900+ Synonyms That Have Similar Meanings – IELTS Reading


In the vast ocean of English proficiency exams, the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) stands as a beacon for those seeking to prove their language skills for academic or immigration purposes.

Among its four components – Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking – the Reading section is notorious for its complexity and demands a robust vocabulary.

To navigate this linguistic labyrinth effectively, candidates must acquaint themselves with a plethora of words and phrases that have synonymous meanings. Understanding these synonyms can be the key to unlocking comprehension and scoring higher in the IELTS Reading exam.

  1. annual = yearly = per year
  2. a rise = an increase = a growth.
  3. a decrease = a fall = a drop = a decline = a reduction
  4. already = not new
  5. a pair of = two
  6. allow = enable
  7. avoid = keep safe from
  8. all = every
  9. a great deal of = a lot of
  10. according to = depending on
  11. areas = parts
  12. affect = impact
  13. anticipate = foreshadow
  14. aid = help
  15. audience = viewer
  16. abnormal = unusual
  17. actor = performer
  18. attack = assault
  19. appearance = physiognomy
  20. amusing = funny = humorous
  21. aspects of life = existence
  22. alone = solely
  23. anxiety = fear
  24. assist their learning = improve their learning efficiency
  25. a considerable amount = a great deal = a lot
  26. a strong connection = a very close relationship
  27. assistant = apprentice
  28. autumn (British English) = fall (American English)
  29. abandoned = derelict
  30. a prevailing wind = against the wind
  31. average = normal
  32. animals = livestock
  33. accidentally = only by chance
  34. agencies = jurisdictions
  35. a (wide) variety of = a range of
  36. accept = tolerate
  37. actively notice = pay attention to
  38. a sense of duty = moral obligation
  39. ancient creatures = fossils
  40. a global team = an international working party
  41. at risk = vulnerable
  42. auditory problems = hearing loss
  43. achievement = success
  44. a psychological illness = a mental disorder
  45. affect = influence
  46. aggressive behavior = frustration and anger
  47. average-sized = medium-sized
  48. agree on = concur on
  49. alter = change
  50. a century = 100 years
  51. associated with = relationship
  52. achievement = attainment
  53. admit = acknowledge
  54. attempt = effort
  55. affect the environment= ruin the environment.
  56. a sharp decrease = a crash = a sudden serious fall in the price or value of something
  57. allow = grant permission
  58. aggressive = assertive = pushy
  59. aid = help = assist
  60. at the same time = at a time
  61. a few = a handful of
  62. achievable = realistic
  63. associated with = closely related to
  64. a similar way to = like
  65. ambitious = aspiring
  66. antagonize = provoke = embitter
  67. after = following = next
  68. afraid = frightened = scared
  69. always = forever
  70. apparent = obvious = evident
  71. accompanied by = together with
  72. ability = skill = aptitude
  73. accurate = correct = right
  74. awful = dreadful
  75. awkward = clumsy = uncoordinated
  76. approve = accept = ratify = endorse
  77. arrive = reach = come
  78. above = overhead
  79. allow = permit
  80. achieve = accomplish = attain
  81. artificial = fake = synthetic = false
  82. amazing = fantastic = astonishing = extraordinary = incredible = fabulous = wonderful
  83. angry = mad = furious
  84. active = energetic = animated = lively
  85. adequate = sufficient = enough = ample
  86. ask = question = inquire
  87. adjourn = postpone = recess
  88. active = energetic
  89. answer = reply = respond
  90. ask = question = request = inquire = query = examine.
  91. adult = grown-up
  92. average = ordinary = fair
  93. attraction = spectacular
  94. advocate = support = recommend
  95. arrogant = haughty
  96. after = behind
  97. awful = dreadful = terrible = bad = unpleasant
  98. businesses = companies
  99. beneath = under
  100. brief = short = concise
  101. broad = wide = expansive
  102. beautiful = gorgeous = graceful = elegant = pretty = lovely = attractive
  103. begin = start = open = initiate = commence
  104. based on = modelled on
  105. brave = courageous = fearless
  106. by = via
  107. busy = occupied
  108. build = construct
  109. big = enormous = huge = gigantic = vast = large = great.
  110. bright = intelligent = knowing = quick-witted = smart = shining = shiny = brilliant
  111. buy = purchase
  112. best = finest
  113. blend = combine = mix
  114. be put together = be composed
  115. be allowed = be entitled
  116. beautiful (view) = breathtaking = wonderful = picturesque
  117. beautiful (person) = attractive = gorgeous = good-looking.
  118. base = foundation
  119. brave = courageous
  120. be predicted to = be expected to
  121. be impossible = cannot
  122. building = construction
  123. before = prior
  124. because = since
  125. be given priority = preferential
  126. believe = trust = accept
  127. be successful =to prosper = be fortunate
  128. barren = unproductive = infertile
  129. below = under = lower
  130. beneficial = helpful = useful = advantageous
  131. become troublesome = interfere with
  132. before = prior to
  133. brain = mind
  134. be able = be capable = be qualified
  135. ban = prohibit = forbid
  136. before = prior = earlier
  137. beginning = start = initiate
  138. be raised = be lifted
  139. become aware of = realize
  140. boundaries = frontiers
  141. body language = gestures
  142. beautiful = pretty = attractive = lovely
  143. bloom = flourish
  144. bones = remains
  145. beyond the point where land is visible = out of sight of land
  146. birds in temperate climates = temperate-zone birds
  147. build = construct
  148. located = situated
  149. consumption = use
  150. cut = reduce
  151. cities = urban
  152. crops = plants which are grown for food
  153. components = parts
  154. conscientious = careful
  155. common = generally
  156. create = form
  157. change the direction of = re-route
  158. cannot be replaced = no substitute for
  159. complexity = intricacy
  160. currently = in more recent decades
  161. categories = types
  162. create = build
  163. consistent with = fit
  164. charging = pricing
  165. commitment to = engagement
  166. colleague = peer
  167. charming = delightful = appealing = enchanting
  168. chilly = cool
  169. conditions = factors
  170. copy = reproduction
  171. colours = hues
  172. certain = sure = definite
  173. capture = seize = arrest
  174. consulted = asked advice
  175. collect = accumulate
  176. contribute to = lead to
  177. care = concern = protection
  178. careful = cautious = watchful
  179. cold = freezing
  180. comprehend = understand
  181. confuse = misinterpret
  182. coincidental = fortuitous
  183. civil = municipal
  184. close = shut = fasten
  185. close = near
  186. conclude = draw a conclusion
  187. change = shift
  188. calm = quiet = tranquil
  189. complete = finish
  190. complex = complicated
  191. cooperation = support and understanding
  192. construction = building
  193. city life = urban lifestyles
  194. complex = complicated = intricate
  195. competent = capable = qualified
  196. collect information = establish a databank
  197. catastrophic = devastating
  198. compress = condense = squeeze
  199. concrete = solid
  200. concur = agree
  201. conflict = oppose = differ
  202. consecutive = successive = continuous
  203. conservative = cautious = restrained
  204. conscientious = scrupulous = virtuous
  205. careless = reckless
  206. conflict = fight = battle = struggle
  207. cease = stop = discontinue
  208. courageous = brave
  209. carefully = meticulously
  210. channel their feelings = emotional forces in harness
  211. cemetery = burial ground
  212. current teaching methods = modern teaching practices
  213. characteristics = traits
  214. citizens = residents
  215. cognitive = perceptual
  216. cut down on = reduce
  217. categories = types
  218. city = metropolitan
  219. conserving energy = sparing use of energy reserves
  220. comply with = obey
  221. cheerful = optimistic
  222. cheap = worthless
  223. courageous = brave = heroic
  224. cowardly = fearful
  225. contributed to = made a contribution to
  226. charging = pricing
  227. contaminate = pollute
  228. contented = satisfied = pleased
  229. comparatively = relatively
  230. come = approach = arrive = reach
  231. cool = chilly = cold = frosty = frigid
  232. conform = comply
  233. conceal = hide
  234. cozy = comfortable
  235. congested = overcrowded = stuffed
  236. continue = persist = persevere
  237. clarify = explain = simplify
  238. connect = join = link = attach
  239. conscious = aware
  240. courteous = polite
  241. considerate = thoughtful
  242. constantly = always = continually
  243. convenient = handy
  244. conventional = customary = traditional
  245. correct = accurate = right
  246. cry = shout = yell = scream
  247. cut = chop = reduce
  248. crazy = insane = mad
  249. cruel = heartless
  250. careless = negligent
  251. chatting on the internet = chatting online
  252. criminals = people who commit a crime
  253. distance = transportation
  254. disadvantage = drawback
  255. directly = straight
  256. decline = downfall
  257. dull = banal
  258. dominant = overbearing
  259. death rate = mortality rate
  260. domestic = home
  261. define = distinguish
  262. dense = tight
  263. direction = regulation
  264. difficult situations= challenging activities
  265. disobey = resist
  266. discovered = explored
  267. damage = harm = injure
  268. divided = split
  269. dissuade = deter
  270. disputes = disagreement
  271. difficulties = challenges
  272. depart = leave
  273. disaster = accident
  274. do not have = lack
  275. domestic = connected with the home or family
  276. difficulty in recognizing = hidden or obscured
  277. drop = discard
  278. different = unrelated
  279. discoveries = breakthroughs
  280. distinctive = different
  281. dreadful = terrible = unpleasant
  282. dull = blunt
  283. depart = leave = exit
  284. deposit = place
  285. devised = formulated
  286. detecting = locating
  287. dumb = stupid
  288. documentation = written accounts
  289. domestic =in homes
  290. dark = black
  291. doubt = mistrust
  292. dawn = sunrise
  293. dense = thick = heavy = compressed
  294. due primarily to = mainly because of
  295. depend (mainly) on = rely (heavily) on
  296. disclose = eliminate the secrecy
  297. declined by 50% = halved
  298. destroy = ruin
  299. dangerous = hazardous = risky = unsafe
  300. dark = shadowy = dim = dusky = black
  301. different = distinct = unlike
  302. documented evidence = data incidence = scale
  303. decreasing = decline
  304. doubt = distrust
  305. doubtful = vague
  306. decay = rot = spoil
  307. delicate = fragile
  308. disagree = differ = dispute
  309. dispute = debate = oppose
  310. demolish = destroy
  311. delightful = charming = lovely
  312. dissatisfied = unhappy
  313. discontinue = stop
  314. dull = boring = tiring = tiresome = uninteresting = tedious = monotonous
  315. different = varied
  316. damage = hurt = impair = harm
  317. dangerous = unsafe = hazardous
  318. deduct = subtract
  319. defend = protect
  320. detest = dislike = hate
  321. divide = separate = split
  322. docile = tame = gentle
  323. difficult = hard = challenging
  324. diverse = different = distinct
  325. dirty = messy
  326. destroy = demolish
  327. dishonest = untrustworthy
  328. dull = uneducated
  329. destroy = ruin = demolish
  330. disagreement = contrast = incompatibility
  331. different functions = various features
  332. estimate = predict
  333. ecozones = areas where there is a natural community of plants and animals
  334. encourage = stimulate
  335. emotions = feelings
  336. experts = biologists
  337. enormous = immense
  338. eyesight = vision
  339. effect = impact
  340. economic significance = economic impact
  341. evidence = clue
  342. experiments = studies
  343. evidence = indication
  344. environmental = ecological
  345. extremely high = impressive
  346. each person = each individual
  347. external = outer
  348. extended = longer
  349. efficiently = in the quickest way
  350. extend = prolonging
  351. encourage = promote = support = urge
  352. enemy = opponent = ally
  353. effective = works well
  354. effects = consequences
  355. entirely = wholly
  356. evident = apparent = obvious = clear
  357. expenditure on = spent on
  358. each year = annual
  359. established = founded = started or created an organization, a system, etc.
  360. express large numbers = deal with large numbers
  361. establish targets = setting goals
  362. enjoy = like
  363. enlarge = expand = magnify
  364. earnings = pay = remuneration
  365. enormous = vast = immense
  366. early part of the process = early phases of development
  367. expected = predicted
  368. expensive = pricey = costly = dear
  369. exaggerate their claims = overstate their arguments
  370. examine = analyse
  371. excited = turbulent
  372. early = soon = premature
  373. easy = simple
  374. evil = bad = wrong = wicked
  375. excite = arouse = provoke = incite
  376. exterior = outside = outer
  377. effortless = easy
  378. energetic = lively
  379. end = stop = finish = terminate = conclude = close = halt = cessation
  380. explain = clarify = define = interpret = justify
  381. fertilisers = artificial chemicals added to the land to make crops grow bigger or more quickly
  382. fresh = new
  383. fear = be afraid
  384. false = incorrect
  385. fast = rapid = quick = swift
  386. food production = food chain = food supply
  387. feel = experience
  388. fix = mend = repair
  389. fluid = liquid
  390. fixed = determined
  391. failed to overcome = made it impossible
  392. farming = agriculture
  393. fertile = productive
  394. free = release
  395. first = beginning
  396. first stage = initial stage
  397. faults = flaws
  398. features = characteristics
  399. feelings = emotional responses
  400. format = pattern
  401. former = previous = earlier
  402. fraction = part = portion = segment
  403. fat = chubby
  404. fatal = deadly = mortal
  405. feedback = comments
  406. frivolous = trivial = unimportant
  407. full = packed = stuffed
  408. forbid = prohibit = ban
  409. forgive = pardon = excuse
  410. focus on = emphasize
  411. finish = end
  412. feasible = possible = attainable = practical
  413. fabulous = marvelous = amazing
  414. ferocious = fierce = savage
  415. fertile = fruitful = productive
  416. famous = well-known = renowned = famed = eminent.
  417. fear = fright = dread = scare = panic.
  418. face = confront = meet
  419. fair = impartial
  420. fresh = unused = new
  421. frigid = freezing = frosty
  422. furious = angry = enraged = infuriated
  423. future = tomorrow
  424. fixed = immobile
  425. failing = unsuccessful
  426. filled = occupied
  427. firm = steady
  428. false = fake = fraudulent = counterfeit
  429. goal = imperative
  430. grow = rise
  431. goals = the highest levels of expertise
  432. grades = results
  433. generous = giving = big-hearted
  434. genuine = real = authentic = sincere
  435. good = nice = fine = well-behaved
  436. great = outstanding = remarkable
  437. give their opinions = express their views
  438. good things = positive things
  439. give = donate = present = offer
  440. go around = orbit
  441. gain = acquire = obtain = receive
  442. gather = collect = accumulate = compile
  443. glad = happy = pleased = delighted
  444. glorious = splendid = magnificent = superb
  445. gentle = tender = mild
  446. gratitude = thankfulness = appreciation
  447. good luck = fortune
  448. go = move = travel
  449. good = excellent = fine = wonderful = helpful.
  450. have a major impact on = transformed
  451. halt = call it quits
  452. happiness = joy
  453. happen = come about
  454. have not been diagnosed = undiagnosed
  455. hard work = effort
  456. how paper is recycled = the process of paper recycling
  457. humble = modest
  458. harsh = strict
  459. how to produce = the process of producing
  460. higher corresponds to threefold = three times as much/ triple
  461. high noise level = loud noise
  462. help = have a positive effect on
  463. heat = temperature
  464. hide = conceal
  465. happy = content
  466. humiliate = embarrass
  467. handy = useful = convenient
  468. hard = firm = solid
  469. honest = truthful = sincere = frank
  470. hospitable = welcoming = gracious
  471. hostile = aggressive
  472. huge = vast = immense = great
  473. hide = conceal
  474. high = tall
  475. harsh = rough
  476. happy = joyful = cheerful = glad = overjoyed = pleased = contented = satisfied = delighted
  477. infectious diseases = diseases that can pass from one plant to another by the wind or by insects
  478. in the natural world = throughout nature
  479. ignore = resist
  480. intuitive thinking = intuition
  481. illnesses = ailments
  482. information = data
  483. instructed = told
  484. insufficient = sparse
  485. illogical = unreasonable
  486. immoral = unethical
  487. important = crucial
  488. incompetent = inept
  489. intense = extreme
  490. improve = increase the efficiency of
  491. increase in population = population growth
  492. industrial revolution = industrialisation
  493. immediately = nearly instant
  494. information = data
  495. imitate (imitation) = mimic
  496. impaired = damaged
  497. innocent = guiltless
  498. insufficient = inadequate = deficient
  499. in accordance with = according to
  500. inaccurate= incorrect
  501. intelligent = smart = bright
  502. increasing = soaring
  503. interior access = inner staircases
  504. initiate = bring about
  505. interesting = provocative = engrossing
  506. identify the problem = understand the problem
  507. isolated = inaccessible
  508. internal = inner = inside
  509. in excess of = over
  510. increase = expand = rise
  511. irrelevant = inappropriate = unrelated
  512. irritate = annoy
  513. introduction = invention
  514. identical = alike = duplicate
  515. inactive = lazy
  516. ignore = disregard
  517. important = vital = indispensable
  518. interesting = fascinating = engaging = attractive = intriguing = captivating = enchanting
  519. impossible = unachievable
  520. infants = very young children
  521. intriguing = fascinating
  522. in essence = essentially
  523. independent = self-reliant
  524. inappropriate = unsuitable
  525. increase = enlarge = amplify
  526. ingenious = clever = creative
  527. impetuous = impulsive = reckless
  528. important = significant = meaningful
  529. inappropriate = unsuitable = wrong
  530. ignorant = unaware
  531. immaculate = spotless = pure
  532. imperfect = defective = faulty
  533. imperative = compulsory = mandatory
  534. involved with = associated with
  535. idle = inactive
  536. immature = childish = inexperienced
  537. impolite = rude
  538. indefinite = unclear
  539. insignificant = unimportant
  540. immune = resistant
  541. impartial = neutral = unbiased = fair
  542. idea = thought = concept
  543. incident = event
  544. incompatible characteristics = paradox
  545. keep = save = protect =guard
  546. kind = considerate = tender = thoughtful
  547. kind = wonderful
  548. knowledgeable = smart
  549. launched = initiated
  550. lived apart = be separated at birth
  551. large = big = massive = huge
  552. last = final = end
  553. look like = resemble
  554. levels = storeys
  555. lethargic = tired
  556. lifted = raised
  557. leave out = omit
  558. life expectancy = lifetime
  559. lower secondary schools = middle-years education
  560. least = fewest = minimum = smallest
  561. lacking = insufficient
  562. long-term = sustainable
  563. liable to = can happen
  564. less time spent on exercises = shorten the practice
  565. learn = acquire
  566. long = lengthy
  567. lure = attract = seduce
  568. long-lost traits = ancestral features
  569. left = soared out of
  570. limit = minimize
  571. limited = incomplete
  572. local people = communities
  573. large city = megalopolis
  574. long-term = lasting/extending over a long time
  575. little doubt = almost certainly
  576. luxurious = extravagant = elegant
  577. lack = deficit
  578. love = like = fancy = cherish = adore = treasure = appreciate
  579. levels of unemployment = unemployment rate
  580. motifs = patterns = images
  581. material = commodity
  582. magnify = expand = enlarge = exaggerate
  583. misfortune = hardship
  584. mathematical method = statistical concept
  585. moved = relocation
  586. most people = almost every individual
  587. manager = boss
  588. mass production = print out huge numbers
  589. mainly = most important
  590. mishandling = bungling
  591. make payment = pay for
  592. movement =transport
  593. mean = unkind = malicious = nasty
  594. mend = repair = fix
  595. motorised vehicles = buses and trucks
  596. more than = exceed
  597. make the noise stop = turn the noise off
  598. moulded = reshaped
  599. man-made = synthetic
  600. mild = moderate
  601. moral = ethical = virtuous = righteous
  602. mature = adult
  603. most = maximum
  604. maximum = greatest
  605. minimum = least
  606. mobile = moveable
  607. monotonous = boring = tedious
  608. mysterious = secret
  609. manufactured = produced
  610. move onto = pass onto
  611. most of = nearly all of
  612. moves = gestures
  613. more = increased
  614. modified = qualified
  615. migrate back = return
  616. medical technique = treatment
  617. mean = cruel = inconsiderate
  618. movable = portable
  619. manufacture = produce
  620. need = require
  621. non-fossil-based fuels = renewable energy
  622. needed = required
  623. nature = essence
  624. not traditional = new
  625. natural forests = primary forests
  626. not limit = transcend
  627. neat = clean, tidy, well-organized.
  628. new = fresh = original = current
  629. noisy = rowdy
  630. noise = disturbance
  631. normal = ordinary = typical, usual
  632. negligent = careless = inattentive
  633. naughty = bad = disobedient
  634. neat = clean = orderly = tidy
  635. neglectful = careless
  636. no limit = never reach maximum
  637. not charged = not have to pay
  638. new = recent
  639. nervous energy = psychic tension
  640. new technologies = modern technologies
  641. not natural = artificial
  642. not appreciated = undervalued
  643. now = current
  644. need = requirement
  645. observe = see
  646. omit = strip out = leave out
  647. ordinary = conventional
  648. over the counter = in the shops
  649. officials = authorities
  650. overcome = deal with
  651. open = begin
  652. occur frequently = are common
  653. only = solely
  654. overdirect = too much guidance
  655. overcome shyness = learn to be more outgoing
  656. one explanation = another possibility
  657. ordinary = commonplace
  658. old = antique
  659. obsolete = dated = antiquated
  660. optimistic = hopeful = confident
  661. odours = smell
  662. overcome = getting rid of
  663. occur more than once = repeated
  664. outgoing = assured
  665. obey = comply
  666. old people = people who are retired
  667. offend = displease = disgust
  668. outstanding = extraordinary
  669. odd = weird = strange
  670. obey = comply
  671. plant = grow
  672. place = locate
  673. paintings = works
  674. precious metals = gold, silver
  675. premature = early
  676. pretty = lovely = beautiful = attractive
  677. pleasing = appealing
  678. perform = carry out
  679. pioneered = first suggested
  680. persuasive = powerful
  681. play it safe = avoid risk
  682. personality = character
  683. potential = possibilities
  684. promptly = immediately
  685. profit = gain = earnings = benefit
  686. prohibit = forbid = restrict
  687. policy initiative = strategy
  688. previous events = past experience
  689. plants = stations
  690. provide a view of = overlook
  691. private transport = car
  692. principles = laws
  693. put together = assembled
  694. place = deposit
  695. prompt = punctual = timely
  696. prosperous = thriving = successful = flourishing
  697. prevent = prohibit = hinder
  698. permit = allow
  699. prior to = beforehand
  700. pictures = images
  701. problem = difficulty
  702. permit = allow
  703. promotion = advancement
  704. prominent = distinguished = eminent
  705. personal values = individual properties
  706. pessimistic view = seems to be getting worse
  707. prevail upon = have influence in = persuade
  708. principles = essential features
  709. publicity = press
  710. program cost = program fee
  711. physical changes = hormonal changes
  712. processes = stages
  713. perfect = flawless
  714. precious = valuable
  715. plausible = believable = reasonable = logical
  716. polite = gracious = courteous
  717. place = area = plot = region = location = situation
  718. proportion = percentage = rate
  719. poverty rate = level of poverty = poverty level = the percentage of people who live in poverty
  720. production = manufacture = be produced = be made = be manufactured
  721. per person = per capita
  722. people who use cars = car users = car commuters = people who commute by car = people who travel by car
  723. people who cycle to work = cycling commuters
  724. public = individuals
  725. produce accurate work = make fewer errors
  726. problems = difficulties
  727. present beliefs = contemporary perceptions
  728. picked out = chose
  729. pesticides = potent chemicals
  730. pagoda = temple building
  731. prehistoric = ancient
  732. patience = perseverance
  733. permanent = enduring = lasting
  734. prevent misunderstanding = resolve any confusion
  735. peace = harmony
  736. persuade = convince = influence
  737. peace = quiet
  738. preceding = previous
  739. quickly = rapidly
  740. question = interrogate = inquire = ask
  741. quiet = silent = tranquil
  742. quick = speedy
  743. quit = cease = stop = withdraw
  744. rely on = be dependent on
  745. rules = laws
  746. restrict = curb
  747. really successful = achieve at a higher level
  748. rainfall = precipitation
  749. rotate = turn
  750. recording of events = documentation of history
  751. replication = reproducing
  752. regarded as =considered
  753. researchers with differing attitudes = sceptics and advocates
  754. remove = extract
  755. react = respond
  756. reason = caused
  757. remedy = repair
  758. rude = unfriendly
  759. replaced = upgrade
  760. rational thinking = judgment
  761. reversible = run backwards
  762. responsibility = moral obligation
  763. reticence = shyness
  764. remains = fragments
  765. re-emerge = reappear
  766. respond = reply
  767. resemble = look like
  768. regular = continual
  769. referring to = talk about
  770. response = reply
  771. run their own business = open their own business/ company
  772. regulations = standards
  773. relies on = draw on
  774. reliable = predictable
  775. relationships with other people = social experience
  776. reflection = movements in the mirror
  777. reveal = tell
  778. recognize = distinguish
  779. remember = recall
  780. retain = learn
  781. raise = lift
  782. recognize = certify = admit officially (usually in writing)
  783. restricted = limited
  784. recognise the difference = distinguish
  785. rise = growing = increased
  786. release = punctured
  787. recommence = continue
  788. real = authentic
  789. reluctant = unwilling = hesitant
  790. remote = secluded = isolated = distant
  791. rarely = seldom
  792. reduce = shrink
  793. remarkable = outstanding
  794. rough = harsh
  795. release = discharge
  796. rude = discourteous
  797. rich = wealthy
  798. risky = hazardous
  799. reputable = honorable
  800. resist = oppose = withstand
  801. recreation = amusement = pleasure
  802. reduce = lessen = decrease = diminish
  803. reliable = trustworthy
  804. reveal = show = disclose
  805. ridiculous = nonsensical = foolish
  806. remove = eliminate = get rid of
  807. shut out water = seal off from water
  808. sea = ocean
  809. support = back up
  810. satisfying = rewarding
  811. suffers = experiences
  812. supplementary = extra
  813. silence = absence of a sound
  814. shade = shelter from the heat
  815. steps = measures
  816. strengthen = deepen
  817. share = interchange
  818. socially disadvantaged = deprived
  819. self-reliance = independence
  820. support = backup
  821. significance = importance
  822. show statistically = provide precise, valid or reliable data
  823. seem to contradict = sound paradoxical
  824. significant = important
  825. several times = on more than one occasion
  826. signals = radio waves
  827. site = station
  828. seeking = looking for
  829. searching for = looking for
  830. stop = quit = cease = terminate
  831. strenuous = vigorous = laborious
  832. suitable = appropriate
  833. small = minor
  834. stop = halt
  835. sea life = fish and other creatures
  836. saw the importance = understood the need
  837. success rate = hit-rate
  838. surprising = unexpectedly
  839. similar to = not unusual
  840. severe weather conditions = typhoons
  841. stop = constrain
  842. send = deliver
  843. stop = close down = put a halt to = bring a halt to
  844. separate from = independent of
  845. staff = employees
  846. sleep disorders = sleep disturbance
  847. shy = timid
  848. separate = disconnect
  849. sparse = empty
  850. stable = steady = unchanging
  851. stimulate = motivate
  852. same = similar
  853. sharp = bright
  854. strict = severe
  855. strong = powerful = mighty
  856. stupid = dense = foolish
  857. smart = intelligent = clever
  858. sadness = depression
  859. scatter = disperse
  860. show = present = reveal = demonstrate = display = exhibit
  861. slow = gradual = leisurely
  862. selfish = stingy
  863. sad = unhappy
  864. subsequent = following = succeeding
  865. small = tiny
  866. sensible = rational
  867. separate = disconnect = detach
  868. small = little
  869. swift = fast = speedy = hasty
  870. synthetic = man-made = artificial
  871. sloppy = disorderly
  872. sick = ill
  873. slim = slender = thin
  874. small = little
  875. sociable = friendly
  876. successful = thriving = prosperous = triumphant
  877. surplus = excess = additional = extra
  878. strange = odd = weird, outlandish, curious, unique, exclusive, irregular
  879. sales = turnover = how much money is made = income = revenue
  880. spending = expenditure
  881. sort = classify
  882. start a business = own a business/ company
  883. shopping on the internet = online shopping = buying/purchasing online
  884. sales of fast food = turnover from fast food
  885. taken out = removed
  886. the folklore = the local belief
  887. the most important step = key step
  888. time limit = deadline
  889. trend of the period = fashion of the time
  890. tradesmen = merchants
  891. the rapid growth = the spectacular growth
  892. transport methods = transport modes
  893. technological developments = information technologies
  894. take gambles = take chances
  895. techniques = methods = practices
  896. transport mode = means of transport
  897. test = examination
  898. test = experiment
  899. to investigate = to analyse
  900. the most important = major
  901. to give up = to abandon
  902. 2 decades = 20 years
  903. the most vividly coloured red = the reddest
  904. took = carried
  905. tools = facilities
  906. the question = the puzzle
  907. transmission = pass along communication channels
  908. transmitted = sent back
  909. transmit = sent out
  910. thin = skinny
  911. tragic = sorrowful
  912. take = receive
  913. terrible = awful = bad
  914. threat = endangered
  915. today = current
  916. today = now
  917. teaching activities = methods
  918. three different types= three separate ways
  919. to copy = to replicate = to reproduce
  920. the world economy = the global economy
  921. to be sure = to ensure
  922. to proceed = to continue
  923. total = whole = entire = complete
  924. tell = inform = notify
  925. take = pick = choose = select
  926. the level of income = the rate of income = the income rate = the income level = the level of revenue = the revenue rate = the revenue level
  927. the elderly = elderly people = senior citizens
  928. the amount of time spent = the time spent
  929. the majority of people = most of the people = most people
  930. transport = deliver = carry
  931. to rise = to increase = to grow = to go up
  932. to decrease = to fall = to reduce = to go down = to drop = to decline
  933. uncover = reveal
  934. underestimate = overlook
  935. universal = just about everybody
  936. unjust = unfair
  937. unemployment = out of work
  938. unlike = a fundamental difference
  939. unpredictably = erratically
  940. understand = recognize
  941. upset = find painful, distressing
  942. unnecessary = superfluous = redundant
  943. unpleasant = offensive
  944. uncommon = unusual
  945. unknown = not renowned
  946. unwanted material = waste
  947. upgrade = improve
  948. unsuccessful = fruitless
  949. unfit = unsuited
  950. unexpectedly = without warning = unpredictable
  951. unusual = exceptional
  952. uncertain = unsure
  953. unbiased = impartial = unprejudiced = fair
  954. unite = join
  955. unaware = unconscious
  956. unnecessary = optional
  957. unimportant = meaningless
  958. untruthful = insincere
  959. uninteresting = dull
  960. usual = ordinary
  961. unpleasant = unacceptable
  962. view = vision
  963. valuable = precious
  964. views = convictions
  965. views = attitudes
  966. vibrate = shake
  967. vacant = unoccupied = empty
  968. vague = unclear = indistinct = obscure
  969. vague = ambiguous
  970. world = international
  971. working together = coordination
  972. worldwide = international
  973. wider = greater
  974. water consumption = the amount of water consumed
  975. ways of learning = techniques for learning = approaches to learning
  976. waste = trash = rubbish
  977. well known = famous
  978. wholehearted = sincere
  979. wise = knowing = smart
  980. water is pumped = pumped with the water
  981. wild = stubborn
  982. weak = frail
  983. work = labor
  984. wasteful = extravagant
  985. wealth = prosperity = assets
  986. weary = tired = fatigued = lethargic
  987. wonderful = incredible = splendid = marvelous
  988. waste output = the amounts of waste
  989. work for an employer = work for other people
  990. wrong = incorrect
  991. waste paper = paper that has been thrown away
  992. works of art = pieces
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