt |
268 | Perturbed | Flustered, anxious | Calm |
269 | Propagate | Inseminate, fecundate | Suppress, deplete |
270 | Progress | Pace, Betterment | Retrogress, worsening |
271 | Prompt | Precise, Punctual | Slow, Negligent |
272 | Prudence | Vigilance, Discretion | Indiscretion |
273 | Pamper | Flatter, indulge | Deny, disparage |
274 | Paramount | foremost, eminent | Trivial, inferior |
275 | Peerless | matchless, unrivalled | Mediocre, commonplace |
276 | Peevish | perverse, sullen | Suave, amiable |
277 | Pertness | flippancy, impudence | Modesty, diffidence |
278 | Perverse | petulant, obstinate | Complacent, docile |
279 | Placid | tranquil, calm | Turbulent, hostile |
280 | Pompous | haughty, arrogant | Unpretentious, humble |
281 | Precarious | doubtful, insecure | Assured |
282 | Predicament | plight, dilemma | Resolution, confidence |
283 | Quack | Impostor, deceiver | Upright, unfeigned |
284 | Quaint | Queer, strange | Familiar, usual |
285 | Quarantine | seclude, screen | Befriend, socialize |
286 | Quell | subdue, reduce | Exacerbate, agitate |
288 | Quibble | equivocate, prevaricate | Unfeign, plain |
289 | Raid | Incursion, Foray | Retreat, release |
290 | Rapidity | Quickness, Velocity | Inertia, languidity |
291 | Reason | Acumen, Bounds | Folly, Speculation |
292 | Rebellious | Restless, attacking | Submissive, Compliant |
293 | Rectify | Amend, Remedy | Falsify, Worsen |
294 | Reluctant | Cautious, Averse | anxious, Eager |
295 | Restrain | Detain, Confine | Incite |
296 | Ratify | consent, approve | Deny, dissent |
297 | Ravage | Destroy, ruin | Reconstruct, renovate |
298 | Redeem | Recover, liberate | Conserve lose |
299 | Remnant | Residue, piece | Entire, whole |
300 | Remonstrate | Censure, protest | Agree, loud |
301 | Remorse | Regret, penitence | Ruthlessness, obduracy |
302 | Rescind | Annul, abrogate | Delegate, permit |
303 | Resentment | Displeasure, wrath | Content, Cheer |
304 | Retract | Recant, withdraw | Confirm, assert |
305 | Reverence | Respect, esteem | Disrespect, affront |
306 | Rout | Vanquish, overthrow | Succumb, withdraw |
307 | Rustic | Rural, uncivilized | Cultured, Refined |
308 | Ruthless | Remorseless, inhumane | Compassionate, lenient |
309 | Sacred | Cherish, Divine | Ungodly, Profane |
310 | Savage | Wild, untamed | Polished, Civilized |
311 | Startled | Frightened, Shocked | Waveringly |
312 | Steep | Course, lofty | Flat, gradual |
313 | Stranger | Immigrant, guest | Acquaintance, national |
314 | Sublime | Magnificent, eminent | Ridiculous |
315 | Succinct | Concise, Terse | Lengthy, polite |
316 | Sympathy | Tenderness, harmony | Antipathy, Discord |
317 | System | Scheme, Entity | Chaos, Disorder |
318 | Sarcastic | Ironical, derisive | Courteous, gracious |
319 | Saucy | Impudent, insolent | Modest, humble |
320 | Shrewd | Cunning, craftly | Simple, imbecile |
321 | Scanty | scarce, insufficient | Lavish, multitude |
322 | Servile | Slavish, Docile | Aggressive, Dominant |
323 | Shabby | miserable, impoverished | Prosperous, thriving |
324 | Slander | defame, malign | Applaud, approve |
325 | Sneer | mock, scorn | Flatter, praise |
326 | Solicit | entreat, implore | Protest oppose |
327 | Subterfuge | Deceit, Stratagem | Frankness, Openness |
328 | Stain | blemish, tarnish | Honor, purify |
329 | Spurious | Fake, Counterfeit | Genuine, Authentic |
330 | Sporadic | intermittent, scattered | Incessant, frequent |
331 | Spry | Nimble, Brisk | Lethargic, Sluggish |
332 | Squalid | dirty, filthy | Tidy, Attractive |
333 | Successful | Propitious, Felicitous | Destitute, Untoward |
334 | Sterile | Barren, Impotent | Profitable, Potent |
335 | Stupor | lethargy, unconsciousness | Sensibility, Consciousness |
336 | Subsequent | consequent, following | Preceding, previous |
337 | Substantial | Considerable, solid | Tenuous, fragile |
338 | Subvert | Demolish, sabotage | Generate, organize |
339 | Superficial | Partial, shallow | Profound, discerning |
340 | Sycophant | Parasite, flatterer | Devoted, loyal |
341 | Taboo | Prohibit, ban | Permit, consent |
342 | Taciturn | Reserved, silent | Talkative, extrovert |
343 | Tedious | Wearisome. Irksome | Exhilarating, lively |
344 | Temperate | Cool, moderate | Boisterous, violent |
345 | Tenement | Apartment, Digs | Breakeven, dislodge |
346 | Tenacious | Stubborn, Dodge | Docile, non- resinous |
347 | Throng | Assembly, crowd | Dispersion, sparsity |
348 | Timid | Diffident, coward | Bold, intrepid |
349 | Tranquil | Peaceful, composed | Violent, furious |
350 | Transient | Temporal, transitory | Lasting, enduring |
351 | Trenchant | Assertive, forceful | Feeble, ambiguous |
352 | Treacherous | Dishonest, duplicitous | Forthright, reliable |
353 | Trivial | Trifling, insignificant | Significant, veteran |
354 | Tumultuous | Violent, riotous | Peaceful, harmonious |
355 | Tyro | Beginner, riotous | Proficient, veteran |
356 | Tame | Compliant, Subdued | Wild, untamed |
357 | Terse | Incisive, Compact | Diffuse, Gentle |
358 | Thick | Chunky, massive | Thin, attenuated |
359 | Thrifty | Frugal, prudent | Extravagant |
360 | Tranquil | Amicable, Calm | Agitated, Fierce |
361 | Transparent | Diaphanous | Opaque |
362 | Tremble | Vibrate | Steady |
363 | Uncouth | Awkward, ungraceful | Elegant, Compensate |
364 | Utterly | Completely, entirely | Deficiently, incomplete |
365 | Umbrage | Chagrin, offense | Sympathy, goodwill |
366 | Uncouth | Boorish, Clownish | Elegant, Compensate |
367 | Urchin | Foundling, Orphan | Creep, Knave |
368 | Urge | Incite, Implore | Abhorrence, Abomination |
369 | Vain | Arrogant, egoistic | Modest |
370 | Vagrant | Wander, roaming | Steady, settled |
371 | Valor | Bravery, prowess | Fear, cowardice |
372 | Vanity | Conceit, pretension | Modesty, Humility |
373 | Venerable | Esteemed, honored | Unworthy, immature |
374 | Venom | Poison, malevolence | Antidote, Benevolent |
375 | Veteran | Ingenious, experienced | Novice, tyro |
376 | Vicious | Corrupt, obnoxious | Noble, Virtuous |
377 | Vigilant | Cautious, alert | Careless, negligent |
378 | Vivacious | Spirited, Energetic | Dispirited, Unattractive |
379 | Vilify | Malign, Slur, Defame | Cherish, Commend |
380 | Vouch | Confirm, consent | Repudiate, prohibit |
381 | Virtue | Ethic, morality | Vice, dishonesty |
382 | Vivid | Eloquent, lucid | Dull, Dim |
383 | Waive | Relinquish, remove | Impose, Clamp |
384 | Wan | Pale, faded | Bright, healthy |
385 | Wane | Decline, Dwindle | Ameliorate, Rise |
386 | Wary | cautious, circumspect | Heedless, negligent |
387 | Wed | marry, combine | Divorce, Separate |
388 | Wicked | vicious, immoral | Virtuous, Noble |
389 | Wield | Exert, employ | Forgo, avoid |
390 | Wile | Trickery, Artifice | Naivety, honor |
391 | Winsome | Beautiful, Comely | Alluring, Rapturous |
392 | Wilt | wither, perish | Revive, bloom |
393 | Yell | shout, shriek | Whisper muted |
394 | Yield | surrender abdicate | Resist, protest |
395 | Yearn | languish, crave | Content, satisfy |
396 | Yoke | connect, harness | Liberate, Release |
397 | Zeal | eagerness, fervor | Apathy, lethargy |
398 | Zenith | summit, apex | Nadir, base |
399 | Zest | delight, enthusiasm | Disgust, passive |
400 | Zig –zag | oblique, wayward | Straight, unbent |
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